/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bumps/partemp.py is in python3-bumps 0.7.6-3.
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# Author: Paul Kienzle
Parallel tempering for continuous function optimization and uncertainty analysis.
The program performs Markov chain Monte Carlo exploration of a probability
density function using a combination of random and differential evolution
from __future__ import division, print_function
__all__ = ["parallel_tempering"]
import numpy as np
from numpy import asarray, zeros, ones, exp, diff, std, inf, \
array, nonzero, sqrt, zeros_like
from numpy.linalg import norm
from numpy.random import rand, randn, randint, permutation
def every_ten(step, x, fx, P, E):
if step % 10:
print(step, fx[step], x[step])
def parallel_tempering(nllf, p, bounds, T=None, steps=1000,
CR=0.9, burn=1000,
Perform a MCMC walk using multiple temperatures in parallel.
*nllf* : function(vector) -> float
Negative log likelihood function to be minimized. $\chi^2/2$ is a
good choice for curve fitting with no prior restraints on the possible
input parameters.
*p* : vector
Initial value
*bounds* : vector, vector
Box constraints on the parameter values. No support for indefinite
or semi-definite programming at present
*T* : vector | 0 < T[0] < T[1] < ...
Temperature vector. Something like logspace(-1,1,10) will give
you 10 logarithmically spaced temperatures between 0.1 and 10. The
maximum temperature T[-1] determines the size of the barriers that
can be easily jumped. Note that the number of temperature values
limits the amount of parallelism available in the algorithm, so it
may gather statistics more quickly, though it will not necessarily
converge any faster.
*steps* = 1000 : int
Length of the accumulation vector. The returned history will store
this many values for each temperature. These values can be used in
a weighted histogram to determine parameter uncertainty.
*burn* = 1000 : int | [0,inf)
Number of iterations to perform in addition to steps. Only the
last *steps* points will be preserved for each temperature. Since
value should be in the same order as *steps* to be sure that the
full history is acquired.
*CR* = 0.9 : float | [0,1]
Cross-over ratio. This is the differential evolution crossover
ratio to use when computing step size and direction. Use a small
value to step through the dimensions one at a time, or a large value
to step through all at once.
*monitor* = every_ten : function(int step, vector x, float fx) -> None
Function to called at every iteration with the step number the
best point and the best value.
*logfile* = None : string
Name of the file which will log the history of every accepted step.
Note that this includes all of the burn steps, so it can get very
*history* : History
Structure containing *best*, *best_point* and *buffer*. *best* is
the best nllf value seen and *best_point* is the parameter vector
which yielded *best*. The list *buffer* contains lists of tuples
(step, temperature, nllf, x) for each temperature.
N = len(T)
history = History(logfile=logfile, streams=N, size=steps)
bounder = ReflectBounds(*bounds)
#stepper = RandStepper(bounds, tol=0.2/T[-1])
stepper = Stepper(bounds, history)
dT = diff(1. / asarray(T))
P = asarray([p] * N) # Points
E = ones(N) * nllf(p) # Values
history.save(step=0, temperature=T, energy=E, point=P)
total_accept = zeros(N)
total_swap = zeros(N - 1)
with np.errstate(over='ignore'):
for step in range(1, steps + burn):
# Take a step
R = rand()
if step < 20 or R < 0.2:
#action = 'jiggle'
Pnext = [stepper.jiggle(p, 0.01 * t / T[-1]) for p, t in zip(P, T)]
elif R < 0.4:
#action = 'direct'
Pnext = [stepper.direct(p, i) for i, p in enumerate(P)]
#action = 'diffev'
Pnext = [stepper.diffev(p, i, CR=CR) for i, p in enumerate(P)]
# Test constraints
Pnext = asarray([bounder.apply(p) for p in Pnext])
# Temperature dependent Metropolis update
Enext = asarray([nllf(p) for p in Pnext])
accept = exp(-(Enext - E) / T) > rand(N)
# print step,action
# print "dP"," ".join("%.6f"%norm((pn-p)/stepper.step) for pn,p in zip(P,Pnext))
# print "dE"," ".join("%.1f"%(en-e) for en,e in zip(E,Enext))
# print "En"," ".join("%.1f"%e for e in Enext)
# print "accept",accept
E[accept] = Enext[accept]
P[accept] = Pnext[accept]
total_accept += accept
# Accumulate history for population based methods
history.save(step, temperature=T, energy=E, point=P, changed=accept)
# print "best",history.best
# Swap chains across temperatures
# Note that we are are shuffling from high to low so that if a good
# point is found at a high temperature which push it immediately as
# low as we can go rather than risk losing it at the next high temp
# step.
swap = zeros(N - 1)
for i in range(N - 2, -1, -1):
# print "swap",E[i+1]-E[i],dT[i],exp((E[i+1]-E[i])*dT[i])
if exp((E[i + 1] - E[i]) * dT[i]) > rand():
swap[i] = 1
E[i + 1], E[i] = E[i], E[i + 1]
P[i + 1], P[i] = P[i] + 0, P[i + 1] + 0
total_swap += swap
#assert nllf(P[0]) == E[0]
# Monitoring
monitor(step, history.best_point, history.best, P, E)
interval = 100
if 0 and step % interval == 0:
print("max r",
max(["%.1f" % norm(p - P[0]) for p in P[1:]]))
# print "min AR",argmin(total_accept),min(total_accept)
# print "min SR",argmin(total_swap),min(total_swap)
print("AR", total_accept)
print("SR", total_swap)
print("s(d)", [int(std([p[i] for p in P]))
for i in (3, 7, 11, -1)])
total_accept *= 0
total_swap *= 0
return history
class History(object):
def __init__(self, streams=None, size=1000, logfile=None):
# Allocate buffers
self.size = size
self.buffer = [[] for _ in range(streams)]
# Prepare log file
if logfile is not None:
self.log = open(logfile, 'w')
print("# Step Temperature Energy Point", file=self.log)
self.log = None
# Track the optimum
self.best = inf
def save(self, step, temperature, energy, point, changed=None):
if changed is None:
changed = ones(len(temperature), 'b')
for i, a in enumerate(changed):
if a:
step, i, temperature[i], energy[i], point[i] + 0)
def _save_point(self, step, i, T, E, P):
# Save in buffer
S = self.buffer[i]
if len(S) >= self.size:
if len(S) > 0:
# print "P",P
# print "S",S[-1][3]
assert norm(P - S[-1][3]) != 0
S.append((step, T, E, P))
# print "stream",i,"now len",len(S)
# Track of the optimum
if E < self.best:
self.best = E
self.best_point = P
# Log to file
if self.log:
point_str = " ".join("%.6g" % v for v in P)
print(step, T, E, point_str, file=self.log)
def draw(self, stream, k):
Return a list of k items drawn from the given stream.
If the stream is too short, fewer than n items may be returned.
S = self.buffer[stream]
n = len(S)
return [S[i] for i in choose(n, k)] if n > k else S[:]
class Stepper(object):
def __init__(self, bounds, history):
low, high = bounds
self.offset = low
self.step = (high - low)
self.history = history
def diffev(self, p, stream, CR=0.8, noise=0.05):
if len(self.history.buffer[stream]) < 20:
# print "jiggling",stream,stream,len(self.history.buffer[stream])
return self.jiggle(p, 1e-6)
# Ideas incorporated from DREAM by Vrugt
N = len(p)
# Select to number of vector pair differences to use in update
# using k ~ discrete U[1,max pairs]
k = randint(4) + 1
# Select 2*k members at random
parents = [v[3] for v in self.history.draw(stream, 2 * k)]
k = len(parents) // 2 # May not have enough parents
pop = array(parents)
# print "k",k
# print "parents",parents
# print "pop",pop
# Select the dims to update based on the crossover ratio, making
# sure at least one significant dim is selected
while True:
vars = nonzero(rand(N) < CR)
if len(vars) == 0:
vars = [randint(N)]
step = np.sum(pop[:k] - pop[k:], axis=0)
if norm(step[vars]) > 0:
# Weight the size of the jump inversely proportional to the
# number of contributions, both from the parameters being
# updated and from the population defining the step direction.
gamma = 2.38 / sqrt(2 * len(vars) * k)
# Apply that step with F scaling and noise
eps = 1 + noise * (2 * rand(N) - 1)
# print "j",j
# print "gamma",gamma
# print "step",step.shape
# print "vars",vars.shape
delta = zeros_like(p)
delta[vars] = gamma * (eps * step)[vars]
assert norm(delta) != 0
return p + delta
def direct(self, p, stream):
if len(self.history.buffer[stream]) < 20:
# print "jiggling",stream,len(self.history.buffer[stream])
return self.jiggle(p, 1e-6)
pair = self.history.draw(stream, 2)
delta = pair[0][3] - pair[1][3]
if norm(delta) == 0:
print("direct should never return identical points!!")
return self.random(p)
assert norm(delta) != 0
return p + delta
def jiggle(self, p, noise):
delta = randn(len(p)) * self.step * noise
assert norm(delta) != 0
return p + delta
def random(self, p):
delta = rand(len(p)) * self.step + self.offset
assert norm(delta) != 0
return p + delta
def subspace_jiggle(self, p, noise, k):
n = len(self.step)
if n < k:
idx = slice(None)
k = n
idx = choose(n, k)
delta = zeros_like(p)
delta[idx] = randn(k) * self.step[idx] * noise
assert norm(delta) != 0
return p + delta
class ReflectBounds(object):
Reflect parameter values into bounded region
def __init__(self, low, high):
self.low, self.high = [asarray(v, 'd') for v in (low, high)]
def apply(self, y):
Update x so all values lie within bounds
Returns x for convenience. E.g., y = bounds.apply(x+0)
minn, maxn = self.low, self.high
# Reflect points which are out of bounds
idx = y < minn
y[idx] = 2 * minn[idx] - y[idx]
idx = y > maxn
y[idx] = 2 * maxn[idx] - y[idx]
# Randomize points which are still out of bounds
idx = (y < minn) | (y > maxn)
y[idx] = minn[idx] + rand(sum(idx)) * (maxn[idx] - minn[idx])
return y
def choose(n, k):
Return an array of k things selected from a pool of n without replacement.
# At k == n/4, need to draw an extra 15% to get k unique draws
if k > n / 4 or n < 100:
idx = permutation(n)[:k]
s = set(randint(n, size=k))
while len(s) < k:
idx = array([si for si in s])
if len(set(idx)) != len(idx):
print("choose(n,k) contains dups!!", n, k)
return idx