/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rhn/SSL.py is in python-rhn 2.5.72-1.
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# Higher-level SSL objects used by rpclib
# Copyright (c) 2002--2012 Red Hat, Inc.
# Author: Mihai Ibanescu <misa@redhat.com>
# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
# permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
# OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
# individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
# including the two.
# You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
# for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
# file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
# version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
# do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
# version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
# files in the program, then also delete it here.
rhn.SSL builds an abstraction on top of the objects provided by pyOpenSSL
from OpenSSL import SSL
# SSL.crypto is provided to other modules
from OpenSSL import crypto
import os
import socket
import select
class SSLSocket:
Class that wraps a pyOpenSSL Connection object, adding more methods
def __init__(self, socket, trusted_certs=None):
# SSL.Context object
self._ctx = None
# SSL.Connection object
self._connection = None
self._sock = socket
self._trusted_certs = []
# convert None to empty list
trusted_certs = trusted_certs or []
for f in trusted_certs:
# SSL method to use
self._ssl_method = SSL.SSLv23_METHOD
# Flags to pass to the SSL layer
self._ssl_verify_flags = SSL.VERIFY_PEER
# Buffer size for reads
self._buffer_size = 8192
# Position, for tell()
self._pos = 0
# Buffer
self._buffer = ""
# Flag to show if makefile() was called
self._makefile_called = 0
self._closed = None
def add_trusted_cert(self, file):
Adds a trusted certificate to the certificate store of the SSL context
if not os.access(file, os.R_OK):
raise ValueError, "Unable to read certificate file %s" % file
def init_ssl(self):
Initializes the SSL connection.
# Get a context
self._ctx = SSL.Context(self._ssl_method)
if self._trusted_certs:
# We have been supplied with trusted CA certs
for f in self._trusted_certs:
# Reset the verify flags
self._ssl_verify_flags = 0
self._ctx.set_verify(self._ssl_verify_flags, ssl_verify_callback)
# Certain SSL implementations break when empty fragments are
# initially sent (even if sending them is compliant to
# SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 specs). Play it safe and disable this
# feature (openssl 0.9.6e and later)
# Init the connection
self._connection = SSL.Connection(self._ctx, self._sock)
# Place the connection in client mode
def makefile(self, mode, bufsize=None):
Returns self, since we are a file-like object already
if bufsize:
self._buffer_size = bufsize
# Increment the counter with the number of times we've called makefile
# - we don't want close to actually close things until all the objects
# that originally called makefile() are gone
self._makefile_called = self._makefile_called + 1
return self
def close(self):
Closes the SSL connection
# XXX Normally sock.makefile does a dup() on the socket file
# descriptor; httplib relies on this, but there is no dup for an ssl
# connection; so we have to count how may times makefile() was called
if self._closed:
# Nothing to do
if not self._makefile_called:
self._makefile_called = self._makefile_called - 1
def _really_close(self):
self._closed = 1
def _check_closed(self):
if self._closed:
raise ValueError, "I/O operation on closed file"
def __getattr__(self, name):
if hasattr(self._connection, name):
return getattr(self._connection, name)
raise AttributeError, name
# File methods
def isatty(self):
Returns false always.
return 0
def tell(self):
return self._pos
def seek(self, pos, mode=0):
raise NotImplementedError, "seek"
def read(self, amt=None):
Reads up to amt bytes from the SSL connection.
# Initially, the buffer size is the default buffer size.
# Unfortunately, pending() does not return meaningful data until
# recv() is called, so we only adjust the buffer size after the
# first read
buffer_size = self._buffer_size
buffer_length = len(self._buffer)
# Read only the specified amount of data
while buffer_length < amt or amt is None:
# if amt is None (read till the end), fills in self._buffer
if amt is not None:
buffer_size = min(amt - buffer_length, buffer_size)
data = self._connection.recv(buffer_size)
self._buffer = self._buffer + data
buffer_length = len(self._buffer)
# More bytes to read?
pending = self._connection.pending()
if pending == 0:
# we're done here
except SSL.ZeroReturnError:
# Nothing more to be read
except SSL.SysCallError, e:
print "SSL exception", e.args
except SSL.WantWriteError:
self._poll(select.POLLOUT, 'read')
except SSL.WantReadError:
self._poll(select.POLLIN, 'read')
if amt:
ret = self._buffer[:amt]
self._buffer = self._buffer[amt:]
ret = self._buffer
self._buffer = ""
self._pos = self._pos + len(ret)
return ret
def _poll(self, filter_type, caller_name):
poller = select.poll()
poller.register(self._sock, filter_type)
res = poller.poll(self._sock.gettimeout() * 1000)
if res == []:
raise TimeoutException, "Connection timed out on %s" % caller_name
def write(self, data):
Writes to the SSL connection.
# XXX Should use sendall
# sent = self._connection.sendall(data)
origlen = len(data)
while True:
sent = self._connection.send(data)
if sent == len(data):
data = data[sent:]
except SSL.WantWriteError:
self._poll(select.POLLOUT, 'write')
except SSL.WantReadError:
self._poll(select.POLLIN, 'write')
return origlen
def recv(self, amt):
return self.read(amt)
send = write
sendall = write
def readline(self, length=None):
Reads a single line (up to `length' characters long) from the SSL
while True:
# charcount contains the number of chars to be outputted (or None
# if none to be outputted at this time)
charcount = None
i = self._buffer.find('\n')
if i >= 0:
# Go one char past newline
charcount = i + 1
elif length and len(self._buffer) >= length:
charcount = length
if charcount is not None:
ret = self._buffer[:charcount]
self._buffer = self._buffer[charcount:]
self._pos = self._pos + len(ret)
return ret
# Determine the number of chars to be read next
bufsize = self._buffer_size
if length:
# we know length > len(self._buffer)
bufsize = min(self._buffer_size, length - len(self._buffer))
data = self._connection.recv(bufsize)
self._buffer = self._buffer + data
except SSL.ZeroReturnError:
# Nothing more to be read
except SSL.WantWriteError:
self._poll(select.POLLOUT, 'readline')
except SSL.WantReadError:
self._poll(select.POLLIN, 'readline')
# We got here if we're done reading, so return everything
ret = self._buffer
self._buffer = ""
self._pos = self._pos + len(ret)
return ret
def ssl_verify_callback(conn, cert, errnum, depth, ok):
Verify callback, which will be called for each certificate in the
certificate chain.
# Nothing by default
return ok
class TimeoutException(SSL.Error, socket.timeout):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.args = args
def __str__(self):
return "Timeout Exception"