/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/pkfit.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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errmag,chi,sharp,niter, DEBUG= debug
; Subroutine of GETPSF to perform a one-star least-squares fit
; Part of the DAOPHOT PSF photometry sequence
; PKFIT, f, scale, x, y, sky, radius, ronois, phpadu, gauss, psf,
; errmag, chi, sharp, Niter, /DEBUG
; F - NX by NY array containing actual picture data.
; X, Y - the initial estimates of the centroid of the star relative
; to the corner (0,0) of the subarray. Upon return, the
; final computed values of X and Y will be passed back to the
; calling routine.
; SKY - the local sky brightness value, as obtained from APER
; RADIUS- the fitting radius-- only pixels within RADIUS of the
; instantaneous estimate of the star's centroid will be
; included in the fit, scalar
; RONOIS - readout noise per pixel, scalar
; PHPADU - photons per analog digital unit, scalar
; GAUSS - vector containing the values of the five parameters defining
; the analytic Gaussian which approximates the core of the PSF.
; PSF - an NPSF by NPSF look-up table containing corrections from
; the Gaussian approximation of the PSF to the true PSF.
; SCALE - the initial estimate of the brightness of the star,
; expressed as a fraction of the brightness of the PSF.
; Upon return, the final computed value of SCALE will be
; passed back to the calling routine.
; ERRMAG - the estimated standard error of the value of SCALE
; returned by this routine.
; CHI - the estimated goodness-of-fit statistic: the ratio
; of the observed pixel-to-pixel mean absolute deviation from
; the profile fit, to the value expected on the basis of the
; noise as determined from Poisson statistics and the
; readout noise.
; SHARP - a goodness-of-fit statistic describing how much broader
; the actual profile of the object appears than the
; profile of the PSF.
; NITER - the number of iterations the solution required to achieve
; convergence. If NITER = 25, the solution did not converge.
; If for some reason a singular matrix occurs during the least-
; squares solution, this will be flagged by setting NITER = -1.
; No parameter checking is performed
; Adapted from the official DAO version of 1985 January 25
; Version 2.0 W. Landsman STX November 1988
; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
s = size(f) ;Get array dimensions
nx = s[1] & ny = s[2]
; ;Initialize a few things for the solution
redo = 0B
pkerr = 0.027/(gauss[3]*gauss[4])^2
clamp = fltarr(3) + 1.
dtold = fltarr(3)
niter = 0
chiold = 1.
if keyword_set(DEBUG) then $
BIGLOOP: ;Begin the big least-squares loop
niter = niter+1
ixlo = fix(x-radius) > 0 ;Choose boundaries of subarray containing
iylo = fix(y-radius) > 0 ;points inside the fitting radius
ixhi = fix(x+radius) +1 < (nx-1)
iyhi = fix(y+radius) +1 < (ny-1)
ixx = ixhi-ixlo+1
iyy = iyhi-iylo+1
dy = findgen(iyy) + iylo - y ;X distance vector from stellar centroid
dysq = dy^2
dx = findgen(ixx) + ixlo - x
dxsq = dx^2
rsq = fltarr(ixx,iyy) ;RSQ - array of squared
for J = 0,iyy-1 do rsq[0,j] = (dxsq+dysq[j])/radius^2
; The fitting equation is of the form
; Observed brightness =
; SCALE + delta(SCALE) * PSF + delta(Xcen)*d(PSF)/d(Xcen) +
; delta(Ycen)*d(PSF)/d(Ycen)
; and is solved for the unknowns delta(SCALE) ( = the correction to
; the brightness ratio between the program star and the PSF) and
; delta(Xcen) and delta(Ycen) ( = corrections to the program star's
; centroid).
; The point-spread function is equal to the sum of the integral under
; a two-dimensional Gaussian profile plus a value interpolated from
; a look-up table.
good = where(rsq lt 1.,ngood)
ngood = ngood > 1
t = fltarr(ngood,3)
dx = dx[good mod ixx]
dy = dy[good/ixx]
model = dao_value(dx, dy, gauss, psf, dvdx, dvdy)
if keyword_set(DEBUG) then begin print,'model created ' & stop & end
t[0,0] = model
t[0,1] = -scale*dvdx
t[0,2] = -scale*dvdy
fsub = f[ixlo:ixhi,iylo:iyhi]
fsub = fsub[good]
rsq = rsq[good]
df = fsub - scale*model - sky ;Residual of the brightness from the PSF fit
; The expected random error in the pixel is the quadratic sum of
; the Poisson statistics, plus the readout noise, plus an estimated
; error of 0.75% of the total brightness for the difficulty of flat-
; fielding and bias-correcting the chip, plus an estimated error of
; of some fraction of the fourth derivative at the peak of the profile,
; to account for the difficulty of accurately interpolating within the
; point-spread function. The fourth derivative of the PSF is
; proportional to H/sigma**4 (sigma is the Gaussian width parameter for
; the stellar core); using the geometric mean of sigma(x) and sigma(y),
; this becomes H/ sigma(x)*sigma(y) **2. The ratio of the fitting
; error to this quantity is estimated from a good-seeing CTIO frame to
; be approximately 0.027 (see definition of PKERR above.)
fpos = (fsub-df) > 0 ;Raw data - residual = model predicted intensity
sigsq = fpos/phpadu + ronois + (0.0075*fpos)^2 + (pkerr*(fpos-sky))^2
sig = sqrt(sigsq)
relerr = df/sig
; SIG is the anticipated standard error of the intensity
; including readout noise, Poisson photon statistics, and an estimate
; of the standard error of interpolating within the PSF.
rhosq = fltarr(ixx,iyy)
for j = 0,iyy-1 do rhosq[0,j] = (dxsq/gauss[3]^2+dysq[j]/gauss[4]^2)
rhosq = rhosq[good]
if (niter GE 2) then begin ;Reject any pixel with 10 sigma residual
badpix = where( ABS(relerr/chiold) GE 10.,nbad )
if nbad GT 0 then begin
remove, badpix, fsub, df, sigsq, sig
remove, badpix, relerr, rsq, rhosq
ngood = ngood-badpix
wt = 5./(5.+rsq/(1.-rsq))
lilrho = where(rhosq LE 36.) ;Include only pixels within 6 sigma of centroid
rhosq[lilrho] = 0.5*rhosq[lilrho]
dfdsig = exp(-rhosq[lilrho])*(rhosq[lilrho]-1.)
fpos = ( fsub[lilrho]-sky) >0 + sky
; FPOS-SKY = raw data minus sky = estimated value of the stellar
; intensity (which presumably is non-negative).
sig = fpos/phpadu + ronois + (0.0075*fpos)^2 + (pkerr*(fpos-sky))^2
numer = total(dfdsig*df/sig)
denom = total(dfdsig^2/sig)
; Derive the weight of this pixel. First of all, the weight depends
; upon the distance of the pixel from the centroid of the star-- it
; is determined from a function which is very nearly unity for radii
; much smaller than the fitting radius, and which goes to zero for
; radii very near the fitting radius.
chi = total(wt*abs(relerr))
sumwt = total(wt)
wt = wt/sigsq ;Scale weight to inverse square of expected mean error
if niter GE 2 then $ ;Reduce weight of a bad pixel
wt = wt/(1.+(0.4*relerr/chiold)^8)
v = fltarr(3) ;Compute vector of residuals and the normal matrix.
c = fltarr(3,3)
for kk = 0,2 do begin
v[kk] = TOTAL(df*t[*,kk]*wt)
for ll = 0,2 do C[kk,ll] = TOTAL(t[*,kk]*t[*,ll]*wt)
; Compute the (robust) goodness-of-fit index CHI.
; CHI is pulled toward its expected value of unity before being stored
; in CHIOLD to keep the statistics of a small number of pixels from
; completely dominating the error analysis.
if sumwt GT 3.0 then begin
chi = 1.2533*chi*sqrt(1./(sumwt*(sumwt-3.)))
chiold = ((sumwt-3.)*chi+3.)/sumwt
C = INVERT(C) ;Invert the normal matrix
dt = c#v ;Compute parameter corrections
; In the beginning, the brightness of the star will not be permitted
; to change by more than two magnitudes per iteration (that is to say,
; if the estimate is getting brighter, it may not get brighter by
; more than 525% per iteration, and if it is getting fainter, it may
; not get fainter by more than 84% per iteration). The x and y
; coordinates of the centroid will be allowed to change by no more
; than one-half pixel per iteration. Any time that a parameter
; correction changes sign, the maximum permissible change in that
; parameter will be reduced by a factor of 2.
div = where( dtold*dt LT -1.e-38, nbad )
if nbad GT 0 then clamp[div] = clamp[div]/2.
dtold = dt
adt = abs(dt)
scale = scale+dt[0]/ $
(1.+(( dt[0]/(5.25*scale)) > (-1*dt[0]/(0.84*scale)) )/clamp[0])
x = x + dt[1]/(1.+adt[1]/(0.5*clamp[1]))
y = y + dt[2]/(1.+adt[2]/(0.5*clamp[2]))
redo = 0B
; Convergence criteria: if the most recent computed correction to the
; brightness is larger than 0.1% or than 0.05 * sigma(brightness),
; whichever is larger, OR if the absolute change in X or Y is
; greater than 0.01 pixels, convergence has not been achieved.
sharp = 2.*gauss[3]*gauss[4]*numer/(gauss[0]*scale*denom)
errmag = chiold*sqrt(c[0,0])
if ( adt[0] GT ( 0.05*errmag > 0.001*scale )) then redo = 1b
if ((adt[1] > adt[2] ) GT 0.01) then redo = 1b
if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,format='(1H ,I9,2F7.2,2F9.3,F8.2,F9.2)', $
if niter LT 3 then goto, BIGLOOP ;At least 3 iterations required
; If the solution has gone 25 iterations, OR if the standard error of
; the brightness is greater than 200%, give up.
if (redo and (errmag LE 1.9995) and (niter LT 25) ) then goto, BIGLOOP
sharp = sharp>(-99.999)<99.999