/usr/share/vim/addons/plugin/remoteOpen.vim is in vim-latexsuite 1:1.9.0-1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 | " File: remoteOpen.vim
" Author: Srinath Avadhanula <srinath AT fastmail DOT fm>
" Description:
" Often times, an external program needs to open a file in gvim from the
" command line. However, it will not know if the file is already opened in a
" previous vim session. It is not sufficient to simply specify
" gvim --remote-silent <filename>
" because this simply opens up <filename> in the first remote gvim session it
" sees. This script provides a command RemoteOpen which is meant to be used
" from the command line as follows:
" gvim -c ":RemoteOpen +<lnum> <filename>"
" where <lnum> is the line-number you wish <filename> to open to. What will
" happen is that a new gvim will start up and enquire from all previous
" sessions if <filename> is already open in any of them. If it is, then it
" will edit the file in that session and bring it to the foreground and itself
" quit. Otherwise, it will not quit and instead open up the file for editing
" at <lnum>.
" This was mainly created to be used with Yap (the dvi previewer in miktex),
" so you can specify the program for "inverse search" as specified above.
" This ensures that the inverse search uses the correct gvim each time.
" Ofcourse, this requires vim with +clientserver. If not, then RemoteOpen just
" opens in the present session.
if exists('did_latexSuite_disabled')
" Enclose <args> in single quotes so it can be passed as a function argument.
com! -nargs=1 RemoteOpen :call RemoteOpen('<args>')
com! -nargs=? RemoteInsert :call RemoteInsert('<args>')
" RemoteOpen: open a file remotely (if possible) {{{
" Description: checks all open vim windows to see if this file has been opened
" anywhere and if so, opens it there instead of in this session.
function! RemoteOpen(arglist)
" First construct line number and filename from argument. a:arglist is of
" the form:
" +10 c:\path\to\file
" or just
" c:\path\to\file
if a:arglist =~ '^\s*+\d\+'
let linenum = matchstr(a:arglist, '^\s*+\zs\d\+\ze')
let filename = matchstr(a:arglist, '^\s*+\d\+\s*\zs.*\ze')
let linenum = 1
let filename = matchstr(a:arglist, '^\s*\zs.*\ze')
let filename = escape(filename, ' ')
call Tex_Debug("linenum = ".linenum.', filename = '.filename, "ropen")
" If there is no clientserver functionality, then just open in the present
" session and return
if !has('clientserver')
call Tex_Debug("-clientserver, opening locally and returning", "ropen")
exec "e ".filename
exec linenum
normal! zv
" Otherwise, loop through all available servers
let servers = serverlist()
" If there are no servers, open file locally.
if servers == ''
call Tex_Debug("no open servers, opening locally", "ropen")
exec "e ".filename
exec linenum
let g:Remote_Server = 1
normal! zv
let i = 1
let server = s:Strntok(servers, "\n", i)
let targetServer = v:servername
while server != ''
" Find out if there was any server which was used by remoteOpen before
" this. If a new gvim session was ever started via remoteOpen, then
" g:Remote_Server will be set.
if remote_expr(server, 'exists("g:Remote_Server")')
let targetServer = server
" Ask each server if that file is being edited by them.
let bufnum = remote_expr(server, "bufnr('".filename."')")
" If it is...
if bufnum != -1
" ask the server to edit that file and come to the foreground.
" set a variable g:Remote_Server to indicate that this server
" session has at least one file opened via RemoteOpen
let targetServer = server
let i = i + 1
let server = s:Strntok(servers, "\n", i)
" If none of the servers have the file open, then open this file in the
" first server. This has the advantage if yap tries to make vim open
" multiple vims, then at least they will all be opened by the same gvim
" server.
call remote_send(targetServer,
\ "\<C-\>\<C-n>".
\ ":let g:Remote_Server = 1\<CR>".
\ ":drop ".filename."\<CR>".
\ ":".linenum."\<CR>zv"
\ )
call remote_foreground(targetServer)
" quit this vim session
if v:servername != targetServer
endfunction " }}}
" RemoteInsert: inserts a \cite'ation remotely (if possible) {{{
" Description:
function! RemoteInsert(...)
let citation = matchstr(argv(0), "\\[InsText('.cite{\\zs.\\{-}\\ze}');\\]")
if citation == ""
" Otherwise, loop through all available servers
let servers = serverlist()
let i = 1
let server = s:Strntok(servers, "\n", i)
let targetServer = v:servername
while server != ''
if remote_expr(server, 'exists("g:Remote_WaitingForCite")')
call remote_send(server, citation . "\<CR>")
call remote_foreground(server)
if v:servername != server
let i = i + 1
let server = s:Strntok(servers, "\n", i)
endfunction " }}}
" Strntok: extract the n^th token from a list {{{
" example: Strntok('1,23,3', ',', 2) = 23
fun! <SID>Strntok(s, tok, n)
return matchstr( a:s.a:tok[0], '\v(\zs([^'.a:tok.']*)\ze['.a:tok.']){'.a:n.'}')
" }}}
" vim:ft=vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet:fdm=marker:commentstring=\"\ %s:nowrap