/usr/include/ida/ida_impl.h is in libsundials-dev 2.7.0+dfsg-2build1.
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* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* $Revision: 4920 $
* $Date: 2016-09-19 14:34:35 -0700 (Mon, 19 Sep 2016) $
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Programmer(s): Allan G. Taylor, Alan C. Hindmarsh, Radu Serban,
* and Aaron Collier @ LLNL
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* LLNS Copyright Start
* Copyright (c) 2014, Lawrence Livermore National Security
* This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department
* of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in part under
* Contract W-7405-Eng-48 and in part under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.
* Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
* All rights reserved.
* For details, see the LICENSE file.
* LLNS Copyright End
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* This is the header file (private version) for the main IDA solver.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef _IDA_IMPL_H
#define _IDA_IMPL_H
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ida/ida.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
extern "C" {
* =================================================================
* M A I N I N T E G R A T O R M E M O R Y B L O C K
* =================================================================
/* Basic IDA constants */
#define HMAX_INV_DEFAULT RCONST(0.0) /* hmax_inv default value */
#define MAXORD_DEFAULT 5 /* maxord default value */
#define MXORDP1 6 /* max. number of N_Vectors in phi */
#define MXSTEP_DEFAULT 500 /* mxstep default value */
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Types : struct IDAMemRec, IDAMem
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* The type IDAMem is type pointer to struct IDAMemRec. This
* structure contains fields to keep track of problem state.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct IDAMemRec {
realtype ida_uround; /* machine unit roundoff */
/* Problem Specification Data */
IDAResFn ida_res; /* F(t,y(t),y'(t))=0; the function F */
void *ida_user_data; /* user pointer passed to res */
int ida_itol; /* itol = IDA_SS, IDA_SV, IDA_WF, IDA_NN */
realtype ida_rtol; /* relative tolerance */
realtype ida_Satol; /* scalar absolute tolerance */
N_Vector ida_Vatol; /* vector absolute tolerance */
booleantype ida_user_efun; /* TRUE if user provides efun */
IDAEwtFn ida_efun; /* function to set ewt */
void *ida_edata; /* user pointer passed to efun */
booleantype ida_setupNonNull; /* Does setup do something? */
booleantype ida_constraintsSet; /* constraints vector present:
do constraints calc */
booleantype ida_suppressalg; /* true means suppress algebraic vars
in local error tests */
/* Divided differences array and associated minor arrays */
N_Vector ida_phi[MXORDP1]; /* phi = (maxord+1) arrays of divided differences */
realtype ida_psi[MXORDP1]; /* differences in t (sums of recent step sizes) */
realtype ida_alpha[MXORDP1]; /* ratios of current stepsize to psi values */
realtype ida_beta[MXORDP1]; /* ratios of current to previous product of psi's */
realtype ida_sigma[MXORDP1]; /* product successive alpha values and factorial */
realtype ida_gamma[MXORDP1]; /* sum of reciprocals of psi values */
/* N_Vectors */
N_Vector ida_ewt; /* error weight vector */
N_Vector ida_yy; /* work space for y vector (= user's yret) */
N_Vector ida_yp; /* work space for y' vector (= user's ypret) */
N_Vector ida_delta; /* residual vector */
N_Vector ida_id; /* bit vector for diff./algebraic components */
N_Vector ida_constraints; /* vector of inequality constraint options */
N_Vector ida_savres; /* saved residual vector (= tempv1) */
N_Vector ida_ee; /* accumulated corrections to y vector, but
set equal to estimated local errors upon
successful return */
N_Vector ida_mm; /* mask vector in constraints tests (= tempv2) */
N_Vector ida_tempv1; /* work space vector */
N_Vector ida_tempv2; /* work space vector */
N_Vector ida_ynew; /* work vector for y in IDACalcIC (= tempv2) */
N_Vector ida_ypnew; /* work vector for yp in IDACalcIC (= ee) */
N_Vector ida_delnew; /* work vector for delta in IDACalcIC (= phi[2]) */
N_Vector ida_dtemp; /* work vector in IDACalcIC (= phi[3]) */
/* Variables for use by IDACalcIC*/
realtype ida_t0; /* initial t */
N_Vector ida_yy0; /* initial y vector (user-supplied). */
N_Vector ida_yp0; /* initial y' vector (user-supplied). */
int ida_icopt; /* IC calculation user option */
booleantype ida_lsoff; /* IC calculation linesearch turnoff option */
int ida_maxnh; /* max. number of h tries in IC calculation */
int ida_maxnj; /* max. number of J tries in IC calculation */
int ida_maxnit; /* max. number of Netwon iterations in IC calc. */
int ida_nbacktr; /* number of IC linesearch backtrack operations */
int ida_sysindex; /* computed system index (0 or 1) */
int ida_maxbacks; /* max backtracks per Newton step */
realtype ida_epiccon; /* IC nonlinear convergence test constant */
realtype ida_steptol; /* minimum Newton step size in IC calculation */
realtype ida_tscale; /* time scale factor = abs(tout1 - t0) */
/* Tstop information */
booleantype ida_tstopset;
realtype ida_tstop;
/* Step Data */
int ida_kk; /* current BDF method order */
int ida_kused; /* method order used on last successful step */
int ida_knew; /* order for next step from order decrease decision */
int ida_phase; /* flag to trigger step doubling in first few steps */
int ida_ns; /* counts steps at fixed stepsize and order */
realtype ida_hin; /* initial step */
realtype ida_h0u; /* actual initial stepsize */
realtype ida_hh; /* current step size h */
realtype ida_hused; /* step size used on last successful step */
realtype ida_rr; /* rr = hnext / hused */
realtype ida_tn; /* current internal value of t */
realtype ida_tretlast; /* value of tret previously returned by IDASolve */
realtype ida_cj; /* current value of scalar (-alphas/hh) in Jacobian */
realtype ida_cjlast; /* cj value saved from last successful step */
realtype ida_cjold; /* cj value saved from last call to lsetup */
realtype ida_cjratio; /* ratio of cj values: cj/cjold */
realtype ida_ss; /* scalar used in Newton iteration convergence test */
realtype ida_epsNewt; /* test constant in Newton convergence test */
realtype ida_epcon; /* coeficient of the Newton covergence test */
realtype ida_toldel; /* tolerance in direct test on Newton corrections */
/* Limits */
int ida_maxncf; /* max numer of convergence failures */
int ida_maxcor; /* max number of Newton corrections */
int ida_maxnef; /* max number of error test failures */
int ida_maxord; /* max value of method order k: */
int ida_maxord_alloc; /* value of maxord used when allocating memory */
long int ida_mxstep; /* max number of internal steps for one user call */
realtype ida_hmax_inv; /* inverse of max. step size hmax (default = 0.0) */
/* Counters */
long int ida_nst; /* number of internal steps taken */
long int ida_nre; /* number of function (res) calls */
long int ida_ncfn; /* number of corrector convergence failures */
long int ida_netf; /* number of error test failures */
long int ida_nni; /* number of Newton iterations performed */
long int ida_nsetups; /* number of lsetup calls */
/* Space requirements for IDA */
long int ida_lrw1; /* no. of realtype words in 1 N_Vector */
long int ida_liw1; /* no. of integer words in 1 N_Vector */
long int ida_lrw; /* number of realtype words in IDA work vectors */
long int ida_liw; /* no. of integer words in IDA work vectors */
realtype ida_tolsf; /* tolerance scale factor (saved value) */
/* Error handler function and error ouput file */
IDAErrHandlerFn ida_ehfun; /* Error messages are handled by ehfun */
void *ida_eh_data; /* dats pointer passed to ehfun */
FILE *ida_errfp; /* IDA error messages are sent to errfp */
/* Flags to verify correct calling sequence */
booleantype ida_SetupDone; /* set to FALSE by IDAMalloc and IDAReInit
set to TRUE by IDACalcIC or IDASolve */
booleantype ida_VatolMallocDone;
booleantype ida_constraintsMallocDone;
booleantype ida_idMallocDone;
booleantype ida_MallocDone; /* set to FALSE by IDACreate
set to TRUE by IDAMAlloc
tested by IDAReInit and IDASolve */
/* Linear Solver Data */
/* Linear Solver functions to be called */
int (*ida_linit)(struct IDAMemRec *idamem);
int (*ida_lsetup)(struct IDAMemRec *idamem, N_Vector yyp,
N_Vector ypp, N_Vector resp,
N_Vector tempv1, N_Vector tempv2, N_Vector tempv3);
int (*ida_lsolve)(struct IDAMemRec *idamem, N_Vector b, N_Vector weight,
N_Vector ycur, N_Vector ypcur, N_Vector rescur);
int (*ida_lperf)(struct IDAMemRec *idamem, int perftask);
int (*ida_lfree)(struct IDAMemRec *idamem);
/* Linear Solver specific memory */
void *ida_lmem;
/* Flag to indicate successful ida_linit call */
booleantype ida_linitOK;
/* Rootfinding Data */
IDARootFn ida_gfun; /* Function g for roots sought */
int ida_nrtfn; /* number of components of g */
int *ida_iroots; /* array for root information */
int *ida_rootdir; /* array specifying direction of zero-crossing */
realtype ida_tlo; /* nearest endpoint of interval in root search */
realtype ida_thi; /* farthest endpoint of interval in root search */
realtype ida_trout; /* t return value from rootfinder routine */
realtype *ida_glo; /* saved array of g values at t = tlo */
realtype *ida_ghi; /* saved array of g values at t = thi */
realtype *ida_grout; /* array of g values at t = trout */
realtype ida_toutc; /* copy of tout (if NORMAL mode) */
realtype ida_ttol; /* tolerance on root location */
int ida_taskc; /* copy of parameter itask */
int ida_irfnd; /* flag showing whether last step had a root */
long int ida_nge; /* counter for g evaluations */
booleantype *ida_gactive; /* array with active/inactive event functions */
int ida_mxgnull; /* number of warning messages about possible g==0 */
} *IDAMem;
* =================================================================
* I N T E R F A C E T O L I N E A R S O L V E R S
* =================================================================
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* int (*ida_linit)(IDAMem IDA_mem);
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* The purpose of ida_linit is to allocate memory for the
* solver-specific fields in the structure *(idamem->ida_lmem) and
* perform any needed initializations of solver-specific memory,
* such as counters/statistics. An (*ida_linit) should return
* 0 if it has successfully initialized the IDA linear solver and
* a non-zero value otherwise. If an error does occur, an appropriate
* message should be sent to the error handler function.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* int (*ida_lsetup)(IDAMem IDA_mem, N_Vector yyp, N_Vector ypp,
* N_Vector resp,
* N_Vector tempv1, N_Vector tempv2, N_Vector tempv3);
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* The job of ida_lsetup is to prepare the linear solver for
* subsequent calls to ida_lsolve. Its parameters are as follows:
* idamem - problem memory pointer of type IDAMem. See the big
* typedef earlier in this file.
* yyp - the predicted y vector for the current IDA internal
* step.
* ypp - the predicted y' vector for the current IDA internal
* step.
* resp - F(tn, yyp, ypp).
* tempv1, tempv2, tempv3 - temporary N_Vectors provided for use
* by ida_lsetup.
* The ida_lsetup routine should return 0 if successful,
* a positive value for a recoverable error, and a negative value
* for an unrecoverable error.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* int (*ida_lsolve)(IDAMem IDA_mem, N_Vector b, N_Vector weight,
* N_Vector ycur, N_Vector ypcur, N_Vector rescur);
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* ida_lsolve must solve the linear equation P x = b, where
* P is some approximation to the system Jacobian
* J = (dF/dy) + cj (dF/dy')
* evaluated at (tn,ycur,ypcur) and the RHS vector b is input.
* The N-vector ycur contains the solver's current approximation
* to y(tn), ypcur contains that for y'(tn), and the vector rescur
* contains the N-vector residual F(tn,ycur,ypcur).
* The solution is to be returned in the vector b.
* The ida_lsolve routine should return 0 if successful,
* a positive value for a recoverable error, and a negative value
* for an unrecoverable error.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* int (*ida_lperf)(IDAMem IDA_mem, int perftask);
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* ida_lperf is called two places in IDA where linear solver
* performance data is required by IDA. For perftask = 0, an
* initialization of performance variables is performed, while for
* perftask = 1, the performance is evaluated.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* int (*ida_lfree)(IDAMem IDA_mem);
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* ida_lfree should free up any memory allocated by the linear
* solver. This routine is called once a problem has been
* completed and the linear solver is no longer needed. It should
* return 0 upon success, nonzero on failure.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* =================================================================
* I D A I N T E R N A L F U N C T I O N S
* =================================================================
/* Prototype of internal ewtSet function */
int IDAEwtSet(N_Vector ycur, N_Vector weight, void *data);
/* High level error handler */
void IDAProcessError(IDAMem IDA_mem,
int error_code, const char *module, const char *fname,
const char *msgfmt, ...);
/* Prototype of internal errHandler function */
void IDAErrHandler(int error_code, const char *module, const char *function,
char *msg, void *data);
* =================================================================
* I D A E R R O R M E S S A G E S
* =================================================================
#define MSG_TIME "t = %Lg, "
#define MSG_TIME_H "t = %Lg and h = %Lg, "
#define MSG_TIME_INT "t = %Lg is not between tcur - hu = %Lg and tcur = %Lg."
#define MSG_TIME_TOUT "tout = %Lg"
#define MSG_TIME_TSTOP "tstop = %Lg"
#define MSG_TIME "t = %lg, "
#define MSG_TIME_H "t = %lg and h = %lg, "
#define MSG_TIME_INT "t = %lg is not between tcur - hu = %lg and tcur = %lg."
#define MSG_TIME_TOUT "tout = %lg"
#define MSG_TIME_TSTOP "tstop = %lg"
#define MSG_TIME "t = %g, "
#define MSG_TIME_H "t = %g and h = %g, "
#define MSG_TIME_INT "t = %g is not between tcur - hu = %g and tcur = %g."
#define MSG_TIME_TOUT "tout = %g"
#define MSG_TIME_TSTOP "tstop = %g"
/* General errors */
#define MSG_MEM_FAIL "A memory request failed."
#define MSG_NO_MEM "ida_mem = NULL illegal."
#define MSG_NO_MALLOC "Attempt to call before IDAMalloc."
#define MSG_BAD_NVECTOR "A required vector operation is not implemented."
/* Initialization errors */
#define MSG_Y0_NULL "y0 = NULL illegal."
#define MSG_YP0_NULL "yp0 = NULL illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_ITOL "Illegal value for itol. The legal values are IDA_SS, IDA_SV, and IDA_WF."
#define MSG_RES_NULL "res = NULL illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_RTOL "reltol < 0 illegal."
#define MSG_ATOL_NULL "abstol = NULL illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_ATOL "Some abstol component < 0.0 illegal."
#define MSG_ROOT_FUNC_NULL "g = NULL illegal."
#define MSG_MISSING_ID "id = NULL but suppressalg option on."
#define MSG_NO_TOLS "No integration tolerances have been specified."
#define MSG_FAIL_EWT "The user-provide EwtSet function failed."
#define MSG_BAD_EWT "Some initial ewt component = 0.0 illegal."
#define MSG_Y0_FAIL_CONSTR "y0 fails to satisfy constraints."
#define MSG_LSOLVE_NULL "The linear solver's solve routine is NULL."
#define MSG_LINIT_FAIL "The linear solver's init routine failed."
/* IDACalcIC error messages */
#define MSG_IC_BAD_ICOPT "icopt has an illegal value."
#define MSG_IC_BAD_MAXBACKS "maxbacks <= 0 illegal."
#define MSG_IC_MISSING_ID "id = NULL conflicts with icopt."
#define MSG_IC_TOO_CLOSE "tout1 too close to t0 to attempt initial condition calculation."
#define MSG_IC_BAD_ID "id has illegal values."
#define MSG_IC_BAD_EWT "Some initial ewt component = 0.0 illegal."
#define MSG_IC_RES_NONREC "The residual function failed unrecoverably. "
#define MSG_IC_RES_FAIL "The residual function failed at the first call. "
#define MSG_IC_SETUP_FAIL "The linear solver setup failed unrecoverably."
#define MSG_IC_SOLVE_FAIL "The linear solver solve failed unrecoverably."
#define MSG_IC_NO_RECOVERY "The residual routine or the linear setup or solve routine had a recoverable error, but IDACalcIC was unable to recover."
#define MSG_IC_FAIL_CONSTR "Unable to satisfy the inequality constraints."
#define MSG_IC_FAILED_LINS "The linesearch algorithm failed: step too small or too many backtracks."
#define MSG_IC_CONV_FAILED "Newton/Linesearch algorithm failed to converge."
/* IDASolve error messages */
#define MSG_YRET_NULL "yret = NULL illegal."
#define MSG_YPRET_NULL "ypret = NULL illegal."
#define MSG_TRET_NULL "tret = NULL illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_ITASK "itask has an illegal value."
#define MSG_TOO_CLOSE "tout too close to t0 to start integration."
#define MSG_BAD_HINIT "Initial step is not towards tout."
#define MSG_BAD_TSTOP "The value " MSG_TIME_TSTOP " is behind current " MSG_TIME "in the direction of integration."
#define MSG_CLOSE_ROOTS "Root found at and very near " MSG_TIME "."
#define MSG_MAX_STEPS "At " MSG_TIME ", mxstep steps taken before reaching tout."
#define MSG_EWT_NOW_FAIL "At " MSG_TIME "the user-provide EwtSet function failed."
#define MSG_EWT_NOW_BAD "At " MSG_TIME "some ewt component has become <= 0.0."
#define MSG_TOO_MUCH_ACC "At " MSG_TIME "too much accuracy requested."
#define MSG_BAD_K "Illegal value for k."
#define MSG_NULL_DKY "dky = NULL illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_T "Illegal value for t." MSG_TIME_INT
#define MSG_BAD_TOUT "Trouble interpolating at " MSG_TIME_TOUT ". tout too far back in direction of integration."
#define MSG_ERR_FAILS "At " MSG_TIME_H "the error test failed repeatedly or with |h| = hmin."
#define MSG_CONV_FAILS "At " MSG_TIME_H "the corrector convergence failed repeatedly or with |h| = hmin."
#define MSG_SETUP_FAILED "At " MSG_TIME "the linear solver setup failed unrecoverably."
#define MSG_SOLVE_FAILED "At " MSG_TIME "the linear solver solve failed unrecoverably."
#define MSG_REP_RES_ERR "At " MSG_TIME "repeated recoverable residual errors."
#define MSG_RES_NONRECOV "At " MSG_TIME "the residual function failed unrecoverably."
#define MSG_FAILED_CONSTR "At " MSG_TIME "unable to satisfy inequality constraints."
#define MSG_RTFUNC_FAILED "At " MSG_TIME ", the rootfinding routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
#define MSG_NO_ROOT "Rootfinding was not initialized."
#define MSG_INACTIVE_ROOTS "At the end of the first step, there are still some root functions identically 0. This warning will not be issued again."
/* IDASet* / IDAGet* error messages */
#define MSG_NEG_MAXORD "maxord <= 0 illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_MAXORD "Illegal attempt to increase maximum order."
#define MSG_NEG_HMAX "hmax < 0 illegal."
#define MSG_NEG_EPCON "epcon <= 0.0 illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_CONSTR "Illegal values in constraints vector."
#define MSG_BAD_EPICCON "epiccon <= 0.0 illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_MAXNH "maxnh <= 0 illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_MAXNJ "maxnj <= 0 illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_MAXNIT "maxnit <= 0 illegal."
#define MSG_BAD_STEPTOL "steptol <= 0.0 illegal."
#define MSG_TOO_LATE "IDAGetConsistentIC can only be called before IDASolve."
#ifdef __cplusplus