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// Command.h
// Library: Redis
// Package: Redis
// Module: Command
// Definition of the Command class.
// Copyright (c) 2015, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Redis_Command_INCLUDED
#define Redis_Command_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Redis/Redis.h"
#include "Poco/Redis/Array.h"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
namespace Poco {
namespace Redis {
class Redis_API Command: public Array
/// Helper class for creating commands. This class contains
/// factory methods for commonly used Redis commands.
/// There are two ways of building commands:
/// 1. Use this class and the factory methods
/// 2. Use the Array or Command class and build the command using the add
/// method or << operator.
/// For example:
/// Command cmd = Command::set("mykey", "Hello");
/// is the same as:
/// Array cmd;
/// cmd << "SET" << "mykey" << "Hello";
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVec;
Command(const std::string& command);
/// Creates a command.
Command(const Command& copy);
/// Creates a command by copying another one.
virtual ~Command();
/// Destroys the command.
static Command append(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
/// Creates and returns an APPEND command.
static Command blpop(const StringVec& lists, Int64 timeout = 0);
/// Creates and returns a BLPOP command.
static Command brpop(const StringVec& lists, Int64 timeout = 0);
/// Creates and returns a BRPOP command.
static Command brpoplpush(const std::string& sourceList, const std::string& destinationList, Int64 timeout = 0);
/// Creates and returns a BRPOPLPUSH command.
static Command decr(const std::string& key, Int64 by = 0);
/// Creates and returns an DECR or DECRBY command. Calls DECR when by is omitted or zero.
static Command del(const std::string& key);
/// Creates and returns an DEL command.
static Command del(const StringVec& keys);
/// Creates and returns an DEL command.
static Command get(const std::string& key);
/// Creates and returns an GET command.
static Command hdel(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field);
/// Creates and returns an HDEL command.
static Command hdel(const std::string& hash, const StringVec& fields);
/// Creates and returns an HDEL command.
static Command hexists(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field);
/// Creates and returns an HEXISTS command.
static Command hget(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field);
/// Creates and returns an HGET command.
static Command hgetall(const std::string& hash);
/// Creates and returns an HGETALL command.
static Command hincrby(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field, Int64 by = 1);
/// Creates and returns an HINCRBY command.
static Command hkeys(const std::string& hash);
/// Creates and returns an HKEYS command.
static Command hlen(const std::string& hash);
/// Creates and returns an HLEN command.
static Command hmget(const std::string& hash, const StringVec& fields);
/// Creates and returns an HMGET command.
static Command hmset(const std::string& hash, std::map<std::string, std::string>& fields);
/// Creates and returns a HMSET command.
static Command hset(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field, const std::string& value, bool create = true);
/// Creates and returns an HSET or HSETNX (when create is false) command.
static Command hset(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field, Int64 value, bool create = true);
/// Creates and returns an HSET or HSETNX (when create is false) command.
static Command hstrlen(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field);
/// Creates and returns an HSTRLEN command (Available for Redis 3.2).
static Command hvals(const std::string& hash);
/// Creates and returns an HVALS command.
static Command incr(const std::string& key, Int64 by = 0);
/// Creates and returns an INCR or INCRBY command. Calls INCR when by is omitted or zero.
static Command lindex(const std::string& list, Int64 index = 0);
/// Creates and returns a LINDEX command.
static Command linsert(const std::string& list, bool before, const std::string& reference, const std::string& value);
/// Creates and returns a LINSERT command.
static Command llen(const std::string& list);
/// Creates and returns a LLEN command.
static Command lpop(const std::string& list);
/// Creates and returns a LPOP command.
static Command lpush(const std::string& list, const std::string& value, bool create = true);
/// Creates and returns a LPUSH or LPUSHX (when create is false) command.
static Command lpush(const std::string& list, const StringVec& value, bool create = true);
/// Creates and returns a LPUSH or LPUSHX (when create is false) command.
static Command lrange(const std::string& list, Int64 start = 0, Int64 stop = -1);
/// Creates and returns a LRANGE command. When start and stop is omitted an LRANGE
/// command will returned that returns all items of the list.
static Command lrem(const std::string& list, Int64 count, const std::string& value);
/// Creates and returns a LREM command.
static Command lset(const std::string& list, Int64 index, const std::string& value);
/// Creates and returns a LSET command.
static Command ltrim(const std::string& list, Int64 start = 0, Int64 stop = -1);
/// Creates and returns a LTRIM command.
static Command mget(const StringVec& keys);
/// Creates and returns a MGET command.
static Command mset(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& keyvalues, bool create = true);
/// Creates and returns a MSET or MSETNX (when create is false) command.
static Command sadd(const std::string& set, const std::string& value);
/// Creates and returns a SADD command.
static Command sadd(const std::string& set, const StringVec& values);
/// Creates and returns a SADD command.
static Command scard(const std::string& set);
/// Creates and returns a SCARD command.
static Command sdiff(const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2);
/// Creates and returns a SDIFF command.Creates and returns
static Command sdiff(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets);
/// Creates and returns a SDIFF command.
static Command sdiffstore(const std::string& set, const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2);
/// Creates and returns a SDIFFSTORE command.
static Command sdiffstore(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets);
/// Creates and returns a SDIFFSTORE command.
static Command set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, bool overwrite = true, const Poco::Timespan& expireTime = 0, bool create = true);
/// Creates and returns a SET command to set the key with a value.
static Command set(const std::string& key, Int64 value, bool overwrite = true, const Poco::Timespan& expireTime = 0, bool create = true);
/// Creates and returns a SET command to set the key with a value.
static Command sinter(const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2);
/// Creates and returns a SINTER command.
static Command sinter(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets);
/// Creates and returns a SINTER command.
static Command sinterstore(const std::string& set, const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2);
/// Creates and returns a SINTERSTORE command.
static Command sinterstore(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets);
/// Creates and returns a SINTERSTORE command.
static Command sismember(const std::string& set, const std::string& member);
/// Creates and returns a SISMEMBER command.
static Command smembers(const std::string& set);
/// Creates and returns a SMEMBERS command.
static Command smove(const std::string& source, const std::string& destination, const std::string& member);
/// Creates and returns a SMOVE command.
static Command spop(const std::string& set, Int64 count = 0);
/// Creates and returns a SPOP command.
static Command srandmember(const std::string& set, Int64 count = 0);
/// Creates and returns a SRANDMEMBER command.
static Command srem(const std::string& set, const std::string& member);
/// Creates and returns a SREM command.
static Command srem(const std::string& set, const StringVec& members);
/// Creates and returns a SREM command.
static Command sunion(const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2);
/// Creates and returns a SUNION command.
static Command sunion(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets);
/// Creates and returns a SUNION command.
static Command sunionstore(const std::string& set, const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2);
/// Creates and returns a SUNIONSTORE command.
static Command sunionstore(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets);
/// Creates and returns a SUNIONSTORE command.
static Command rename(const std::string& key, const std::string& newName, bool overwrite = true);
/// Creates and returns a RENAME or RENAMENX when overwrite is false.
static Command rpop(const std::string& list);
/// Creates and returns a RPOP command.
static Command rpoplpush(const std::string& sourceList, const std::string& destinationList);
/// Creates and returns a RPOPLPUSH command.
static Command rpush(const std::string& list, const std::string& value, bool create = true);
/// Creates and returns a RPUSH or RPUSHX (when create is false) command.
static Command rpush(const std::string& list, const StringVec& value, bool create = true);
/// Creates and returns a RPUSH or RPUSHX (when create is false) command.
} } // namespace Poco::Redis
#endif // Redis_Command_INCLUDED