/usr/share/perl5/Net/SIP/Registrar.pm is in libnet-sip-perl 0.812-1.
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# package Net::SIP::Registrar
# implements a simple Registrar
# FIXME: store registry information in a more flat format, so that
# user can give a tied hash for permanent storage. Or give an object
# interface with a simple default implementation but a way for the
# user to provide its own implementation
use strict;
use warnings;
package Net::SIP::Registrar;
use fields qw( store max_expires min_expires dispatcher domains _last_timer );
use Net::SIP::Util ':all';
use Carp 'croak';
use Net::SIP::Debug;
use List::Util 'first';
# creates new registrar
# Args: ($class,%args)
# %args
# max_expires: maximum time for expire, default 300
# min_expires: manimum time for expire, default 30
# dispatcher: Net::SIP::Dispatcher object
# domains: domain or \@list of domains the registrar is responsable
# for, if not given it cares about everything
# domain: like domains if only one domain is given
# Returns: $self
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $domains = delete $args{domains} || delete $args{domain};
$domains = [ $domains ] if $domains && !ref($domains);
my $self = fields::new($class);
%$self = %args;
$self->{max_expires} ||= 300;
$self->{min_expires} ||= 30;
$self->{dispatcher} or croak( "no dispatcher given" );
$self->{store} = {};
$self->{domains} = $domains;
return $self;
# hack to have access to the store, to dump or restore it
sub _store {
my $self = shift;
$self->{store} = shift if @_;
return $self->{store};
# handle packet, called from Net::SIP::Dispatcher on incoming requests
# Args: ($self,$packet,$leg,$addr)
# $packet: Net::SIP::Request
# $leg: Net::SIP::Leg where request came in (and response gets send out)
# $addr: ip:port where request came from and response will be send
# Returns: $code
# $code: response code used in response (usually 200, but can be 423
# if expires was too small). If not given no response was created
# and packet was ignored
sub receive {
my Net::SIP::Registrar $self = shift;
my ($packet,$leg,$addr) = @_;
# accept only REGISTER
$packet->is_request || return;
if ( $packet->method ne 'REGISTER' ) {
# if we know the target rewrite the destination URI
my $addr = sip_parts2uri((sip_uri2parts($packet->uri))[0,1,2]);
DEBUG( 1,"method ".$packet->method." addr=<$addr>" );
my @found = $self->query( $addr );
@found or do {
DEBUG( 1, "$addr not locally registered" );
DEBUG( 1,"rewrite URI $addr in ".$packet->method." to $found[0]" );
$packet->set_uri( $found[0] );
return; # propagate to next in chain
my $to = $packet->get_header( 'to' ) or do {
DEBUG( 1,"no to in register request. DROP" );
# what address will be registered
($to) = sip_hdrval2parts( to => $to );
if ( my ($domain,$user,$proto) = sip_uri2parts( $to ) ) {
# normalize if possible
$to = "$proto:$user\@$domain";
# check if domain is allowed
if ( my $rd = $self->{domains} ) {
my ($domain) = $to =~m{\@([\w\-\.]+)};
if ( ! first { $domain =~m{\.?\Q$_\E$}i || $_ eq '*' } @$rd ) {
DEBUG( 1, "$domain matches none of my own domains. DROP" );
my $disp = $self->{dispatcher};
my $loop = $disp->{eventloop};
my $now = int($loop->looptime);
my $glob_expire = $packet->get_header( 'expires' );
# to which contacs it will be registered
my @contact = $packet->get_header( 'contact' );
my %curr;
foreach my $c (@contact) {
# update contact info
my ($c_addr,$param) = sip_hdrval2parts( contact => $c );
$c_addr = $1 if $c_addr =~m{<(\w+:\S+)>}; # do we really need this?
my $expire = $param->{expires};
$expire = $glob_expire if ! defined $expire;
$expire = $self->{max_expires}
if ! defined $expire || $expire > $self->{max_expires};
if ( $expire ) {
if ( $expire < $self->{min_expires} ) {
# expire to small
my $response = $packet->create_response(
'423','Interval too brief',
$disp->deliver( $response, leg => $leg, dst_addr => $addr );
return 423;
$expire += $now if $expire;
$curr{$c_addr} = $expire;
$self->{store}{ $to } = \%curr;
# expire now!
DEBUG_DUMP( 100,$self->{store} );
# send back a list of current contacts
my $response = $packet->create_response( '200','OK' );
while ( my ($where,$expire) = each %curr ) {
$expire -= $now;
$response->add_header( contact => "<$where>;expires=$expire" );
# send back where it came from
$disp->deliver( $response, leg => $leg, dst_addr => $addr );
return 200;
# return information for SIP address
# Args: ($self,$addr)
# Returns: @sip_contacts
sub query {
my Net::SIP::Registrar $self = shift;
my $addr = shift;
DEBUG( 50,"lookup of $addr" );
my $contacts = $self->{store}{$addr} || return;
return grep { m{^sips?:} } keys %$contacts;
# remove all expired entries from store
# Args: $self
# Returns: none
sub expire {
my Net::SIP::Registrar $self = shift;
my $disp = $self->{dispatcher};
my $loop = $disp->{eventloop};
my $now = $loop->looptime;
my $store = $self->{store};
my (@drop_addr,$next_exp);
while ( my ($addr,$contact) = each %$store ) {
my @drop_where;
while ( my ($where,$expire) = each %$contact ) {
if ( $expire<$now ) {
push @drop_where, $where;
} else {
$next_exp = $expire if ! $next_exp || $expire < $next_exp;
if ( @drop_where ) {
delete @{$contact}{ @drop_where };
push @drop_addr,$addr if !%$contact;
delete @{$store}{ @drop_addr } if @drop_addr;
# add timer for next expire
if ( $next_exp ) {
my $last_timer = \$self->{_last_timer};
if ( ! $$last_timer || $next_exp < $last_timer || $$last_timer <= $now ) {
$disp->add_timer( $next_exp, [ \&expire, $self ] );
$$last_timer = $next_exp;