/usr/include/palabos/multiBlock/multiBlock3D.h is in libplb-dev 1.5~r1+repack1-3.
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* Copyright (C) 2011-2015 FlowKit Sarl
* Route d'Oron 2
* 1010 Lausanne, Switzerland
* E-mail contact: contact@flowkit.com
* The most recent release of Palabos can be downloaded at
* <http://www.palabos.org/>
* The library Palabos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* The library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** \file
* The 3D multiblock -- header file.
#ifndef MULTI_BLOCK_3D_H
#define MULTI_BLOCK_3D_H
#include "core/globalDefs.h"
#include "core/geometry3D.h"
#include "core/array.h"
#include "core/util.h"
#include "multiBlock/multiBlockManagement3D.h"
#include "multiBlock/blockCommunicator3D.h"
#include "multiBlock/combinedStatistics.h"
#include "atomicBlock/dataProcessor3D.h"
#include "core/block3D.h"
#include "core/blockStatistics.h"
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace plb {
class AtomicBlock3D;
class MultiBlock3D;
class MultiBlockRegistration3D;
template <typename T> class TypedAtomicBlock3D;
template <typename T> class EulerianAtomicBlock3D;
/// Handles statistics subscriptions for the MultiBlockLattice3D
class MultiStatSubscriber3D : public StatSubscriber {
MultiStatSubscriber3D(MultiBlock3D& multiBlock_);
/// Subscribe a new observable for which the average value is computed.
virtual plint subscribeAverage();
/// Subscribe a new observable for which the sum is computed.
virtual plint subscribeSum();
/// Subscribe a new observable for which the maximum is computed.
virtual plint subscribeMax();
/// Subscribe a new integer observable for which the sum is computed.
virtual plint subscribeIntSum();
MultiBlock3D& multiBlock;
class PeriodicitySwitch3D {
/// The constructor defaults all directions to false (i.e., non-periodic).
PeriodicitySwitch3D(MultiBlock3D& block_);
PeriodicitySwitch3D(MultiBlock3D& block_, PeriodicitySwitch3D const& rhs);
PeriodicitySwitch3D& operator=(PeriodicitySwitch3D const& rhs);
/// Set periodicity status of a direction (direction=0 means x-direction etc.)
void toggle(plint direction, bool periodic);
/// Set periodicity status of all directions synchronously
void toggleAll(bool periodic);
/// Get periodicity status of a direction;
bool get(plint direction) const;
/// Get periodicity along a general direction;
bool get(plint normalX, plint normalY, plint normalZ) const;
/// Extend the bulk in each periodic direction, and return the result.
Box3D getPeriodicEnvelope(Box3D const& bulk, plint envelopeWidth) const;
Array<bool,3> periodicity;
MultiBlock3D& block;
class MultiBlock3D : public Block3D {
typedef std::pair<MultiBlock3D*, modif::ModifT> BlockAndModif;
class ProcessorStorage3D {
ProcessorStorage3D(DataProcessorGenerator3D const& generator_,
std::vector<MultiBlock3D*> const& multiBlocks_,
plint level_);
ProcessorStorage3D(ProcessorStorage3D const& rhs);
ProcessorStorage3D& operator=(ProcessorStorage3D const& rhs);
void swap(ProcessorStorage3D& rhs);
ProcessorStorage3D* clone() const;
DataProcessorGenerator3D const& getGenerator() const;
std::vector<id_t> const& getMultiBlockIds() const;
std::vector<MultiBlock3D*> getMultiBlocks() const;
plint getLevel() const;
void replace(id_t oldBlock, id_t newBlock);
DataProcessorGenerator3D* generator;
std::vector<id_t> multiBlockIds;
plint level;
MultiBlock3D( MultiBlockManagement3D const& multiBlockManagement_,
BlockCommunicator3D* blockCommunicator_,
CombinedStatistics* combinedStatistics_ );
MultiBlock3D( plint nx, plint ny, plint nz, plint envelopeWidth );
MultiBlock3D( MultiBlock3D const& rhs );
MultiBlock3D( MultiBlock3D const& rhs, Box3D subDomain, bool crop );
void swap(MultiBlock3D& rhs);
virtual ~MultiBlock3D();
id_t getId() const;
virtual int getStaticId() const =0;
virtual MultiBlock3D* clone() const =0;
virtual MultiBlock3D* clone(MultiBlockManagement3D const& newManagement) const =0;
/// Initialize block content by executing internal processors once.
void initialize();
virtual Box3D getBoundingBox() const;
/// Get number of cells in x-direction.
plint getNx() const;
/// Get number of cells in y-direction.
plint getNy() const;
/// Get number of cells in z-direction.
plint getNz() const;
/// Execute all internal dataProcessors at positive or zero level.
void executeInternalProcessors();
/// Execute all internal dataProcessors at a given level.
void executeInternalProcessors(plint level, bool communicate=true);
/// After adding an internal processor to the atomic-blocks, subscribe it
/// in the multi-block to guarantee it will be executed.
void subscribeProcessor(plint level,
std::vector<MultiBlock3D*> modifiedBlocks,
std::vector<modif::ModifT> typeOfModification,
bool includesEnvelope);
void storeProcessor(DataProcessorGenerator3D const& generator,
std::vector<MultiBlock3D*> multiBlocks, plint level);
std::vector<ProcessorStorage3D> const& getStoredProcessors() const;
MultiBlockManagement3D const& getMultiBlockManagement() const;
void setCoProcessors(std::map<plint,int> const& coProcessors);
LocalMultiBlockInfo3D const& getLocalInfo() const;
SparseBlockStructure3D const& getSparseBlockStructure() const;
/// Get a handle to internal statistics. Don't use this to subscribe new
/// statistics. Use the method internalStatSubscription() instead.
BlockStatistics& getInternalStatistics();
/// Get a constant handle to internal statistics.
BlockStatistics const& getInternalStatistics() const;
/// Get object to subscribe new internal statistics.
StatSubscriber& internalStatSubscription();
/// Copy running statistics to public statistics, and reset running stats.
void evaluateStatistics();
CombinedStatistics const& getCombinedStatistics() const;
void toggleInternalStatistics(bool statisticsOn_);
bool isInternalStatisticsOn() const;
PeriodicitySwitch3D const& periodicity() const;
PeriodicitySwitch3D& periodicity();
/// Returns: which kind of data is modified by level-0 processors and by
/// dynamics objects.
modif::ModifT getInternalTypeOfModification() const;
/// Specify which kind of data is modifified by level-0 processors and by
/// dynamics objects.
void setInternalTypeOfModification(modif::ModifT internalModifT_);
void setRefinementLevel(plint newLevel);
virtual AtomicBlock3D& getComponent(plint blockId) =0;
virtual AtomicBlock3D const& getComponent(plint blockId) const =0;
virtual plint sizeOfCell() const =0;
virtual plint getCellDim() const =0;
void addModifiedBlocks(plint level,
std::vector<MultiBlock3D*> modifiedBlocks,
std::vector<modif::ModifT> typeOfModification,
std::vector<std::vector<BlockAndModif> >& multiBlockCollection,
bool includesEnvelope);
void duplicateOverlapsInModifiedMultiBlocks(plint level);
void duplicateOverlapsInModifiedMultiBlocks(std::vector<BlockAndModif>& multiBlocks);
void duplicateOverlapsAtLevelZero(std::vector<BlockAndModif>& multiBlocks);
void reduceStatistics();
BlockCommunicator3D const& getBlockCommunicator() const;
virtual void copyReceive (
MultiBlock3D const& fromBlock, Box3D const& fromDomain,
Box3D const& toDomain, modif::ModifT whichData=modif::dataStructure ) =0;
void duplicateOverlaps(modif::ModifT whichData);
void signalPeriodicity();
virtual DataSerializer* getBlockSerializer (
Box3D const& domain, IndexOrdering::OrderingT ordering ) const;
virtual DataUnSerializer* getBlockUnSerializer (
Box3D const& domain, IndexOrdering::OrderingT ordering );
/// Set all flags of the atomic-blocks to false (to be used by data processors).
void resetFlags();
/// Return a unique map for the IDs of dynamics objects present in the multi-block, if any.
virtual void getDynamicsDict(Box3D domain, std::map<std::string,int>& dict);
/// Get a string identifier for the type of block. E.g. "lattice3d"
virtual std::string getBlockName() const =0;
/// Get one or two string identifiers for the template parameters of the block.
/// E.g. "double" and "d3q19"
virtual std::vector<std::string> getTypeInfo() const =0;
MultiBlockManagement3D multiBlockManagement;
/// List of MultiBlocks which are modified by the manual processors and require
/// an update of their envelope.
std::vector<std::vector<BlockAndModif> > multiBlocksChangedByManualProcessors;
/// List of MultiBlocks which are modified by the automatic processors and require
/// an update of their envelope.
std::vector<std::vector<BlockAndModif> > multiBlocksChangedByAutomaticProcessors;
plint maxProcessorLevel;
std::vector<ProcessorStorage3D> storedProcessors;
BlockCommunicator3D* blockCommunicator;
BlockStatistics internalStatistics;
CombinedStatistics* combinedStatistics;
MultiStatSubscriber3D statSubscriber;
bool statisticsOn;
PeriodicitySwitch3D periodicitySwitch;
modif::ModifT internalModifT;
id_t id;
class MultiBlockRegistration3D {
id_t announce(MultiBlock3D& block);
void release(MultiBlock3D& block);
MultiBlock3D* find(id_t id);
MultiBlockRegistration3D(MultiBlockRegistration3D const& rhs);
MultiBlockRegistration3D& operator=(MultiBlockRegistration3D const& rhs);
util::UniqueId uniqueId;
std::map<id_t,MultiBlock3D*> multiBlocks;
friend MultiBlockRegistration3D& multiBlockRegistration3D();
MultiBlockRegistration3D& multiBlockRegistration3D();
} // namespace plb
#endif // MULTI_BLOCK_3D_H