/usr/share/perl5/RDF/aREF/Query.pm is in librdf-aref-perl 0.27-1.
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use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
our $VERSION = '0.27';
use RDF::aREF::Decoder qw(qName languageTag);
use Carp qw(croak);
use RDF::NS;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $expression = $options{query} // croak "query required";
my $ns = $options{ns} // RDF::NS->new;
my $decoder = $options{decoder} // RDF::aREF::Decoder->new( ns => $ns );
my $self = bless {
items => [],
decoder => $decoder
}, $class;
my @items = split /\s*\|\s*/, $expression;
foreach my $expr ( @items ? @items : '' ) {
my $type = 'any';
my ($language, $datatype);
if ($expr =~ /^(.*)\.$/) {
$type = 'resource';
$expr = $1;
} elsif ( $expr =~ /^([^@]*)@([^@]*)$/ ) {
($expr, $language) = ($1, $2);
if ( $language eq '' or $language =~ languageTag ) {
$type = 'literal';
} else {
croak 'invalid languageTag in aREF query';
} elsif ( $expr =~ /^([^^]*)\^([^^]*)$/ ) { # TODO: support explicit IRI
($expr, $datatype) = ($1, $2);
if ( $datatype =~ qName ) {
$type = 'literal';
$datatype = $decoder->prefixed_name( split '_', $datatype );
$datatype = undef if $datatype eq $decoder->prefixed_name('xsd','string');
} else {
croak 'invalid datatype qName in aREF query';
my @path = split /\./, $expr;
foreach (@path) {
croak "invalid aref path expression: $_" if $_ !~ qName and $_ ne 'a';
push @{$self->{items}}, {
path => \@path,
type => $type,
language => $language,
datatype => $datatype,
sub query {
my ($self) = @_;
join '|', map {
my $q = join '.', @{$_->{path}};
if ($_->{type} eq 'literal') {
if ($_->{datatype}) {
$q .= '^' . $_->{datatype};
} else {
$q .= '@' . ($_->{language} // '');
} elsif ($_->{type} eq 'resource') {
$q .= '.';
} @{$self->{items}}
sub apply {
my ($self, $rdf, $subject) = @_;
map { $self->_apply_item($_, $rdf, $subject) } @{$self->{items}};
sub _apply_item {
my ($self, $item, $rdf, $subject) = @_;
my $decoder = $self->{decoder};
# TODO: Support RDF::Trine::Model
# TODO: try abbreviated *and* full URI?
my @current = $rdf;
if ($subject) {
if ($rdf->{_id}) {
return if $rdf->{_id} ne $subject;
} else {
@current = ($rdf->{$subject});
my @path = @{$item->{path}};
if (!@path and $item->{type} ne 'resource') {
if ($item->{type} eq 'any') {
return ($subject ? $subject : $rdf->{_id});
while (my $field = shift @path) {
# get objects in aREF
@current = grep { defined }
map { (ref $_ and ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') ? @$_ : $_ }
map { $_->{$field} } @current;
return if !@current;
if (@path or $item->{type} eq 'resource') {
# get resources
@current = grep { defined }
map { $decoder->resource($_) } @current;
if (@path) {
# TODO: only if RDF given as predicate map!
@current = grep { defined } map { $rdf->{$_} } @current;
# last path element
@current = grep { defined } map { $decoder->object($_) } @current;
if ($item->{type} eq 'literal') {
@current = grep { @$_ > 1 } @current;
if ($item->{language}) { # TODO: use language tag substring
@current = grep { $_->[1] and $_->[1] eq $item->{language} } @current;
} elsif ($item->{datatype}) { # TODO: support qName and explicit IRI
@current = grep { $_->[2] and $_->[2] eq $item->{datatype} } @current;
map { $_->[0] } @current; # IRI or string value
=head1 NAME
RDF::aREF::Query - aREF query expression
my $rdf = {
'http://example.org/book' => {
dct_creator => [
'http://example.org/alice' => {
foaf_name => "Alice"
'http://example.org/bob' => {
foaf_name => "Bob"
my $getnames = RDF::aREF::Query->new(
query => 'dct_creator.foaf_name'
my @names = $getnames->apply( $rdf, 'http://example.org/boo' );
$getnames->query; # 'dct_creator.foaf_name'
use RDF::aREF qw(aref_query_map);
my $record = aref_query_map( $rdf, $publication, {
'dct_creator@' => 'creator',
'dct_creator.foaf_name' => 'creator',
Implements L<aREF query|http://gbv.github.io/aREF/aREF.html#aref-query>, a
query language to access strings and nodes from agiven RDF graph.
See also functions C<aref_query> and C<aref_query_map> in L<RDF::aREF> for
convenient application.
The constructor expects the following options:
=item query
L<aREF query|http://gbv.github.io/aREF/aREF.html#aref-query> expression
=item decoder
Instance of L<RDF::aREF::Decoder> to map qNames to URIs. A new instance is
created unless given.
=item ns
Optional namespace map (L<RDF::NS>), passed to the constructor of
L<RDF::aREF::Decoder> if no decoder is given.
=head1 METHODS
=head1 apply( $graph [, $origin ] )
Perform the query on a given RDF graph. The graph can be given as aREF
structure (subject map or predicate map) or as instance of
L<RDF::Trine::Model>. An origin subject node must be provided unless the RDF
graph is provided as L<predicate
=head1 query
Returns the aREF query expression
=head1 SEE ALSO
Use SPARQL for more complex queries, e.g. with L<RDF::Trine::Store::SPARQL>.