/usr/share/games/micropolis/res/text.tcl is in micropolis-data 0.0.20071228-9build1.
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# This file contains Tcl procedures used to manage Tk entries.
# $Header: /user6/ouster/wish/scripts/RCS/text.tcl,v 1.2 92/07/16 16:26:33 ouster Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
# Copyright 1992 Regents of the University of California
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
# software and its documentation for any purpose and without
# fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
# notice appears in all copies. The University of California
# makes no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
# express or implied warranty.
# $tk_priv(selectMode@$w) holds one of "char", "word", or "line" to
# indicate which selection mode is active.
# The procedure below is invoked when dragging one end of the selection.
# The arguments are the text window name and the index of the character
# that is to be the new end of the selection.
proc tk_textSelectTo {w x {y ""}} {
global tk_priv
if {$y != ""} {
set index @$x,$y
} else {
set index $x
if {![info exists tk_priv(selectMode@$w)]} {
set tk_priv(selectMode@$w) "char"
case $tk_priv(selectMode@$w) {
char {
if [$w compare $index < anchor] {
set first $index
set last anchor
} else {
set first anchor
set last [$w index $index+1c]
word {
if [$w compare $index < anchor] {
set first [$w index "$index wordstart"]
set last [$w index "anchor wordend"]
} else {
set first [$w index "anchor wordstart"]
set last [$w index "$index wordend"]
line {
if [$w compare $index < anchor] {
set first [$w index "$index linestart"]
set last [$w index "anchor lineend + 1c"]
} else {
set first [$w index "anchor linestart"]
set last [$w index "$index lineend + 1c"]
$w tag remove sel 0.0 $first
$w tag add sel $first $last
$w tag remove sel $last end
# The procedure below is invoked to backspace over one character in
# a text widget. The name of the widget is passed as argument.
proc tk_textBackspace w {
catch {$w delete insert-1c insert}
# The procedure below compares three indices, a, b, and c. Index b must
# be less than c. The procedure returns 1 if a is closer to b than to c,
# and 0 otherwise. The "w" argument is the name of the text widget in
# which to do the comparison.
proc tk_textIndexCloser {w a b c} {
set a [$w index $a]
set b [$w index $b]
set c [$w index $c]
if [$w compare $a <= $b] {
return 1
if [$w compare $a >= $c] {
return 0
scan $a "%d.%d" lineA chA
scan $b "%d.%d" lineB chB
scan $c "%d.%d" lineC chC
if {$chC == 0} {
incr lineC -1
set chC [string length [$w get $lineC.0 $lineC.end]]
if {$lineB != $lineC} {
return [expr {($lineA-$lineB) < ($lineC-$lineA)}]
return [expr {($chA-$chB) < ($chC-$chA)}]
# The procedure below is called to reset the selection anchor to
# whichever end is FARTHEST from the index argument.
proc tk_textResetAnchor {w x y} {
global tk_priv
set index @$x,$y
if {[$w tag ranges sel] == ""} {
set tk_priv(selectMode@$w) char
$w mark set anchor $index
if [tk_textIndexCloser $w $index sel.first sel.last] {
if {![info exists tk_priv(selectMode@$w)]} {
set tk_priv(selectMode@$w) "char"
if {$tk_priv(selectMode@$w) == "char"} {
$w mark set anchor sel.last
} else {
$w mark set anchor sel.last-1c
} else {
$w mark set anchor sel.first
proc tk_textDown {w x y} {
global tk_priv
set tk_priv(selectMode@$w) char
$w mark set insert @$x,$y
$w mark set anchor insert
if {[lindex [$w config -state] 4] == "normal"} {focus $w}
proc tk_textDoubleDown {w x y} {
global tk_priv
set tk_priv(selectMode@$w) word
$w mark set insert "@$x,$y wordstart"
tk_textSelectTo $w insert
proc tk_textTripleDown {w x y} {
global tk_priv
set tk_priv(selectMode@$w) line
$w mark set insert "@$x,$y linestart"
tk_textSelectTo $w insert
proc tk_textAdjustTo {w x y} {
tk_textResetAnchor $w $x $y
tk_textSelectTo $w $x $y
proc tk_textKeyPress {w a} {
if {"$a" != ""} {
$w insert insert $a
$w yview -pickplace insert
proc tk_textReturnPress {w} {
$w insert insert \n
$w yview -pickplace insert
proc tk_textDelPress {w} {
tk_textBackspace $w
$w yview -pickplace insert
proc tk_textCutPress {w} {
catch {$w delete sel.first sel.last}
proc tk_textCopyPress {w} {
set sel ""
catch {set sel [selection -window $w get]}
$w insert $sel
$w yview -pickplace insert