/usr/include/sipxtapi/net/SipTransaction.h is in libsipxtapi-dev 3.3.0~test17-2.1.
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// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 SIPfoundry Inc.
// Licensed by SIPfoundry under the LGPL license.
// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Pingtel Corp. All rights reserved.
// Licensed to SIPfoundry under a Contributor Agreement.
// $$
#ifndef _SipTransaction_h_
#define _SipTransaction_h_
//#include <...>
#include <os/OsDefs.h>
#include <os/OsSocket.h>
#include <os/OsMsgQ.h>
#include <net/Url.h>
#include <net/SipSrvLookup.h>
#include <utl/UtlSList.h>
class SipMessage;
class SipUserAgent;
class OsEvent;
class OsTimer;
class SipTransactionList;
//#include "tapi/sipXtapiInternal.h"
/** SipTransaction correlates requests and responses.
* CallId + 's' or 'c' (for server or client) is used as
* the key for the hash (i.e. stored as the string/data in
* the parent UtlString.
class SipTransaction : public UtlString {
/* //////////////////////////// PUBLIC //////////////////////////////////// */
static int smTransactionNum;
static UtlString smBranchIdBase;
/*** States of a transaction.
* @note
* See RFC 3261 for a defininition and description
* of these transaction states and when the transitions occur.
* @endnote
enum transactionStates {
TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN = 0, ///< not yet set
TRANSACTION_LOCALLY_INIITATED, ///< No messages sent (usually client)
TRANSACTION_CALLING, ///< Request sent
TRANSACTION_PROCEEDING, ///< Provisional response received
TRANSACTION_COMPLETE, ///< Final response received
TRANSACTION_CONFIRMED, ///< ACK recieved for 300-699 response classes
/// The relationship of a message to a transaction
enum messageRelationship {
MESSAGE_UNKNOWN, ///< Relationship not yet determined, or error
MESSAGE_UNRELATED, ///< A with different Call-Id, To or From
MESSAGE_SAME_SESSION, ///< But not part of this TX or related branches
MESSAGE_DIFFERENT_BRANCH, ///< Same Call-Id, to, from, cseq but different TX
MESSAGE_REQUEST, ///< The request to this TX
MESSAGE_PROVISIONAL, ///< A provision response to this TX
MESSAGE_FINAL, ///< The first final response to this TX
MESSAGE_NEW_FINAL, ///< A different final response for this TX
MESSAGE_CANCEL, ///< A cancel for this TX
MESSAGE_ACK, ///< An ACK for this non-2xx TX
MESSAGE_2XX_ACK, ///< An ACK assocated with this TX (but considered a different TX)
MESSAGE_DUPLICATE ///< A duplicate message for this TX
/* ============================ CREATORS ================================== */
SipTransaction(SipMessage* request = NULL,
UtlBoolean isOutgoing = TRUE,
UtlBoolean userAgentTransaction = TRUE);
//:Default constructor
// When this is an out going request, this is a client
// transaction. The via header field MUST be added before
// constructing this transaction as this sets the branch ID.
//! param: userAgentTransaction - user agent (vs proxy) client or
// server
/* ============================ MANIPULATORS ============================== */
void getNewBranchId(SipMessage& request,
UtlString& branchId);
UtlBoolean handleOutgoing(SipMessage& outgoingMessage,
SipUserAgent& userAgent,
SipTransactionList& transactionList,
enum messageRelationship relationship,
void handleResendEvent(const SipMessage& outgoingMessage,
SipUserAgent& userAgent,
enum messageRelationship relationship,
SipTransactionList& transactionList,
int& nextTimeout,
SipMessage*& delayedDispatchedMessage,
void handleExpiresEvent(const SipMessage& outgoingMessage,
SipUserAgent& userAgent,
enum messageRelationship relationship,
SipTransactionList& transactionList,
int& nextTimeout,
SipMessage*& delayedDispatchedMessage,
UtlBoolean handleIncoming(SipMessage& incomingMessage,
SipUserAgent& userAgent,
enum messageRelationship relationship,
SipTransactionList& transactionList,
SipMessage*& delayedDispatchedMessage,
void removeTimer(OsTimer* timer);
void stopTimers() ;
void startTimers();
void deleteTimers();
/* ============================ Deprecated ============================== */
void linkChild(SipTransaction& child);
void toString(UtlString& dumpString,
UtlBoolean dumpMessagesAlso);
//: Serialize the contents of this
void dumpTransactionTree(UtlString& dumpstring,
UtlBoolean dumpMessagesAlso);
//: Serialize the contents of all the transactions in this tree
// The parent is found first and then all children are serialized
// recursively
void dumpChildren(UtlString& dumpstring,
UtlBoolean dumpMessagesAlso);
//: Serialize the contents of all the child transactions to this transaction
// All children are serialized recursively
/* ============================ ACCESSORS ================================= */
static void getStateString(enum transactionStates state,
UtlString& stateString);
static void getRelationshipString(enum messageRelationship relationship,
UtlString& relationshipString);
static void buildHash(const SipMessage& message,
UtlBoolean isOutgoing,
UtlString& hash);
SipTransaction* getTopMostParent() const;
void getCallId(UtlString& callId) const;
enum transactionStates getState() const;
long getStartTime() const;
long getTimeStamp() const;
void touch();
void touchBelow(int newDate);
SipMessage* getRequest();
SipMessage* getLastProvisionalResponse();
SipMessage* getLastFinalResponse();
void cancel(SipUserAgent& userAgent,
SipTransactionList& transactionList);
//: cancel any outstanding client transactions (recursively on children)
void markBusy();
void markAvailable();
void notifyWhenAvailable(OsEvent* availableEvent);
//: The given event is signaled when this transaction is not busy
void signalNextAvailable();
void signalAllAvailable();
/* ============================ INQUIRY =================================== */
UtlBoolean isServerTransaction() const;
//: Inquire if this transaction is a server as opposed to a client transaction
//! Inquiry as to whether this transaction is a recursed DNS SRV child
UtlBoolean isDnsSrvChild() const;
UtlBoolean isUaTransaction() const;
//: Inquire if transaction is UA based or proxy
// Note this is different than server vs client transaction
UtlBoolean isChildSerial();
//: Inquire as to whether child transaction will be serial or all parallel searched
// If all immediate child transactions have the same
// Q value FALSE is returned
UtlBoolean isEarlyDialogWithMedia();
//: Tests to see if this is an existing early dialog with early media
// If transaction has not yet been completed and there was early media
// (determined by the presence of SDP in a provisional response
UtlBoolean isChildEarlyDialogWithMedia();
//: Are any of the children in an early dialog with media
UtlBoolean isMethod(const char* methodToMatch) const;
//: see if this tranaction is of the given method type
enum messageRelationship whatRelation(const SipMessage& message,
UtlBoolean isOutgoing) const;
//: Check if the given message is part of this transaction
UtlBoolean isBusy();
//: is this transaction being used (e.g. locked)
//UtlBoolean isDuplicateMessage(SipMessage& message,
// UtlBoolean checkIfTransactionMatches = TRUE);
//: Check to see if this request or response has already been received by this transaction
UtlBoolean isUriChild(Url& uri);
// Does this URI already exist as an immediate child to this transaction
// Search through each of the children and see if the child
// transaction's URI matches.
UtlBoolean isUriRecursed(Url& uri);
// Has this URI been recursed anywhere in this transaction tree already
// Start looking at the parent
UtlBoolean isUriRecursedChildren(UtlString& uriString);
// Has this URI been recursed anywhere at or below in this transaction tree already
// Look at or below the current transaction in the transaction tree
void setTransport(SIPX_TRANSPORT_DATA* pTransport) { mpTransport = pTransport; }
// Mutator for mpTransport.
/* //////////////////////////// PROTECTED ///////////////////////////////// */
void handleChildTimeoutEvent(SipTransaction& child,
const SipMessage& outgoingMessage,
SipUserAgent& userAgent,
enum messageRelationship relationship,
SipTransactionList& transactionList,
int& nextTimeout,
SipMessage*& delayedDispatchedMessage,
//: tells the parent transaction the result of the timeout event
UtlBoolean handleChildIncoming(//SipTransaction& child,
SipMessage& incomingMessage,
SipUserAgent& userAgent,
enum messageRelationship relationship,
SipTransactionList& transactionList,
UtlBoolean childSaysShouldDispatch,
SipMessage*& delayedDispatchedMessage,
//: Tells the parent transaction the result of the incoming message
//! returns: TRUE/FALSE as to whether the message should be dispatched to applications
UtlBoolean startSequentialSearch(SipUserAgent& userAgent,
SipTransactionList& transactionList,
//: Checks to see if a final response can be sent or if sequential search should be started
UtlBoolean recurseChildren(SipUserAgent& userAgent,
SipTransactionList& transactionList);
//: Starts search on any immediate children of the highest unpursued Q value
UtlBoolean recurseDnsSrvChildren(SipUserAgent& userAgent,
SipTransactionList& transactionList,
//: Starts search on any immediate DNS SRV children of the highest unpursued Q value
UtlBoolean findBestResponse(SipMessage& bestResponse);
// Finds the best final response to return the the server transaction
enum messageRelationship addResponse(SipMessage*& response,
UtlBoolean isOutGoing,
enum messageRelationship relationship = MESSAGE_UNKNOWN);
//: Adds the provisional or final response to the transaction
void cancelChildren(SipUserAgent& userAgent,
SipTransactionList& transactionList);
//: Cancels children transactions on a server transaction
void doMarkBusy(int markValue);
/* //////////////////////////// PRIVATE /////////////////////////////////// */
SipTransaction(const SipTransaction& rSipTransaction);
//:Copy constructor (disabled)
SipTransaction& operator=(const SipTransaction& rhs);
//:Assignment operator (disabled)
UtlBoolean doResend(SipMessage& resendMessage,
SipUserAgent& userAgent,
int& nextTimeoutMs,
UtlBoolean doFirstSend(SipMessage& message,
enum messageRelationship relationship,
SipUserAgent& userAgent,
UtlString& toAddress,
int& port,
OsSocket::IpProtocolSocketType& toProtocol,
void prepareRequestForSend(SipMessage& request,
SipUserAgent& userAgent,
UtlBoolean& addressRequiresDnsSrvLookup,
UtlString& toAddress,
int& port,
OsSocket::IpProtocolSocketType& toProtocol);
// CallId + 's' or 'c' (for server or client) is used as
// the key for the hash (i.e. stored as the string/data in
// the parent UtlString
UtlString mCallId;
UtlString mBranchId;
UtlString mRequestUri;
Url mFromField;
Url mToField;
UtlString mRequestMethod;
int mCseq;
UtlBoolean mIsServerTransaction; ///< TRUE = server, FALSE = client
UtlBoolean mIsUaTransaction; ///< UA or proxy transaction
// Address and transport that have been established for this transaction.
UtlString mSendToAddress;
int mSendToPort;
OsSocket::IpProtocolSocketType mSendToProtocol;
server_t* mpDnsSrvRecords;
SipMessage* mpRequest;
SipMessage* mpLastProvisionalResponse;
SipMessage* mpLastFinalResponse;
SipMessage* mpAck;
SipMessage* mpCancel;
SipMessage* mpCancelResponse;
SipTransaction* mpParentTransaction;
UtlSList mChildTransactions;
long mTransactionCreateTime; ///< When this thing was created
long mTransactionStartTime; /**< When the request was sent/received
* i.e. went to TRANSACTION_CALLING state */
long mTimeStamp; ///< When this was last used
enum transactionStates mTransactionState;
UtlBoolean mDispatchedFinalResponse; ///< For UA recursion
UtlBoolean mProvisionalSdp; ///< early media
UtlSList mTimers; /**< A list of all outstanding timers
* started by this transaction. */
// Recursion members
UtlBoolean mIsCanceled;
UtlBoolean mIsRecursing; ///< TRUE if any braches have not be pursued
UtlBoolean mIsDnsSrvChild; ///< This CT pursues one of the SRV records of the parent CT
double mQvalue; ///< Recurse order. equal values are recursed in parallel
int mExpires; ///< Maximum time (seconds) to wait for a final outcome
UtlBoolean mIsBusy;
UtlString mBusyTaskName;
UtlSList* mWaitingList; /**< Events waiting until this is available
* Note only a parent tx should have a waiting list */
//: An optional external transport mechanism pointer. If this value is non-null, the
//: transaction will use the SipUserAgent::sendCustom method, instead of sendUdp, sendTcp, etc.
/* ============================ INLINE METHODS ============================ */
#endif // _SipTransaction_h_