/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/sxopen.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 | pro SXOPEN,unit,fname,header,history,access
; Open a Space Telescope formatted (STSDAS) header file.
; Saves the parameters required subsequent SX routines in
; the common block Stcommn. Optionally save the header in
; the string array Header, and the history in the string array
; History. Open the data file associated with this
; header on the same unit.
; SXOPEN, Unit, Fname [, Header [,History] [,Access]]
; Unit = IDL unit used for IO. Must be from 1 to 9.
; Fname = File name of header file. Default extension
; is .hhh for header files and .hhd for data
; files. If an extension is supplied it must have the
; form .xxh where xx are any alphanumeric characters. The
; data file must have extension .xxd
; No version number is allowed. Most recent versions
; of the files are used.
; Access = 'R' to open for read, 'W' to open for write.
; Stcommn = Common block containing ST parameter blocks.
; (Long arrays.)
; Header = 80 char by N string array containing the
; names, values and comments from the FITS header.
; Use the function SXPAR to obtain individual
; parameter values.
; History = String array containing the value of the
; history parameter.
; STCOMMN - Contains RESULT(20,10) where RESULT(i,LUN) =
; 0 - 121147 for consistency check, 1 - Unit for consistency,
; 2 - bitpix, 3 - naxis, 4 - groups (0 or 1), 5 - pcount,
; 6 - gcount, 7 - psize, 8 - data type as idl type code,
; 9 - bytes / record, 10 to 10+N-1 - dimension N,
; 17 = record length of file in bytes.
; 18 - # of groups written, 19 = gcount.
; The data and header files are accessed.
; Works only for disc files. The data file must have
; must have the extension ".xxd" and the header file must
; have the extension ".xxh" where x is any alphanumeric character
; The header file is opened and each line is read.
; Important parameters are stored in the output
; parameter. If the last two parameters are specified
; the parameter names and values are stored. The common
; block STCOMMN is filled with the type of data, dimensions,
; etc. for use by SXREAD.
; If access is for write, each element of the header
; array, which must be supplied, is written to the
; header file. The common block is filled with
; relevant parameters for SXWRITE. A keyword of "END"
; ends the header.
; Written, DMS, May, 1983.
; D. Lindler Feb. 1990
; Modified to allow var. record length header files.
; D. Lindler April 1990 Conversion to new VMS IDL
; Added /BLOCK when opening new .hhd file
; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
; Recognize unsigned datatype for V5.1 or greater W. Landsman Jan 2000
; Assume since V5.5 W. Landsman Sep 2006
common stcommn,result,filename
if N_params() LT 2 then begin
print, 'Syntax: SXOPEN, unit, fname, [ header, history, access]'
if N_elements(result) NE 200 then begin ;defined?
result = lonarr(20,10)
filename = strarr(10)
if (unit lt 1) OR (unit gt 9) then $
message,'Unit number must be from 1 to 9.'
close,unit ;close unit first
n = N_params(0) ;# of parameters we have
if n LT 5 then access = 'R' ;read access if unspecified
; Add default extension (.hhh) if not specified
if strmid(xname,strlen(xname)-4,1) NE '.' then xname = xname + '.hhh'
t=xname ;Open keywords.
CASE strupcase(access) OF
'R': sxhread,fname,header ;Read FITS header
'W': sxhwrite,fname,header ;Write FITS header
ELSE: message,'Illegal access value, must be R or W'
result[*,unit]=0 ;Zero our block
filename[unit]=fname ;Save file name
result[0,unit]=121147L ;Code for descr block
result[1,unit] = unit ;Save unit number
result[6,unit]=1 ;Default value of GCOUNT is 1
; Get keyword names and values from header array
name = strtrim(strmid(header,0,8),2) ;param name
value = strtrim(strmid(header,10,20),2) ;param value
L_bitpix = where(name EQ 'BITPIX',nfound)
if nfound GT 0 then result[2,unit] = value[L_bitpix[0]] else $
message,'Required Keyword BITPIX not found',/CON
l_naxis = where(strmid(name,0,5) EQ 'NAXIS',nfound)
IF nfound GT 0 then BEGIN
axis = fix(strtrim(strmid(name[l_naxis],5,3),2))
for i=0,nfound-1 do begin
if axis[i] EQ 0 then $
result[3,unit]=value[l_naxis[i]] else $ ;# of dimensions
result[9+axis[i],unit]=value[l_naxis[i]] ;each dimension
endif else message,'Required Keyword NAXIS not found'
if n GE 4 then BEGIN ;Create history parameter?
L_hist = where(name EQ 'HISTORY',nfound)
IF nfound then history = strtrim(strmid(header[l_hist],8,72),2) else $
history = ''
L_groups = where(name EQ 'GROUPS',nfound)
if nfound GT 0 then result[4,unit] = value[L_groups[0]] eq 'T'
L_pcount = where(name EQ 'PCOUNT',nfound)
if nfound GT 0 then result[5,unit] = value[L_pcount[0]]
L_gcount = where(name EQ 'GCOUNT',nfound)
if nfound GT 0 then result[6,unit] = value[L_gcount[0]]
L_psize = where(name EQ 'PSIZE',nfound)
if nfound GT 0 then result[7,unit] = value[L_psize[0]]/8 $
else result[7,unit] = result[5,unit]*result[2,unit]
L_datatype = where(name EQ 'DATATYPE',nfound)
if nfound GT 0 then begin
v = value[L_datatype[0]] ;Process data type.
v = strmid(v,1,strlen(v)-2) ;Remove apostrophes
v = strtrim(v,2) ;trim blanks
CASE v OF ;Cvt datatype to IDL type code
'BYTE': result[8,unit]=1
'LOGICAL*1': result[8,unit]=1 ;Byte
'INTEGER*1': result[8,unit]=1
'REAL*4': result[8,unit]=4
'INTEGER*2': result[8,unit]=2
'UNSIGNED*2': result[8,unit]=12
'INTEGER*4': result[8,unit]=3
'UNSIGNED*4': result[8,unit]=13
'REAL*8': result[8,unit]=5
'COMPLEX*8': result[8,unit]=6
ELSE: message,'Undefined Datatype value'
; If DATATYPE not specified assume integer of size specified by BITPIX
if result[8,unit] EQ 0 then begin
CASE result[2,unit] OF
8: result[8,unit]=1 ;byte
16: result[8,unit]=2 ;integer*2
32: result[8,unit]=3 ;integer*4
-32: result[8,unit]=4
-64: result[8,unit]=5
else: message,'Unable to determine data type'
bytes = abs(result[2,unit])/8l ;bytes/datum
for j=1,result[3,unit] do $ ;accum bytes/record
bytes = bytes + result[7,unit] ;+ header.
result[9,unit]=bytes ;Save bytes/record.
xname=strmid(xname,0,strlen(xname)-1)+'d' ;Change to data filename
If result[3,unit] GT 0 then begin ;NAXIS non-zero?
if strupcase(access) eq 'R' then $
openr,unit,xname $
else begin
nrecs = (result[6,unit]*result[9,unit]+511)/512
openw, unit, xname
result[17,unit] = 512 ;Save record length
endif else result[17,unit]=0 ;NAXIS = 0