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# $Id: expand.py 19 2011-08-09 16:09:53Z georgesk $
# expand.py is part of the package uicilibris
# uicilibris is based on wiki2beamer's code, which was authored by
# Michael Rentzsch and Kai Dietrich
# (c) 2007-2008 Michael Rentzsch (http://www.repc.de)
# (c) 2009-2010 Michael Rentzsch (http://www.repc.de)
# Kai Dietrich (mail@cleeus.de)
# (c) 2011 Georges Khaznadar (georgesk@ofset.org)
# Create high-level parseable code from a wiki-like code, like LaTeX
# This file is part of uicilibris.
# uicilibris is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# uicilibris is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with uicilibris. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import random, re, string, hashlib, sys
def syntax_error(message, code):
print >>sys.stderr, 'syntax error in [expand]: %s' % message
print >>sys.stderr, '\tcode:\n%s' % code
def md5hex(string):
return hashlib.md5(string).hexdigest()
def expand_code_make_defverb(content, name):
return "\\defverbatim[colored]\\%s{\n%s\n}" % (name, content)
def expand_code_make_lstlisting(content, options):
return "\\begin{lstlisting}%s%s\\end{lstlisting}" % (options, content)
def expand_code_search_escape_sequences(code):
open = '1'
close = '2'
while code.find(open) != -1 or code.find(close) != -1:
open = open + chr(random.randint(48,57))
close = close + chr(random.randint(48,57))
return (open,close)
def expand_code_tokenize_anims(code):
(esc_open, esc_close) = expand_code_search_escape_sequences(code)
code = code.replace('\\[', esc_open)
code = code.replace('\\]', esc_close)
p = re.compile(r'\[\[(?:.|\s)*?\]\]|\[(?:.|\s)*?\]')
non_anim = p.split(code)
anim = p.findall(code)
anim = map(lambda s: s.replace(esc_open, '\\[').replace(esc_close, '\\]'), anim)
non_anim = map(lambda s: s.replace(esc_open, '[').replace(esc_close, ']'), non_anim)
return (anim, non_anim)
def expand_code_parse_overlayspec(overlayspec):
overlays = []
groups = overlayspec.split(',')
for group in groups:
group = group.strip()
if group.find('-')!=-1:
nums = group.split('-')
if len(nums)<2:
syntax_error('overlay specs must be of the form <(%d-%d)|(%d), ...>', overlayspec)
start = int(nums[0])
stop = int(nums[1])
except ValueError:
syntax_error('not an int, overlay specs must be of the form <(%d-%d)|(%d), ...>', overlayspec)
num = int(group)
except ValueError:
syntax_error('not an int, overlay specs must be of the form <(%d-%d)|(%d), ...>', overlayspec)
#make unique
overlays = list(set(overlays))
return overlays
def expand_code_parse_simpleanimspec(animspec):
(esc_open, esc_close) = expand_code_search_escape_sequences(animspec)
animspec = animspec.replace('\\[', esc_open)
animspec = animspec.replace('\\]', esc_close)
p = re.compile(r'^\[<([0-9,\-]+)>((?:.|\s)*)\]$')
m = p.match(animspec)
if m != None:
overlays = expand_code_parse_overlayspec(m.group(1))
code = m.group(2)
syntax_error('specification does not match [<%d>%s]', animspec)
#unescape code
code = code.replace(esc_open, '[').replace(esc_close, ']')
return [(overlay, code) for overlay in overlays]
def expand_code_parse_animspec(animspec):
if len(animspec)<4 or not animspec.startswith('[['):
return ('simple', expand_code_parse_simpleanimspec(animspec))
(esc_open, esc_close) = expand_code_search_escape_sequences(animspec)
animspec = animspec.replace('\\[', esc_open)
animspec = animspec.replace('\\]', esc_close)
p = re.compile(r'\[|\]\[|\]')
simple_specs = map(lambda s: '[%s]'%s, filter(lambda s: len(s.strip())>0, p.split(animspec)))
simple_specs = map(lambda s: s.replace(esc_open, '\\[').replace(esc_close, '\\]'), simple_specs)
parsed_simple_specs = map(expand_code_parse_simpleanimspec, simple_specs)
#print parsed_simple_specs
unified_pss = []
for pss in parsed_simple_specs:
#print unified_pss
return ('double', unified_pss)
def expand_code_getmaxoverlay(parsed_anims):
max_overlay = 0
for anim in parsed_anims:
for spec in anim:
if spec[0] > max_overlay:
max_overlay = spec[0]
return max_overlay
def expand_code_getminoverlay(parsed_anims):
min_overlay = sys.maxint
for anim in parsed_anims:
for spec in anim:
if spec[0] < min_overlay:
min_overlay = spec[0]
if min_overlay == sys.maxint:
min_overlay = 0
return min_overlay
def expand_code_genanims(parsed_animspec, minoverlay, maxoverlay, type):
#get maximum length of code
if type=='double':
for simple_animspec in parsed_animspec:
if maxlen < len(simple_animspec[1]):
maxlen = len(simple_animspec[1])
out = []
fill = ''.join([' ' for i in xrange(0, maxlen)])
for x in xrange(minoverlay,maxoverlay+1):
for simple_animspec in parsed_animspec:
out[simple_animspec[0]-minoverlay] = simple_animspec[1]
return out
def expand_code_getname(code):
asciihextable = string.maketrans('0123456789abcdef',\
d = md5hex(code).translate(asciihextable)
return d
def expand_code_makeoverprint(names, minoverlay):
out = ['\\begin{overprint}\n']
for (index, name) in enumerate(names):
out.append(' \\onslide<%d>\\%s\n' % (index+minoverlay, name))
return ''.join(out)
def expand_code_get_unique_name(defverbs, code, lstparams):
"""generate a collision free entry in the defverbs-map and names-list"""
name = expand_code_getname(code)
expanded_code = expand_code_make_defverb(expand_code_make_lstlisting(code, lstparams), name)
rehash = ''
while name in defverbs and defverbs[name] != expanded_code:
rehash += char(random.randint(65,90)) #append a character from A-Z to rehash value
name = expanded_code_getname(code + rehash)
expanded_code = expand_code_make_defverb(expand_code_make_lstlisting(code, lstparams), name)
return (name, expanded_code)
def expand_code_segment(result, codebuffer, state):
#treat first line as params for lstlistings
lstparams = codebuffer[0]
codebuffer[0] = ''
#join lines into one string
code = ''.join(codebuffer)
#print code
#tokenize code into anim and non_anim parts
(anim, non_anim) = expand_code_tokenize_anims(code)
#print anim
#print non_anim
if len(anim)>0:
#generate multiple versions of the anim parts
parsed_anims = map(expand_code_parse_animspec, anim)
#print parsed_anims
max_overlay = expand_code_getmaxoverlay(map(lambda x: x[1], parsed_anims))
#if there is unanimated code, use 0 as the starting overlay
if len(non_anim)>0:
min_overlay = 1
min_overlay = expand_code_getminoverlay(map(lambda x: x[1], parsed_anims))
#print min_overlay
#print max_overlay
gen_anims = map(lambda x: expand_code_genanims(x[1], min_overlay, max_overlay, x[0]), parsed_anims)
#print gen_anims
anim_map = {}
for i in xrange(0,max_overlay-min_overlay+1):
anim_map[i+min_overlay] = map(lambda x: x[i], gen_anims)
#print anim_map
names = []
for overlay in sorted(anim_map.keys()):
#combine non_anim and anim parts
zipped = zip(non_anim, anim_map[overlay])
mapped = map(lambda x: x[0] + x[1], zipped)
code = ''.join(mapped)
#generate a collision free entry in the defverbs-map and names-list
(name, expanded_code) = expand_code_get_unique_name(state.defverbs, code, lstparams)
#now we have a collision free entry, append it
state.defverbs[name] = expanded_code
#append overprint area to result
overprint = expand_code_makeoverprint(names, min_overlay)
#we have no animations and can just put the defverbatim in
#remove escapings
code = code.replace('\\[', '[').replace('\\]', ']')
(name, expanded_code) = expand_code_get_unique_name(state.defverbs, code, lstparams)
state.defverbs[name] = expanded_code
result.append('\n\\%s\n' % name)
#print '----'
def expand_code_defverbs(result, state):
result[state.code_pos] = result[state.code_pos] + '\n'.join(state.defverbs.values()) + '\n'