/usr/include/opendht/dht_proxy_client.h is in libopendht-dev 1.6.0-1.
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* Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Sébastien Blin <sebastien.blin@savoirfairelinux.com>
* Adrien Béraud <adrien.beraud@savoirfairelinux.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "def.h"
#include "dht_interface.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
namespace restbed {
class Request;
namespace Json {
class Value;
namespace dht {
class OPENDHT_PUBLIC DhtProxyClient final : public DhtInterface {
DhtProxyClient() : scheduler(DHT_LOG) {}
explicit DhtProxyClient(std::function<void()> loopSignal, const std::string& serverHost, const std::string& pushClientId = "");
virtual void setPushNotificationToken(const std::string& token) {
deviceKey_ = token;
virtual ~DhtProxyClient();
* Get the ID of the node.
inline const InfoHash& getNodeId() const { return myid; }
* Get the current status of the node for the given family.
NodeStatus getStatus(sa_family_t af) const;
NodeStatus getStatus() const {
return std::max(getStatus(AF_INET), getStatus(AF_INET6));
* Performs final operations before quitting.
void shutdown(ShutdownCallback cb);
* Returns true if the node is running (have access to an open socket).
* af: address family. If non-zero, will return true if the node
* is running for the provided family.
bool isRunning(sa_family_t af = 0) const;
* Get a value by asking the proxy and call the provided get callback when
* values are found at key.
* The operation will start as soon as the node is connected to the network.
* @param cb a function called when new values are found on the network.
* It should return false to stop the operation.
* @param donecb a function called when the operation is complete.
cb and donecb won't be called again afterward.
* @param f a filter function used to prefilter values.
virtual void get(const InfoHash& key, GetCallback cb, DoneCallback donecb={}, Value::Filter&& f={}, Where&& w = {});
virtual void get(const InfoHash& key, GetCallback cb, DoneCallbackSimple donecb={}, Value::Filter&& f={}, Where&& w = {}) {
get(key, cb, bindDoneCb(donecb), std::forward<Value::Filter>(f), std::forward<Where>(w));
virtual void get(const InfoHash& key, GetCallbackSimple cb, DoneCallback donecb={}, Value::Filter&& f={}, Where&& w = {}) {
get(key, bindGetCb(cb), donecb, std::forward<Value::Filter>(f), std::forward<Where>(w));
virtual void get(const InfoHash& key, GetCallbackSimple cb, DoneCallbackSimple donecb, Value::Filter&& f={}, Where&& w = {}) {
get(key, bindGetCb(cb), bindDoneCb(donecb), std::forward<Value::Filter>(f), std::forward<Where>(w));
void get(const InfoHash& key, const GetCallback& cb, DoneCallback donecb, const Value::Filter& filterChain);
* Announce a value on all available protocols (IPv4, IPv6).
* The operation will start as soon as the node is connected to the network.
* The done callback will be called once, when the first announce succeeds, or fails.
* NOTE: For now, created parameter is ignored.
void put(const InfoHash& key,
DoneCallback cb=nullptr,
time_point created=time_point::max(),
bool permanent = false);
void put(const InfoHash& key,
const Sp<Value>& v,
DoneCallbackSimple cb,
time_point created=time_point::max(),
bool permanent = false)
put(key, v, bindDoneCb(cb), created, permanent);
void put(const InfoHash& key,
Value&& v,
DoneCallback cb=nullptr,
time_point created=time_point::max(),
bool permanent = false)
put(key, std::make_shared<Value>(std::move(v)), cb, created, permanent);
void put(const InfoHash& key,
Value&& v,
DoneCallbackSimple cb,
time_point created=time_point::max(),
bool permanent = false)
put(key, std::forward<Value>(v), bindDoneCb(cb), created, permanent);
* @param af the socket family
* @return node stats from the proxy
NodeStats getNodesStats(sa_family_t af) const;
* @param family the socket family
* @return public address
std::vector<SockAddr> getPublicAddress(sa_family_t family = 0);
* Listen on the network for any changes involving a specified hash.
* The node will register to receive updates from relevent nodes when
* new values are added or removed.
* @return a token to cancel the listener later.
virtual size_t listen(const InfoHash&, GetCallback, Value::Filter={}, Where={});
virtual size_t listen(const InfoHash& key, GetCallbackSimple cb, Value::Filter f={}, Where w = {}) {
return listen(key, bindGetCb(cb), std::forward<Value::Filter>(f), std::forward<Where>(w));
virtual bool cancelListen(const InfoHash&, size_t token);
* Call linked callback with a push notification
* @param notification to process
void pushNotificationReceived(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& notification);
* Refresh a listen via a token
* @param token
void resubscribe(const unsigned token);
time_point periodic(const uint8_t*, size_t, const SockAddr&);
time_point periodic(const uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen, const sockaddr* from, socklen_t fromlen) {
return periodic(buf, buflen, SockAddr(from, fromlen));
* Similar to Dht::get, but sends a Query to filter data remotely.
* @param key the key for which to query data for.
* @param cb a function called when new values are found on the network.
* It should return false to stop the operation.
* @param done_cb a function called when the operation is complete.
cb and done_cb won't be called again afterward.
* @param q a query used to filter values on the remotes before they send a
* response.
virtual void query(const InfoHash& /*key*/, QueryCallback /*cb*/, DoneCallback /*done_cb*/ = {}, Query&& /*q*/ = {}) { }
virtual void query(const InfoHash& key, QueryCallback cb, DoneCallbackSimple done_cb = {}, Query&& q = {}) {
query(key, cb, bindDoneCb(done_cb), std::forward<Query>(q));
* Get data currently being put at the given hash.
std::vector<Sp<Value>> getPut(const InfoHash&) { return {}; }
* Get data currently being put at the given hash with the given id.
Sp<Value> getPut(const InfoHash&, const Value::Id&) { return {}; }
* Stop any put/announce operation at the given location,
* for the value with the given id.
bool cancelPut(const InfoHash&, const Value::Id&) { return false; }
void pingNode(const sockaddr*, socklen_t, DoneCallbackSimple&& /*cb*/={}) { }
* NOTE: The following methods will not be implemented because the
* DhtProxyClient doesn't have any storage nor synchronization process
void insertNode(const InfoHash&, const SockAddr&) { }
void insertNode(const InfoHash&, const sockaddr*, socklen_t) { }
void insertNode(const NodeExport&) { }
std::pair<size_t, size_t> getStoreSize() const { return {}; }
virtual void registerType(const ValueType&) { }
const ValueType& getType(ValueType::Id) const { return NO_VALUE; }
std::vector<Sp<Value>> getLocal(const InfoHash&, Value::Filter) const { return {}; }
Sp<Value> getLocalById(const InfoHash&, Value::Id) const { return {}; }
std::vector<NodeExport> exportNodes() { return {}; }
std::vector<ValuesExport> exportValues() const { return {}; }
void importValues(const std::vector<ValuesExport>&) {}
std::string getStorageLog() const { return {}; }
std::string getStorageLog(const InfoHash&) const { return {}; }
std::string getRoutingTablesLog(sa_family_t) const { return {}; }
std::string getSearchesLog(sa_family_t) const { return {}; }
std::string getSearchLog(const InfoHash&, sa_family_t) const { return {}; }
void dumpTables() const {}
std::vector<unsigned> getNodeMessageStats(bool) { return {}; }
void setStorageLimit(size_t) {}
void connectivityChanged(sa_family_t) {}
void connectivityChanged() { }
const ValueType NO_VALUE;
* Start the connection with a server.
void startProxy();
* Get informations from the proxy node
* @return the JSON returned by the proxy
void getProxyInfos();
void onProxyInfos(const Json::Value& val);
SockAddr parsePublicAddress(const Json::Value& val);
void opFailed();
* Initialize statusIpvX_
void getConnectivityStatus();
* cancel all Listeners
void cancelAllListeners();
* cancel all Operations
void cancelAllOperations();
std::string serverHost_;
std::string pushClientId_;
std::atomic_flag ongoingStatusUpdate_ = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
NodeStatus statusIpv4_ {NodeStatus::Disconnected};
NodeStatus statusIpv6_ {NodeStatus::Disconnected};
NodeStats stats4_ {};
NodeStats stats6_ {};
SockAddr publicAddress_;
InfoHash myid {};
* Store listen requests.
struct Listener
size_t token;
std::shared_ptr<restbed::Request> req;
std::string key;
GetCallback cb;
Value::Filter filterChain;
std::thread thread;
unsigned callbackId;
std::shared_ptr<unsigned> pushNotifToken; // NOTE: unused if not using push notifications
std::vector<Listener> listeners_;
size_t listener_token_ {0};
std::mutex lockListener_;
* Store current put and get requests.
struct Operation
std::shared_ptr<restbed::Request> req;
std::thread thread;
std::shared_ptr<std::atomic_bool> finished;
std::vector<Operation> operations_;
std::mutex lockOperations_;
* Callbacks should be executed in the main thread.
std::vector<std::function<void()>> callbacks_;
std::mutex lockCallbacks;
std::thread statusThread_;
mutable std::mutex lockCurrentProxyInfos_;
Scheduler scheduler;
* Retrieve if we can connect to the proxy (update statusIpvX_)
void confirmProxy();
Sp<Scheduler::Job> nextProxyConfirmation {};
* Relaunch LISTEN requests if the client disconnect/reconnect.
void restartListeners();
* If we want to use push notifications by default.
* NOTE: empty by default to avoid to use services like FCM or APN.
std::string deviceKey_ {};
unsigned callbackId_ {0};
std::mutex lockCallback_;
const std::function<void()> loopSignal_;
void fillBodyToGetToken(std::shared_ptr<restbed::Request> request, unsigned callbackId);