/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychDemos/DotRotDemo.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% dot motion demo using SCREEN('DrawDots') subfunction
% author: Keith Schneider, 12/13/04
% mm/dd/yy
% 12/13/04 kas Wrote it.
% 1/11/05 awi Merged into Psychtoolbox.org distribution.
% -Changed name from "dot_demo" to "DotDemo" to match
% Psychtooblox conventions.
% -Changed calls to "Screen" from "SCREEN" to avoid
% case warning.
% -Added HISTORY section to comments.
% 1/13/05 awi Merged in Mario Kleiner's modifications to agree with
% his changes to Screen 'DrawDots' and also time performance:
% -Increases number of dots (ndots) by 10x
% -Decreases width dot (dot_w) from 0.3 to 0.1
% -Changed the 'OpenWindow' call to specify double
% buffers for onscreen window and 32-bit depth
% -Transpose second argument to Screen 'DrawDots'.
% Mario interchanged x&y matrix axes in this 'DrawDots'
% argument because it allows a direct copy from a MATLAB matrix
% into an OpenGL structure, without memory reordering, which
% is slow. This is controversial because the Psychtoolbox
% uniformly interprets matrix M axis (rows) as screen Y axis and
% matrix N (columns) as screen N axis. This change breaks that
% convention.
% -Add calls to GetSeccs to time performance.
% 3/22/05 mk Added code to show how to specify different color and
% size for each single dot.
% 4/23/05 mk Add call to Screen('BlendFunction') to reenable
% point-smoothing.
% 4/23/05 fwc changed color and size specifications to use 'rand',
% rather than 'random'
% differentsizes is now max size value for random size
% assigment. Decrease nr of dots when differentsizes>0
% added option to break out of loop by pressing key or
% mouse button.
% Will now default to max of screens rather than main
% screen.
% 5/31/05 mk Some modifications to use new Flip command...
% 5/21/10 kas Added rot_flag for rotational motion
% ------------------------
% set dot field parameters
% ------------------------
nframes = 1000; % number of animation frames in loop
mon_width = 39; % horizontal dimension of viewable screen (cm)
v_dist = 60; % viewing distance (cm)
dot_speed = 7; % dot speed (deg/sec)
ndots = 2000; % number of dots
max_d = 15; % maximum radius of annulus (degrees)
min_d = 1; % minumum
dot_w = 0.1; % width of dot (deg)
fix_r = 0.15; % radius of fixation point (deg)
f_kill = 0.05; % fraction of dots to kill each frame (limited lifetime)
differentcolors =1; % Use a different color for each point if == 1. Use common color white if == 0.
differentsizes = 2; % Use different sizes for each point if >= 1. Use one common size if == 0.
waitframes = 1; % Show new dot-images at each waitframes'th monitor refresh.
rot_flag = 1; % rotational motion?
if differentsizes>0 % drawing large dots is a bit slower
% ---------------
% open the screen
% ---------------
% [w, rect] = Screen('OpenWindow', screenNumber, 0,[1,1,801,601],[], doublebuffer+1);
[w, rect] = Screen('OpenWindow', screenNumber, 0,[], 32, doublebuffer+1);
% If you'd uncomment these lines and had the Psychtoolbox kernel driver
% loaded on a OS/X or Linux box with ATI Radeon X1000 or later, you'd
% probably enjoy a 10 bit per color channel framebuffer...
%PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'FloatingPoint16Bit');
%PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableNative10BitFramebuffer');
%[w, rect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenNumber, 0,[], [], doublebuffer+1);
% Enable alpha blending with proper blend-function. We need it
% for drawing of smoothed points:
Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
[center(1), center(2)] = RectCenter(rect);
fps=Screen('FrameRate',w); % frames per second
ifi=Screen('GetFlipInterval', w);
if fps==0
black = BlackIndex(w);
white = WhiteIndex(w);
HideCursor; % Hide the mouse cursor
% Do initial flip...
vbl=Screen('Flip', w);
% ---------------------------------------
% initialize dot positions and velocities
% ---------------------------------------
ppd = pi * (rect(3)-rect(1)) / atan(mon_width/v_dist/2) / 360; % pixels per degree
pfs = dot_speed * ppd / fps; % dot speed (pixels/frame)
s = dot_w * ppd; % dot size (pixels)
fix_cord = [center-fix_r*ppd center+fix_r*ppd];
rmax = max_d * ppd; % maximum radius of annulus (pixels from center)
rmin = min_d * ppd; % minimum
r = rmax * sqrt(rand(ndots,1)); % r
r(r<rmin) = rmin;
t = 2*pi*rand(ndots,1); % theta polar coordinate
cs = [cos(t), sin(t)];
xy = [r r] .* cs; % dot positions in Cartesian coordinates (pixels from center)
mdir = 2 * floor(rand(ndots,1)+0.5) - 1; % motion direction (in or out) for each dot
if rot_flag
dt = pfs * mdir ./ r; % change in theta per frame (radians)
dr = pfs * mdir; % change in radius per frame (pixels)
dxdy = [dr dr] .* cs; % change in x and y per frame (pixels)
% Create a vector with different colors for each single dot, if
% requested:
if (differentcolors==1)
colvect = uint8(round(rand(3,ndots)*255));
% Create a vector with different point sizes for each single dot, if
% requested:
if (differentsizes>0)
s=(1+rand(1, ndots)*(differentsizes-1))*s;
% Clamp point sizes to range supported by graphics hardware:
[minsmooth,maxsmooth] = Screen('DrawDots', w)
s = min(max(s, minsmooth), maxsmooth);
% --------------
% animation loop
% --------------
for i = 1:nframes
if (i>1)
Screen('FillOval', w, uint8(white), fix_cord); % draw fixation dot (flip erases it)
Screen('DrawDots', w, xymatrix, s, colvect, center,1); % change 1 to 0 to draw square dots
Screen('DrawingFinished', w); % Tell PTB that no further drawing commands will follow before Screen('Flip')
[mx, my, buttons]=GetMouse(screenNumber);
if KbCheck || any(buttons) % break out of loop
if rot_flag
t = t + dt; % update theta
xy = [r r] .* [cos(t), sin(t)]; % compute new positions
xy = xy + dxdy; % move dots
r = r + dr; % update polar coordinates too
% check to see which dots have gone beyond the borders of the annuli
r_out = find(r > rmax | r < rmin | rand(ndots,1) < f_kill); % dots to reposition
nout = length(r_out);
if nout
% choose new coordinates
r(r_out) = rmax * sqrt(rand(nout,1));
r(r<rmin) = rmin;
t(r_out) = 2*pi*(rand(nout,1));
% now convert the polar coordinates to Cartesian
cs(r_out,:) = [cos(t(r_out)), sin(t(r_out))];
xy(r_out,:) = [r(r_out) r(r_out)] .* cs(r_out,:);
% compute the new cartesian velocities
if rot_flag
dt(r_out) = pfs * mdir(r_out) ./ r(r_out);
dxdy(r_out,:) = [dr(r_out) dr(r_out)] .* cs(r_out,:);
xymatrix = transpose(xy);
if (doublebuffer==1)
vbl=Screen('Flip', w, vbl + (waitframes-0.5)*ifi);