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// Row.h
// Library: Data
// Package: DataCore
// Module: Row
// Definition of the Row class.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Data_Row_INCLUDED
#define Data_Row_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Data/Data.h"
#include "Poco/Data/RowFormatter.h"
#include "Poco/Dynamic/Var.h"
#include "Poco/Tuple.h"
#include "Poco/SharedPtr.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <ostream>
namespace Poco {
namespace Data {
class RecordSet;
class Data_API Row
/// Row class provides a data type for RecordSet iteration purposes.
/// Dereferencing a RowIterator returns Row.
/// Rows are sortable. The sortability is maintained at all times (i.e. there
/// is always at least one column specified as a sorting criteria) .
/// The default and minimal sorting criteria is the first field (position 0).
/// The default sorting criteria can be replaced with any other field by
/// calling replaceSortField() member function.
/// Additional fields can be added to sorting criteria, in which case the
/// field precedence corresponds to addition order (i.e. later added fields
/// have lower sorting precedence).
/// These features make Row suitable for use with standard sorted
/// containers and algorithms. The main constraint is that all the rows from
/// a set that is being sorted must have the same sorting criteria (i.e., the same
/// set of fields must be in sorting criteria in the same order). Since rows don't
/// know about each other, it is the programmer's responsibility to ensure this
/// constraint is satisfied.
/// Field names are a shared pointer to a vector of strings. For efficiency sake,
/// a constructor taking a shared pointer to names vector argument is provided.
/// The stream operator is provided for Row data type as a free-standing function.
typedef RowFormatter::NameVec NameVec;
typedef RowFormatter::NameVecPtr NameVecPtr;
typedef RowFormatter::ValueVec ValueVec;
enum ComparisonType
typedef Tuple<std::size_t, ComparisonType> SortTuple;
typedef std::vector<SortTuple> SortMap;
/// The type for map holding fields used for sorting criteria.
/// Fields are added sequentially and have precedence that
/// corresponds to field adding sequence order (rather than field's
/// position in the row).
/// This requirement rules out use of std::map due to its sorted nature.
typedef SharedPtr<SortMap> SortMapPtr;
/// Creates the Row.
Row(NameVecPtr pNames,
const RowFormatter::Ptr& pFormatter = 0);
/// Creates the Row.
Row(NameVecPtr pNames,
const SortMapPtr& pSortMap,
const RowFormatter::Ptr& pFormatter = 0);
/// Creates the Row.
/// Destroys the Row.
Poco::Dynamic::Var& get(std::size_t col);
/// Returns the reference to data value at column location.
Poco::Dynamic::Var& operator [] (std::size_t col);
/// Returns the reference to data value at column location.
Poco::Dynamic::Var& operator [] (const std::string& name);
/// Returns the reference to data value at named column location.
template <typename T>
void append(const std::string& name, const T& val)
/// Appends the value to the row.
if (!_pNames) _pNames = new NameVec;
if (1 == _values.size()) addSortField(0);
template <typename T>
void set(std::size_t pos, const T& val)
/// Assigns the value to the row.
_values.at(pos) = val;
catch (std::out_of_range&)
throw RangeException("Invalid column number.");
template <typename T>
void set(const std::string& name, const T& val)
/// Assigns the value to the row.
NameVec::iterator it = _pNames->begin();
NameVec::iterator end = _pNames->end();
for (int i = 0; it != end; ++it, ++i)
if (*it == name)
return set(i, val);
std::ostringstream os;
os << "Column with name " << name << " not found.";
throw NotFoundException(os.str());
std::size_t fieldCount() const;
/// Returns the number of fields in this row.
void reset();
/// Resets the row by clearing all field names and values.
void separator(const std::string& sep);
/// Sets the separator.
void addSortField(std::size_t pos);
/// Adds the field used for sorting.
void addSortField(const std::string& name);
/// Adds the field used for sorting.
void removeSortField(std::size_t pos);
/// Removes the field used for sorting.
void removeSortField(const std::string& name);
/// Removes the field used for sorting.
void replaceSortField(std::size_t oldPos, std::size_t newPos);
/// Replaces the field used for sorting.
void replaceSortField(const std::string& oldName, const std::string& newName);
/// Replaces the field used for sorting.
void resetSort();
/// Resets the sorting criteria to field 0 only.
const std::string& namesToString() const;
/// Converts the column names to string.
void formatNames() const;
/// Fomats the column names.
const std::string& valuesToString() const;
/// Converts the row values to string and returns the formated string.
void formatValues() const;
/// Fomats the row values.
bool operator == (const Row& other) const;
/// Equality operator.
bool operator != (const Row& other) const;
/// Inequality operator.
bool operator < (const Row& other) const;
/// Less-than operator.
const NameVecPtr names() const;
/// Returns the shared pointer to names vector.
const ValueVec& values() const;
/// Returns the const reference to values vector.
void setFormatter(const RowFormatter::Ptr& pFormatter = 0);
/// Sets the formatter for this row and takes the
/// shared ownership of it.
const RowFormatter& getFormatter() const;
/// Returns the reference to the formatter.
void setSortMap(const SortMapPtr& pSortMap = 0);
/// Adds the sorting fields entry and takes the
/// shared ownership of it.
const SortMapPtr& getSortMap() const;
/// Returns the reference to the sorting fields.
void init(const SortMapPtr& pSortMap, const RowFormatter::Ptr& pFormatter);
ValueVec& values();
/// Returns the reference to values vector.
std::size_t getPosition(const std::string& name);
bool isEqualSize(const Row& other) const;
bool isEqualType(const Row& other) const;
NameVecPtr _pNames;
ValueVec _values;
SortMapPtr _pSortMap;
mutable RowFormatter::Ptr _pFormatter;
mutable std::string _nameStr;
mutable std::string _valueStr;
Data_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream &os, const Row& row);
/// inlines
inline std::size_t Row::fieldCount() const
return static_cast<std::size_t>(_values.size());
inline void Row::reset()
inline const Row::NameVecPtr Row::names() const
return _pNames;
inline const Row::ValueVec& Row::values() const
return _values;
inline Row::ValueVec& Row::values()
return _values;
inline Poco::Dynamic::Var& Row::operator [] (std::size_t col)
return get(col);
inline Poco::Dynamic::Var& Row::operator [] (const std::string& name)
return get(getPosition(name));
inline const RowFormatter& Row::getFormatter() const
return *_pFormatter;
inline const Row::SortMapPtr& Row::getSortMap() const
return _pSortMap;
inline const std::string& Row::valuesToString() const
return _pFormatter->formatValues(values(), _valueStr);
inline void Row::formatValues() const
return _pFormatter->formatValues(values());
} } // namespace Poco::Data
#endif // Data_Row_INCLUDED