/usr/lib/R/site-library/prettyunits/README.Rmd is in r-cran-prettyunits 1.0.2-2.
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comment = "##>",
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# prettyunits
The `prettyunits` package formats quantities in human readable form. Currently
time units and information (i.e. bytes) are supported.
## Installation
You can install the package from github:
```{r eval = FALSE}
## Bytes
`pretty_bytes` formats number of bytes in a human readable way:
Here is a simple function that emulates the Unix `ls` command, with
nicely formatted file sizes:
uls <- function(path = ".") {
files <- dir(path)
info <- files %>%
lapply(file.info) %>%
do.call(what = rbind)
info$size <- pretty_bytes(info$size)
df <- data.frame(d = ifelse(info$isdir, "d", " "),
mode = as.character(info$mode), user = info$uname, group = info$grname,
size = ifelse(info$isdir, "", info$size), modified = info$mtime, name = files)
print(df, row.names = FALSE)
## Time intervals
`pretty_ms` formats a time interval given in milliseconds. `pretty_sec` does
the same for seconds, and `pretty_dt` for `difftime` objects. The optional
`compact` argument turns on a compact, approximate format.
pretty_ms(c(1337, 13370, 133700, 1337000, 1337000000))
pretty_ms(c(1337, 13370, 133700, 1337000, 1337000000),
compact = TRUE)
pretty_sec(c(1337, 13370, 133700, 1337000, 13370000))
pretty_sec(c(1337, 13370, 133700, 1337000, 13370000),
compact = TRUE)
## Vague time intervals
`vague_dt` and `time_ago` formats time intervals using a vague format,
omitting smaller units. They both have three formats: `default`, `short` and `terse`.
`vague_dt` takes a `difftime` object, and `time_ago` works relatively to the
specified date.
vague_dt(format = "short", as.difftime(30, units = "secs"))
vague_dt(format = "short", as.difftime(14, units = "mins"))
vague_dt(format = "short", as.difftime(5, units = "hours"))
vague_dt(format = "short", as.difftime(25, units = "hours"))
vague_dt(format = "short", as.difftime(5, units = "days"))
now <- Sys.time()
time_ago(now - as.difftime(30, units = "secs"))
time_ago(now - as.difftime(14, units = "mins"))
time_ago(now - as.difftime(5, units = "hours"))
time_ago(now - as.difftime(25, units = "hours"))