/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/putast.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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CD_TYPE = cd_type, ALT = alt, NAXIS = naxis
; Put WCS astrometry parameters into a given FITS header.
; putast, hdr ;Prompt for all values
; or
; putast, hdr, astr, [EQUINOX =, CD_TYPE =, ALT= , NAXIS=]
; or
; putast, hdr, cd,[ crpix, crval, ctype], [ EQUINOX =, CD_TYPE =, ALT= ]
; HDR - FITS header, string array. HDR will be updated to contain
; the supplied astrometry.
; ASTR - IDL structure containing values of the astrometry parameters
; See EXTAST.PRO for more info about the structure definition
; or
; CD - 2 x 2 array containing the astrometry parameters CD1_1 CD1_2
; CD2_1 CD2_2
; in units of DEGREES/PIXEL
; CRPIX - 2 element vector giving X and Y coord of reference pixel
; (e.g. first pixel in image is [1,1] ) AND NOT IDL STANDARD
; (first pixel in image is [0,0]
; CRVAL - 2 element vector giving R.A. and DEC of reference pixel
; in degrees
; CTYPE - 2 element string vector giving projection types for the two axes.
; For example, to specify a tangent projection one should set
; ctype = ['RA---TAN','DEC--TAN']
; Fields added for version 2:
; .PV1 - Vector of projection parameters associated with longitude axis
; .AXES - 2 element integer vector giving the FITS-convention axis
; numbers associated with astrometry, in ascending order.
; Default [1,2].
; .REVERSE - byte, true if first astrometry axis is Dec/latitude
; .COORDSYS - 1 or 2 character code giving coordinate system, including
; 'C' = RA/Dec, 'G' = Galactic, 'E' = Ecliptic, 'X' = unknown.
; .RADECSYS - String giving RA/Dec system e.g. 'FK4', 'ICRS' etc.
; .EQUINOX - Double giving the epoch of the mean equator and equinox
; .DATEOBS - Text string giving (start) date/time of observations
; .MJDOBS - Modified julian date of start of observations.
; .X0Y0 - Not written to header.
; HDR - FITS header now contains the updated astrometry parameters
; A brief HISTORY record is also added.
; ALT - single character 'A' through 'Z' or ' ' specifying an alternate
; astrometry system to write in the FITS header. The default is
; to write primary astrometry or ALT = ' '. If /ALT is set,
; then this is equivalent to ALT = 'A'. See Section 3.3 of
; Greisen & Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395, 1061) for information about
; alternate astrometry keywords.
; CD_TYPE - Integer scalar, either 0, 1 or 2 specifying how the CD matrix
; is to be written into the header
; (0) write PCn_m values along with CDELT values
; (1) convert to rotation and write as a CROTA2 value (+ CDELT)
; (2) as CDn_m values (IRAF standard)
; All three forms are valid representations according to Greisen &
; Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395, 1061), also available at
; http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_wcs.html ) although form (0) is
; preferred. Form (1) is the former AIPS standard and is now
; deprecated and cannot be used if any skew is present.
; If CD_TYPE is not supplied, PUTAST will try to determine the
; type of astrometry already in the header. If there is no
; astrometry in the header then the default is CD_TYPE = 2.
; EQUINOX - numeric scalar giving the year of equinox of the reference
; coordinates. Keyword value takes precedence over value in
; astrometry structure which takes precedence over value in
; header; if none of these present then default is 2000.
; NAXIS - By default, PUTAST does not update the NAXIS keywords in the
; FITS header. If NAXIS is set, and an astrometry structure is
; supplied then the NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 keywords in the FITS header
; will be updated with the .NAXIS structure tags values. If an
; astrometry structure is not supplied, then one can set NAXIS to a
; two element vector to update the NAXIS1, NAXIS2 keywords.
; The recommended use of this procedure is to supply an astrometry
; structure. This can be produced with MAKE_ASTR.
; If parameters are supplied by keyword, the full range of
; astrometry header info is not supported by PUTAST.
; PUTAST does not delete astrometry parameters already present in the
; header, unless they are explicity overwritten.
; If present in the astrometry structure, PUTAST will add SIP
; ( http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/registry/sip.html ) or TPV
; ( http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/registry/tpvwcs.html ) distortion parameters
; to a FITS header.
; If only a header is supplied, the user will be prompted for a plate
; scale, the X and Y coordinates of a reference pixel, the RA and
; DEC of the reference pixel, the equinox of the RA and Dec and a
; rotation angle.
; Written by W. Landsman 9-3-87
; Major rewrite, use new astrometry structure March, 1994
; Use both CD and CDELT to get plate scale for CD_TYPE=1 September 1995
; Use lower case for FITS keyword Comments W.L. March 1997
; Fixed for CD_TYPE=1 and CDELT = [1.0,1.0] W.L September 1997
; Default value of CD_TYPE is now 2, Use GET_COORDS to read coordinates
; to correct -0 problem W.L. September 1997
; Update CROTA1 if it already exists W.L. October 1997
; Convert rotation to degrees for CD_TYPE = 1 W. L. June 1998
; Accept CD_TYPE = 0 keyword input W.L October 1998
; Remove reference to obsolete !ERR W.L. February 2000
; No longer support CD001001 format, write default tangent CTYPE value
; consistent conversion between CROTA and CD matrix W.L. October 2000
; Use GET_EQUINOX to get equinox value W.L. January 2001
; Update CTYPE keyword if previous value is 'LINEAR' W.L. July 2001
; Use SIZE(/TNAME) instead of DATATYPE() W.L. November 2001
; Allow direct specification of CTYPE W.L. June 2002
; Don't assume celestial coordinates W. Landsman April 2003
; Make default CD_TYPE = 2 W. Landsman September 2003
; Add projection parameters, e.g. PV2_1, PV2_2 if present in the
; input structure W. Landsman May 2004
; Correct interactive computation of image center W. Landsman Feb. 2005
; Don't use CROTA (CD_TYPE=1) if a skew exists W. Landsman May 2005
; Added NAXIS keyword W. Landsman January 2007
; Update PC matrix, if CD_TYPE=0 and CD matrix supplied W.L. July 2007
; Don't write PV2 keywords for WCS types that don't use it W.L. Aug 2011
; Add SIP distortion parameters if present W.L. April 2012
; Work if empty distortion structure present W.L. November 2012
; Spurious error message introduced April 2012 if CD matrix rather
; than structure supplied W.L. January 2013
; Allow for version 2 astrometry structure J. P. Leahy July 2013
; Bug fix in interactive use JPL Aug 2013.
; Support IRAF TNX projection M. Sullivan U. of Southamptom March 2014
; PV1_3, PV1_4 keywords take precedence over LONPOLE, LATPOLE keywords
; WL, August 2014
; Fix typo spelling RADECSYS, don't use LONPOLE, LATPOLE in PV keywords when
; TPV projection WL December 2015
; Corrected for case when Equinox is NaN in structure. J. Murthy May 2016
; Fix when no structure supplied W. Landsman Oct 2018
compile_opt idl2
npar = N_params()
if ( npar EQ 0 ) then begin ;Was header supplied?
print,'Syntax: PUTAST, Hdr, astr, [ EQUINOX= , CD_TYPE=, ALT= ,/NAXIS]'
print,' or'
print,'Syntax: PUTAST, Hdr, [ cd, crpix, crval, ctype, EQUINOX = , CD_TYPE =]'
RADEG = 180.0d/!DPI
ax = ['1','2'] ; Default axis numbers
astr2 = 0B ; Assume input astronomy structure (if any) is version 1.
; will be updated if not.
zparcheck, 'PUTAST', hdr, 1, 7, 1, 'FITS image header'
if N_elements(alt) EQ 0 then alt = '' else if (alt EQ '1') then alt = 'a'
if ( npar EQ 1 ) then begin ;Prompt for astrometry parameters?
ctype = strtrim(sxpar(hdr,'CTYPE*', Count = N_Ctype),2)
if (N_Ctype NE 2) || (ctype[0] EQ 'PIXEL') || (ctype[0] EQ 'LINEAR') then $
ctype = ['RA---TAN','DEC--TAN']
read,'Enter plate scale in arc seconds/pixel: ',cdelt
inp =''
print,'Reference pixel position should be in FITS convention'
print,'(First pixel has coordinate (1,1) )'
GETCRPIX: print, $
'Enter X and Y position of a reference pixel ([RETURN] for plate center)'
read, inp
if ( inp EQ '' ) then $
crpix = [ sxpar(hdr,'NAXIS1')+1, sxpar(hdr,'NAXIS2')+1] / 2. $
else crpix = getopt( inp, 'F')
if N_elements( crpix ) NE 2 then begin
print,'PUTAST: INVALID INPUT - Enter 2 scalar values'
inp = ''
read,'Enter RA (hrs) and Dec (degrees) of reference pixel:',inp
GET_COORDS, crval,in=inp
if crval[0] EQ -999 then goto, rd_cen
crval[0] = crval[0]*15.
inp = ''
read,'Enter rotation angle in degrees, East of north [0.]: ',inp
rotat = getopt(inp,'F')/RADEG
cd = (cdelt / 3600.)*[[-cos(rotat),-sin(rotat)], [-sin(rotat), cos(rotat)]]
npar = 4
endif else begin
if size(astr,/TNAME) EQ 'STRUCT' then begin
;User supplied astrometry structure
cd = astr.cd
cdelt = astr.cdelt
crval = astr.crval
crpix = astr.crpix
ctype = astr.ctype
if keyword_set(naxis) then if tag_exist(astr,'NAXIS') then $
naxis = astr.naxis
longpole = astr.longpole
if tag_exist(astr,'latpole') then latpole = astr.latpole
if tag_exist(astr,'pv2') then pv2 = astr.pv2
astr2 = TAG_EXIST(astr,'AXES')
IF astr2 THEN BEGIN ; version 2 astrometry structure
ax = STRTRIM(STRING(astr.axes),2)
IF N_ELEMENTS(equinox) EQ 0 THEN $
if (finite(astr.equinox)) then equinox = astr.equinox
endif else begin
cd = astr
zparcheck,'PUTAST', cd, 2, [4,5], 2, 'CD matrix'
;Write NAXIS values
if N_elements(naxis) EQ 2 then begin
; Add CTYPE to FITS header
if N_elements( ctype ) GE 2 then begin
sxaddpar,hdr,'CTYPE'+ax[0]+alt,ctype[0],' Coordinate Type','HISTORY',/SaveC
sxaddpar,hdr,'CTYPE'+ax[1]+alt,ctype[1],' Coordinate Type','HISTORY',/SaveC
; Add EQUINOX keyword and value to FITS header
if N_elements( equinox ) EQ 0 then begin ;Is EQUINOX already in header?
equinox = get_equinox( hdr, code)
if code LT 0 then $
sxaddpar, hdr, 'EQUINOX'+alt, 2000.0, ' Equinox of Ref. Coord.', $
endif else $
sxaddpar,hdr, 'EQUINOX'+alt, equinox, 'Equinox of Ref. Coord.', 'HISTORY',/Sav
; Add coordinate description (CD) matrix to FITS header
; 0. PCn_m keywords 1. CROTA + CDELT 2: CD1_1
if (N_elements(cd_type) EQ 0) then begin
cd_type = 2
pc1_1 = sxpar( hdr, 'PC'+ax[0]+'_'+ax[0]+alt, Count = N_PC)
if N_pc EQ 0 then begin
cd1_1 = sxpar( hdr, 'CD'+ax[0]+'_'+ax[0]+alt, Count = N_CD)
if N_CD EQ 0 then begin ;
CDELT1 = sxpar( hdr,'CDELT'+ax[0]+alt, COUNT = N_CDELT1)
if N_CDELT1 GE 1 then cd_type = 1
endif else cd_type = 0
; If there is a skew then we can't use a simple CROTA representation
if CD_TYPE EQ 1 then if abs(cd[1,0]) NE abs(cd[0,1]) then begin
cd_type = 0
sxdelpar,hdr,['CROTA'+ax[0] + alt,'CROTA'+ax[1] + alt]
message,/INF,'Astrometry incompatible with a CROTA2 representation'
message,/INF,'Writing PC matrix instead'
degpix = ' Degrees / Pixel'
if cd_type EQ 0 then begin
sxaddpar, hdr, 'PC'+ax[0]+'_'+ax[0]+alt, cd[0,0], degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
sxaddpar, hdr, 'PC'+ax[1]+'_'+ax[0]+alt, cd[1,0], degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
sxaddpar, hdr, 'PC'+ax[0]+'_'+ax[1]+alt, cd[0,1], degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
sxaddpar, hdr, 'PC'+ax[1]+'_'+ax[1]+alt, cd[1,1], degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
if N_elements(cdelt) EQ 2 then begin
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CDELT'+ax[0]+alt, cdelt[0], degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CDELT'+ax[1]+alt, cdelt[1], degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
endif else if cd_type EQ 2 then begin
if N_elements(CDELT) GE 2 then if (cdelt[0] NE 1.0) then begin
cd[0,0] = cd[0,0]*cdelt[0] & cd[0,1] = cd[0,1]*cdelt[0]
cd[1,1] = cd[1,1]*cdelt[1] & cd[1,0] = cd[1,0]*cdelt[1]
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CD'+ax[0]+'_'+ax[0]+alt, cd[0,0], degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CD'+ax[1]+'_'+ax[0]+alt, cd[1,0], degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CD'+ax[0]+'_'+ax[1]+alt, cd[0,1], degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CD'+ax[1]+'_'+ax[1]+alt, cd[1,1], degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
endif else begin
; Programs should only look for CROTA2, but we also update CROTA1 if it
; already exists. Also keep existing comment field if it exists.
if N_elements(CDELT) GE 2 then begin
if cdelt[0] NE 1.0 then delt = cdelt
if N_elements(delt) EQ 0 then begin
det = cd[0,0]*cd[1,1] - cd[0,1]*cd[1,0]
if det LT 0 then sgn = -1 else sgn = 1
delt = [sgn*sqrt(cd[0,0]^2 + cd[0,1]^2), $
sqrt(cd[1,0]^2 + cd[1,1]^2) ]
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CDELT'+ax[0]+alt, delt[0],degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CDELT'+ax[1]+alt, delt[1],degpix, 'HISTORY',/SaveC
if (cd[1,0] eq 0) and (cd[0,1] eq 0) then rot = 0.0 else $
rot = float(atan( -cd[1,0],cd[1,1])*RADEG)
crota2 = sxpar(hdr,'CROTA'+ax[1], Count = N_crota2)
if N_crota2 GT 0 then sxaddpar, hdr, 'CROTA2'+alt, rot else $
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CROTA'+ax[1]+alt, rot, ' Rotation Angle (Degrees)'
crota1 = sxpar(hdr,'CROTA'+ax[0], Count = N_crota1)
if N_crota1 GT 0 then $
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CROTA'+ax[0]+alt, rot
hist = ' CD Matrix Written'
; Add CRPIX keyword to FITS header
if N_elements( crpix ) GE 2 then begin ;Add CRPIX vector?
zparcheck, 'PUTAST', crpix, 3, [1,2,4,3,5], 1, 'CRPIX vector'
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CRPIX'+ax[0]+alt, crpix[0], ' Reference Pixel in X', $
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CRPIX'+ax[1]+alt ,crpix[1], ' Reference Pixel in Y', $
hist = ' CD and CRPIX parameters written'
; Add CRVAL keyword and values to FITS header. Convert CRVAL to double
; precision to ensure enough significant figures
if N_elements( crval ) GE 2 then begin
comm = STRARR(2)
astrcode = astr2 ? astr.coord_sys : STRMID(ctype[0],0,1)
IF ~astr2 && STRMID(ctype[0],0,4) EQ 'RA--' THEN astrcode = 'C'
CASE astrcode OF
coord = 'Celestial'
comm[0] = ' R.A. (degrees) of reference pixel'
comm[1] = ' Declination of reference pixel'
'G': coord = 'Galactic'
'E': coord = 'Ecliptic'
'S': coord = 'Supergalactic'
'H': coord = 'Helioecliptic'
'T': coord = 'Terrestrial'
'X': coord = '' ; unknown system
ELSE: coord = astrcode
IF astrcode NE 'C' THEN $
comm = ' '+coord+[' longitude',' latitude']+' of reference pixel'
IF astr2 && astr.reverse THEN comm = REVERSE(comm)
zparcheck, 'PUTAST', crval, 3, [2,4,3,5], 1, 'CRVAL vector'
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CRVAL'+ax[0]+alt, double(crval[0]), comm[0], 'HISTORY'
sxaddpar, hdr, 'CRVAL'+ax[1]+alt, double(crval[1]), comm[1], 'HISTORY'
hist = ' World Coordinate System parameters written'
; We don't want to update PV keywords if they are being used for TPV projection
if size(astr,/tname) EQ 'STRUCT' then begin
pv_update = ~tag_exist(astr,'DISTORT') || $
(tag_exist(astr,'DISTORT') && astr.distort.name NE 'TPV')
endif else pv_update = 0
if N_elements(longpole) EQ 1 then begin
if pv_update then astr.pv1[3] = longpole
test = sxpar(hdr,'LONPOLE',count=N_lonpole)
if N_lonpole EQ 1 then $
sxaddpar, hdr, 'LONPOLE' +alt ,double(longpole), $
' Native longitude of ' +coord + ' pole', 'HISTORY', /SaveC
if N_elements(latpole) EQ 1 then begin
if pv_update then astr.pv1[4] = latpole
test = sxpar(hdr,'LATPOLE',count=N_latpole)
if N_latpole EQ 1 then $
sxaddpar, hdr, 'LATPOLE' +alt ,double(latpole), $
' Native latitude of ' +coord + ' pole', 'HISTORY', /SaveC
Npv2 = N_elements(pv2)
if Npv2 GT 0 then begin
ctyp = strmid(ctype[0],5,3)
; List of WCS types for which no PV2 values should be written
no_pv2 = ['TPV','TNX','TAN','ARC','STG','CAR','MER','SFL','PAR','MOL','AIT', $
'PC0','TSC','CSC','QSC' ]
if total(no_pv2 EQ ctyp,/int) EQ 0 then begin
pv2str = 'PV2_'
IF astr2 THEN $
pv2str = 'PV'+(astr.reverse ? ax[0] : ax[1])+'_' ; Latitude axis PV
case ctyp of
'ZPN': for i=0,npv2-1 do sxaddpar,hdr, pv2str + strtrim(i,2) + alt, $
pv2[i],' Projection parameter ' + strtrim(i,2),'HISTORY',/SaveC
else: for i=0,npv2-1 do sxaddpar,hdr, pv2str + strtrim(i+1,2) + alt,$
pv2[i],' Projection parameter ' + strtrim(i+1,2),'HISTORY',/SaveC
ctyp = strmid(ctype[0],5,3)
; List of WCS types for which no PV1 values should be written
no_pv1 = ['TPV','TNX','TAN']
if total(no_pv1 EQ ctyp,/int) EQ 0 then begin
pv1str = 'PV'+(astr.reverse ? ax[1] : ax[0])+'_' ; Longitude axis PV
FOR i=0,4 DO SXADDPAR, hdr, pv1str + STRTRIM(i,2)+alt, $
astr.pv1[i], ' Projection parameters', 'HISTORY', /SaveC
IF FINITE(astr.mjdobs) THEN SXADDPAR, hdr, 'MJD-OBS', astr.mjdobs, $
' Modified Julian day of observations', 'HISTORY', /SaveC
IF astr.dateobs NE 'UNKNOWN' THEN SXADDPAR, hdr, 'DATE-OBS', $
astr.dateobs, ' Date of observations', 'HISTORY', /SaveC
IF astr.radecsys NE '' THEN SXADDPAR, hdr, 'RADECSYS'+alt, $
astr.radecsys,' Reference frame', 'HISTORY', /SaveC
;Add SIP distortion parameters if present
if size(astr,/tname) EQ 'STRUCT' && tag_exist(astr,'DISTORT') then begin
if astr.distort.name EQ 'SIP' then begin
; First remove any SIP parameters in the FITS header.
nord = sxpar(hdr, 'A_Order',Count = N)
if (N GT 0) && (nord GT 0) then begin
key = ''
for i=0,nord do begin
for j=0,nord-i do begin
if i+j NE 0 then $
key = [key, strtrim(i,2) + '_' + strtrim(j,2)]
key = key[1:*]
oldkey = ['A_' + key, 'B_' + key, 'AP_' + key,'BP_'+key]
sxdelpar,oldkey, hdr
add_distort, hdr, astr
ENDIF ELSE IF astr.distort.name EQ 'TNX' then BEGIN
;; remove any existing WAT keywords
IF(count GT 0)THEN hdr=hdr[w1]
IF(count GT 0)THEN hdr=hdr[w1]
IF(count GT 0)THEN hdr=hdr[w1]
;; and add in the new ones
add_distort, hdr, astr
ENDIF ELSE IF astr.distort.name EQ 'TPV' then BEGIN
FOR i=0,N_ELEMENTS(astr.pv1)-1 DO BEGIN
SXADDPAR, hdr, 'PV1_'+STRTRIM(i,2)+alt, astr.pv1[i]
FOR i=0,N_ELEMENTS(astr.pv2)-1 DO BEGIN
SXADDPAR, hdr, 'PV2_'+STRTRIM(i,2)+alt, astr.pv2[i]
sxaddhist,'PUTAST: ' + strmid(systime(),4,20) + hist,hdr