/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/querydss.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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NED=ned, SURVEY = survey, OUTFILE = outfile, VERBOSE=verbose
; QueryDSS
; Query the digital sky survey (DSS) on-line at the STSCI (or ESO) server
; The script can query the DSS survey and retrieve an image and FITS
; header either from the the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) or
; European Space Observatory (ESO) servers.
; See http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss and/or
; http://archive.stsci.edu/dss/index.html for details.
; QueryDSS, targetname_or_coords, Im, Hdr, [IMSIZE= , /ESO, Outfile= ]
; TARGETNAME_OR_COORDS - Either a scalar string giving a target name,
; (with J2000 coordinates determined by SIMBAD (default) or NED), or
; a 2-element numeric vector giving the J2000 right ascension in
; *degrees* and the target declination in degrees.
; None
; ImSize - Numeric scalar giving size of the image to be retrieved in
; arcminutes. Default is 10 arcminute.
; /ESO - Use the ESO server for image retrieval. Default is to use
; the STScI server
; /NED - Query the Nasa Extragalactic Database (NED) for the
; target's coordinates. The default is to use Simbad for
; the target search.
; OUTFILE - scalar string specifying name of output FITS file.
; If set, then the output IDL variables are not used.
; /STSCI - obsolete keyword, now does nothing, since STSCI is the default
; Server.
; SURVEY - Scalar string specifying which survey to retrieve.
; Possible values are
; '1' - First generation (red), this is the default
; '1b' - First generation (blue)
; '2b' - Second generation blue
; '2r' - Second generation red
; '2i' - Second generation near-infrared
; TIMEOUT - numeric scalar giving the time in seconds to wait for a server
; response. Default is 20 seconds
; Note that 2nd generation images may not be available for all regions
; of the sky. Also note that the first two letters of the 'REGION'
; keyword in the FITS header gives the bandpass 'XP' - Red IIIaF,
; 'XJ' - Blue IIIaJ, 'XF' - Near-IR IVN
; /VERBOSE - If set, then the query sent to the DSS server is displayed
; Im - The image returned by the server. If there is an error, this
; contains a single 0.
; Hdr - The FITS header of the image. Empty string in case of errors.
; This header will contain a "best" tangent approximation to the
; Guide Star astrometry as the default. However, the original
; Guide Star astrometry keywords with up to 20 parameters will also
; be present.
; If the OutFile keyword is set then no outputs are returned (only the
; file is written).
; If Im and Hdr exist in advance, they are overwritten. A temporary file
; may be written.
; Relies on a working network connection.
; Construct a query-url, fetch file with IDLNetURL object, and optionally
; read the file into IDL variables.
; Retrieve an 10' image surrounding the ultracompact HII region
; G45.45+0.06. Obtain the 2nd generation blue image.
; IDL> QueryDSS, 'GAL045.45+00.06', image, header, survey = '2b'
; IDL> tvscl, image
; IDL> hprint, header
; IDL> writefits,'dss_image.fits', image, header
; Note that the coordinates could have been specified directly, rather than
; giving the target name.
; IDL> QueryDSS, [288.587, 11.1510], image, header,survey='2b'
; To write a file directly to disk, use the OutFile keyword
; IDL> QueryDSS, [288.587, 11.1510], survey='2b', out='gal045_2b.fits'
; Written by M. Feldt, Heidelberg, Oct 2001 <mfeldt@mpia.de>
; Option to supply target name instead of coords W. Landsman Aug. 2002
; Added OUTFILE, /NED keywords W. Landsman April 2003
; Don't abort on Simbad failure W. Landsman/J. Brauher June 2003
; Added /VERBOSE keyword W. Landsman Jan 2009
; Make /STScI server the default W. Landsman June 2010
; Fix OUTPUT option W. Landsman June 2010
; Major rewrite to use IDLNetURL object W. Landsman September 2016
compile_opt idl2
if N_params() LT 1 || (N_params() EQ 1 && ~keyword_set(outfile)) then begin
print,'Syntax - QueryDSS, TargetName_or_coords, image, header'
print," [Imsize= ,/ESO, /STScI, Survey = ['1','2b','2r','2i'] "
print,' /NED, OutFile = ]'
Catch, theError
IF theError NE 0 then begin
if size(oURL,/tname) EQ 'OBJREF' then $
oURL-> GetProperty, RESPONSE_HEADER= rspHdr else $
rspHdr = ''
void = cgErrorMsg(rspHdr,/quiet)
if N_elements(target) EQ 2 then begin
ra = float(target[0])
dec = float(target[1])
endif else begin
QuerySimbad, target, ra,dec, NED= ned, Found = Found
if found EQ 0 then begin
message,/inf,'Target name ' + target + $
' could not be translated by SIMBAD'
IF ~Keyword_Set(ImSize) THEN ImSize = 10 else $
if N_elements(ImSize) GT 1 then $
message,'Error - ImSize keyword must contain a scalar value'
Equinox = 'J2000'
if N_elements(timeout) EQ 0 then timeout = 20.
if N_elements(survey) EQ 0 then survey = '1'
dss = strlowcase(strtrim(strmid(survey,0,2),2))
if keyword_set(ESO) then begin
case dss of
'1': dss = 'DSS1'
'2b': dss = 'DSS2-blue'
'2r': dss = 'DSS2-red'
'2i': dss = 'DSS2-infrared'
else: message,'Unrecognized Survey - should be 1, 2b, 2r or 2i'
IF keyword_set(eso) THEN BEGIN
host = 'archive.eso.org'
path = 'dss/dss/image
queryURL = strcompress( "ra=" + string(RA)+$
"&dec=" + string(DEC) + $
"&x=" + string(ImSize) + $
"&y="+ string(ImSize) + $
"&Sky-Survey="+dss +"&mime-type=download-fits", /remove)
host = 'archive.stsci.edu'
path = 'cgi-bin/dss_search
queryURL = strcompress( "ra=" + string(RA) + $
"&dec=" + string(DEC) + $
"& equinox="+ Equinox +$
"& height="+ string(ImSize) +$
"&generation=" + dss +$
"& width="+ string(ImSize)+$
"& format=FITS", /remove)
oURL = obj_new('IDLnetURL')
oURL-> SetProperty, URL_Scheme = 'http',URL_Host=host,URL_Query=QueryURL, $
URL_PATH=path,TIMEOUT = timeout
if keyword_set(verbose) then message,/INF, QueryURL
do_outfile = keyword_set(outfile)
if ~do_outfile then outfile = getenv('IDL_TMPDIR') + 'temp.fits'
Result = oURL -> GET(FILENAME = outfile)
;Did we receive a FITS file or a .html file (if an error) ?
buf = bytarr(6)
if strlowcase(buf) EQ '<html>' then begin
message,'Invalid DSS parameters',/INF
html = disk+dir+fname + '.html'
file_move,outfile, html,/OVERWRITE
if do_outfile then begin
message,'Writing FITS file ' + outfile,/inf
Image = readfits(outfile,header)
IF N_Elements(Image) NE 1 THEN return
message, 'Problem retrieving your image!,/INF