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<a name="Navigation-1"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">3.7.7 Navigation</h4>
<p>The Navigation menu contains commands related moving around in a
<dl compact="compact">
<dt>‘<samp>Move Left</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="MoveLeft.html#MoveLeft">MoveLeft</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Move Right</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="MoveRight.html#MoveRight">MoveRight</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Line Up</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="LineUp.html#LineUp">LineUp</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Line Down</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="LineDown.html#LineDown">LineDown</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Prev Page</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="PrevPage.html#PrevPage">PrevPage</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Next Page</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="NextPage.html#NextPage">NextPage</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Page Up</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="PageUp.html#PageUp">PageUp</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Page Down</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="PageDown.html#PageDown">PageDown</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Start Of File</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="MoveSOF.html#MoveSOF">MoveSOF</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>End Of File</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="MoveEOF.html#MoveEOF">MoveEOF</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Start Of Line</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="MoveSOL.html#MoveSOL">MoveSOL</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>End Of Line</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="MoveEOL.html#MoveEOL">MoveEOL</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Top Of Screen</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="MoveTOS.html#MoveTOS">MoveTOS</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Bottom Of Screen</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="MoveBOS.html#MoveBOS">MoveBOS</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Incr Up</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="MoveIncUp.html#MoveIncUp">MoveIncUp</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Incr Down</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="MoveIncDown.html#MoveIncDown">MoveIncDown</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Prev Word</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="PrevWord.html#PrevWord">PrevWord</a>.
<dt>‘<samp>Next Word</samp>’</dt>
<dd><p>See <a href="NextWord.html#NextWord">NextWord</a>.