/usr/lib/python2.7/test/test_richcmp.py is in libpython2.7-testsuite 2.7.15~rc1-1.
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import unittest
from test import test_support
import operator
class Number:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.x < other
def __le__(self, other):
return self.x <= other
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x == other
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.x != other
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.x > other
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.x >= other
def __cmp__(self, other):
raise test_support.TestFailed, "Number.__cmp__() should not be called"
def __repr__(self):
return "Number(%r)" % (self.x, )
class Vector:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.data[i]
def __setitem__(self, i, v):
self.data[i] = v
__hash__ = None # Vectors cannot be hashed
def __nonzero__(self):
raise TypeError, "Vectors cannot be used in Boolean contexts"
def __cmp__(self, other):
raise test_support.TestFailed, "Vector.__cmp__() should not be called"
def __repr__(self):
return "Vector(%r)" % (self.data, )
def __lt__(self, other):
return Vector([a < b for a, b in zip(self.data, self.__cast(other))])
def __le__(self, other):
return Vector([a <= b for a, b in zip(self.data, self.__cast(other))])
def __eq__(self, other):
return Vector([a == b for a, b in zip(self.data, self.__cast(other))])
def __ne__(self, other):
return Vector([a != b for a, b in zip(self.data, self.__cast(other))])
def __gt__(self, other):
return Vector([a > b for a, b in zip(self.data, self.__cast(other))])
def __ge__(self, other):
return Vector([a >= b for a, b in zip(self.data, self.__cast(other))])
def __cast(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Vector):
other = other.data
if len(self.data) != len(other):
raise ValueError, "Cannot compare vectors of different length"
return other
opmap = {
"lt": (lambda a,b: a< b, operator.lt, operator.__lt__),
"le": (lambda a,b: a<=b, operator.le, operator.__le__),
"eq": (lambda a,b: a==b, operator.eq, operator.__eq__),
"ne": (lambda a,b: a!=b, operator.ne, operator.__ne__),
"gt": (lambda a,b: a> b, operator.gt, operator.__gt__),
"ge": (lambda a,b: a>=b, operator.ge, operator.__ge__)
class VectorTest(unittest.TestCase):
def checkfail(self, error, opname, *args):
for op in opmap[opname]:
self.assertRaises(error, op, *args)
def checkequal(self, opname, a, b, expres):
for op in opmap[opname]:
realres = op(a, b)
# can't use assertEqual(realres, expres) here
self.assertEqual(len(realres), len(expres))
for i in xrange(len(realres)):
# results are bool, so we can use "is" here
self.assertTrue(realres[i] is expres[i])
def test_mixed(self):
# check that comparisons involving Vector objects
# which return rich results (i.e. Vectors with itemwise
# comparison results) work
a = Vector(range(2))
b = Vector(range(3))
# all comparisons should fail for different length
for opname in opmap:
self.checkfail(ValueError, opname, a, b)
a = range(5)
b = 5 * [2]
# try mixed arguments (but not (a, b) as that won't return a bool vector)
args = [(a, Vector(b)), (Vector(a), b), (Vector(a), Vector(b))]
for (a, b) in args:
self.checkequal("lt", a, b, [True, True, False, False, False])
self.checkequal("le", a, b, [True, True, True, False, False])
self.checkequal("eq", a, b, [False, False, True, False, False])
self.checkequal("ne", a, b, [True, True, False, True, True ])
self.checkequal("gt", a, b, [False, False, False, True, True ])
self.checkequal("ge", a, b, [False, False, True, True, True ])
for ops in opmap.itervalues():
for op in ops:
# calls __nonzero__, which should fail
self.assertRaises(TypeError, bool, op(a, b))
class NumberTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
# Check that comparisons involving Number objects
# give the same results give as comparing the
# corresponding ints
for a in xrange(3):
for b in xrange(3):
for typea in (int, Number):
for typeb in (int, Number):
if typea==typeb==int:
continue # the combination int, int is useless
ta = typea(a)
tb = typeb(b)
for ops in opmap.itervalues():
for op in ops:
realoutcome = op(a, b)
testoutcome = op(ta, tb)
self.assertEqual(realoutcome, testoutcome)
def checkvalue(self, opname, a, b, expres):
for typea in (int, Number):
for typeb in (int, Number):
ta = typea(a)
tb = typeb(b)
for op in opmap[opname]:
realres = op(ta, tb)
realres = getattr(realres, "x", realres)
self.assertTrue(realres is expres)
def test_values(self):
# check all operators and all comparison results
self.checkvalue("lt", 0, 0, False)
self.checkvalue("le", 0, 0, True )
self.checkvalue("eq", 0, 0, True )
self.checkvalue("ne", 0, 0, False)
self.checkvalue("gt", 0, 0, False)
self.checkvalue("ge", 0, 0, True )
self.checkvalue("lt", 0, 1, True )
self.checkvalue("le", 0, 1, True )
self.checkvalue("eq", 0, 1, False)
self.checkvalue("ne", 0, 1, True )
self.checkvalue("gt", 0, 1, False)
self.checkvalue("ge", 0, 1, False)
self.checkvalue("lt", 1, 0, False)
self.checkvalue("le", 1, 0, False)
self.checkvalue("eq", 1, 0, False)
self.checkvalue("ne", 1, 0, True )
self.checkvalue("gt", 1, 0, True )
self.checkvalue("ge", 1, 0, True )
class MiscTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_misbehavin(self):
class Misb:
def __lt__(self_, other): return 0
def __gt__(self_, other): return 0
def __eq__(self_, other): return 0
def __le__(self_, other): self.fail("This shouldn't happen")
def __ge__(self_, other): self.fail("This shouldn't happen")
def __ne__(self_, other): self.fail("This shouldn't happen")
def __cmp__(self_, other): raise RuntimeError, "expected"
a = Misb()
b = Misb()
self.assertEqual(a<b, 0)
self.assertEqual(a==b, 0)
self.assertEqual(a>b, 0)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, cmp, a, b)
def test_not(self):
# Check that exceptions in __nonzero__ are properly
# propagated by the not operator
import operator
class Exc(Exception):
class Bad:
def __nonzero__(self):
raise Exc
def do(bad):
not bad
for func in (do, operator.not_):
self.assertRaises(Exc, func, Bad())
def test_recursion(self):
# Check that comparison for recursive objects fails gracefully
from UserList import UserList
a = UserList()
b = UserList()
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.eq, a, b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.ne, a, b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.lt, a, b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.le, a, b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.gt, a, b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.ge, a, b)
# Even recursive lists of different lengths are different,
# but they cannot be ordered
self.assertTrue(not (a == b))
self.assertTrue(a != b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.lt, a, b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.le, a, b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.gt, a, b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.ge, a, b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.eq, a, b)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, operator.ne, a, b)
a.insert(0, 11)
b.insert(0, 12)
self.assertTrue(not (a == b))
self.assertTrue(a != b)
self.assertTrue(a < b)
class DictTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_dicts(self):
# Verify that __eq__ and __ne__ work for dicts even if the keys and
# values don't support anything other than __eq__ and __ne__ (and
# __hash__). Complex numbers are a fine example of that.
import random
imag1a = {}
for i in range(50):
imag1a[random.randrange(100)*1j] = random.randrange(100)*1j
items = imag1a.items()
imag1b = {}
for k, v in items:
imag1b[k] = v
imag2 = imag1b.copy()
imag2[k] = v + 1.0
self.assertTrue(imag1a == imag1a)
self.assertTrue(imag1a == imag1b)
self.assertTrue(imag2 == imag2)
self.assertTrue(imag1a != imag2)
for opname in ("lt", "le", "gt", "ge"):
for op in opmap[opname]:
self.assertRaises(TypeError, op, imag1a, imag2)
class ListTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_coverage(self):
# exercise all comparisons for lists
x = [42]
self.assertIs(x<x, False)
self.assertIs(x<=x, True)
self.assertIs(x==x, True)
self.assertIs(x!=x, False)
self.assertIs(x>x, False)
self.assertIs(x>=x, True)
y = [42, 42]
self.assertIs(x<y, True)
self.assertIs(x<=y, True)
self.assertIs(x==y, False)
self.assertIs(x!=y, True)
self.assertIs(x>y, False)
self.assertIs(x>=y, False)
def test_badentry(self):
# make sure that exceptions for item comparison are properly
# propagated in list comparisons
class Exc(Exception):
class Bad:
def __eq__(self, other):
raise Exc
x = [Bad()]
y = [Bad()]
for op in opmap["eq"]:
self.assertRaises(Exc, op, x, y)
def test_goodentry(self):
# This test exercises the final call to PyObject_RichCompare()
# in Objects/listobject.c::list_richcompare()
class Good:
def __lt__(self, other):
return True
x = [Good()]
y = [Good()]
for op in opmap["lt"]:
self.assertIs(op(x, y), True)
def test_main():
test_support.run_unittest(VectorTest, NumberTest, MiscTest, ListTest)
with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(("dict inequality comparisons "
"not supported in 3.x",
if __name__ == "__main__":