/usr/share/hol-light/parser.ml is in hol-light 20170706-0ubuntu4.
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(* Lexical analyzer, type and preterm parsers. *)
(* *)
(* John Harrison, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory *)
(* *)
(* (c) Copyright, University of Cambridge 1998 *)
(* (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2007 *)
(* ========================================================================= *)
needs "preterm.ml";;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Need to have this now for set enums, since "," isn't a reserved word. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
parse_as_infix (",",(14,"right"));;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Basic parser combinators. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception Noparse;;
let (|||) parser1 parser2 input =
try parser1 input
with Noparse -> parser2 input;;
let (++) parser1 parser2 input =
let result1,rest1 = parser1 input in
let result2,rest2 = parser2 rest1 in
let rec many prs input =
try let result,next = prs input in
let results,rest = many prs next in
with Noparse -> [],input;;
let (>>) prs treatment input =
let result,rest = prs input in
let fix err prs input =
try prs input
with Noparse -> failwith (err ^ " expected");;
let rec listof prs sep err =
prs ++ many (sep ++ fix err prs >> snd) >> (fun (h,t) -> h::t);;
let nothing input = [],input;;
let elistof prs sep err =
listof prs sep err ||| nothing;;
let leftbin prs sep cons err =
prs ++ many (sep ++ fix err prs) >>
(fun (x,opxs) -> let ops,xs = unzip opxs in
itlist2 (fun op y x -> cons op x y) (rev ops) (rev xs) x);;
let rightbin prs sep cons err =
prs ++ many (sep ++ fix err prs) >>
(fun (x,opxs) -> if opxs = [] then x else
let ops,xs = unzip opxs in
itlist2 cons ops (x::butlast xs) (last xs));;
let possibly prs input =
try let x,rest = prs input in [x],rest
with Noparse -> [],input;;
let some p =
[] -> raise Noparse
| (h::t) -> if p h then (h,t) else raise Noparse;;
let a tok = some (fun item -> item = tok);;
let rec atleast n prs i =
(if n <= 0 then many prs
else prs ++ atleast (n - 1) prs >> (fun (h,t) -> h::t)) i;;
let finished input =
if input = [] then 0,input else failwith "Unparsed input";;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The basic lexical classes: identifiers, strings and reserved words. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type lexcode = Ident of string
| Resword of string;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Lexical analyzer. Apart from some special bracket symbols, each *)
(* identifier is made up of the longest string of alphanumerics or *)
(* the longest string of symbolics. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
reserve_words ["//"];;
let comment_token = ref (Resword "//");;
let lex =
let collect (h,t) = end_itlist (^) (h::t) in
let reserve =
(Ident n as tok) ->
if is_reserved_word n then Resword(n) else tok
| t -> t in
let stringof p = atleast 1 p >> end_itlist (^) in
let simple_ident = stringof(some isalnum) ||| stringof(some issymb) in
let undertail = stringof (a "_") ++ possibly simple_ident >> collect in
let ident = (undertail ||| simple_ident) ++ many undertail >> collect in
let septok = stringof(some issep) in
let escapecode i =
match i with
"\\"::rst -> "\\",rst
| "\""::rst -> "\"",rst
| "\'"::rst -> "\'",rst
| "n"::rst -> "\n",rst
| "r"::rst -> "\r",rst
| "t"::rst -> "\t",rst
| "b"::rst -> "\b",rst
| " "::rst -> " ",rst
| "x"::h::l::rst ->
String.make 1 (Char.chr(int_of_string("0x"^h^l))),rst
| a::b::c::rst when forall isnum [a;b;c] ->
String.make 1 (Char.chr(int_of_string(a^b^c))),rst
| _ -> failwith "lex:unrecognized OCaml-style escape in string" in
let stringchar =
some (fun i -> i <> "\\" && i <> "\"")
||| (a "\\" ++ escapecode >> snd) in
let string = a "\"" ++ many stringchar ++ a "\"" >>
(fun ((_,s),_) -> "\""^implode s^"\"") in
let rawtoken = (string ||| some isbra ||| septok ||| ident) >>
(fun x -> Ident x) in
let simptoken = many (some isspace) ++ rawtoken >> (reserve o snd) in
let rec tokens i =
try let (t,rst) = simptoken i in
if t = !comment_token then
(many (fun i -> if i <> [] && hd i <> "\n" then 1,tl i
else raise Noparse) ++ tokens >> snd) rst
let toks,rst1 = tokens rst in t::toks,rst1
with Noparse -> [],i in
fst o (tokens ++ many (some isspace) ++ finished >> (fst o fst));;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Parser for pretypes. Concrete syntax: *)
(* *)
(* | SUMTYPE *)
(* *)
(* | PRODTYPE *)
(* *)
(* | POWTYPE *)
(* *)
(* | APPTYPE *)
(* *)
(* APPTYPE :: ATOMICTYPES type-constructor [Provided arity matches] *)
(* | ATOMICTYPES [Provided only 1 ATOMICTYPE] *)
(* *)
(* ATOMICTYPES :: type-constructor [Provided arity zero] *)
(* | type-variable *)
(* | ( TYPE ) *)
(* | ( TYPE LIST ) *)
(* *)
(* | TYPE *)
(* *)
(* Two features make this different from previous HOL type syntax: *)
(* *)
(* o Any identifier not in use as a type constant will be parsed as a *)
(* type variable; a ' is not needed and a * is not allowed. *)
(* *)
(* o Antiquotation is not supported. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let parse_pretype =
let btyop n n' x y = Ptycon(n,[x;y])
and mk_apptype =
([s],[]) -> s
| (tys,[c]) -> Ptycon(c,tys)
| _ -> failwith "Bad type construction"
and type_atom input =
match input with
(Ident s)::rest ->
(try pretype_of_type(assoc s (type_abbrevs())) with Failure _ ->
if try get_type_arity s = 0 with Failure _ -> false
then Ptycon(s,[]) else Utv(s)),rest
| _ -> raise Noparse
and type_constructor input =
match input with
(Ident s)::rest -> if try get_type_arity s > 0 with Failure _ -> false
then s,rest else raise Noparse
| _ -> raise Noparse in
let rec pretype i = rightbin sumtype (a (Resword "->")) (btyop "fun") "type" i
and sumtype i = rightbin prodtype (a (Ident "+")) (btyop "sum") "type" i
and prodtype i = rightbin carttype (a (Ident "#")) (btyop "prod") "type" i
and carttype i = leftbin apptype (a (Ident "^")) (btyop "cart") "type" i
and apptype i = (atomictypes ++ (type_constructor >> (fun x -> [x])
||| nothing) >> mk_apptype) i
and atomictypes i =
(((a (Resword "(")) ++ typelist ++ a (Resword ")") >> (snd o fst))
||| (type_atom >> (fun x -> [x]))) i
and typelist i = listof pretype (a (Ident ",")) "type" i in
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Hook to allow installation of user parsers. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let install_parser,delete_parser,installed_parsers,try_user_parser =
let rec try_parsers ps i =
if ps = [] then raise Noparse else
try snd(hd ps) i with Noparse -> try_parsers (tl ps) i in
let parser_list =
ref([]:(string*(lexcode list -> preterm * lexcode list))list) in
(fun dat -> parser_list := dat::(!parser_list)),
(fun key -> try parser_list := snd (remove (fun (key',_) -> key = key')
with Failure _ -> ()),
(fun () -> !parser_list),
(fun i -> try_parsers (!parser_list) i);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Initial preterm parsing. This uses binder and precedence/associativity/ *)
(* prefix status to guide parsing and preterm construction, but treats all *)
(* identifiers as variables. *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* | let PRETERM and ... and PRETERM in PRETERM *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* | if PRETERM then PRETERM else PRETERM *)
(* | [ PRETERM; .. ; PRETERM ] *)
(* | { PRETERM, .. , PRETERM } *)
(* | { PRETERM | PRETERM } *)
(* | identifier *)
(* *)
(* Note that arbitrary preterms are allowed as varstructs. This allows *)
(* more general forms of matching and considerably regularizes the syntax. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let parse_preterm =
let rec pairwise r l =
match l with
[] -> true
| h::t -> forall (r h) t && pairwise r t in
let rec pfrees ptm acc =
match ptm with
Varp(v,pty) ->
if v = "" && pty = dpty then acc
else if can get_const_type v || can num_of_string v
|| exists (fun (w,_) -> v = w) (!the_interface) then acc
else insert ptm acc
| Constp(_,_) -> acc
| Combp(p1,p2) -> pfrees p1 (pfrees p2 acc)
| Absp(p1,p2) -> subtract (pfrees p2 acc) (pfrees p1 [])
| Typing(p,_) -> pfrees p acc in
let pdest_eq (Combp(Combp(Varp(("="|"<=>"),_),l),r)) = l,r in
let pmk_let (letbindings,body) =
let vars,tms = unzip (map pdest_eq letbindings) in
let _ = warn(not
(pairwise (fun s t -> intersect(pfrees s []) (pfrees t []) = []) vars))
"duplicate names on left of let-binding: latest is used" in
let lend = Combp(Varp("LET_END",dpty),body) in
let abs = itlist (fun v t -> Absp(v,t)) vars lend in
let labs = Combp(Varp("LET",dpty),abs) in
rev_itlist (fun x f -> Combp(f,x)) tms labs in
let pmk_vbinder(n,v,bod) =
if n = "\\" then Absp(v,bod)
else Combp(Varp(n,dpty),Absp(v,bod)) in
let pmk_binder(n,vs,bod) =
itlist (fun v b -> pmk_vbinder(n,v,b)) vs bod in
let pmk_set_enum ptms =
itlist (fun x t -> Combp(Combp(Varp("INSERT",dpty),x),t)) ptms
(Varp("EMPTY",dpty)) in
let pgenvar =
let gcounter = ref 0 in
fun () -> let count = !gcounter in
(gcounter := count + 1;
Varp("GEN%PVAR%"^(string_of_int count),dpty)) in
let pmk_exists(v,ptm) = Combp(Varp("?",dpty),Absp(v,ptm)) in
let pmk_list els =
itlist (fun x y -> Combp(Combp(Varp("CONS",dpty),x),y))
els (Varp("NIL",dpty)) in
let pmk_bool =
let tt = Varp("T",dpty) and ff = Varp("F",dpty) in
fun b -> if b then tt else ff in
let pmk_char c =
let lis = map (fun i -> pmk_bool((c / (1 lsl i)) mod 2 = 1)) (0--7) in
itlist (fun x y -> Combp(y,x)) lis (Varp("ASCII",dpty)) in
let pmk_string s =
let ns = map (fun i -> Char.code(String.get s i))
(0--(String.length s - 1)) in
pmk_list(map pmk_char ns) in
let pmk_setcompr (fabs,bvs,babs) =
let v = pgenvar() in
let bod = itlist (curry pmk_exists) bvs
(Combp(Combp(Combp(Varp("SETSPEC",dpty),v),babs),fabs)) in
Combp(Varp("GSPEC",dpty),Absp(v,bod)) in
let pmk_setabs (fabs,babs) =
let evs =
let fvs = pfrees fabs []
and bvs = pfrees babs [] in
if length fvs <= 1 || bvs = [] then fvs
else intersect fvs bvs in
pmk_setcompr (fabs,evs,babs) in
let rec mk_precedence infxs prs inp =
match infxs with
(s,(p,at))::_ ->
let topins,rest = partition (fun (s',pat') -> pat' = (p,at)) infxs in
(if at = "right" then rightbin else leftbin)
(mk_precedence rest prs)
(end_itlist (|||) (map (fun (s,_) -> a (Ident s)) topins))
(fun (Ident op) x y -> Combp(Combp(Varp(op,dpty),x),y))
("term after binary operator")
| _ -> prs inp in
let pmk_geq s t = Combp(Combp(Varp("GEQ",dpty),s),t) in
let pmk_pattern ((pat,guards),res) =
let x = pgenvar() and y = pgenvar() in
let vs = pfrees pat []
and bod =
if guards = [] then
Combp(Combp(Varp("_UNGUARDED_PATTERN",dpty),pmk_geq pat x),
pmk_geq res y)
Combp(Combp(Combp(Varp("_GUARDED_PATTERN",dpty),pmk_geq pat x),
hd guards),
pmk_geq res y) in
Absp(x,Absp(y,itlist (curry pmk_exists) vs bod)) in
let pretype = parse_pretype
and string inp =
match inp with
Ident s::rst when String.length s >= 2 &&
String.sub s 0 1 = "\"" &&
String.sub s (String.length s - 1) 1 = "\""
-> String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2),rst
| _ -> raise Noparse
and singleton1 x = [x]
and lmk_ite (((((_,b),_),l),_),r) =
and lmk_typed =
function (p,[]) -> p | (p,[ty]) -> Typing(p,ty) | _ -> fail()
and lmk_let (((_,bnds),_),ptm) = pmk_let (bnds,ptm)
and lmk_binder ((((s,h),t),_),p) = pmk_binder(s,h::t,p)
and lmk_setenum(l,_) = pmk_set_enum l
and lmk_setabs(((l,_),r),_) = pmk_setabs(l,r)
and lmk_setcompr(((((f,_),vs),_),b),_) =
pmk_setcompr(f,pfrees vs [],b)
and lmk_decimal ((_,l0),ropt) =
let l,r = if ropt = [] then l0,"1" else
let r0 = hd ropt in
let n_l = num_of_string l0
and n_r = num_of_string r0 in
let n_d = power_num (Int 10) (Int (String.length r0)) in
let n_n = n_l */ n_d +/ n_r in
string_of_num n_n,string_of_num n_d in
and lmk_univ((_,pty),_) =
and any_identifier =
((Ident s):: rest) -> s,rest
| _ -> raise Noparse
and identifier =
((Ident s):: rest) ->
if can get_infix_status s || is_prefix s || parses_as_binder s
then raise Noparse else s,rest
| _ -> raise Noparse
and binder =
((Ident s):: rest) ->
if parses_as_binder s then s,rest else raise Noparse
| _ -> raise Noparse
and pre_fix =
((Ident s):: rest) ->
if is_prefix s then s,rest else raise Noparse
| _ -> raise Noparse in
let rec preterm i =
mk_precedence (infixes()) typed_appl_preterm i
and nocommapreterm i =
let infs = filter (fun (s,_) -> s <> ",") (infixes()) in
mk_precedence infs typed_appl_preterm i
and typed_appl_preterm i =
(appl_preterm ++
possibly (a (Resword ":") ++ pretype >> snd)
>> lmk_typed) i
and appl_preterm i =
(pre_fix ++ appl_preterm
>> (fun (x,y) -> Combp(Varp(x,dpty),y))
||| (binder_preterm ++ many binder_preterm >>
(fun (h,t) -> itlist (fun x y -> Combp(y,x)) (rev t) h))) i
and binder_preterm i =
((a (Resword "let") ++
leftbin (preterm >> singleton1) (a (Resword "and")) (K (@)) "binding" ++
a (Resword "in") ++
>> lmk_let)
||| (binder ++
typed_apreterm ++
many typed_apreterm ++
a (Resword ".") ++
>> lmk_binder)
||| atomic_preterm) i
and typed_apreterm i =
(atomic_preterm ++
possibly (a (Resword ":") ++ pretype >> snd)
>> lmk_typed) i
and atomic_preterm i =
||| ((a (Resword "(") ++ a (Resword ":")) ++ pretype ++ a (Resword ")")
>> lmk_univ)
||| (string >> pmk_string)
||| (a (Resword "(") ++
(any_identifier >> (fun s -> Varp(s,dpty))) ++
a (Resword ")")
>> (snd o fst))
||| (a (Resword "(") ++
preterm ++
a (Resword ")")
>> (snd o fst))
||| (a (Resword "if") ++
preterm ++
a (Resword "then") ++
preterm ++
a (Resword "else") ++
>> lmk_ite)
||| (a (Resword "[") ++
elistof preterm (a (Resword ";")) "term" ++
a (Resword "]")
>> (pmk_list o snd o fst))
||| (a (Resword "{") ++
(elistof nocommapreterm (a (Ident ",")) "term" ++ a (Resword "}")
>> lmk_setenum
||| (preterm ++ a (Resword "|") ++ preterm ++ a (Resword "}")
>> lmk_setabs)
||| (preterm ++ a (Resword "|") ++ preterm ++
a (Resword "|") ++ preterm ++ a (Resword "}")
>> lmk_setcompr))
>> snd)
||| (a (Resword "match") ++ preterm ++ a (Resword "with") ++ clauses
>> (fun (((_,e),_),c) -> Combp(Combp(Varp("_MATCH",dpty),e),c)))
||| (a (Resword "function") ++ clauses
>> (fun (_,c) -> Combp(Varp("_FUNCTION",dpty),c)))
||| (a (Ident "#") ++ identifier ++
possibly (a (Resword ".") ++ identifier >> snd)
>> lmk_decimal)
||| (identifier >> (fun s -> Varp(s,dpty)))) i
and pattern i =
(preterm ++ possibly (a (Resword "when") ++ preterm >> snd)) i
and clause i =
((pattern ++ (a (Resword "->") ++ preterm >> snd)) >> pmk_pattern) i
and clauses i =
((possibly (a (Resword "|")) ++
listof clause (a (Resword "|")) "pattern-match clause" >> snd)
>> end_itlist (fun s t -> Combp(Combp(Varp("_SEQPATTERN",dpty),s),t))) i in
(fun inp ->
match inp with
[Ident s] when
not(String.length s >= 2 &&
String.sub s 0 1 = "\"" &&
String.sub s (String.length s - 1) 1 = "\"")
-> Varp(s,dpty),[]
| _ -> preterm inp);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Type and term parsers. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let parse_type s =
let pty,l = (parse_pretype o lex o explode) s in
if l = [] then type_of_pretype pty
else failwith "Unparsed input following type";;
let parse_term s =
let ptm,l = (parse_preterm o lex o explode) s in
if l = [] then
(term_of_preterm o (retypecheck [])) ptm
else failwith "Unparsed input following term";;