/usr/share/perl5/VelvetOpt/Utils.pm is in velvetoptimiser 2.2.6-1.
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# VelvetOpt::Utils.pm
# Copyright 2008,2009,2010 Simon Gladman <simon.gladman@monash.edu>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Version 2.2.6
# Changes for Version 2.0.1
# Added Mikael Brandstrom Durling's numCpus and freeMem for the Mac.
# Changes for Version 2.1.0
# Fixed bug in estExpCov so it now correctly uses all short read categories not just the first two.
# Changes for Version 2.1.2
# Fixed bug in estExpCov so it now won't take columns with "N/A" or "Inf" into account
# Changes for Version 2.1.3
# Changed the minimum contig size to use for estimating expected coverage to 3*kmer size -1 and set the minimum coverage to 2 instead of 0.
# This should get rid of exp_covs of 1 when it should be very high for assembling reads that weren't ampped to a reference using one of the standard read mapping programs
# Changes for Version 2.2.6
# Added the ability for the memory estimator to open fastq.gz files.
package VelvetOpt::Utils;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
use Carp;
use List::Util qw(max);
use Bio::SeqIO;
# num_cpu
# It returns the number of cpus present in the system if linux.
# If it is MAC then it returns the number of cores present.
# If the OS is not linux or Mac then it returns 1.
# Written by Torsten Seemann 2009 (linux) and Mikael Brandstrom Durling 2009 (Mac).
sub num_cpu {
if ( $^O =~ m/linux/i ) {
my ($num) = qx(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo);
chomp $num;
return $num if $num =~ m/^\d+/;
elsif( $^O =~ m/darwin/i){
my ($num) = qx(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep Cores);
$num =~ /.*Cores: (\d+)/;
$num =$1;
return $num;
return 1;
# free_mem
# Returns the current amount of free memory
# Mac Section written by Mikael Brandstrom Durling 2009 (Mac).
sub free_mem {
if( $^O =~ m/linux/i ) {
my $x = `free | grep '^Mem:' | sed 's/ */~/g' | cut -d '~' -f 4,7`;
my @tmp = split "~", $x;
my $total = $tmp[0] + $tmp[1];
my $totalGB = $total / 1024 / 1024;
return $totalGB;
elsif( $^O =~ m/darwin/i){
my ($tmp) = qx(vm_stat | grep size);
$tmp =~ /.*size of (\d+) bytes.*/;
my $page_size = $1;
($tmp) = qx(vm_stat | grep free);
$tmp =~ /[^0-9]+(\d+).*/;
my $free_pages = $1;
my $totalGB = ($free_pages * $page_size) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024;
return $totalGB;
# estExpCov
# it returns the expected coverage of short reads from an assembly by
# performing a math mode on the stats.txt file supplied.. It looks at
# all the short_cov? columns.. Uses minimum contig length and minimum coverage.
# needs the stats.txt file path and name, and the k-value used in the assembly.
# Original algorithm by Torsten Seemann 2009 under the GPL.
# Adapted by Simon Gladman 2009.
# It does a weighted mode...
sub estExpCov {
use List::Util qw(max);
my $file = shift;
my $kmer = shift;
my $minlen = 3 * $kmer - 1;
my $mincov = 2;
my $fh;
unless ( open IN, $file ) {
croak "Unable to open $file for exp_cov determination.\n";
my @cov;
while (<IN>) {
my @x = split m/\t/;
my $len = scalar @x;
next unless @x >= 7;
next unless $x[1] =~ m/^\d+$/;
next unless $x[1] >= $minlen;
#add all the short_cov columns..
my $cov = 0;
for(my $i = 5; $i < $len; $i += 2){
if($x[$i] =~ /\d/){
$cov += $x[$i];
next unless $cov > $mincov;
push @cov, ( ( int($cov) ) x $x[1] );
my %freq_of;
map { $freq_of{$_}++ } @cov;
my $mode = 0;
$freq_of{$mode} = 0; # sentinel
for my $x ( keys %freq_of ) {
$mode = $x if $freq_of{$x} > $freq_of{$mode};
return $mode;
# estVelvetMemUse
# returns the estimated memory usage for velvet in GB
sub estVelvetMemUse {
my ($readsize, $genomesize, $numreads, $k) = @_;
my $velvetgmem = -109635 + 18977*$readsize + 86326*$genomesize + 233353*$numreads - 51092*$k;
my $out = ($velvetgmem/1024) / 1024;
return $out;
# getReadSizeNum
# returns the number of reads and average size in the short and shortPaired categories...
sub getReadSizeNum {
my $f = shift;
my %reads;
my $num = 0;
my $currentfiletype = "fasta";
#first pull apart the velveth string and get the short and shortpaired filenames...
my @l = split /\s+/, $f;
my $i = 0;
foreach (@l){
$currentfiletype = "fasta";
$currentfiletype = "fastq.gz";
$currentfiletype = "fastq";
elsif(/(-eland)|(-gerald)|(-fasta.gz)|(-bam)|(-sam)|(-fmtAuto)/) {
croak "Cannot estimate memory usage from file types other than fasta or fastq..\n";
elsif(-r $_){
# Probably should not just use the 1st read x #reads as people trim reads
my $file = $_;
if($currentfiletype eq "fasta"){
my $x = qx(grep -c "^>" $file);
$num += $x;
my $l = &getReadLength($file, 'Fasta');
$reads{$l} += $x;
print STDERR "File: $file has $x reads of length $l\n";
elsif($currentfiletype eq "fastq.gz"){
my $x = qx(zgrep -c "^@" $file);
$num += $x;
my $l = &getReadLength($file, "Fastq.gz");
$reads{$l} += $x;
print STDERR "File: $file has $x reads of length $l\n";
else {
my $x = qx(grep -c "^@" $file);
$num += $x;
my $l = &getReadLength($file, 'Fastq');
$reads{$l} += $x;
print STDERR "File: $file has $x reads of length $l\n";
$i ++;
my $totlength = 0;
foreach my $k (keys %reads){
$totlength += ($reads{$k} * $k);
my @results;
push @results, floor($totlength/$num);
push @results, ($num/1000000);
printf STDERR "Total reads: %.1f million. Avg length: %.1f\n",($num/1000000), ($totlength/$num);
return @results;
# getReadLength - returns the length of the first read in a file of type fasta or fastq..
sub getReadLength {
my ($f, $t) = @_;
my $sio;
if ($t eq "Fastq.gz"){
open my $zcat, "gunzip -c $f |" or croak $!;
$sio = Bio::SeqIO->new(-fh => $zcat, -format => "Fastq")
else {
$sio = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $f, -format => $t);
my $s = $sio->next_seq() or croak "Something went bad while reading file $f!\n";
return $s->length;
return 1;