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Enki - a fast 2D robot simulator
Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Stephane Magnenat <stephane at magnenat dot net>
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Markus Waibel <markus dot waibel at epfl dot ch>
Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Antoine Beyeler <abeyeler at ab-ware dot com>
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL, Lausanne
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Laboratory of Robotics Systems, EPFL, Lausanne
See AUTHORS for details
This program is free software; the authors of any publication
arising from research using this software are asked to add the
following reference:
Enki - a fast 2D robot simulator
Stephane Magnenat <stephane at magnenat dot net>,
Markus Waibel <markus dot waibel at epfl dot ch>
Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL, Lausanne.
You can redistribute this program and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifdef WIN32
#include <math.h>
#ifndef NOMINMAX
#define NOMINMAX
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <ostream>
#include <algorithm>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define round(x) floor((x) + 0.5)
/*! \file Geometry.h
\brief The mathematic classes for 2D geometry
namespace Enki
//! A vector in a 2D space
/*! \ingroup an
Notation of values and constructor order arguments are column based:
struct Vector
//! x component
double x;
//! y component
double y;
//! Constructor, create vector with coordinates (0, 0)
Vector() { x = y = 0; }
//! Constructor, create vector with coordinates (v, v)
Vector(double v) { this->x = v; this->y = v; }
//! Constructor, create vector with coordinates (x, y)
Vector(double x, double y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; }
//! Constructor, create vector with coordinates (array[0], array[1])
Vector(double array[2]) { x = array[0]; y = array[1]; }
//! Add vector v component by component
void operator +=(const Vector &v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; }
//! Substract vector v component by component
void operator -=(const Vector &v) { x -= v.x; y -= v.y; }
//! Multiply each component by scalar f
void operator *=(double f) { x *= f; y *= f; }
//! Divive each component by scalar f
void operator /=(double f) { x /= f; y /= f; }
//! Add vector v component by component and return the resulting vector
Vector operator +(const Vector &v) const { Vector n; n.x = x + v.x; n.y = y + v.y; return n; }
//! Substract vector v component by component and return the resulting vector
Vector operator -(const Vector &v) const { Vector n; n.x = x - v.x; n.y = y - v.y; return n; }
//! Multiply each component by scalar f and return the resulting vector
Vector operator /(double f) const { Vector n; n.x = x/f; n.y = y/f; return n; }
//! Divive each component by scalar f and return the resulting vector
Vector operator *(double f) const { Vector n; n.x = x*f; n.y = y*f; return n; }
//! Invert this vector
Vector operator -() const { return Vector(-x, -y); }
//! Return the scalar product with vector v
double operator *(const Vector &v) const { return x*v.x + y*v.y; }
//! Return the norm of this vector
double norm(void) const { return sqrt(x*x + y*y); }
//! Return the square norm of this vector (and thus avoid a square root)
double norm2(void) const { return x*x+y*y; }
//! Return the cross product with vector v
double cross(const Vector &v) const { return x * v.y - y * v.x; }
//! Return a unitary vector of same direction
Vector unitary(void) const { if (norm() < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) return Vector(); return *this / norm(); }
//! Return the angle with the horizontal (arc tangant (y/x))
double angle(void) const { return atan2(y, x); }
//! Return the perpendicular of the same norm in math. orientation (CCW)
Vector perp(void) const { return Vector(-y, x); }
//! Return the cross with (this x other) a (virtual, as we are in 2D) perpendicular vector (on axis z) of given norm.
Vector crossWithZVector(double l) const { return Vector(y * l, -x * l); }
//! Return the cross from (other x this) a (virtual, as we are in 2D) perpendicular vector (on axis z) of given norm.
Vector crossFromZVector(double l) const { return Vector(-y * l, x * l); }
//! Comparison operator
bool operator <(const Vector& that) const { if (this->x == that.x) return (this->y < that.y); else return (this->x < that.x); }
//! Comparison operator
bool operator ==(const Vector& that) const { return (this->x == that.x) && (this->y == that.y); }
//! Print a vector to a stream
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & outs, const Vector &vector);
//! A point in a 2D space, another name for a vector
/*! \ingroup an */
typedef Vector Point;
//! A 2x2 matrix
/*! \ingroup an
Notation of values and constructor order arguments are column based:
a c
b d
struct Matrix22
// line-column component
//! 11 components
double _11;
//! 21 components
double _21;
//! 12 components
double _12;
//! 22 components
double _22;
//! Constructor, create matrix with 0
Matrix22() { _11 = _21 = _12 = _22 = 0; }
//! Constructor, create matrix with _11 _21 _12 _22
Matrix22(double _11, double _21, double _12, double _22) { this->_11 = _11; this->_21 = _21; this->_12 = _12; this->_22 = _22; }
//! Constructor, create rotation matrix of angle alpha in radian
Matrix22(double alpha) { _11 = cos(alpha); _21 = sin(alpha); _12 = -_21; _22 = _11; }
//! Constructor, create matrix with array[0] array[1] array[2] array[3]
Matrix22(double array[4]) { _11=array[0]; _21=array[1]; _12=array[2]; _22=array[3]; }
//! Fill with zero
void zeros() { _11 = _21 = _12 = _22 = 0; }
//! Add matrix v component by component
void operator +=(const Matrix22 &v) { _11 += v._11; _21 += v._21; _12 += v._12; _22 += v._22; }
//! Substract matrix v component by component
void operator -=(const Matrix22 &v) { _11 -= v._11; _21 -= v._21; _12 -= v._12; _22 -= v._22; }
//! Multiply each component by scalar f
void operator *=(double f) { _11 *= f; _21 *= f; _12 *= f; _22 *= f; }
//! Divive each component by scalar f
void operator /=(double f) { _11 /= f; _21 /= f; _12 /= f; _22 /= f; }
//! Add matrix v component by component and return the resulting matrix
Matrix22 operator +(const Matrix22 &v) const { Matrix22 n; n._11 = _11 + v._11; n._21 = _21 + v._21; n._12 = _12 + v._12; n._22 = _22 + v._22; return n; }
//! Subtract matrix v component by component and return the resulting matrix
Matrix22 operator -(const Matrix22 &v) const { Matrix22 n; n._11 = _11 - v._11; n._21 = _21 - v._21; n._12 = _12 - v._12; n._22 = _22 - v._22; return n; }
//! Multiply each component by scalar f and return the resulting matrix
Matrix22 operator *(double f) const { Matrix22 n; n._11 = _11 * f; n._21 = _21 * f; n._12 = _12 * f; n._22 = _22 * f; return n; }
//! Divide each component by scalar f and return the resulting matrix
Matrix22 operator /(double f) const { Matrix22 n; n._11 = _11 / f; n._21 = _21 / f; n._12 = _12 / f; n._22 = _22 / f; return n; }
//! Return the transpose of the matrix
Matrix22 transpose() const { Matrix22 n; n._11 = _11; n._21 = _12; n._12 = _21; n._22 = _22; return n; }
//! Multiply vector v and return the resulting vector
Point operator*(const Point &v) const { Point n; n.x = v.x*_11 + v.y*_12; n.y = v.x*_21 + v.y*_22; return n; }
//! Creates a diagonal matrix
static Matrix22 fromDiag(double _1, double _2 ) { return Matrix22(_1, 0, 0, _2); }
//! Create an identity matrix
static Matrix22 identity() { return fromDiag(1, 1); }
//! A segment in a 2D space, basically two points
/*! \ingroup an */
struct Segment
//! Constructor, create segment from point (ax, ay) to point (bx, by)
Segment(double ax, double ay, double bx, double by) { this->a.x = ax; this->a.y = ay; this->b.x = bx; this->b.y = by; }
//! Constructor, create segment from point (array[0], array[1]) to point (array[2], array[3])
Segment(double array[4]) { a.x = array[0]; a.y = array[1]; b.x = array[2]; b.y = array[3]; }
//! Constructor, create segment from point p1 to point p2
Segment(const Point &p1, const Point &p2) { a = p1; b = p2; }
//! Start point
Point a;
//! End point
Point b;
//! Compute the distance of p to this segment
double dist(const Point &p) const;
//! Return true if o intersect this segment
bool doesIntersect(const Segment &that, Point* intersectionPoint = 0) const;
//! Return the middle point
Point getMiddlePoint() const { return (a + b) / 2; }
//! Return a vector of the direction of the segment
Vector getDirection() const { return b - a; }
//! Return whether the segment is degenerate, if a == b
bool isDegenerate() const { return a == b; }
//! Print a segment to a stream
/*! \ingroup an */
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & outs, const Segment &segment);
//! Polygon, which is a vector of points. Anti-clockwise, standard trigonometric orientation
/*! \ingroup an */
struct Polygon: public std::vector<Point>
//! Return the i-th segment
Segment getSegment(size_t i) const;
//! Return true if p is inside this polygon
bool isPointInside(const Point& p) const;
//! Get the axis aligned bounding box and return whether it exists
bool getAxisAlignedBoundingBox(Point& bottomLeft, Point& topRight) const;
//! Extend an axis aligned bounding box with this object
void extendAxisAlignedBoundingBox(Point& bottomLeft, Point& topRight) const;
//! Return the bounding radius of this polygon
double getBoundingRadius() const;
//! Translate of a specific distance
void translate(const Vector& delta);
//! Translate of a specific distance, overload for convenience
void translate(const double x, const double y) { translate(Vector(x, y)); }
//! Rotate by a specific angle
void rotate(const double angle);
//! Flip coordinates on x
void flipX();
//! Flip coordinates on y
void flipY();
//! Operator to add point inline
Polygon& operator << (const Point& p) { push_back(p); return *this; }
//! Return true and set intersection arguments (passed by reference) if this intersects circle (center, r), return false and do not change anything otherwise
\param center center of circle
\param r radius of circle
\param mtv minimum translation vector, how much to move this for de-penetration, set if intersection happens
\param intersectionPoint point where this touches circle, set if intersection happens
bool doesIntersect(const Point& center, const double r, Vector& mtv, Point& intersectionPoint) const;
//! Return true and set intersection arguments (passed by reference) if shape1 intersects shape2, return false and do not change anything otherwise
\param that second polygon
\param mtv minimum translation vector for de-penetration, how much to move this for de-penetration, set if intersection happens
\param intersectionPoint point where this touches that, set if intersection happens
bool doesIntersect(const Polygon& that, Vector& mtv, Point& intersectionPoint) const;
//! Print a polygon to a stream
/*! \ingroup an */
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & outs, const Polygon &polygon);
//! Normlize an angle to be between -PI and +PI.
/*! \ingroup an */
inline double normalizeAngle(double angle)
while (angle > M_PI)
angle -= 2*M_PI;
while (angle < -M_PI)
angle += 2*M_PI;
return angle;