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# Copyright (c) 2014, 2015
# Author(s):
# Panu Lahtinen <pnuu+git@iki.fi>
# This file is part of mpop.
# mpop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# mpop is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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'''Helper functions for eg. performing Sun zenith angle correction.
import numpy as np
def sunzen_corr_cos(data, cos_zen, limit=80.):
'''Perform Sun zenith angle correction to the given *data* using
cosine of the zenith angle (*cos_zen*). The correction is limited
to *limit* degrees (default: 80.0 degrees). For larger zenith
angles, the correction is the same as at the *limit*. Both *data*
and *cos_zen* are given as 2-dimensional Numpy arrays or Numpy
MaskedArrays, and they should have equal shapes.
# Convert the zenith angle limit to cosine of zenith angle
cos_limit = np.cos(np.radians(limit))
# Cosine correction
lim_y, lim_x = np.where(cos_zen > cos_limit)
data[lim_y, lim_x] /= cos_zen[lim_y, lim_x]
# Use constant value (the limit) for larger zenith
# angles
lim_y, lim_x = np.where(cos_zen <= cos_limit)
data[lim_y, lim_x] /= cos_limit
return data
def estimate_cth(IR_108, cth_atm="standard"):
Estimation of the cloud top height using the 10.8 micron channel
limitations: this is the most simple approach
a simple fit of the ir108 to the temperature profile
* no correction for water vapour or any other trace gas
* no viewing angle dependency
* no correction for semi-transparent clouds
optional input:
cth_atm * "standard", "tropics", "midlatitude summer", "midlatitude winter", "subarctic summer", "subarctic winter"
Matching the 10.8 micron temperature with atmosphere profile
(s) AFGL atmospheric constituent profile. U.S. standard atmosphere 1976. (AFGL-TR-86-0110)
(t) AFGL atmospheric constituent profile. tropical. (AFGL-TR-86-0110)
(mw) AFGL atmospheric constituent profile. midlatitude summer. (AFGL-TR-86-0110)
(ms) AFGL atmospheric constituent profile. midlatitude winter. (AFGL-TR-86-0110)
(ss) AFGL atmospheric constituent profile. subarctic summer. (AFGL-TR-86-0110)
(sw) AFGL atmospheric constituent profile. subarctic winter. (AFGL-TR-86-0110)
Ulrich Hamann (MeteoSwiss)
* "tropopause"
Assuming a fixed tropopause height and a fixed temperature gradient
Richard Mueller (DWD)
parallax corrected channel
the content of the channel will be parallax corrected.
The name of the new channel will be
*original_chan.name+'_PC'*, eg. "IR_108_PC". This name is
also stored to the info dictionary of the originating channel.
Versions: 05.07.2016 initial version
Ulrich Hamann (MeteoSwiss), Richard Mueller (DWD)
print "*** estimating CTH using the 10.8 micro meter brightness temperature "
if cth_atm.lower() != "tropopause":
# define atmospheric temperature profile
import os
from numpy import loadtxt, zeros, where, logical_and
import mpop
mpop_dir = os.path.dirname(mpop.__file__)
afgl_file = mpop_dir+"/afgl.dat"
print "... assume ", cth_atm, " atmosphere for temperature profile"
if cth_atm.lower()=="standard" or cth_atm.lower()=="s":
z, T = loadtxt(afgl_file, usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True, comments="#")
elif cth_atm.lower()=="tropics" or cth_atm.lower()=="t":
z, T = loadtxt(afgl_file, usecols=(0, 2), unpack=True, comments="#")
elif cth_atm.lower()=="midlatitude summer" or cth_atm.lower()=="ms":
z, T = loadtxt(afgl_file, usecols=(0, 3), unpack=True, comments="#")
elif cth_atm.lower()=="midlatitude winter" or cth_atm.lower()=="ws":
z, T = loadtxt(afgl_file, usecols=(0, 4), unpack=True, comments="#")
elif cth_atm.lower()=="subarctic summer" or cth_atm.lower()=="ss":
z, T = loadtxt(afgl_file, usecols=(0, 5), unpack=True, comments="#")
elif cth_atm.lower()=="subarctic winter" or cth_atm.lower()=="ss":
z, T = loadtxt(afgl_file, usecols=(0, 6), unpack=True, comments="#")
print "*** Error in estimate_cth (mpop/tools.py)"
print "unknown temperature profiel for CTH estimation: cth_atm = ", cth_atm
height = zeros(IR_108.shape)
# warmer than lowest level -> clear sky
height[where(IR_108 > T[-1])] = -1.
print " z0(km) z1(km) T0(K) T1(K) number of pixels"
print "------------------------------------------------------"
for i in range(z.size)[::-1]:
# search for temperatures between layer i-1 and i
ind = np.where( logical_and( T[i-1]< IR_108, IR_108 < T[i]) )
# interpolate CTH according to ir108 temperature
height[ind] = z[i] + (IR_108[ind]-T[i])/(T[i-1]-T[i]) * (z[i-1]-z[i])
# verbose output
print " {0:8.1f} {1:8.1f} {2:8.1f} {3:8.1f} {4:8d}".format(z[i], z[i-1], T[i], T[i-1], len(ind[0]))
# if temperature increases above 8km -> tropopause detected
if z[i]>=8. and T[i] <= T[i-1]:
# no cloud above tropopose
# no cloud heights above 20km
if z[i]>=20.:
# if height is still 0 -> cloud colder than tropopause -> cth == tropopause height
height[np.where( height == 0 )] = z[i]
Htropo=11.0 # km
# this is an assumption it should be optimized
# by making it dependent on region and season.
# It might be good to include the ITC in the
# region of interest, that would make a fixed Htropo
# value more reliable.
Tmin = np.amin(IR_108)
# for Tmin it might be better to use the 5th or 10th percentile
# else overshoting tops induces further uncertainties
# in the calculation of the cloud height.
# However numpy provides weird results for 5th percentile.
# Hence, for the working version the minima is used
print "... assume tropopause height ", Htropo, ", tropopause temperature ", Tmin, "K (", Tmin-273.16, "deg C)"
print " and constant temperature gradient 6.5 K/km"
height = -(IR_108 - Tmin)/6.5 + Htropo
# calculation of the height, the temperature gradient
# 6.5 K/km is an assumption
# derived from USS and MPI standard profiles. It
# has to be improved as well
# convert to masked array
# convert form km to meter
height = np.ma.masked_where(height <= 0, height, copy=False) * 1000.
if False:
from trollimage.image import Image as trollimage
from trollimage.colormap import rainbow
from copy import deepcopy
# cloud top height
prop = height
min_data = prop.min()
max_data = prop.max()
print " estimated CTH(meter) (min/max): ", min_data, max_data
min_data = 0
max_data = 12000
colormap = deepcopy(rainbow)
colormap.set_range(min_data, max_data)
img = trollimage(prop, mode="L") #, fill_value=[0,0,0]
# return cloud top height in meter
return height
def viewzen_corr(data, view_zen):
"""Apply atmospheric correction on the given *data* using the
specified satellite zenith angles (*view_zen*). Both input data
are given as 2-dimensional Numpy (masked) arrays, and they should
have equal shapes.
The *data* array will be changed in place and has to be copied before.
def ratio(value, v_null, v_ref):
return (value - v_null) / (v_ref - v_null)
def tau0(t):
T_0 = 210.0
T_REF = 320.0
TAU_REF = 9.85
return (1 + TAU_REF)**ratio(t, T_0, T_REF) - 1
def tau(t):
T_0 = 170.0
T_REF = 295.0
TAU_REF = 1.0
M = 4
return TAU_REF * ratio(t, T_0, T_REF)**M
def delta(z):
Z_0 = 0.0
Z_REF = 70.0
return (1 + DELTA_REF)**ratio(z, Z_0, Z_REF) - 1
y0, x0 = np.ma.where(view_zen == 0)
data[y0, x0] += tau0(data[y0, x0])
y, x = np.ma.where((view_zen > 0) & (view_zen < 90) & (~data.mask))
data[y, x] += tau(data[y, x]) * delta(view_zen[y, x])