/usr/lib/ocaml/oasis/OASISFeatures.ml is in liboasis-ocaml-dev 0.4.10-2build1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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(* OASIS: architecture for building OCaml libraries and applications *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2011-2016, Sylvain Le Gall *)
(* Copyright (C) 2008-2011, OCamlCore SARL *)
(* *)
(* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at *)
(* your option) any later version, with the OCaml static compilation *)
(* exception. *)
(* *)
(* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *)
(* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *)
(* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the file COPYING for more *)
(* details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *)
(* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, *)
(* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *)
open OASISTypes
open OASISUtils
open OASISGettext
open OASISVersion
module MapPlugin =
type t = plugin_kind * name
let compare = Pervasives.compare
module Data =
type t =
oasis_version: OASISVersion.t;
plugin_versions: OASISVersion.t option MapPlugin.t;
alpha_features: string list;
beta_features: string list;
let create oasis_version alpha_features beta_features =
oasis_version = oasis_version;
plugin_versions = MapPlugin.empty;
alpha_features = alpha_features;
beta_features = beta_features
let of_package pkg =
let add_plugin (plugin_kind, plugin_name, plugin_version) t =
{t with
plugin_versions = MapPlugin.add
(plugin_kind, plugin_name)
let plugin_version plugin_kind plugin_name t =
MapPlugin.find (plugin_kind, plugin_name) t.plugin_versions
let to_string t =
"oasis_version: %s; alpha_features: %s; beta_features: %s; \
plugins_version: %s"
(OASISVersion.string_of_version (t:t).oasis_version)
(String.concat ", " t.alpha_features)
(String.concat ", " t.beta_features)
(String.concat ", "
(fun (_, plg) ver_opt acc ->
(match ver_opt with
| Some v ->
" "^(OASISVersion.string_of_version v)
| None -> ""))
:: acc)
t.plugin_versions []))
type origin =
| Field of string * string
| Section of string
| NoOrigin
type stage = Alpha | Beta
let string_of_stage =
| Alpha -> "alpha"
| Beta -> "beta"
let field_of_stage =
| Alpha -> "AlphaFeatures"
| Beta -> "BetaFeatures"
type publication = InDev of stage | SinceVersion of OASISVersion.t
type t =
name: string;
plugin: all_plugin option;
publication: publication;
description: unit -> string;
(* TODO: mutex protect this. *)
let all_features = Hashtbl.create 13
let since_version ver_str = SinceVersion (version_of_string ver_str)
let alpha = InDev Alpha
let beta = InDev Beta
let to_string t =
"feature: %s; plugin: %s; publication: %s"
(match t.plugin with
| None -> "<none>"
| Some (_, nm, _) -> nm)
(match t.publication with
| InDev stage -> string_of_stage stage
| SinceVersion ver -> ">= "^(OASISVersion.string_of_version ver))
let data_check t data origin =
let no_message = "no message" in
let check_feature features stage =
let has_feature = List.mem (t:t).name features in
if not has_feature then
match (origin:origin) with
| Field (fld, where) ->
(f_ "Field %s in %s is only available when feature %s \
is in field %s.")
fld where t.name (field_of_stage stage))
| Section sct ->
(f_ "Section %s is only available when features %s \
is in field %s.")
sct t.name (field_of_stage stage))
| NoOrigin ->
Some no_message
let version_is_good ~min_version version fmt =
let version_is_good =
version (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual min_version)
(fun str -> if version_is_good then None else Some str)
match origin, t.plugin, t.publication with
| _, _, InDev Alpha -> check_feature data.Data.alpha_features Alpha
| _, _, InDev Beta -> check_feature data.Data.beta_features Beta
| Field(fld, where), None, SinceVersion min_version ->
version_is_good ~min_version data.Data.oasis_version
(f_ "Field %s in %s is only valid since OASIS v%s, update \
OASISFormat field from '%s' to '%s' after checking \
OASIS changelog.")
fld where (string_of_version min_version)
(string_of_version data.Data.oasis_version)
(string_of_version min_version)
| Field(fld, where), Some(plugin_knd, plugin_name, _),
SinceVersion min_version ->
let plugin_version_current =
match Data.plugin_version plugin_knd plugin_name data with
| Some ver -> ver
| None ->
(f_ "Field %s in %s is only valid for the OASIS \
plugin %s since v%s, but no plugin version is \
defined in the _oasis file, change '%s' to \
'%s (%s)' in your _oasis file.")
fld where plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
with Not_found ->
(f_ "Field %s in %s is only valid when the OASIS plugin %s \
is defined.")
fld where plugin_name
version_is_good ~min_version plugin_version_current
(f_ "Field %s in %s is only valid for the OASIS plugin %s \
since v%s, update your plugin from '%s (%s)' to \
'%s (%s)' after checking the plugin's changelog.")
fld where plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
plugin_name (string_of_version plugin_version_current)
plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
with Failure msg ->
Some msg
| Section sct, None, SinceVersion min_version ->
version_is_good ~min_version data.Data.oasis_version
(f_ "Section %s is only valid for since OASIS v%s, update \
OASISFormat field from '%s' to '%s' after checking OASIS \
sct (string_of_version min_version)
(string_of_version data.Data.oasis_version)
(string_of_version min_version)
| Section sct, Some(plugin_knd, plugin_name, _),
SinceVersion min_version ->
let plugin_version_current =
match Data.plugin_version plugin_knd plugin_name data with
| Some ver -> ver
| None ->
(f_ "Section %s is only valid for the OASIS \
plugin %s since v%s, but no plugin version is \
defined in the _oasis file, change '%s' to \
'%s (%s)' in your _oasis file.")
sct plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
with Not_found ->
(f_ "Section %s is only valid when the OASIS plugin %s \
is defined.")
sct plugin_name
version_is_good ~min_version plugin_version_current
(f_ "Section %s is only valid for the OASIS plugin %s \
since v%s, update your plugin from '%s (%s)' to \
'%s (%s)' after checking the plugin's changelog.")
sct plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
plugin_name (string_of_version plugin_version_current)
plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
with Failure msg ->
Some msg
| NoOrigin, None, SinceVersion min_version ->
version_is_good ~min_version data.Data.oasis_version "%s" no_message
| NoOrigin, Some(plugin_knd, plugin_name, _), SinceVersion min_version ->
let plugin_version_current =
match Data.plugin_version plugin_knd plugin_name data with
| Some ver -> ver
| None -> raise Not_found
version_is_good ~min_version plugin_version_current
"%s" no_message
with Not_found ->
Some no_message
let data_assert t data origin =
match data_check t data origin with
| None -> ()
| Some str -> failwith str
let data_test t data =
match data_check t data NoOrigin with
| None -> true
| Some _ -> false
let package_test t pkg =
data_test t (Data.of_package pkg)
let create ?plugin name publication description =
let () =
if Hashtbl.mem all_features name then
failwithf "Feature '%s' is already declared." name
let t =
name = name;
plugin = plugin;
publication = publication;
description = description;
Hashtbl.add all_features name t;
let get_stage name =
(Hashtbl.find all_features name).publication
with Not_found ->
failwithf (f_ "Feature %s doesn't exist.") name
let list () =
Hashtbl.fold (fun _ v acc -> v :: acc) all_features []
* Real flags.
let features =
create "features_fields"
(since_version "0.4")
(fun () ->
s_ "Enable to experiment not yet official features.")
let flag_docs =
create "flag_docs"
(since_version "0.3")
(fun () ->
s_ "Make building docs require '-docs' flag at configure.")
let flag_tests =
create "flag_tests"
(since_version "0.3")
(fun () ->
s_ "Make running tests require '-tests' flag at configure.")
let pack =
create "pack"
(since_version "0.3")
(fun () ->
s_ "Allow to create packed library.")
let section_object =
create "section_object" beta
(fun () ->
s_ "Implement an object section.")
let dynrun_for_release =
create "dynrun_for_release" alpha
(fun () ->
s_ "Make '-setup-update dynamic' suitable for releasing project.")
let compiled_setup_ml =
create "compiled_setup_ml" alpha
(fun () ->
s_ "Compile the setup.ml and speed-up actions done with it.")
let disable_oasis_section =
create "disable_oasis_section" alpha
(fun () ->
s_ "Allow the OASIS section comments and digests to be omitted in \
generated files.")
let no_automatic_syntax =
create "no_automatic_syntax" alpha
(fun () ->
s_ "Disable the automatic inclusion of -syntax camlp4o for packages \
that matches the internal heuristic (if a dependency ends with \
a .syntax or is a well known syntax).")
let findlib_directory =
create "findlib_directory" beta
(fun () ->
s_ "Allow to install findlib libraries in sub-directories of the target \
findlib directory.")
let findlib_extra_files =
create "findlib_extra_files" beta
(fun () ->
s_ "Allow to install extra files for findlib libraries.")
let source_patterns =
create "source_patterns" alpha
(fun () ->
s_ "Customize mapping between module name and source file.")