/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/webget.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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; Use the IDL SOCKET procedure to get data from http servers
; WEBGET() can access http servers - even from behind a firewall -
; and perform simple downloads. Currently, text and FITS files can be
; accessed.
; This function is now deprecated because the IDLNetURL object is a much
; more robust way of transferring files across the Web. However webget()
; remains useful for maintaining an open unit, e.g. see querydss.pro
; The standard IDL function wget.pro is an alternative for copying files.
; a=webget(URL)
; URL - scalar string giving a fully qualified url of the form
; 'http://server.eso.org/path/file.html'. WEBGET() can
; also use other valid URLs that contain 'GET' or 'POST' codes.
; COPYFILE - if set to a valid filename (file must have write permission),
; the data contents of the web server's answer is copied to that
; file.
; HTTP10 - If set, then use the HTTP 1.0
; POST - if set to a structure, the structure tags and values
; will be used as post variables and POST'ed to the URL.
; If POST is not set, the normal HTTP GET is used to
; retrieve the URL.
; /SILENT - If set, the information error messages are suppressed
; TIMEOUT - Integer scalar giving number of seconds to wait to connect
; or for data to arrive before giving up and issuing an error.
; Default=15 seconds
; OUTPUTS: A structure with the following fields:
; .Header - the HTTP header sent by the server
; .Text - The text part of the downloaded file. If the
; content type of the file was not of class
; 'text', this will be an empty string.
; .ImageHeader - Header file of a FITS-image. FITS images
; are read when the content type is
; 'image/fits' or 'application/octet-stream'
; (for dss-access). If the file is not a FITS
; image, this will be an empty string.
; .Image - The FITS image read from the server. If the file
; did not contain a FITS image, this will be zero.
; The mime-type recognition is extremely limited. Only the content-type is
; determined. Any text-file will be stored in out.Text. The only other
; category which can be fetched is FITS files, which will be stored in
; out.Image and out.ImageHeader.
; PROXY: If you are behind a firewall and have to access the net through a
; Web proxy, set the environment variable 'http_proxy' to point to
; your proxy server and port, e.g.
; 'setenv http_proxy=http://web-proxy.mpia-hd.mpg.de:3128'
; The URL *MUST* begin with "http://".
; Open a socket to the webserver and download the header. After deciding
; whether it is text or binary, either store the text or try to read a
; FITS file.
; Query the Space Telescope Science Institute Guide Star Catalog
; IDL> t = 'http://gsss.stsci.edu/webservices/vo/CatalogSearch.aspx?RA=250&Dec=36&SR=0.1&FORMAT=CSV'
; IDL> a = webget(t)
; IDL> print,a.text
; Written by M. Feldt, Heidelberg, Oct 2001 <mfeldt@mpia.de>
; Use /swap_if_little_endian keyword to SOCKET W. Landsman August 2002
; Less restrictive search on Content-Type W. Landsman April 2003
; Modified to work with FIRST image server- A. Barth, Nov 2006
; Better recovery from errors W. Landsman April 2007
; Add support for POST access J.D. Smith June 2007
; Recognize "fits" image type used by SKYVIEW W. Landsman June 2007
; Upgraded, partially, to HTTP 1.1 M. Perrin, July 2007
; The HTTP 1.1 support is presently INCOMPLETE: virtual servers are
; supported, but chunked transfer encoding is not yet supported, so
; technically this is not fully HTTP 1.1 compliant.
; Added http10 keyword W. Landsman August 2007
; Assume since V5.6, sockets always available W. Landsman Nov 2007
; Fix problem when using proxy server W. Landsman July 2008
; Fix problem with /SILENT keyword W. Landsman Jan 2009
; Added check for missing Mime TYPE in CLASSANDTYPE, Zarro, December 2011
; Timeout applies to connecting as well as reading, default is now 15
; seconds W Landsman January 2012
; Allow http_proxy to be upper or lower case W.L./D. Palmer Feb 2013
; Function is now deprecated W. Landsman December 2017
PRO MimeType, Header, Class, Type, Length
;; MIME type recognition
Class = 'text'
Type = 'simple' ; in case no information found...
def = strupcase(strmid(header,0,13))
g = where(def EQ 'CONTENT-TYPE:', Ng)
if Ng GT 0 then begin
ClassAndType = strmid(Header[g[0]], 14, strlen(Header[g[0]])-1)
temp=strsplit(ClassAndType, '/', /extract)
if n_elements(temp) gt 1 then Type=temp[1]
def = strupcase(strmid(header,0,15))
g = where(def EQ 'CONTENT-LENGTH:', Ng)
if Ng GT 0 then $
Length = long(strmid(Header[g[0]], 15, strlen(Header[g[0]])-1))
FUNCTION webget, url, SILENT=silent, COPYFILE=copyfile, POST=post, $
HTTP10=http10, timeout=timeout
compile_opt idl2
;; define the result fields
Header = strarr(256)
Data = strarr(256)
Image = 0
ImageHeader = ''
;; Setup post variables
if n_elements(post) ne 0 then begin
for i=0,n_elements(t)-1 do $
post_data=['Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',$
'Content-Length: '+strtrim(strlen(post_vars),2), $
'', $
endif else method='GET'
;; open the connection and request the file
ProtocolString = keyword_set(http10) ? "HTTP/1.0" : " HTTP/1.1"
UserAgentString= "IDL "+!version.release+' on '+!VERSION.OS+'/'+!VERSION.ARCH
Proxy = getenv('http_proxy')
if Proxy EQ '' then Proxy = getenv('HTTP_PROXY')
slash1 = StrPos(strmid(url, 7), '/') ;Position of first slash
Server = StrMid(url, 7, slash1 )
if N_elements(timeout) EQ 0 then timeout=15
;; sort out proxy name
LastColon = StrPos(Proxy, ':', /Reverse_Search)
ProxyPort = fix(StrMid(Proxy, LastColon+1))
ProxyServer = StrMid(Proxy, 7, LastColon-7)
;; open the connection and send the 'GET' command
socket, unit, ProxyServer, ProxyPort, /get_lun, /swap_if_little_endian, $
printf, unit, method+' '+url+ProtocolString
;; same thing easier without proxy
purl = strmid(url,slash1+7)
Port = 80
socket, unit, Server, Port, /get_lun,/swap_if_little_endian, $
printf, unit, method+' '+purl + ProtocolString
;; These lines are the same for either with or without proxy.
;; in HTTP 1.1 we MUST include the Host: line to allow requests
;; from co-hosted virtual servers to operate properly.
printf, unit, "Host: "+Server
printf, unit, 'User-Agent: '+ UserAgentString
;; HTTP 1.1 clients must either support persistent connections, or indicate
;; they do not by stating Connection: close
printf, unit, "Connection: close"
;; Add the POST data, if requested
if n_elements(post) ne 0 then printf,unit,transpose(post_data)
;; Blank line required to terminate HTTP request.
printf, unit, ''
LinesRead = 0
text = 'xxx'
;; now read the header
On_IOERROR, done
WHILE text NE '' do begin
readf, unit, text
Header[LinesRead] = text
LinesRead = LinesRead+1
IF LinesRead MOD 256 EQ 0 THEN $
Header=[Header, StrArr(256)]
if LinesRead EQ 0 then begin
message,'Unable to read HTTP server',/CON
return,{Header:'', Text:'', ImageHeader:ImageHeader, Image: Image}
Header = Header[0:LinesRead-1]
MimeType, Header, Class, Type, Length; analyze the header
IF Keyword_Set(CopyFile) THEN BEGIN
openw, wunit, CopyFile, /get_lun
aaa = bytarr(Length,/nozero)
readu, unit, aaa
writeu, wunit, aaa
free_lun, wunit
free_lun, unit
return, 1
text = '' ;initialize text fields
LinesRead = 0l
'text': BEGIN
;; read anything of class 'text'
WHILE eof(unit) EQ 0 do begin
readf, unit, text
Data[LinesRead] = text
LinesRead = LinesRead+1
IF LinesRead MOD 256 EQ 0 THEN $
Data=[Data, StrArr(256)]
if LinesRead EQ 0 then if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then $
message,'ERROR - no lines of text read',/CON
Data = Data[0:(LinesRead-1) > 0 ]
'x-fits': Image = readfits(unit, ImageHeader)
'fits': Image = readfits(unit, ImageHeader)
else: message,'Unrecognized image type of ' + type
'octet-stream':BEGIN ; try reading a FITS file because ESO
; answers this way
Image = readfits(unit, ImageHeader)
'force-download': BEGIN ; need this for FIRST survey
image = readfits(unit, imageheader)
IF LinesRead EQ 0 THEN Data = ''
free_lun, unit
return, {Header:Header, Text:Data, ImageHeader:ImageHeader, Image: Image}