/usr/bin/ttcn3_start is in eclipse-titan 6.3.1-1build1.
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# Copyright (c) 2000-2015 Ericsson Telecom AB
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
# hide next line from expect \
if [ "xy" != "x`expect -c 'puts "y"'`" ]; then
# hide next line from expect \
echo "$0 requires 'expect'. Please install 'expect' and make sure it is in the PATH.";
# hide next line from expect \
exit 1
# hide next line from expect \
# the next line restarts using expect \
exec expect "$0" "$@"
## ##
## EXPECT script to automate TTCN-3 testing ##
## ##
## ETH/RUS Tibor Csöndes 2003.05.22. v1.1 ##
## ETH/RZX Janos Zoltan Szabo 2005.01.01. v1.2 ##
## ETH/RZX Tibor Csöndes 2005.03.23. v1.3 ##
## ETH/RZR Csaba Ráduly 2010.04.06. v1.4 ##
## ETH/XZD Jeno Balasko 2010.10.14 v1.5 ##
## ETH/XZD Jeno Balasko 2011.11.23 v1.6 ##
## ETH/XZR Adam Delic 2012.02.22 v1.7 ##
puts "ttcn3_start: Starting the test suite"
# Procedure for waiting the command prompt of MC
proc wait_mc_prompt {} {
global mctr_id
set prompt "MC2> "
expect {
-i $mctr_id -exact "$prompt" {
} -i $mctr_id -re "^$prompt.*\r\n" {
send -i $mctr_id "\r"
} -i $mctr_id -re "^.*\r\n" {
} -i $mctr_id eof {
wait -i $mctr_id
puts "ttcn3_start: error: MC has terminated unexpectedly"
exit 5
# Procedure for cleaning up after a fatal error
proc error_cleanup {error_msg error_retcode} {
global mctr_id hc_id
puts "ttcn3_start: error: $error_msg"
send -i $mctr_id "exit\r"
expect -i $mctr_id eof
expect -i $hc_id eof
wait -i $hc_id
wait -i $mctr_id
exit $error_retcode
# procedure for parsing and extracting options from argv
# http://wiki.tcl.tk/17342
proc getopt {_argv name {_var ""} {default ""}} {
upvar 1 $_argv argv $_var var
set pos [lsearch -regexp $argv ^$name]
if {$pos>=0} {
set to $pos
# It would be better to use operator "ne" instead of "!=", but
# rhea has only Tcl 8.3.1 (vintage 2001) which doesn't understand it
if {$_var != ""} {
set var [lindex $argv [incr to]]
set argv [lreplace $argv $pos $to]
return 1
} else {
if {[llength [info level 0]] == 5} {set var $default}
return 0
set ip ""
getopt argv -ip ip
# Checking the number of arguments
if {[llength $argv] < 1} {
puts "usage: ttcn3_start \[-ip host_ip_address\] executable \[file.cfg\] {module_name\[.testcase_name\]}"
exit 2
# Setting the executable name variable ETS from argument
set first_arg [lindex $argv 0]
if {[file exists $first_arg]} {
set ETS $first_arg
} elseif {[file exists $first_arg.exe]} {
set ETS $first_arg.exe
} else {
puts "ttcn3_start: cannot find executable $first_arg"
exit 3
# Setting ETS_basename: executable name without extension
if {[string tolower [string range $ETS [expr [string length $ETS] - 4] end]] == ".exe"} {
set ETS_basename [string range $ETS 0 [expr [string length $ETS] - 5]]
} else {
set ETS_basename $ETS
if {[string index $ETS 0] != "/"} {
# Add a ./ prefix if ETS is a relative pathname
set ETS ./$ETS
# Setting the configuration file variable config_file
if {[llength $argv] > 1 && [file exists [lindex $argv 1]]} {
set config_file [lindex $argv 1]
set start_index 2
} else {
puts "ttcn3_start: warning: no configuration file was specified or the file name was misspelled"
set start_index 1
if {[file exists $ETS_basename.cfg]} {
set config_file $ETS_basename.cfg
puts "ttcn3_start: note: using default configuration file $ETS_basename.cfg"
# if 2nd parameter exists then it must be an existing test case
if {[llength $argv] > 1} {
# run $ETS -l to list test cases and check the 2nd parameter against that list
# if its not in the list stop with an error
# (the control part is also in the list but it works as if it was a testcase)
set second_argument [lindex $argv 1]
spawn $ETS -l
expect eof
set tc_name_found 0
# split into testcases on newlines
set testcase_names [split $expect_out(buffer)]
foreach testcase_name $testcase_names {
if {$second_argument==$testcase_name} {
set tc_name_found 1
if {$tc_name_found==0} {
puts "ttcn3_start: error: the second parameter is neither a configuration file nor an existing test case"
exit 11
# Checking TTCN3_DIR environment variable and setting mctr_cli
if {[info exists env(TTCN3_DIR)]} {
set mctr $env(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/mctr_cli
} else {
puts "ttcn3_start: warning: TTCN3_DIR environment variable is not set"
set mctr mctr_cli
set timeout -1
# Setting the hostname
set hostname [info hostname]
if { $ip != "" } {
set hostname $ip
# Start Main Controller
if {[info exists config_file]} {
spawn $mctr $config_file
} else {
spawn $mctr
set mctr_id $spawn_id
expect {
-re "Listening on( IP address )?(\[a-zA-Z0-9\.:%\]*)( and)? TCP port (\[0-9\]+)\..*\r\n" {
if { $ip != "" } {
set hostname $ip
puts ">>> Branch 1"
} elseif { $expect_out(2,string) != "" } {
set hostname $expect_out(2,string)
puts ">>>Branch 2"
} else {
puts "$hostname is the default"
set port $expect_out(4,string)
} -re "Entering batch mode\..*\r" {
puts "ttcn3_start: error: this script cannot be used when MC is run in batch mode"
puts " hint: Remove option NumHCs from section \[MAIN_CONTROLLER\] of the"
puts " configuration file."
exec kill -KILL [exp_pid]
wait -i $mctr_id
exit 4
-re "Error was found.*\r" {
puts "Please check the error message above"
exit 4
eof {
spawn $mctr -v
expect eof
puts "ttcn3_start: The Main controller exited unexpectedly. In case of license problem you can order license at ttcn.ericsson.se"
exit 4
# Start Host controller
spawn $ETS $hostname $port
set hc_id $spawn_id
expect {
-i $hc_id -exact "TTCN-3 Host Controller" {
} -i $hc_id -re ".*\r" {
} -i $hc_id eof {
error_cleanup "program $ETS is not a TTCN-3 executable in parallel mode" 6
expect {
-i $hc_id -re "Dynamic test case error" {
error_cleanup "program $ETS could not connect to the MC" 7
} -i $hc_id -re ".*\r" {
} -i $mctr_id "New HC connected from " {
} -i $hc_id eof {
error_cleanup "Host Controller with id $hc_id stopped unexpectedly" 10
# Create Main Test Component
send -i $mctr_id "cmtc\r"
expect {
-i $mctr_id -re "MTC is created\..*\r\n" {
} -i $mctr_id -re "Cannot create MTC" {
error_cleanup "the MTC cannot be created. " 8
} -i $mctr_id -re "No such host:\..*\r\n" {
error_cleanup "the MTC cannot be created on an unknown host. " 9
} -i $hc_id eof {
error_cleanup "Something went wrong... " 10
# Start Main Test Component
if {$start_index < [llength $argv]} {
# Use the list of test cases given in the command line.
for {set i $start_index} {$i < [llength $argv]} {incr i} {
send -i $mctr_id "smtc [lindex $argv $i]\r"
expect {
-i $hc_id -re ".*\r" {
} -i $mctr_id -exact "Test execution finished." {
} -i $mctr_id -exact "MTC terminated." {
error_cleanup "the MTC terminated unexpectedly" 10
} elseif {[info exists config_file]} {
# The configuration file is present. Use its [EXECUTE] section.
send -i $mctr_id "smtc\r"
expect {
-i $hc_id -re ".*\r" {
} -i $mctr_id -exact "Execution of \[EXECUTE\] section finished." {
} -i $mctr_id -exact "No \[EXECUTE\] section was given in the configuration file." {
} -i $mctr_id -exact "MTC terminated." {
error_cleanup "the MTC terminated unexpectedly" 10
} else {
# There is neither testcase name nor configuration file.
# Use the name of the executable as smtc argument.
set last_slash [string last "/" $ETS_basename]
if {$last_slash == -1} {
set module_name $ETS_basename
} else {
set module_name [string range $ETS_basename [expr $last_slash + 1] end]
send -i $mctr_id "smtc $module_name\r"
expect {
-i $hc_id -re ".*\r" {
} -i $mctr_id -exact "Test execution finished." {
} -i $mctr_id -exact "MTC terminated." {
error_cleanup "the MTC terminated unexpectedly" 10
# Exit Main Test Component
send -i $mctr_id "emtc\r"
expect -i $mctr_id -re "MTC terminated\..*\r\n"
# Quit from Main Controller
send -i $mctr_id "exit\r"
# Catch the last lines of the output
expect {
-i $hc_id eof {
expect -i $mctr_id eof
} -i $mctr_id eof {
expect -i $hc_id eof
# Wait until both MC and HC terminate
wait -i $hc_id
wait -i $mctr_id