/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychHardware/PsychGPUTestAndTweakGammaTables.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% PsychGPUTestAndTweakGammaTables - Test and tweak GPU hardware gamma tables.
% This function is a helper function used for high-precision display
% devices like the Bits# from CRS and DataPixx/ViewPixx/ProPixx from VPixx,
% which need identity passthrough of framebuffer pixel data to the video outputs
% without any interference by the GPU and other intermediate encoder circuitry.
% It augments functions like LoadIdentityClut, trying to cope with GPUs that
% are too broken to be fixable just by that function without any actual
% measurement of video signals.
% The function is called by toolboxes for special display output hardware
% and makes use of / calls back into hardware specific functions of that
% hardware to allow an iterative feedback loop of parameter tweaks and
% measurements to execute in order to optimize gamma tables for optimal
% pixel passthrough after other hardware-independent measures have failed.
% The routine is, e.g., used by the 'GPUEncoderTest' / 'CheckGPUSanity'
% functions of the PsychDatapixx and BitsPlusPlus functions.
% Input parameters: (Mandatory)
% 'win' = Onscreen window handle for onscreen window which displays to the
% external high precision display device.
% 'deviceType' = Type of device: 0 = VPixx Inc. Data-/View-/Pro-Pixx.
% 1 = CRS Bits#
% 'injectFault' = 1 = Intentionally setup a slightly faulty LUT to perturb
% the signal and test the tweaking procedure. 0 = Don't.
% Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
% History:
% 11/04/2013 mk Written. Consolidated from PsychDataPixx driver function
% to share all the common code for VPixx and CRS products.
% 04/15/2014 mk Shift test strip 2 rows upward for robustness against
% broken gfx-drivers. Remove try-catch hack for gamma table
% loading on MS-Windows. Doesn't help, but obscure errors.
global GL;
if nargin < 4
error('Required minimum 3 parameters missing!');
if deviceType == 0
% Open our own connection to Datapixx:
devName = 'PsychDataPixx';
% Repeat each measurement 60 times on DataPixx:
numRescans = 60;
if deviceType == 1
devName = 'BitsPlusPlus';
% Retrieve IOPort handle to Bits# serial port connection:
bitsSharpPort = varargin{1};
% Repeat each measurement 20 times on Bits# to compensate for its
% slow readback:
numRescans = 20;
% Switch to Bits# status screen before pixel readback. Why? Pixel readback would
% implicitely switch to status screen if it is not already active, but this
% switch takes multiple seconds and causes instable operation of pixel readback,
% ie., it delays readback and can cause timeouts in our readback code.
% We prevent this by switching beforehand and giving it more than enough time to
% stabilize:
fprintf('%s: INFO: Switching Bits# into diagnostic mode. Will take about 5 seconds...\n', devName);
IOPort('Write', bitsSharpPort, ['$statusScreen' char(13)]);
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 5);
% Set to 1 for fault injection to test the procedure:
if injectFault
fprintf('%s: INFO: Injecting perturbed gamma table to self-test my tweaking abilities...\n', devName);
oldlut = Screen('ReadNormalizedGammaTable', win);
Screen('LoadNormalizedGammaTable', win, oldlut * 0.95);
%Screen('LoadNormalizedGammaTable', win, rand(size(oldlut)));
% Build 256 pixel level RGB test gradient:
testdata = uint8(zeros(3, 256));
testdata(:,:) = uint8(repmat(0:255, 3, 1));
% Clear the onscreen window to black and set its clear color to black.
Screen('FillRect', win, 0);
% Wait at least two video refresh cycles to make sure the LUT's in the
% GPU have stabilized:
if deviceType == 0
% DataPixx: Wait for two vsync pulses:
% Other: Just wait for approximately 2 refresh durations:
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 2 * Screen('GetFlipInterval', win));
% At this point the GPU gamma tables should be already loaded with an
% identity LUT via LoadIdentityClut(). The GL struct and moglcore are
% initialized so we can use low-level glXXX commands.
% Testing loop: Will display the horizontal test gradient in the top
% scanline of the display, then read it back from the device. If
% everything works correctly then the readback gradient should match
% the drawn gradient. A mismatch means that either the gamma tables are
% not loaded with a proper identity LUT, or that some kind of
% spatio-temporal display dithering is active and interfering.
% We can try to auto-correct for wrong identity LUT's with our iterative
% correction loop. It will tweak the gamma tables until a match is
% achieved. We can't do anything about dithering though beyond
% reporting it:
oldlut = Screen('ReadNormalizedGammaTable', win);
nrlutslots = size(oldlut, 1);
curlut = oldlut;
% We tweak gamma table elements in steps of 1/1024 units per iteration.
% As the granularity of Digital DVI-D is only 8 bits or 1/256 units,
% that means we are resolving 4 times more fine-grained than the device
% resolution on DVI. This just for safety to avoid "jumping into the
% wrong bin" due to roundoff errors in the OS/Driver. Could probably do
% more coarse-grained, but better safe than sorry...
stepsize = 1/1024;
nIter = 100;
failcount = 0;
successcount = 0;
regressioncount = 0;
fluctcount = 0;
retry = 1;
% Draw test pattern: We don't "start" drawing the 10 scanlines high
% test strip at y position 10, but already at 8, so technically the
% two topmost lines will be outside the screen. This in case some
% graphics drivers have off-by-one or off-by-two y position bugs, so
% we are robust against that:
glRasterPos2i(xoffset, 8);
glDrawPixels(256, 10, GL.RGB, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, repmat(testdata, 1, 10));
% Show it at next retrace:
Screen('Flip', win);
% Wait generous 5 retrace cycles in case a compositor is delaying things:
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 5 * Screen('GetFlipInterval', win));
fprintf('%s: INFO: GPU gamma table and display encoder test running. Please be patient...\n', devName);
tStart = GetSecs;
% Enter test and auto-correction loop:
while retry
while retry2 && (fluctcount < nIter)
if deviceType == 0
% Wait for next vsync pulse:
% Read back stabilized pixel data:
oldrealpixels = Datapixx('GetVideoLine', 256);
if deviceType == 1
% Wait until at least next vsync:
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 1 * Screen('GetFlipInterval', win));
% Readback 2nd topmost scanline from Bits# :
oldrealpixels = BitsPlusPlus('GetVideoLine', 256, 2);
% Repeat measurement until at least numRescans consecutive scans give
% the same value:
for i=1:numRescans
if deviceType == 0
% Wait for next vsync pulse:
% Read back stabilized pixel data:
realpixels = Datapixx('GetVideoLine', 256);
if deviceType == 1
% Wait until at least next vsync:
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 1 * Screen('GetFlipInterval', win));
% Readback 2nd topmost scanline from Bits# :
realpixels = BitsPlusPlus('GetVideoLine', 256, 2);
if any(any(int16(oldrealpixels) - int16(realpixels)))
% Difference between 1st measurement and i'th
% measurement detected. Abort scan and retry:
fluctcount = fluctcount + 1;
fprintf('%s: INFO: GPU gamma table and display encoder test running. Please be patient...\n', devName);
fprintf('Instable DVI-D signal, possibly due to dithering! Will try to fix this by iterative tweaking of gamma tables.\n');
fprintf('Iteration Nr. %i in progress. Current pixelvalues received from topmost scanline:\n\n', failcount);
if i==numRescans
if fluctcount >= nIter
% Totally unstable DVI signal. This could be due to
% (spatio-)temporal dithering being enabled on the display head
% or due to serious signal integrity issues.
fprintf('%s: INFO: No stable signal received during over %i iterations! Interference by dithering?!?\n', devName, nIter);
fluctcount = 0;
% 'realpixels' contains a measurement that has been stable for at
% least numRescans video cycles. We use this to judge the quality of the
% current GPU LUT settings and perform corrections if needed.
% Compute delta matrix to reference values: This should contain
% all-zeros on properly working GPU's:
deltavec = int16(testdata) - int16(realpixels);
% Difference?
if any(any(deltavec))
if failcount == 0
fprintf('%s: WARNING: Your GPU has a wrong identity gamma table loaded, possibly due to driver bugs.\n', devName);
fprintf('%s: WARNING: I will try to automatically compensate for this now. Please standby...\n', devName);
failcount = failcount + 1;
if successcount > 0
regressioncount = regressioncount + 1;
fprintf('%s: WARNING: %i. regression detected after tweak %i! Previously successfull setting produces wrong values now\nafter %i successfull iterations!\n', devName, regressioncount, failcount, successcount);
successcount = 0;
% Convert to double matrix and transpose to match LUT format.
% Then convert to a corrective increment of stepsize units per
% 1 pixel unit error:
deltavec = transpose(double(deltavec)) * stepsize;
% Build correction vector tweakvec: deltavec is a 256 rows by 3
% columns matrix of delta values to add to curlut for tweaking
% it to a more correct value. curlut, as read from the GPU,
% always has 3 columns for (Red, Green, Blue) just like
% deltavec, but it can have more than 256 slots on high-end
% GPU's with bigger gamma tables. E.g., the NVidia
% QuadroFX-3800 when run under Linux with the binary blob
% driver will have a 2^11 = 2048 slot lut. Therefore we need to
% "stretch" deltavec vertically so it matches the size of the
% 'curlut'. By design of the Datapixx/Bits# and DVI-D data
% transmission, we can always only compute 256 rows of
% meaningful tweaking information, therefore we simply repmat
% replicate successive rows in deltavec to blow it up to a
% matching tweakvec. This should be good enough to init the 256
% rows subset of curlut we actually care about with the tweaked
% values we found:
tweakvec = zeros(size(curlut));
chunksize = nrlutslots / 256;
for tchunk = 0:255
tweakvec((1 + (tchunk * chunksize)):((tchunk * chunksize) + chunksize), :) = repmat(deltavec(1 + tchunk, :), chunksize, 1);
% Update gamma lut:
curlut = curlut + tweakvec;
mmcount = sum(sum(deltavec ~= 0));
fprintf('%s: INFO: Gamma table tweak iteration %i. Had %i mismatching pixels. Retesting with updated LUT...\n', devName, failcount, mmcount);
% Clamp to valid 0-1 range:
curlut(curlut > 1) = 1;
curlut(curlut < 0) = 0;
% Upload modified LUT to GPU:
Screen('LoadNormalizedGammaTable', win, curlut);
% Tried too long, too hard?
if failcount > 255
% Running with non-zero rasterizer offset?
if xoffset ~= 0
% Hmm. Could be a cascade of bugs. Reset xoffset to
% zero and retry whole procedure just to be on the safe
% side:
fprintf('%s: WARNING: No success so far with rasterizeroffset %i. Retrying with zero-offset...\n', devName, xoffset);
failcount = 0;
curlut = oldlut;
Screen('LoadNormalizedGammaTable', win, oldlut);
% Draw test pattern:
Screen('Flip', win);
xoffset = 0;
glRasterPos2i(xoffset, 10);
glDrawPixels(256, 10, GL.RGB, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, repmat(testdata, 1, 10));
% Show it at next retrace:
Screen('Flip', win);
% Wait until at least next vsync:
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 1 * Screen('GetFlipInterval', win));
% Encore une fois...
% Ok, this can't be. Restore gamma table and give up:
Screen('LoadNormalizedGammaTable', win, oldlut);
% Fail:
fprintf('%s: ERROR: Did not reach a stable result after 256 tweak iterations.\n', devName);
fprintf('%s: ERROR: This is hopeless, something is seriously wrong with your GPU. I give up!\n', devName);
fprintf('%s: ERROR: One possible reason could be that (spatio-)temporal dithering is enabled for your\n', devName);
fprintf('%s: ERROR: display due to some graphics driver bug, which prevents me from converging\n', devName);
fprintf('%s: ERROR: to a stable result. Your high precision device will not be useable for high-precision\n', devName);
fprintf('%s: ERROR: color or luminance displays with this broken graphics card/driver. Fix your system!\n', devName);
if deviceType == 0
% Close our own connection to Datapixx:
varargout{1} = 1;
% No difference. Good. Let's repeat the exercise a few times to
% rule out bad interference from temporal dithering:
successcount = successcount + 1;
fprintf('%s: INFO: Posttest iteration %i passed. Good! [Total elapsed time so far %f seconds.]\n', devName, successcount, GetSecs - tStart);
if successcount >= 10
% 10 successfull consecutive repetitions. That's good
% enough for us:
retry = 0;
% Ok, we managed to get through:
Screen('Flip', win);
% How did we do?
if (successcount >= 10) && (failcount == 0)
% Purrfect! Return full success:
fprintf('%s: INFO: Online test of GPU hardware identity clut and display encoder passed after a total of %f seconds.\n', devName, GetSecs - tStart);
varargout{1} = 0;
% Got through, but with a non-zero failcount. That probably means
% that display temporal dithering is not an issue, but that the
% gamma table needed tweaking.
fprintf('%s: INFO: Managed to find a useable gamma table setting after %i tweak iterations and %f seconds. :-)\n', devName, failcount, GetSecs - tStart);
if regressioncount > 0
fprintf('%s: INFO: There were %i regressions throughout the procedure. Could be problems with active display dithering or bad signal quality?\n', devName, regressioncount);
if fluctcount == 0
fprintf('\n%s: INFO: There wasn''t any instability during the last testing cycle,\n', devName);
fprintf('%s: INFO: so harmful display dithering may be absent now and you will be probably fine.\n', devName);
fprintf('%s: INFO: I will store this LUT on your filesystem for future use.\n', devName);
if 0
fprintf('%s: INFO: The difference matrix between the original LUT and the corrected LUT looks like this:\n\n', devName);
disp(curlut - oldlut);
% Store the current gamma table LUT in a config file for later use
% by LoadIdentityClut in successive runs:
varargout{1} = 0;
if deviceType == 0
% Close our own connection to Datapixx: