/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/queryvizier.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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CONSTRAINT = constraint, ALLCOLUMNS=allcolumns, SILENT=silent
; Query any catalog in the Vizier database by position
; Uses the IDLnetURL object to provide a positional query of any catalog
; in the the Vizier (http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/) database over the Web and
; return results in an IDL structure.
; info = QueryVizier(catalog, targetname_or_coords, [ dis
; CATALOG - Scalar string giving the name of the VIZIER catalog to be
; searched. The complete list of catalog names is available at
; http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/vizier/cats/U.htx .
; Popular VIZIER catalogs include
; 'II/328'- AllWISE Data Release (Cutri+ 2013)
; 'V/139' - Sloan SDSS photometric catalog Release 9 (2012)
; '2MASS-PSC' - 2MASS point source catalog (2003)
; 'GSC2.3' - Version 2.3.2 of the HST Guide Star Catalog (2006)
; 'USNO-B1' - Verson B1 of the US Naval Observatory catalog (2003)
; 'UCAC5' - 5th U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog (2017)
; 'B/DENIS/DENIS' - 2nd Deep Near Infrared Survey of southern Sky (2005)
; 'I/337/gaia' - Gaia DR1 Data Release 1 (2016)
; 'I/311/HIP2' - Hipparcos main catalog, new reduction (2007)
; Note that some names will prompt a search of multiple catalogs
; and QUERYVIZIER will only return the result of the first search.
; Thus, setting catalog to "HIP2" will search all catalogs
; associated with the Hipparcos mission, and return results for the
; first catalog found. To specifically search the Hipparcos or
; Tycho main catalogs use the VIZIER catalog names listed above
; TARGETNAME_OR_COORDS - Either a scalar string giving a target name,
; (with J2000 coordinates determined by SIMBAD), or a 2-element
; numeric vector giving the J2000 right ascension in *degrees* and
; the target declination in degrees.
; If the targetname is set to 'NONE' then QUERYVIZIER will perform
; an all-sky search using the constraints given in the CONSTRAINT
; keyword.
; dis - scalar or 2-element vector. If one value is supplied then this
; is the search radius in arcminutes. If two values are supplied
; then this is the width (i.e., in longitude direction) and height
; of the search box. Default is a radius search with radius of
; 5 arcminutes
; info - Anonymous IDL structure containing information on the catalog
; sources within the specified distance of the specified center. The
; structure tag names are identical with the VIZIER catalog column
; names, with the exception of an occasional underscore
; addition, if necessary to convert the column name to a valid
; structure tag. The VIZIER Web page should consulted for the
; column names and their meaning for each particular catalog..
; If the tagname is numeric and the catalog field is blank then either
; NaN (if floating) or -1 (if integer) is placed in the tag.
; If no sources are found within the specified radius, or an
; error occurs in the query then -1 is returned.
; /ALLCOLUMNS - if set, then all columns for the catalog are returned
; The default is to return a smaller VIZIER default set.
; /CFA - By default, the query is sent to the main VIZIER site in
; Strasbourg, France. If /CFA is set then the VIZIER site
; at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics (CFA) is used instead.
; Note that not all Vizier sites have the option to return
; tab-separated values (TSV) which is required by this program.
; CONSTRAINT - string giving additional nonpositional numeric
; constraints on the entries to be selected. For example, when
; in the GSC2.3 catalog, to only select sources with Rmag < 16 set
; Constraint = 'Rmag<16'. Multiple constraints can be
; separated by commas. Use '!=' for "not equal", '<=' for smaller
; or equal, ">=" for greater than or equal. See the complete list
; of operators at
; http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/doc/asu.html#AnnexQual
; For this keyword only, **THE COLUMN NAME IS CASE SENSITIVE** and
; must be written exactly as displayed on the VIZIER Web page.
; Thus for the GSC2.3 catalog one must use 'Rmag' and not 'rmag' or
; 'RMAG'. In addition, *DO NOT INCLUDE ANY BLANK SPACE* unless it
; is a necessary part of the query.
; /SILENT - If set, then no message will be displayed if no sources
; are found. Error messages are still displayed.
; /VERBOSE - If set then the query sent to the VIZIER site is
; displayed, along with the returned title(s) of found catalog(s)
; (1) Plot a histogram of the J magnitudes of all 2MASS point sources
; stars within 10 arcminutes of the center of the globular cluster M13
; IDL> info = queryvizier('2MASS-PSC','m13',10)
; IDL> plothist,info.jmag,xran=[10,20]
; (2) Find the brightest J mag GSC2.3 source within 3' of the
; J2000 position ra = 10:12:34, dec = -23:34:35
; IDL> str = queryvizier('GSC2.3',[ten(10,12,34)*15,ten(-23,34,35)],3)
; IDL> print,min(str.jmag,/NAN)
; (3) Find sources with V < 19 in the Magellanic Clouds Photometric
; Survey (Zaritsky+, 2002) within 5 arc minutes of the position
; 00:47:34 -73:06:27
; Checking the VIZIER Web page we find that this catalog is
; IDL> catname = 'J/AJ/123/855/table1'
; IDL> ra = ten(0,47,34)*15 & dec = ten(-73,6,27)
; IDL> str = queryvizier(catname, [ra,dec], 5, constra='Vmag<19')
; (4) Perform an all-sky search of the Tycho-2 catalog for stars with
; BTmag = 13+/-0.1
; IDL> str = queryvizier('I/259/TYC2','NONE',constrain='BTmag=13+/-0.1')
; TO DO:
; (1) Allow specification of output sorting
; Written by W. Landsman SSAI October 2003
; Added /SILENT keyword W.L. Jan 2009
; Avoid error if output columns but not data returned W.L. Mar 2010
; Ignore vector tags (e.g. SED spectra) W.L. April 2011
; Better checking when more than one catalog returned W.L. June 2012
; Assume since IDL V6.4 W.L. Aug 2013
; Update HTTP syntax for /CANADA W. L. Feb 2014
; Add CFA keyword, remove /CANADA keyword W.L. Oct 2014
; Use IDLnetURL instead of Socket W.L. October 2014
; Add Catch, fix problem with /AllColumns W.L. September 2016
; Update Strasbourg Web address W.L. April 2017
; Handle multiple tables, don't remove leading blanks W.L. Feb 2018
compile_opt idl2
if N_params() LT 2 then begin
print,'Syntax - info = QueryVizier(catalog, targetname_or_coord, dis,'
print,' '
print,' Coordinates (if supplied) should be J2000 RA (degrees) and Dec'
print,' dis -- search radius or box in arcminutes'
if N_elements(info) GT 0 then return,info else return, -1
Catch, theError
void = cgErrorMsg(/Quiet)
return, -1
if keyword_set(cfa) then host = "vizier.cfa.harvard.edu" $
else host = "vizier.u-strasbg.fr"
silent = keyword_set(silent)
if N_elements(catalog) EQ 0 then $
message,'ERROR - A catalog name must be supplied as a keyword'
zparcheck,'QUERYVIZIER',catalog,1,7,0,'Catalog Name'
targname = 0b
if N_elements(dis) EQ 0 then dis = 5
if min(dis) LE 0 then $
message,'ERROR - Search distances must be greater than zero'
nopoint = 0b
if N_elements(dis) EQ 2 then $
search = "&-c.bm=" + strtrim(dis[0],2) + '/' + strtrim(dis[1],2) else $
search = "&-c.rm=" + strtrim(dis,2)
if N_elements(target) EQ 2 then begin
ra = float(target[0])
dec = float(target[1])
endif else begin
nopoint = strupcase( strtrim(target,2) ) EQ 'NONE'
object = repstr(target,'+','%2B')
object = repstr(strcompress(object),' ','+')
targname = 1b
; Add any additional constraints to the search. Convert any URL special
; special characters in the constraint string.
if N_elements(constraint) EQ 0 then constraint = ''
if strlen(constraint) GT 0 then begin
urlconstrain = strtrim(constraint,2)
urlconstrain = strcompress2(constraint,['<','>','='])
;Note that one cannot uses the URLENCODE method of IDLnetURL
;because of the "=" needed when encoding "<" and ">" characters.
;I am not sure why this is so. ---WL
urlconstrain = repstr(urlconstrain, ',','&')
urlconstrain = repstr(urlconstrain, '<','=%3C')
urlconstrain = repstr(urlconstrain, '>','=%3E')
urlconstrain = repstr(urlconstrain, '+','%2B')
urlconstrain = repstr(urlconstrain, '/','%2F')
urlconstrain = repstr(urlconstrain, '!','=!')
if nopoint then search = urlconstrain else $
search = search + '&' + urlconstrain
path = 'viz-bin/asu-tsv'
if nopoint then $
Query = "-source=" + catalog + '&' + $
search + '&-out.max=unlimited' else $
if targname then $
Query = $
"-source=" + catalog + $
"&-c=" + object + search + '&-out.max=unlimited' else $
query = $
"-source=" + catalog + $
"&-c.ra=" + strtrim(ra,2) + '&-c.dec=' + strtrim(dec,2) + $
search + '&-out.max=unlimited'
if keyword_set(allcolumns) then query += '&-out.all=1'
if keyword_set(verbose) then begin
message,'http://' + host + '/' + path,/inf
oURL = obj_new('IDLnetURL')
oURL -> SetProperty, URL_Scheme='http',URL_host=host,URL_query=query, $
URL_PATH = path
result = oURL -> GET(/STRING_ARRAY)
t = strtrim(result) ;Feb 2018 don't remove leading blanks
keyword = strtrim(strmid(t,0,7),2)
N = N_elements(t)
if strmid(keyword[n-1],0,5) EQ '#INFO' then begin ;Error finding catalog?
return, -1
linecon = where(keyword EQ '#---Lis', Ncon)
if Ncon GT 0 then remove,linecon, t, keyword
; Check to see if more than one catalog has been searched
; Use only the first catalog found
rcol = where(keyword Eq '#RESOUR', Nfound)
if N_elements(rcol) GT 1 then begin
if keyword_set(verbose) then $
message,/inf,'Warning - more than one catalog found -- only returning first one'
t = t[0:rcol[1]-1 ]
keyword = keyword[0:rcol[1]-1]
tcol = where(keyword Eq '#Table', Nfound)
if N_elements(tcol) GT 1 then begin
if keyword_set(verbose) then $
message,/inf,'Warning - more than table found in catalog-- only returning first one'
t = t[0:tcol[1]-1 ]
keyword = keyword[0:tcol[1]-1]
lcol = where(keyword EQ "#Column", Nfound)
if Nfound EQ 0 then begin
if max(strpos(strlowcase(t),'errors')) GE 0 then begin
message,'ERROR - Unsuccessful VIZIER query',/CON
endif else if ~silent then $
message,'No sources found within specified radius',/INF
if keyword_set(verbose) then begin
titcol = where(keyword EQ '#Title:', Ntit)
if Ntit GT 0 then message,/inform, $
;Check if any Warnings or fatal errors in the VIZIER output
badflag = strmid(keyword,0,5)
warn = where(badflag EQ '#++++', Nwarn)
if Nwarn GT 0 then for i=0,Nwarn-1 do $
message,'Warning: ' + strtrim(t[warn[i]],2),/info
fatal = where(badflag EQ '#****', Nfatal)
if Nfatal GT 0 then for i=0,Nfatal-1 do $
message,'Error: ' + strtrim(t[fatal[i]],2),/info
trow = t[lcol]
dum = gettok(trow,' ')
colname = gettok(trow,' ')
fmt = gettok(trow,' ')
colname = IDL_VALIDNAME(colname,/convert_all)
; Find the vector tags (Format begins with a number) and remove them
bad = where(stregex(fmt,'^[0-9]') GE 0, Nbad)
if Nbad GT 0 then remove,bad,fmt,colname
ntag = N_elements(colname)
fmt = strupcase(fmt)
val = fix(strmid(fmt,1,4))
for i=0,Ntag-1 do begin
case strmid(fmt[i],0,1) of
'A': cval = ' '
'I': cval = (val[i] LE 4) ? 0 : 0L ;16 bit integer if 4 chars or less
'F': cval = (val[i] LE 7) ? 0. : 0.0d ;floating point if 7 chars or less
'E': cval = (val[i] LE 7) ? 0. : 0.0d
'D': cval = (val[i] LE 7) ? 0. : 0.0d
else: message,'ERROR - unrecognized format ' + fmt[i]
if i EQ 0 then info = create_struct(colname[0], cval) else begin
; If you set the /ALLCOLUMNS flag, in some cases (2MASS) you
; get a duplicate column name. Check for this and avoid it by appending
; an extra bit to the duplicate name
if where(tag_names(info) eq strupcase(colname[i])) ge 0 then $
colname[i] = colname[i] + '_2'
info = create_struct(temporary(info), colname[i],cval)
i0 = max(lcol) + 4
if i0 GT (N_elements(t)-1) then begin
message,'No sources found within specified radius',/INF
return, -1
iend = where( t[i0:*] EQ '', Nend)
if Nend EQ 0 then iend = N_elements(t) else iend = iend[0] + i0
nstar = iend - i0
info = replicate(info, nstar)
; Find positions of tab characters
t = t[i0:iend-1]
for j=0,Ntag-1 do begin
x = strtrim( gettok(t,string(9b),/exact ),2)
dtype = size(info[0].(j),/type)
if (dtype NE 7) then begin
bad = where(~strlen(x), Nbad)
if (Nbad GT 0) then $
if (dtype EQ 4) || (dtype EQ 5) then x[bad] = 'NaN' $
else x[bad] = -1
info.(j) = x