/usr/lib/R/site-library/RNeXML/DESCRIPTION is in r-cran-rnexml 2.0.7-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | Package: RNeXML
Type: Package
Title: Semantically Rich I/O for the 'NeXML' Format
Version: 2.0.7
Authors@R: c(person("Carl", "Boettiger", role = c("cre", "aut"),
email="cboettig@gmail.com"), person("Scott", "Chamberlain", role =
"aut"), person("Hilmar", "Lapp", role = "aut"), person("Kseniia",
"Shumelchyk", role = "aut"), person("Rutger", "Vos", role = "aut"))
Description: Provides access to phyloinformatic data in 'NeXML' format. The
package should add new functionality to R such as the possibility to
manipulate 'NeXML' objects in more various and refined way and compatibility
with 'ape' objects.
URL: https://github.com/ropensci/RNeXML
BugReports: https://github.com/ropensci/RNeXML/issues
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Additional_repositories: http://packages.ropensci.org
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: rrdf (>= 2.0.2), geiger (>= 2.0), phytools (>= 0.3.93), knitr
(>= 1.5), rfigshare (>= 0.3.0), knitcitations (>= 1.0.1),
testthat (>= 0.10.0), phylobase (>= 0.6.8), rmarkdown (>=
0.3.3), Sxslt (>= 0.91)
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), ape (>= 3.1), methods (>= 3.0.0)
Imports: XML (>= 3.95), plyr (>= 1.8), taxize (>= 0.2.2), reshape2 (>=
1.2.2), httr (>= 0.3), uuid (>= 0.1-1), dplyr (>= 0.4.0),
lazyeval (>= 0.1.0), tidyr (>= 0.3.1), stringr (>= 1.0)
Collate: 'classes.R' 'add_basic_meta.R' 'add_characters.R' 'add_meta.R'
'add_namespaces.R' 'add_trees.R' 'character_classes.R'
'concatenate_nexml.R' 'deprecated.R' 'get_basic_metadata.R'
'get_characters.R' 'get_level.R' 'get_metadata.R'
'get_namespaces.R' 'get_rdf.R' 'get_taxa.R' 'get_taxa_meta.R'
'get_trees.R' 'internal_get_node_maps.R' 'internal_isEmpty.R'
'internal_name_by_id.R' 'internal_nexml_id.R' 'meta.R'
'nexmlTree.R' 'nexml_add.R' 'nexml_get.R' 'nexml_methods.R'
'nexml_publish.R' 'nexml_read.R' 'nexml_validate.R'
'nexml_write.R' 'simmap.R' 'taxize_nexml.R' 'tbl_df.R'
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-06-28 18:42:28 UTC; root
Author: Carl Boettiger [cre, aut],
Scott Chamberlain [aut],
Hilmar Lapp [aut],
Kseniia Shumelchyk [aut],
Rutger Vos [aut]
Maintainer: Carl Boettiger <cboettig@gmail.com>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-06-28 23:36:34
Built: R 3.4.2; ; 'Mon, 02 Oct 2017 21:56:01 +0200'; unix