/usr/include/ncbi/actutils.h is in libncbi6-dev 6.1.20170106-2.
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* National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
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* ===========================================================================
* File Name: actutils.h
* Author: Sarah Wheelan
* Version Creation Date: 2/00
* $Revision: 6.17 $
* File Description: utility functions for alignments
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $Log: actutils.h,v $
* Revision 6.17 2008/05/02 18:02:39 bollin
* Fixed bug in ACT_CleanUpAlignments - if an alignment span is completely
* contained in another alignment, remove the contained alignment.
* Also added a flag to Sqn_GlobalAlign2SeqEx for whether or not the alignment
* should be expanded to the ends of the sequence.
* Revision 6.16 2006/01/03 15:47:25 bollin
* allow alignment callback for ACT_FindPiece so that it can use the new BLAST
* library
* Revision 6.15 2004/11/22 16:45:24 bollin
* created global alignment function with callback method to allow use of new
* BLAST library
* Revision 6.14 2004/11/02 18:53:39 bollin
* made act_get_eval available to other libraries
* Revision 6.13 2004/07/30 13:36:47 bollin
* created separate function for reversing features on a sequence, changed code
* to swap plus to minus and minus to plus instead of moving all features to
* minus strand
* Revision 6.12 2002/03/27 17:35:39 todorov
* recreated ACT_MakeProfileFromSA
* Revision 6.11 2002/03/26 19:56:21 todorov
* alignmgr to alignmgr2 transition
* Revision 6.10 2001/09/04 13:47:13 wheelan
* made several functions extern
* Revision 6.9 2001/07/13 14:17:54 wheelan
* moved Sqn_GlobalAlign2Seq and associated functions here
* Revision 6.8 2000/09/06 18:06:04 sicotte
* Add End gaps for sequin updates
* Revision 6.7 2000/08/28 16:19:14 sicotte
* moved AlnMgrSeqAlignMergeTwoPairwiseEx AlnMgrSeqAlignMergeTwoPairwise AlnMgrSeqAlignMergePairwiseSet to actutils.c from alignmgr.c
* Revision 6.6 2000/07/08 20:44:11 vakatov
* Get all "#include" out of the 'extern "C" { }' scope; other cleanup...
* Revision 6.5 2000/05/04 16:45:20 wheelan
* changes to profile builder to accomodate IBMed BLAST results
* Revision 6.4 2000/04/18 13:57:14 wheelan
* added AlnMgrForcePairwiseContinuousEx
* Revision 6.3 2000/03/14 11:25:48 wheelan
* added ACT_ProfileFree functions
* Revision 6.2 2000/03/02 21:11:06 lewisg
* use bandalign for import sequence, make standalone ddv use viewmgr, make dialogs modal, send color update
* Revision 6.1 2000/02/11 17:31:45 kans
* initial checkin of functions depending upon blast/bandalign (SW)
* ==========================================================================
#ifndef __ACTUTILS__
#define __ACTUTILS__
#include <ncbi.h>
#include <objalign.h>
#include <alignmgr2.h>
#include <sqnutils.h>
#include <bandalgn.h>
#include <needleman.h>
#include <dotseq.h>
#include <edutil.h>
#define NLM_EXTERN extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define CG_WINDOWSIZE 200
#define MAX_LEN 12000
/* defines for profile builder -- how many options are allowed for
* protein or nucleotide sequences */
#define ACT_NUCLEN 5
#define ACT_PROTLEN 27
typedef struct act_sitelist {
Int4 start;
CharPtr name;
struct act_sitelist PNTR next;
} ACT_sitelist, PNTR ACT_sitelistPtr;
typedef struct act_topscore {
FloatHi score;
Int4 pos;
struct act_topscore PNTR next;
} ACT_TopScore, PNTR ACT_TopScorePtr;
typedef struct act_position {
Int4Ptr posarray;
FloatHi score;
} ACT_Position, PNTR ACT_PositionPtr;
typedef struct act_profile
FloatHiPtr PNTR freq;
Boolean nuc;
Int4 len;
Int4 numseq;
FloatHi confidence;
struct act_profile PNTR next;
} ACTProfile, PNTR ACTProfilePtr;
typedef struct act_placebounds {
ACT_TopScorePtr PNTR ats;
Int4 len;
ACTProfilePtr app;
ACT_PositionPtr apos;
Int4Ptr currpos;
Int4 currprof;
Int4 nprof;
Int4Ptr boundarray;
Int4Ptr numats;
ACT_TopScorePtr PNTR currats;
} ACT_PlaceBounds, PNTR ACT_PlaceBoundsPtr;
typedef struct act_cginfo {
Int4 from;
Int4 to;
Int4 length;
Int4 cg;
Int4 a;
Int4 c;
Int4 t;
Int4 g;
Int4 n;
ACT_sitelistPtr asp;
CharPtr sequence;
struct act_cginfo PNTR next;
typedef struct act_statetable
Int4Ptr PNTR state;
} ACT_Statetab, PNTR ACT_StatetabPtr;
NLM_EXTERN ACT_CGInfoPtr ACT_FindCpG(BioseqPtr bsp);
NLM_EXTERN Uint1 ACT_GetResidue(Int4 pos, Uint1Ptr buf, Int4Ptr offset, BioseqPtr bsp);
NLM_EXTERN ACTProfilePtr ACT_ProfileNew(Boolean nuc);
* ACT_ProfileFree frees a single profile; ACT_ProfileSetFree frees an
* entire linked list of profiles.
NLM_EXTERN ACTProfilePtr ACT_ProfileFree(ACTProfilePtr app);
NLM_EXTERN ACTProfilePtr ACT_ProfileSetFree(ACTProfilePtr app);
NLM_EXTERN void ACT_BuildProfile(SeqLocPtr slp, ACTProfilePtr PNTR app, Int4Ptr count, Int4 length);
NLM_EXTERN FloatHi ACT_ScoreProfile(BioseqPtr bsp, Int4 pos, Uint1 strand, ACTProfilePtr app);
NLM_EXTERN void ACT_EstimateConfidence(ACTProfilePtr app);
NLM_EXTERN ACTProfilePtr ACT_SortProfilesByConfidence(ACTProfilePtr app);
NLM_EXTERN int LIBCALLBACK ACT_CompareProfileConfidence(VoidPtr base, VoidPtr large_son);
NLM_EXTERN ACTProfilePtr ACT_MakeProfileFromSA(SeqAlignPtr sap);
NLM_EXTERN ACT_TopScorePtr PNTR ACT_SortAndTruncate(ACT_TopScorePtr PNTR ats);
NLM_EXTERN ACT_TopScorePtr ACT_FindPeakScores(FloatHiPtr scorearray, Int4 len);
NLM_EXTERN FloatHi act_get_eval(Int4 exp);
NLM_EXTERN ACT_PositionPtr ACT_PlaceByScore(ACT_PlaceBoundsPtr abp);
NLM_EXTERN FloatHi ACT_CalcScore(ACT_PlaceBoundsPtr abp);
NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr Sqn_GlobalAlign2Seq (BioseqPtr bsp1, BioseqPtr bsp2, BoolPtr revcomp);
NLM_EXTERN void ReverseBioseqFeatureStrands (BioseqPtr bsp);
NLM_EXTERN void ACT_GetNthSeqRangeInSASet(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 n, Int4Ptr start, Int4Ptr stop);
NLM_EXTERN void SQN_ExtendAlnAlg(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 ovl, Int4 which_side, Uint1 strand);
NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr ACT_CleanUpAlignments(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 len1, Int4 len2);
extern void ACT_RemoveInconsistentAlnsFromSet (SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 fuzz, Int4 n);
typedef SeqAlignPtr (LIBCALLBACK *GetAlignmentFunc) (BioseqPtr bsp1, BioseqPtr bsp2);
typedef SeqAlignPtr (LIBCALLBACK *GetAlignmentPieceFunc) (SeqLocPtr bsp1, SeqLocPtr bsp2);
NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr ACT_FindPiece(BioseqPtr bsp1, BioseqPtr bsp2, Int4 start1, Int4 stop1, Int4 start2, Int4 stop2, Uint1 strand, Int4 which_side, GetAlignmentPieceFunc aln_piece_func);
(BioseqPtr bsp1,
BioseqPtr bsp2,
BoolPtr revcomp,
GetAlignmentFunc aln_func,
GetAlignmentPieceFunc aln_piece_func,
Boolean extend_ends);
* AlnMgr2TruncateSAP truncates a given seqalign to contain only the
* bioseq coordinates from start to stop on the indicated row. Anything
* before those coordinates is discarded; anything remaining afterwards
* is made into another seqalign and put in sap->next (the original next,
* if any, is now at sap->next->next). Doesn't work on parent seqaligns.
* The function returns TRUE if the orignal alignment extended past stop.
NLM_EXTERN Boolean AlnMgr2TruncateSAP(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 start, Int4 stop, Int4 row);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NLM_EXTERN