/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/tbprint.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 | pro tbprint,hdr_or_tbstr,tab,columns,rows,textout=textout,fmt=fmt, $
; Procedure to print specified columns & rows of a FITS binary table
; TBPRINT, h, tab, columns, [ rows, TEXTOUT =, FMT=, NUM_HEADER= ]
; or
; TBPRINT,tb_str, tab, columns, [ rows, TEXTOUT =, FMT=, NUM_HEADER = ]
; h - FITS header for table, string array
; or
; tb_str - IDL structure extracted from FITS header by TBINFO, useful
; when TBPRINT is called many times with the same header
; tab - table array
; columns - string giving column names, or vector giving
; column numbers (beginning with 1). If string
; supplied then column names should be separated by comma's.
; If set to '*' then all columns are printed in table format
; (1 row per line, binary tables only).
; rows - (optional) vector of row numbers to print. If
; not supplied or set to scalar, -1, then all rows
; are printed.
; None
; FMT = Format string for print display. If not supplied, then any
; formats in the TDISP keyword fields of the table will be
; used, otherwise IDL default formats.
; NUM_HEADER_LINES - Number of lines to display the column headers
; default = 1). By setting NUM_HEADER_LINES to an integer larger
; than 1, one can avoid truncation of the column header labels.
; In addition, setting NUM_HEADER_LINES will display commented
; lines indicating a FORMAT for reading the data, and a
; suggested call to readfmt.pro.
; NVAL_PER_LINE - The maximum number of values displayed from a multivalued
; column when printing in table format. Default = 6
; TEXTOUT - scalar number (0-7) or string (file name) determining
; output device (see TEXTOPEN). Default is TEXTOUT=1, output
; to the user's terminal
; Uses nonstandard system variables !TEXTOUT and !TEXTOPEN
; Set !TEXTOUT = 3 to direct output to a disk file. The system
; variable is overriden by the value of the keyword TEXTOUT
; tab = readfits('test.fits',htab,/ext) ;Read first extension into vars
; tbprint,h,tab,'STAR ID,RA,DEC' ;print id,ra,dec for all stars
; tbprint,h,tab,[2,3,4],indgen(100) ;print columns 2-4 for
; first 100 stars
; tbprint,h,tab,text="stars.dat" ;Convert entire FITS table to
; ;an ASCII file named 'stars.dat'
; (1) Program does not check whether output length exceeds output
; device capacity (e.g. 80 or 132).
; (2) Column heading may be truncated to fit in space defined by
; the FORMAT specified for the column. Use NUM_HEADER_LINES
; to avoid truncation.
; (3) Program does not check for null values
; (4) Does not work with variable length columns
; (5) Will only the display the first value of fields with multiple values
; (unless there is one row each with the same number of mulitple values)
; If printing in table format (column='*') then up to 6 values
; can be printed per line.
; version 1 D. Lindler Feb. 1987
; Accept undefined values of rows,columns W. Landsman August 1997
; Use new structure returned by TBINFO W. Landsman August 1997
; Made formatting more robust W. Landsman March 2000
; Use STRSPLIT to parse string column listing W. Landsman July 2002
; Wasn't always printing last row W. Landsman Feb. 2003
; Better formatting (space between columns) W. Landsman Oct. 2005
; Use case-insensitive match with TTYPE, use STRJOIN W.L. June 2006
; Fixed check for multiple values W.L. August 2006
; Fixed bad index value in August 2006 fix W.L Aug 15 2006
; Free-up pointers after calling TBINFO W.L. Mar 2007
; Add table format capability W.L. Mar 2010
; Add NUM_HEADER_LINE keyword P. Broos Apr 2010
compile_opt idl2
if N_params() LT 2 then begin
print,'Syntax - TBPRINT, h, tab, [ columns, rows, device, '
; set default parameters
if N_elements(columns) EQ 0 then columns = -1
if N_elements(rows) EQ 0 then rows= -1
if ~keyword_set(textout) then textout = 1
if N_elements(nval_per_line) EQ 0 then $
nval_per_line = 6 ;Number of values that can be displayed in 'table' format
nbytes = [1,2,4,4,8,8,1,0,16]
fmt_def = ['','I4','I8','I12','G13.6','G16.8','','A','','','','']
; make sure rows is a vector
sz = size(tab)
nrows = sz[2]
r = long(rows)
if r[0] eq -1 then r = lindgen(nrows) ;default
n = N_elements(r)
dotable = n EQ 1 ;Print in table format?
; Did user supply a FITS header, or a structure (output of tbinfo)?
case size(hdr_or_tbstr,/type) of
7: tbinfo,hdr_or_tbstr,tb_str
8: tb_str = hdr_or_tbstr
else: message,'ERROR - Invalid FITS header or structure supplied'
tfields = N_elements(tb_str.ttype)
; if columns is a string, change it to string array
if size(columns,/tname) eq 'STRING' then begin
if columns[0] EQ '*' then begin
colnum = indgen(tfields) + 1
numcol = tfields
dotable = 1
endif else begin
colnames = strsplit(columns,',',/extract)
numcol = N_elements(colnames)
colnum = intarr(numcol)
field = strupcase(colnames)
for i = 0,numcol-1 do begin
colnum[i] = where(strupcase(tb_str.ttype) EQ field[i],nfound) + 1
if nfound EQ 0 then $
message,'Field '+ field[i] + ' not found in header'
endif else begin ;user supplied vector
colnum = fix(columns) ;make sure it is integer
if colnum[0] eq -1 then colnum = indgen(tfields) + 1
numcol = N_elements(colnum) ;number of elements
if ~keyword_set(fmt) then form = tb_str.tdisp[colnum-1] else begin
if N_elements(fmt) EQ 1 && (numcol GT 1) then begin
temp = strupcase(strtrim(fmt,2))
if strmid(temp,0,1) EQ '(' then $
temp = strmid(temp,1,strlen(temp)-2)
form = strarr(numcol)
ifmt = 0
while strtrim(temp,2) NE '' do begin
tstform = gettok(temp,',')
ndup = 1
vtype = strmid(tstform,0,1)
if strnumber(vtype,val) then begin
ndup = val
tstform = strmid(tstform,1,100)
if strpos(tstform,'X') LT 0 then begin
ifmt += ndup
endif else form = fmt
default = where(form EQ '',Ndef)
if Ndef GT 0 then form[default] = fmt_def[ tb_str.idltype[colnum[default]-1] ]
form = strtrim(form,2)
row_format = strjoin(form,',1x,')
num = where(tb_str.idltype[colnum-1] NE 7, Nnumeric)
if Nnumeric GT 0 then minnumval = min(tb_str.numval[colnum[num]-1]) $
else minnumval = 1
if (minnumval GT 1) then begin
if rows[0] NE -1 then nrow1 = N_elements(rows)-1 else begin
rows = lindgen(minnumval)
nrow1 = minnumval-1
textopen,'TBPRINT', TEXTOUT = textout
field = tb_str.ttype[colnum-1]
fieldlen = strlen(field)
;Print in table format?
dotable = dotable || (n EQ 1) && (minnumval LE nval_per_line)
if dotable then begin
maxlen = max(fieldlen)
for j = 0, n-1 do begin
printf,!TEXTUNIT,'ROW: ',r[j]
for i = 0, numcol-1 do begin
val = tbget(tb_str,tab,colnum[i],r[j])
nval = N_elements(val)
if nval GT 1 then begin ;Print up to 5 values
val = strcompress(strjoin(val[0:(nval-1)< (nval_per_line-1)],' '))
if nval GT nval_per_line then val = val + '...'
printf,!TEXTUNIT, colnum[i],') ', field[i],strtrim(string(val,/pr),2),$
f='(i3,A,A-' + strtrim(maxlen+2,2) + ',A)'
printf,!TEXTUNIT, ' '
endif else begin
varname = 'v' + strtrim(sindgen(numcol)+1,2)
len = lonarr(numcol)
varstr = varname + '[0]'
xform = '(' + form + ')'
for i = 0,numcol-1 do begin
result = execute(varname[i] + '= tbget(tb_str,tab,colnum[i],r)' )
result = execute('len[i] = strlen(string(' + varstr[i] + ',f=xform[i]))')
if keyword_set(num_header_lines) then begin
;; Build a multi-line header showing the column names left-justified.
header = strarr(num_header_lines+1)
; The printed data columns are separated by a space, so the column widths are actually (len+1).
column_width = len + 1
for ii=0,numcol-1 do begin
header_ind = ii MOD num_header_lines
; Pad the start of the header lines as needed.
if ((ii GT 0) && (ii LT num_header_lines)) then header[header_ind] += string(replicate(32B, total(column_width[0:ii-1], /INT)))
if ((ii+num_header_lines) LT numcol) then begin
; The space we have to print this label is the width of the next num_header_lines columns, minus one space for the '|' separator..
; Put the label at the LEFT end of this space.
label_length = total(column_width[ii : ii+num_header_lines-1], /INT) - 1
label_format_code = string(label_length, F='(%"|%%-%ds")')
endif else begin
; We're at the end of the header line, so print this last label without truncation.
label_format_code = '|%s'
header[header_ind] += string(field[ii], F='(%"'+label_format_code+'")')
endfor ; ii
printf,!TEXTUNIT, "# FORMAT='" + row_format + "'"
printf,!TEXTUNIT, 3+num_header_lines+1, strjoin(field,','), F='(%"# readfmt, ''table.txt'', SKIPLINE=%d, FORMAT, %s")'
printf,!TEXTUNIT, "#"
header[num_header_lines] = string(replicate(byte('-'), max(strlen(header))))
strput, header, '#', 0
forprint, TEXTOUT=5, header, /NoComment
endif else begin
;; Build a single-line header showing the column names centered on the columns.
field = strtrim(tb_str.ttype[colnum-1],2)
fieldlen = strlen(field)
for i=0,numcol-1 do begin
if fieldlen[i] LT len[i] then begin
space = len[i] - fieldlen[i]
if space EQ 1 then field[i] = field[i]+ ' ' else begin
pad = string(replicate(32b,space/2))
field[i] = pad + field[i] + pad
if space mod 2 EQ 1 then field[i] = field[i] + ' '
endif else field[i] = strmid(field[i],0,len[i])
if size(hdr_or_tbstr,/TYPE) NE 8 then begin
ptr_free, tb_str.tscal
ptr_free, tb_str.tzero
; If there are multiple values then only print the first value....
if minnumval EQ 1 then begin
index = replicate('[i]',numcol)
g = where( tb_str.numval[colnum-1] GT 1,Ng)
if Ng GT 0 then index[g] = '[0,i]'
vstring = strjoin(varname + index,',')
endif else vstring = strjoin(varname + '[i]',',')
row_format = '(' + row_format + ')'
if minnumval EQ 1 then $
result = execute('for i=0,n-1 do printf,!TEXTUNIT,' + $
vstring + ',f=row_format') else $
result = execute('for i=rows[0],rows[nrow1] do printf,!TEXTUNIT,' + $
vstring + ',f=fmt')
textclose, TEXTOUT = textout