/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychDemos/ImagingStereoMoviePlayer.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% ImagingStereoMoviePlayer(moviefile [,stereoMode=8] [,imaging=1] [,anaglyphmode=0] [,screenid=max])
% Minimalistic movie player for stereo movies. Reads movie from file
% 'moviefile'. Left half of each movie video frame must contain left-eye
% image, whereas right half of each frame must contain right-eye image.
% 'stereoMode' mode of presentation, defaults to mode 8 (Red-Blue
% Anaglyph). 'imaging' if set to 1, will use the Psychtoolbox imaging
% pipeline for stereo display -- allows to set gains for anaglyph stereo
% and other more advanced anaglyph algorithms.
% stereoMode 103 activates stereo display on a VR HMD.
% 'anaglyphmode' when imaging is enabled, allows to select the type of
% anaglyph algorithm:
% 0 = Standard anaglyphs.
% 1 = Gray anaglyphs.
% 2 = Half-color anaglyphs.
% 3 = Optimized color anaglyphs.
% 4 = Full color anaglyphs.
% See "help SetAnaglyphStereoParameters" for further description and references.
% 'screenid' Screen id of target display screen (on multi-display setups).
% By default, the screen with maximum id is used.
% The left image is centered on the screen, the right images position can
% be moved by moving the mouse cursor to align for inter-eye distance.
% Press any key to quit the player.
% History:
% 11.11.2007 Written (MK)
% 17.06.2013 Cleaned up (MK)
% 30.09.2015 Add VR HMD support. (MK)
if nargin < 1
error('You must at least provide the name of the movie file for stereo pair.');
if nargin < 2
stereoMode = [];
if isempty(stereoMode)
stereoMode = 8;
if nargin < 3
imaging = [];
if isempty(imaging)
imaging = 1;
if nargin < 4
anaglyphmode = [];
if isempty(anaglyphmode)
anaglyphmode = 0;
if nargin < 5
screenid = [];
if isempty(screenid)
screenid = max(Screen('Screens'));
if imaging
PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'UseVirtualFramebuffer');
if stereoMode == 103
PsychVRHMD('AutoSetupHMD', 'Stereoscopic');
stereoMode = -1;
[win, winRect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenid, 0, [], [], [], stereoMode);
[win, winRect] = Screen('OpenWindow', screenid, 0, [], [], [], stereoMode);
modestr = [];
if imaging
% Set color gains. This depends on the anaglyph mode selected:
switch stereoMode
case 6,
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('LeftGains', win, [1.0 0.0 0.0]);
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('RightGains', win, [0.0 0.6 0.0]);
case 7,
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('LeftGains', win, [0.0 0.6 0.0]);
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('RightGains', win, [1.0 0.0 0.0]);
case 8,
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('LeftGains', win, [0.4 0.0 0.0]);
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('RightGains', win, [0.0 0.2 0.7]);
case 9,
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('LeftGains', win, [0.0 0.2 0.7]);
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('RightGains', win, [0.4 0.0 0.0]);
%error('Unknown stereoMode specified.');
if stereoMode > 5 && stereoMode < 10
switch anaglyphmode
case 0,
% Default anaglyphs, nothing to do...
modestr = 'Standard anaglyphs';
case 1,
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('GrayAnaglyphMode', win);
modestr = 'Gray anaglyph rendering';
case 2,
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('HalfColorAnaglyphMode', win);
modestr = 'Half color anaglyph rendering';
case 3,
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('OptimizedColorAnaglyphMode', win);
modestr = 'Optimized color anaglyph rendering';
case 4,
SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('FullColorAnaglyphMode', win);
modestr = 'Full color anaglyph rendering';
error('Invalid anaglyphmode specified!');
overlay = SetAnaglyphStereoParameters('CreateMonoOverlay', win);
Screen('TextSize', overlay, 24);
DrawFormattedText(overlay, ['Loading file: ' moviefile ], 0, 0, [255 255 0]);
% Initial flip:
Screen('Flip', win);
% Open movie file and start playback:
movie = Screen('OpenMovie', win, moviefile);
Screen('PlayMovie', movie, 1, 1, 1);
% Position mouse on center of display:
[x , y] = RectCenter(winRect);
SetMouse(x, y, win);
% Hide mouse cursor:
% Setup variables:
tex = 0;
imgrect = [];
if ~isempty(modestr)
Screen('FillRect', overlay, [0 0 0 0]);
DrawFormattedText(overlay, ['File: ' moviefile '\nOpmode: ' modestr], 0, 0, [255 255 0]);
% Playback loop: Run until keypress or error:
while ~KbCheck && tex~=-1
% Fetch next image from movie:
tex = Screen('GetMovieImage', win, movie, 1);
% Valid image to draw?
if tex>0
% Query mouse position:
x = GetMouse(win);
% Setup drawing regions based on size of first frame:
if isempty(imgrect)
imgrect = Screen('Rect', tex) ;
imglrect = [0, 0, RectWidth(imgrect)/2, RectHeight(imgrect)];
imgrrect = [RectWidth(imgrect)/2, 0, RectWidth(imgrect), RectHeight(imgrect)];
sf = min([RectWidth(winRect)/RectWidth(imglrect) , RectHeight(winRect)/RectHeight(imglrect)]);
dstrect = ScaleRect(imglrect,sf,sf);
% Left eye image == left half of movie texture:
Screen('SelectStereoDrawBuffer', win, 0);
Screen('DrawTexture', win, tex, imglrect, CenterRect(dstrect, winRect));
Screen('SelectStereoDrawBuffer', win, 1);
% Draw right image centered on mouse position -- mouse controls image
% offsets:
Screen('DrawTexture', win, tex, imgrrect, CenterRectOnPoint(dstrect, x, y));
% Show at next retrace:
Screen('Flip', win);
% Release old image texture:
Screen('Close', tex);
tex = 0;
% Next frame...
% Done with playback:
% Show mouse cursor:
% Stop and close movie:
Screen('PlayMovie', movie, 0);
Screen('CloseMovie', movie);
% Close screen:
catch %#ok<CTCH>