/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/astroplan/utils.py is in python-astroplan 0.4-2.
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from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
# Standard library
import warnings
# Third-party
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.data import download_file, clear_download_cache
from astropy.utils import iers
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.utils.data import _get_download_cache_locs, CacheMissingWarning
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
# Package
from .exceptions import OldEarthOrientationDataWarning
__all__ = ["get_IERS_A_or_workaround", "download_IERS_A",
"time_grid_from_range", "_set_mpl_style_sheet",
IERS_A_WARNING = ("For best precision (on the order of arcseconds), you must "
"download an up-to-date IERS Bulletin A table. To do so, run:"
">>> from astroplan import download_IERS_A\n"
">>> download_IERS_A()\n")
BACKUP_Time_get_delta_ut1_utc = Time._get_delta_ut1_utc
def _low_precision_utc_to_ut1(self, jd1, jd2):
When no IERS Bulletin A is available (no internet connection), use low
precision time conversion by assuming UT1-UTC=0 always.
This method mimics `~astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.utils.get_dut1utc`
if self.mjd*u.day not in iers.IERS_Auto.open()['MJD']:
warnings.warn(IERS_A_WARNING, OldEarthOrientationDataWarning)
return self.delta_ut1_utc
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
warnings.warn(IERS_A_WARNING, OldEarthOrientationDataWarning)
return np.zeros(self.shape)
def get_IERS_A_or_workaround():
Get the cached IERS Bulletin A table if one exists. If one does not exist,
monkey patch `~astropy.time.Time._get_delta_ut1_utc` so that
`~astropy.time.Time` objects don't raise errors by computing UT1-UTC off
the end of the IERS table.
if IERS_A_in_cache():
iers.IERS.iers_table = _get_IERS_A_table()
Time._get_delta_ut1_utc = _low_precision_utc_to_ut1
def IERS_A_in_cache():
Check if the IERS Bulletin A table is locally cached.
url_key = iers.IERS_A_URL
# The below code which accesses ``urlmapfn`` is stolen from
# astropy.utils.data.download_file()
dldir, urlmapfn = _get_download_cache_locs()
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
msg = 'Remote data cache could not be accessed due to '
estr = '' if len(e.args) < 1 else (': ' + str(e))
warnings.warn(CacheMissingWarning(msg + e.__class__.__name__ + estr))
return False
with _open_shelve(urlmapfn, True) as url2hash:
# TODO: try to figure out how to test this in the unicode case
if str(url_key) in url2hash:
return True
return False
def _get_IERS_A_table(warn_update=14*u.day):
Grab the locally cached copy of the IERS Bulletin A table. Check to see
if it's up to date, and warn the user if it is not.
This will fail and raise OSError if the file is not in the cache.
if IERS_A_in_cache():
table = iers.IERS_Auto.open()
# Use polar motion flag to identify last observation before predictions
index_of_last_observation = ''.join(table['PolPMFlag_A']).index('IP')
time_of_last_observation = Time(table['MJD'][index_of_last_observation],
time_since_last_update = Time.now() - time_of_last_observation
# If the IERS bulletin is more than `warn_update` days old, warn user
if warn_update < time_since_last_update:
warnmsg = ("Your version of the IERS Bulletin A is {:.1f} days "
"old. ".format(time_since_last_update.to(u.day).value) +
warnings.warn(warnmsg, OldEarthOrientationDataWarning)
return table
raise OSError("No IERS A table has been downloaded.")
def download_IERS_A(show_progress=True):
Download and cache the IERS Bulletin A table.
If one is already cached, download a new one and overwrite the old. Store
table in the astropy cache, and undo the monkey patching done by
show_progress : bool
`True` shows a progress bar during the download.
if IERS_A_in_cache():
local_iers_a_path = download_file(iers.IERS_A_URL, cache=True,
# Undo monkey patch set up by get_IERS_A_or_workaround
iers.IERS.iers_table = iers.IERS_A.open(local_iers_a_path)
Time._get_delta_ut1_utc = BACKUP_Time_get_delta_ut1_utc
def time_grid_from_range(time_range, time_resolution=0.5*u.hour):
Get linearly-spaced sequence of times.
time_range : `~astropy.time.Time` (length = 2)
Lower and upper bounds on time sequence.
time_resolution : `~astropy.units.quantity` (optional)
Time-grid spacing
times : `~astropy.time.Time`
Linearly-spaced sequence of times
start_time, end_time = time_range
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("time_range should have a length of 2: lower and "
"upper bounds on the time sequence.")
return Time(np.arange(start_time.jd, end_time.jd,
time_resolution.to(u.day).value), format='jd')
def _mock_remote_data():
Apply mocks (i.e. monkey-patches) to avoid the need for internet access
for certain things.
This is currently called in `astroplan/conftest.py` when the tests are run
and the `--remote-data` option isn't used.
The way this setup works is that for functionality that usually requires
internet access, but has mocks in place, it is possible to write the test
without adding a `@remote_data` decorator, and `py.test` will do the right
thing when running the tests:
1. Access the internet and use the normal code if `--remote-data` is used
2. Not access the internet and use the mock code if `--remote-data` is not used
Both of these cases are tested on travis-ci.
from .target import FixedTarget
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
if not hasattr(FixedTarget, '_real_from_name'):
FixedTarget._real_from_name = FixedTarget.from_name
FixedTarget.from_name = FixedTarget._from_name_mock
if not hasattr(EarthLocation, '_real_of_site'):
EarthLocation._real_of_site = EarthLocation.of_site
EarthLocation.of_site = EarthLocation_mock.of_site_mock
# otherwise already mocked
def _unmock_remote_data():
undo _mock_remote_data
currently unused
from .target import FixedTarget
if hasattr(FixedTarget, '_real_from_name'):
FixedTarget.from_name = FixedTarget._real_from_name
del FixedTarget._real_from_name
if hasattr(EarthLocation, '_real_of_site'):
EarthLocation.of_site = EarthLocation._real_of_site
del EarthLocation._real_of_site
# otherwise assume it's already correct
def _set_mpl_style_sheet(style_sheet):
Import matplotlib, set the style sheet to ``style_sheet`` using
the most backward compatible import pattern.
import matplotlib
def stride_array(arr, window_width):
Computes all possible sequential subarrays of arr with length = window_width
arr : array-like (length = n)
Linearly-spaced sequence
window_width : int
Number of elements in each new sub-array
strided_arr : array (shape = (n-window_width, window_width))
Linearly-spaced sequence of times
as_strided = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
new_shape = (len(arr) - window_width + 1, window_width)
strided_arr = as_strided(arr, new_shape, (arr.strides[0], arr.strides[0]))
return strided_arr
class EarthLocation_mock(EarthLocation):
Mock the EarthLocation class if no remote data for locations commonly
used in the tests.
def of_site_mock(cls, string):
subaru = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-155.4761111111111*u.deg,
lco = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-70.70166666666665*u.deg,
aao = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(149.06608611111113*u.deg,
vbo = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(78.8266*u.deg,
apo = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-105.82*u.deg,
keck = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-155.47833333333332*u.deg,
kpno = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-111.6*u.deg,
lapalma = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-17.879999*u.deg,
observatories = dict(lco=lco, subaru=subaru, aao=aao, vbo=vbo, apo=apo,
keck=keck, kpno=kpno, lapalma=lapalma)
return observatories[string.lower()]
def _open_shelve(shelffn, withclosing=False):
Opens a shelf file. If ``withclosing`` is True, it will be opened with
closing, allowing use like:
with _open_shelve('somefile',True) as s:
This workaround can be removed in favour of using shelve.open() directly
once support for Python <3.4 is dropped.
import shelve
import contextlib
shelf = shelve.open(shelffn, protocol=2)
if withclosing:
return contextlib.closing(shelf)
return shelf