/usr/include/arkode/arkode_spils.h is in libsundials-dev 2.7.0+dfsg-2build1.
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* Programmer(s): Daniel R. Reynolds @ SMU
* LLNS/SMU Copyright Start
* Copyright (c) 2015, Southern Methodist University and
* Lawrence Livermore National Security
* This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department
* of Energy by Southern Methodist University and Lawrence Livermore
* National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.
* Produced at Southern Methodist University and the Lawrence
* Livermore National Laboratory.
* All rights reserved.
* For details, see the LICENSE file.
* LLNS/SMU Copyright End
* This is the common header file for the Scaled, Preconditioned
* Iterative Linear Solvers in ARKODE.
#ifndef _ARKSPILS_H
#define _ARKSPILS_H
#include <sundials/sundials_iterative.h>
#include <sundials/sundials_nvector.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
extern "C" {
ARKSPILS return values
ARKSPILS solver constants:
ARKSPILS_MAXL : default value for the maximum Krylov
ARKSPILS_MSBPRE : maximum number of steps between
preconditioner evaluations
ARKSPILS_DGMAX : maximum change in gamma between
preconditioner evaluations
ARKSPILS_EPLIN : default value for factor by which the
tolerance on the nonlinear iteration is
multiplied to get a tolerance on the linear
Type: ARKSpilsPrecSetupFn
The user-supplied preconditioner setup function PrecSetup and
the user-supplied preconditioner solve function PrecSolve
together must define left and right preconditoner matrices
P1 and P2 (either of which may be trivial), such that the
product P1*P2 is an approximation to the Newton matrix
M = I - gamma*J. Here J is the system Jacobian J = df/dy,
and gamma is a scalar proportional to the integration step
size h. The solution of systems P z = r, with P = P1 or P2,
is to be carried out by the PrecSolve function, and PrecSetup
is to do any necessary setup operations.
The user-supplied preconditioner setup function PrecSetup
is to evaluate and preprocess any Jacobian-related data
needed by the preconditioner solve function PrecSolve.
This might include forming a crude approximate Jacobian,
and performing an LU factorization on the resulting
approximation to M. This function will not be called in
advance of every call to PrecSolve, but instead will be called
only as often as necessary to achieve convergence within the
Newton iteration. If the PrecSolve function needs no
preparation, the PrecSetup function can be NULL.
For greater efficiency, the PrecSetup function may save
Jacobian-related data and reuse it, rather than generating it
from scratch. In this case, it should use the input flag jok
to decide whether to recompute the data, and set the output
flag *jcurPtr accordingly.
Each call to the PrecSetup function is preceded by a call to
the RhsFn f with the same (t,y) arguments. Thus the PrecSetup
function can use any auxiliary data that is computed and
saved by the f function and made accessible to PrecSetup.
A function PrecSetup must have the prototype given below.
Its parameters are as follows:
t is the current value of the independent variable.
y is the current value of the dependent variable vector,
namely the predicted value of y(t).
fy is the vector f(t,y).
jok is an input flag indicating whether Jacobian-related
data needs to be recomputed, as follows:
jok == FALSE means recompute Jacobian-related data
from scratch.
jok == TRUE means that Jacobian data, if saved from
the previous PrecSetup call, can be reused
(with the current value of gamma).
A Precset call with jok == TRUE can only occur after
a call with jok == FALSE.
jcurPtr is a pointer to an output integer flag which is
to be set by PrecSetup as follows:
Set *jcurPtr = TRUE if Jacobian data was recomputed.
Set *jcurPtr = FALSE if Jacobian data was not recomputed,
but saved data was reused.
gamma is the scalar appearing in the Newton matrix.
user_data is a pointer to user data - the same as the user_data
parameter passed to the ARKodeSetUserData function.
tmp1, tmp2, and tmp3 are pointers to memory allocated
for N_Vectors which can be used by
ARKSpilsPrecSetupFn as temporary storage or
work space.
NOTE: If the user's preconditioner needs other quantities,
they are accessible as follows: hcur (the current stepsize)
and ewt (the error weight vector) are accessible through
ARKodeGetCurrentStep and ARKodeGetErrWeights, respectively).
The unit roundoff is available as UNIT_ROUNDOFF defined in
Returned value:
The value to be returned by the PrecSetup function is a flag
indicating whether it was successful. This value should be
0 if successful,
> 0 for a recoverable error (step will be retried),
< 0 for an unrecoverable error (integration is halted).
typedef int (*ARKSpilsPrecSetupFn)(realtype t, N_Vector y,
N_Vector fy, booleantype jok,
booleantype *jcurPtr,
realtype gamma, void *user_data,
N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2,
N_Vector tmp3);
Type: ARKSpilsPrecSolveFn
The user-supplied preconditioner solve function PrecSolve
is to solve a linear system P z = r in which the matrix P is
one of the preconditioner matrices P1 or P2, depending on the
type of preconditioning chosen.
A function PrecSolve must have the prototype given below.
Its parameters are as follows:
t is the current value of the independent variable.
y is the current value of the dependent variable vector.
fy is the vector f(t,y).
r is the right-hand side vector of the linear system.
z is the output vector computed by PrecSolve.
gamma is the scalar appearing in the Newton matrix.
delta is an input tolerance for use by PSolve if it uses
an iterative method in its solution. In that case,
the residual vector Res = r - P z of the system
should be made less than delta in weighted L2 norm,
i.e., sqrt [ Sum (Res[i]*ewt[i])^2 ] < delta.
Note: the error weight vector ewt can be obtained
through a call to the routine ARKodeGetErrWeights.
lr is an input flag indicating whether PrecSolve is to use
the left preconditioner P1 or right preconditioner
P2: lr = 1 means use P1, and lr = 2 means use P2.
user_data is a pointer to user data - the same as the user_data
parameter passed to the ARKodeSetUserData function.
tmp is a pointer to memory allocated for an N_Vector
which can be used by PSolve for work space.
Returned value:
The value to be returned by the PrecSolve function is a flag
indicating whether it was successful. This value should be
0 if successful,
positive for a recoverable error (step will be retried),
negative for an unrecoverable error (integration is halted).
typedef int (*ARKSpilsPrecSolveFn)(realtype t, N_Vector y,
N_Vector fy, N_Vector r,
N_Vector z, realtype gamma,
realtype delta, int lr,
void *user_data, N_Vector tmp);
Type: ARKSpilsJacTimesVecFn
The user-supplied function jtimes is to generate the product
J*v for given v, where J is the Jacobian df/dy, or an
approximation to it, and v is a given vector. It should return
0 if successful a positive value for a recoverable error or
a negative value for an unrecoverable failure.
A function jtimes must have the prototype given below. Its
parameters are as follows:
v is the N_Vector to be multiplied by J.
Jv is the output N_Vector containing J*v.
t is the current value of the independent variable.
y is the current value of the dependent variable
fy is the vector f(t,y).
user_data is a pointer to user data, the same as the user_data
parameter passed to the ARKodeSetUserData function.
tmp is a pointer to memory allocated for an N_Vector
which can be used by Jtimes for work space.
typedef int (*ARKSpilsJacTimesVecFn)(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv,
realtype t, N_Vector y,
N_Vector fy, void *user_data,
N_Vector tmp);
Type: ARKSpilsMassTimesVecFn
The user-supplied function mtimes is to generate the product
M*v for given v, where M is the mass matrix, or an
approximation to it, and v is a given vector. It should return
0 if successful or a negative value for an unrecoverable failure.
A function mtimes must have the prototype given below. Its
parameters are as follows:
v is the N_Vector to be multiplied by M.
Mv is the output N_Vector containing M*v.
t is the current value of the independent variable.
user_data is a pointer to user data, the same as the user_data
parameter passed to the ARKodeSetUserData function.
typedef int (*ARKSpilsMassTimesVecFn)(N_Vector v, N_Vector Mv,
realtype t, void *user_data);
Type: ARKSpilsMassPrecSetupFn
The user-supplied mass matrix preconditioner setup function
MPrecSetup and the user-supplied mass matrix preconditioner solve
function PrecSolve together must define left and right
preconditoner matrices P1 and P2 (either of which may be
trivial), such that the product P1*P2 is an approximation to
the mass matrix M. The solution of systems P z = r, with P = P1
or P2, is to be carried out by the PrecSolve function, and
MPrecSetup is to do any necessary setup operations.
The user-supplied preconditioner setup function MPrecSetup
is to evaluate and preprocess any mass-matrix-related data
needed by the preconditioner solve function PrecSolve.
A function MPrecSetup must have the prototype given below.
Its parameters are as follows:
t is the current value of the independent variable.
user_data is a pointer to user data - the same as the user_data
parameter passed to the ARKodeSetUserData function.
tmp1, tmp2, and tmp3 are pointers to memory allocated
for N_Vectors which can be used by
ARKSpilsMassPrecSetupFn as temporary
storage or work space.
Returned value:
The value to be returned by the MPrecSetup function is a flag
indicating whether it was successful. This value should be
0 if successful,
< 0 for an unrecoverable error (integration is halted).
typedef int (*ARKSpilsMassPrecSetupFn)(realtype t, void *user_data,
N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2,
N_Vector tmp3);
Type: ARKSpilsMassPrecSolveFn
The user-supplied mass matrix preconditioner solve function
MPrecSolve is to solve a linear system P z = r in which the
matrix P is one of the preconditioner matrices P1 or P2,
depending on the type of preconditioning chosen.
A function MPrecSolve must have the prototype given below.
Its parameters are as follows:
t is the current value of the independent variable.
r is the right-hand side vector of the linear system.
z is the output vector computed by MPrecSolve.
delta is an input tolerance for use by PSolve if it uses
an iterative method in its solution. In that case,
the residual vector Res = r - P z of the system
should be made less than delta in weighted L2 norm,
i.e., sqrt [ Sum (Res[i]*ewt[i])^2 ] < delta.
Note: the error weight vector ewt can be obtained
through a call to the routine ARKodeGetErrWeights.
lr is an input flag indicating whether MPrecSolve is to use
the left preconditioner P1 or right preconditioner
P2: lr = 1 means use P1, and lr = 2 means use P2.
user_data is a pointer to user data - the same as the user_data
parameter passed to the ARKodeSetUserData function.
tmp is a pointer to memory allocated for an N_Vector
which can be used by PSolve for work space.
Returned value:
The value to be returned by the MPrecSolve function is a flag
indicating whether it was successful. This value should be
0 if successful,
negative for an unrecoverable error (integration is halted).
typedef int (*ARKSpilsMassPrecSolveFn)(realtype t, N_Vector r,
N_Vector z, realtype delta,
int lr, void *user_data,
N_Vector tmp);
Optional inputs to the ARKSPILS linear solver:
ARKSpilsSetPrecType resets the type of preconditioner, pretype,
from the value previously set.
This must be one of PREC_NONE, PREC_LEFT,
ARKSpilsSetGSType specifies the type of Gram-Schmidt
orthogonalization to be used. This must be one of
the two enumeration constants MODIFIED_GS or
CLASSICAL_GS defined in iterative.h. These
correspond to using modified Gram-Schmidt and
classical Gram-Schmidt, respectively.
Default value is MODIFIED_GS.
ARKSpilsSetMaxl resets the maximum Krylov subspace size, maxl,
from the value previously set.
An input value <= 0, gives the default value.
ARKSpilsSetEpsLin specifies the factor by which the tolerance on
the nonlinear iteration is multiplied to get a
tolerance on the linear iteration.
Default value is 0.05.
ARKSpilsSetPreconditioner specifies the PrecSetup and PrecSolve
functions. Default is NULL for both arguments
(no preconditioning)
ARKSpilsSetMassPreconditioner specifies the mass matrix MPrecSetup
and MPrecSolve functions. Default is NULL for
both arguments (no preconditioning)
ARKSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn specifies the jtimes function. Default
is to use an internal finite difference
approximation routine.
ARKSpilsSetMassTimesVecFn specifies the mtimes function. No Default.
The return value of ARKSpilsSet* is one of:
ARKSPILS_SUCCESS if successful
ARKSPILS_MEM_NULL if the arkode memory was NULL
ARKSPILS_LMEM_NULL if the linear solver memory was NULL
ARKSPILS_MASSMEM_NULL if the mass matrix solver memory was NULL
ARKSPILS_ILL_INPUT if an input has an illegal value
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetPrecType(void *arkode_mem, int pretype);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetMassPrecType(void *arkode_mem, int pretype);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetGSType(void *arkode_mem, int gstype);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetMassGSType(void *arkode_mem, int gstype);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetMaxl(void *arkode_mem, int maxl);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetMassMaxl(void *arkode_mem, int maxl);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetEpsLin(void *arkode_mem, realtype eplifac);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetMassEpsLin(void *arkode_mem, realtype eplifac);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetPreconditioner(void *arkode_mem,
ARKSpilsPrecSetupFn pset,
ARKSpilsPrecSolveFn psolve);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetMassPreconditioner(void *arkode_mem,
ARKSpilsMassPrecSetupFn pset,
ARKSpilsMassPrecSolveFn psolve);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn(void *arkode_mem,
ARKSpilsJacTimesVecFn jtv);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsSetMassTimesVecFn(void *arkode_mem,
ARKSpilsMassTimesVecFn mtv,
void *mtimes_data);
Optional outputs from the ARKSPILS linear solver:
ARKSpilsGetWorkSpace returns the real and integer workspace used
by the SPILS module.
ARKSpilsGetMassWorkSpace returns the real and integer workspace used
by the mass matrix SPILS module.
ARKSpilsGetNumPrecEvals returns the number of preconditioner
evaluations, i.e. the number of calls made
to PrecSetup with jok==FALSE.
ARKSpilsGetNumMassPrecEvals returns the number of mass matrix
preconditioner evaluations, i.e. the number of
calls made to MPrecSetup.
ARKSpilsGetNumPrecSolves returns the number of calls made to
ARKSpilsGetNumMassPrecSolves returns the number of calls made to
ARKSpilsGetNumLinIters returns the number of linear iterations.
ARKSpilsGetNumMassIters returns the number of mass matrix solver
ARKSpilsGetNumConvFails returns the number of linear
convergence failures.
ARKSpilsGetNumMassConvFails returns the number of mass matrix solver
convergence failures.
ARKSpilsGetNumJtimesEvals returns the number of calls to jtimes.
ARKSpilsGetNumMtimesEvals returns the number of calls to mtimes.
ARKSpilsGetNumRhsEvals returns the number of calls to the user
f routine due to finite difference Jacobian
times vector evaluation.
ARKSpilsGetLastFlag returns the last error flag set by any of
the ARKSPILS interface functions.
ARKSpilsGetLastMassFlag returns the last error flag set by any of
the ARKSPILS interface functions on the mass
matrix solve.
The return value of ARKSpilsGet* is one of:
ARKSPILS_SUCCESS if successful
ARKSPILS_MEM_NULL if the arkode memory was NULL
ARKSPILS_LMEM_NULL if the linear solver memory was NULL
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetWorkSpace(void *arkode_mem,
long int *lenrwLS,
long int *leniwLS);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetMassWorkSpace(void *arkode_mem,
long int *lenrwMLS,
long int *leniwMLS);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumPrecEvals(void *arkode_mem,
long int *npevals);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumMassPrecEvals(void *arkode_mem,
long int *nmpevals);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumPrecSolves(void *arkode_mem,
long int *npsolves);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumMassPrecSolves(void *arkode_mem,
long int *nmpsolves);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumLinIters(void *arkode_mem,
long int *nliters);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumMassIters(void *arkode_mem,
long int *nmiters);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumConvFails(void *arkode_mem,
long int *nlcfails);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumMassConvFails(void *arkode_mem,
long int *nmcfails);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumJtimesEvals(void *arkode_mem,
long int *njvevals);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumMtimesEvals(void *arkode_mem,
long int *nmvevals);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetNumRhsEvals(void *arkode_mem,
long int *nfevalsLS);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetLastFlag(void *arkode_mem,
long int *flag);
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int ARKSpilsGetLastMassFlag(void *arkode_mem,
long int *flag);
The following function returns the name of the constant
associated with a ARKSPILS return flag
SUNDIALS_EXPORT char *ARKSpilsGetReturnFlagName(long int flag);
#ifdef __cplusplus