/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/tbinfo.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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; Return an informational IDL structure from a FITS binary table header.
; tbinfo, h, tb_str, [ERRMSG = ]
; h - FITS binary table header, e.g. as returned by READFITS()
; tb_str - IDL structure with extracted info from the FITS binary table
; header. Tags include
; .tbcol - starting column position in bytes, integer vector
; .width - width of the field in bytes, integer vector
; .idltype - idltype of field, byte vector
; 7 - string, 4- real*4, 3-integer*4, 5-real*8
; .numval - repeat count, 64 bit longword vector
; .tunit - string unit numbers, string vector
; .tnull - integer null value for the field, stored as a string vector
; so that an empty string indicates that TNULL is not present
; .tform - format for the field, string vector
; .ttype - field name, string vector
; .maxval- maximum number of elements in a variable length array, long
; vector
; .tscal - pointer array giving the scale factor for converting to
; physical values, default 1.0
; .tzero - pointer array giving the additive offset for converting to
; physical values, default 0.0
; .tdisp - recommended output display format
; All of the output vectors will have same number of elements, equal
; to the number of columns in the binary table.
; The .tscal and .tzero values are stored as pointers so as to preserve
; the individual data types (e.g. float or double) which may differ
; in different columns. For example, to obtain the value of TSCAL for
; the third column use *tab_str.tscal[2]
; /NOSCALE - if set, then the TSCAL* and TZERO* keywords are not extracted
; from the FITS header, and the .tscal and .tzero pointers do not
; appear in the output structure.
; ERRMSG = if present, then error messages are returned in this keyword
; rather than displayed using the MESSAGE facility
; For variable length ('P' format) column, TBINFO returns values for
; reading the 2 element longward array of pointers (numval=2,
; idltype = 3, width=4)
; Major rewrite to return a structure W. Landsman August 1997
; Added "unofficial" 64 bit integer "K" format W. Landsamn Feb. 2003
; Store .tscal and .tzero tags as pointers, so as to preserve
; type information W. Landsman April 2003
; Treat repeat count for string as specifying string length, not number
; of elements, added ERRMSG W. Landsman July 2006
; Treat logical as character string 'T' or 'F' W. Landsman October 2006
; Added NOSCALE keyword W. Landsman March 2007
; Make .numval 64 bit for very large tables W. Landsman April 2014
; Make sure XTENSION is for a FITS binary table W. Landsman May 2017
compile_opt idl2
if N_params() LT 2 then begin
print,'Syntax - TBINFO, h, tb_str, [ERRMSG=, /NOSCALE]'
save_err = arg_present(errmsg)
;Make sure a FITS binary table
ext_type = strmid( strtrim( sxpar( h, 'XTENSION'), 2 ), 0, 8)
if (ext_type NE 'A3DTABLE') && (ext_type NE 'BINTABLE') then begin
message,/INF, $
'WARNING - XTENSION value of ' + ext_type + ' is not for a FITS Binary Table'
; get number of fields
tfields = sxpar( h, 'TFIELDS', COUNT = N_TFields)
if N_TFields EQ 0 then begin ;Legal Binary Table Header?
errmsg = 'Invalid FITS binary table header. keyword TFIELDS is missing'
if ~save_err then message,errmsg else return
if tfields EQ 0 then begin ;Any fields in table?
errmsg = 'No Columns in FITS binary table, keyword TFIELDS = 0'
if ~save_err then message,errmsg else return
; Create output arrays with default values
idltype = intarr(tfields) & tnull = idltype
numval = lon64arr(tfields) & tbcol = numval & width = numval & maxval = numval
tunit = replicate('',tfields) & ttype = tunit & tdisp = tunit & tnull = tunit
type = sxpar(h,'TTYPE*', COUNT = N_ttype)
if N_ttype GT 0 then ttype[0] = strtrim(type,2)
tform = strtrim( sxpar(h,'tform*', COUNT = N_tform), 2) ; column format
if N_tform EQ 0 then $
message,'Invalid FITS table header -- keyword TFORM not present
tform = strupcase(strtrim(tform,2))
unit = strtrim(sxpar(h, 'TUNIT*', COUNT = N_tunit),2) ;physical units
if N_tunit GT 0 then tunit[0] = unit
null = sxpar(h, 'TNULL*', COUNT = N_tnull) ;null data value
if N_tnull GT 0 then tnull[0] = null
if ~keyword_set(noscale) then begin
tscal = ptrarr(tfields,/all)
tzero = ptrarr(tfields,/all)
index = strtrim(indgen(tfields)+1,2)
for i=0,tfields-1 do begin
scale = sxpar(h,'TSCAL' + index[i], COUNT = N_tscal) ;Scale factor
if N_tscal GT 0 then *tscal[i] = scale else *tscal[i] = 1.0
zero = sxpar(h,'TZERO' + index[i], Count = N_tzero)
if N_tzero GT 0 then *tzero[i] = zero else *tzero[i] = 0
disp = sxpar(h,'TDISP*', COUNT = N_tdisp) ;Display format string
if N_tdisp GT 0 then tdisp[0] = disp
; determine idl data type from format
len = strlen(tform)
for i = 0, N_elements(tform)-1 do begin
; Step through each character in the format, until a non-numerical character
; is encountered
ichar = 0
if ichar GE len[i] then message, $
'Invalid format specification for keyword TFORM ' + strtrim(i+1)
char = strupcase( strmid(tform[i],ichar,1) )
if ( (char GE '0') && ( char LE '9')) then begin
if ichar EQ 0 then numval[i] = 1 else $
numval[i] = strmid( tform[i], 0, ichar )
if char EQ "P" then begin ;Variable length array?
char = strupcase( strmid(tform[i],ichar+1,1) )
maxval[i] = long( strmid(tform[i],ichar+3, len[i]-ichar-4) )
width[i] = 4 & numval[i] = 2 & idltype[i] = 3
endif else begin
tform[i] = char
case strupcase( tform[i] ) of
'A' : begin
idltype[i] = 7 & width[i] = numval[i] & numval[i]=1
'I' : begin & idltype[i] = 2 & width[i] = 2 & end
'J' : begin & idltype[i] = 3 & width[i] = 4 & end
'E' : begin & idltype[i] = 4 & width[i] = 4 & end
'D' : begin & idltype[i] = 5 & width[i] = 8 & end
'L' : begin & idltype[i] = 7 & width[i] = 1 & end
'B' : begin & idltype[i] = 1 & width[i] = 1 & end
'C' : begin & idltype[i] = 6 & width[i] = 8 & end
'M' : begin & idltype[i] = 9 & width[i] =16 & end
'K' : begin & idltype[i] = 14 & width[i] = 8 & end
; Treat bit arrays as byte arrays with 1/8 the number of elements.
'X' : begin
idltype[i] = 1
numval[i] = long((numval[i]+7)/8)
width[i] = 1
else : message,'Invalid format specification for keyword ' + $
'TFORM'+ strtrim(i+1,2)
if i ge 1 then tbcol[i] = tbcol[i-1] + width[i-1]*numval[i-1]
if keyword_set(noscale) then $
tb_str = {TBCOL:tbcol,WIDTH:width,IDLTYPE:idltype,NUMVAL:numval,TUNIT:tunit,$
TNULL:tnull,TFORM:tform,TTYPE:ttype,MAXVAL:maxval, TDISP:tdisp} $
else $
tb_str = {TBCOL:tbcol,WIDTH:width,IDLTYPE:idltype,NUMVAL:numval,TUNIT:tunit,$
TNULL:tnull,TFORM:tform,TTYPE:ttype,MAXVAL:maxval, TSCAL:tscal, $
TZERO:tzero, TDISP:tdisp}