/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/nstar.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 | pro nstar,image,id,xc,yc,mags,sky,group,phpadu,readns,psfname,DEBUG=debug, $
errmag,iter,chisq,peak,PRINT=print,SILENT=silent, VARSKY = varsky
; Simultaneous point spread function fitting (adapted from DAOPHOT)
; This PSF fitting algorithm is based on a very old (~1987) version of
; DAOPHOT, and much better algorithms (e.g. ALLSTAR) are now available
; -- though not in IDL.
; NSTAR, image, id, xc, yc, mags, sky, group, [ phpadu, readns, psfname,
; magerr, iter, chisq, peak, /PRINT , /SILENT, /VARSKY, /DEBUG ]
; image - image array
; id - vector of stellar ID numbers given by FIND
; xc - vector containing X position centroids of stars (e.g. as found
; by FIND)
; yc - vector of Y position centroids
; mags - vector of aperture magnitudes (e.g. as found by APER)
; If 9 or more parameters are supplied then, upon output
; ID,XC,YC, and MAGS will be modified to contain the new
; values of these parameters as determined by NSTAR.
; Note that the number of output stars may be less than
; the number of input stars since stars may converge, or
; "disappear" because they are too faint.
; sky - vector of sky background values (e.g. as found by APER)
; group - vector containing group id's of stars as found by GROUP
; phpadu - numeric scalar giving number of photons per digital unit.
; Needed for computing Poisson error statistics.
; readns - readout noise per pixel, numeric scalar. If not supplied,
; NSTAR will try to read the values of READNS and PHPADU from
; the PSF header. If still not found, user will be prompted.
; psfname - name of FITS image file containing the point spread
; function residuals as determined by GETPSF, scalar string.
; If omitted, then NSTAR will prompt for this parameter.
; MAGERR - vector of errors in the magnitudes found by NSTAR
; ITER - vector containing the number of iterations required for
; each output star.
; CHISQ- vector containing the chi square of the PSF fit for each
; output star.
; PEAK - vector containing the difference of the mean residual of
; the pixels in the outer half of the fitting circle and
; the mean residual of pixels in the inner half of the
; fitting circle
; /SILENT - if set and non-zero, then NSTAR will not display its results
; at the terminal
; /PRINT - if set and non-zero then NSTAR will also write its results to
; a file nstar.prt. One also can specify the output file name
; by setting PRINT = 'filename'.
; /VARSKY - if this keyword is set and non-zero, then the sky level of
; each group is set as a free parameter.
; /DEBUG - if this keyword is set and non-zero, then the result of each
; fitting iteration will be displayed.
; RINTER - contains pre-tabulated values for cubic interpolation
; W. Landsman ST Systems Co. May, 1988
; Adapted for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, September, 1990
; Minor fixes so that PRINT='filename' really prints to 'filename', and
; it really silent if SILENT is set. J.Wm.Parker HSTX 1995-Oct-31
; Added /VARSKY option W. Landsman HSTX May 1996
; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
; Replace DATATYPE() with size(/TNAME) W. Landsman November 2001
; Assume since V5.5, remove VMS calls W. Landsman September 2006
compile_opt idl2
common rinter,c1,c2,c3,init ;Save time in RINTER()
npar = N_params()
if npar LT 7 then begin
print,'Syntax - NSTAR, image, id, xc, yc, mags, sky, group, [phpadu, '
print, $
' [readns, psfname, magerr, iter, chisq, peak, /SILENT, /PRINT, /VARSKY]'
if ( N_elements(psfname) EQ 0 ) then begin
read,'Enter name of FITS file containing PSF: ',psfname
endif else zparcheck,'PSFNAME',psfname,10,7,0,'PSF disk file name'
psf_file = file_search( psfname, COUNT = n)
if n EQ 0 then message, $
'ERROR - Unable to locate PSF file ' + spec_dir(psfname)
if npar LT 9 then begin
ans = ''
read, $
'Do you want to update the input vectors with the results of NSTAR? ',ans
if strmid(strupcase(ans),0,1) EQ 'Y' then npar = 9
if npar LT 9 then $
message,'Input vectors ID,XC,YC and MAGS will not be updated by NSTAR',/INF
; Read in the FITS file containing the PSF
s = size(image)
icol = s[1]-1 & irow = s[2]-1 ;Index of last row and column
psf = readfits(psfname, hpsf)
if N_elements(phpadu) EQ 0 then begin
par = sxpar(hpsf,'PHPADU', Count = N_phpadu)
if N_phpadu eq 0 $
then read, 'Enter photons per analog digital unit: ',phpadu $
else phpadu = par
if ( N_elements(readns) EQ 0 ) then begin
par = sxpar(hpsf,'RONOIS', Count = N_ronois)
if N_ronois EQ 0 $
then read, 'Enter the readout noise per pixel: ',readns $
else readns = par
gauss = sxpar(hpsf,'GAUSS*')
psfmag = sxpar(hpsf,'PSFMAG')
psfrad = sxpar(hpsf,'PSFRAD')
fitrad = sxpar(hpsf,'FITRAD')
npsf = sxpar(hpsf,'NAXIS1')
; Compute RINTER common block arrays
p_1 = shift(psf,1,0) & p1 = shift(psf,-1,0) & p2 = shift(psf,-2,0)
c1 = 0.5*(p1 - p_1)
c2 = 2.*p1 + p_1 - 0.5*(5.*psf + p2)
c3 = 0.5*(3.*(psf-p1) + p2 - p_1)
init = 1
ronois = readns^2
radsq = fitrad^2 & psfrsq = psfrad^2
sepmin = 2.773*(gauss[3]^2+gauss[4]^2)
; PKERR will be used to estimate the error due to interpolating PSF
; Factor of 0.027 is estimated from good-seeing CTIO frames
pkerr = 0.027/(gauss[3]*gauss[4])^2
sharpnrm = 2.*gauss[3]*gauss[4]/gauss[0]
if (N_elements(group) EQ 1) then groupid = group[0] else $
groupid = where(histogram(group,min=0)) ;Vector of distinct group id's
mag = mags ;Save original magnitude vector
bad = where( mag GT 99, nbad ) ;Undefined magnitudes assigned 99.9
if nbad GT 0 then mag[bad] = psfmag + 7.5
mag = 10.^(-0.4*(mag-psfmag)) ;Convert magnitude to brightness, scaled to PSF
fmt = '(I6,2F9.2,3F9.3,I4,F9.2,F9.3)'
SILENT = keyword_set(SILENT)
VARSKY = keyword_set(VARSKY)
if keyword_set(PRINT) then begin
if ( size(print,/TNAME) NE 'STRING' ) then file = 'nstar.prt' $
else file = print
message,'Results will be written to a file '+ file,/INF
printf,lun,'NSTAR: '+ getenv('USER') + ' '+ systime()
printf,lun,'PSF File:',psfname
PRINT = keyword_set(PRINT)
if not(SILENT) then print,hdr
if PRINT then printf,lun,hdr
for igroup = 0, N_elements(groupid)-1 do begin
index = where(group EQ groupid[igroup],nstr)
if not SILENT then print,'Processing group ', $
strtrim(groupid[igroup],2),' ',strtrim(nstr,2),' stars'
if nstr EQ 0 then stop
magerr = fltarr(nstr)
chiold = 1.0
niter = 0
clip = 0b
nterm = nstr*3 + varsky
xold = dblarr(nterm)
clamp = replicate(1.,nterm)
xb = double(xc[index]) & yb = double(yc[index])
magg = double(mag[index]) & skyg = double(sky[index])
idg = id[index]
skybar = total(skyg)/nstr
reset = 0b
niter = niter+1
case 1 of ;Set up critical error for star rejection
niter GE 4 : wcrit = 1
niter GE 8 : wcrit = 0.4444444
niter GE 12: wcrit = 0.25
else : wcrit = 400
if reset EQ 1b then begin
xb = xg + ixmin & yb = yg + iymin
reset = 1b
xfitmin = fix(xb - fitrad) > 0
xfitmax = fix(xb + fitrad)+1 < (icol-1)
yfitmin = fix(yb - fitrad) > 0
yfitmax = fix(yb + fitrad)+1 < (irow-1)
nfitx = xfitmax - xfitmin + 1
nfity = yfitmax - yfitmin + 1
ixmin = min(xfitmin)& iymin = min(yfitmin)
ixmax = max(xfitmax)& iymax = max(yfitmax)
nx = ixmax-ixmin+1 & ny = iymax-iymin+1
dimage = image[ixmin:ixmax,iymin:iymax]
xfitmin = xfitmin -ixmin & yfitmin = yfitmin-iymin
xfitmax = xfitmax -ixmin & yfitmax = yfitmax-iymin
; Offset to the subarray
xg = xb-ixmin & yg = yb-iymin
j = 0
while (j LT nstr-1) do begin
sep = (xg[j] - xg[j+1:*])^2 + (yg[j] - yg[j+1:*])^2
bad = where(sep LT sepmin,nbad)
if nbad GT 0 then begin ;Do any star overlap?
for l = 0,nbad-1 do begin
k = bad[l] + j + 1
if magg[k] LT magg[j] then imin = k else imin = j ;Identify fainter star
if ( sep[l] LT 0.14*sepmin) or $
( magerr[imin]/magg[imin]^2 GT wcrit ) then begin
if imin EQ j then imerge = k else imerge = j
nstr = nstr - 1
if not SILENT then print, $
'Star ',strn(idg[imin]),' has merged with star ',strn(idg[imerge])
totmag = magg[imerge] + magg[imin]
xg[imerge] = (xg[imerge]*magg[imerge] + xg[imin]*magg[imin])/totmag
yg[imerge] = (yg[imerge]*magg[imerge] + yg[imin]*magg[imin])/totmag
magg[imerge] = totmag
remove,imin,idg,xg,yg,magg,skyg,magerr ;Remove fainter star from group
nterm = nstr*3 + varsky ;Update matrix size
xold = dblarr(nterm)
clamp = replicate(1.,nterm) ;Release all clamps
clip = 0b
niter = niter-1 ;Back up iteration counter
j = j+1
xpsfmin = (fix (xg - psfrad+1)) > 0
xpsfmax = (fix (xg + psfrad )) < (nx-1)
ypsfmin = (fix (yg - psfrad+1)) > 0
ypsfmax = (fix (yg + psfrad )) < (ny-1)
npsfx = xpsfmax-xpsfmin+1 & npsfy = ypsfmax-ypsfmin+1
wt = fltarr(nx,ny)
mask = bytarr(nx,ny)
nterm = 3*nstr + varsky
chi = fltarr(nstr) & sumwt = chi & numer = chi & denom = chi
c = fltarr(nterm,nterm) & v = fltarr(nterm)
for j = 0,nstr-1 do begin ;Mask of pixels within fitting radius of any star
x1 = xfitmin[j] & y1 = yfitmin[j]
x2 = xfitmax[j] & y2 = yfitmax[j]
rpixsq = fltarr(nfitx[j],nfity[j])
xfitgen2 = (findgen(nfitx[j]) + x1 - xg[j])^2
yfitgen2 = (findgen(nfity[j]) + y1 - yg[j])^2
for k=0,nfity[j]-1 do rpixsq[0,k] = xfitgen2 + yfitgen2[k]
temp = (rpixsq LE 0.999998*radsq)
mask[x1,y1] = mask[x1:x2,y1:y2] or temp
good = where(temp)
rsq = rpixsq[good]/radsq
temp1 = wt[x1:x2,y1:y2]
temp1[good] = temp1[good] > (5./(5.+rsq/(1.-rsq)) )
wt[x1,y1] = temp1
igood = where(mask, ngoodpix)
x = dblarr(ngoodpix,nterm)
if varsky then x[0, nterm-1] = replicate(-1.0d, ngoodpix)
psfmask = bytarr(ngoodpix,nstr)
d = dimage[igood] - skybar
for j = 0,nstr-1 do begin ;Masks of pixels within PSF radius of each star
x1 = xpsfmin[j] & y1 = ypsfmin[j]
x2 = xpsfmax[j] & y2 = ypsfmax[j]
xgen = lindgen(npsfx[j]) + x1 - xg[j]
ygen = lindgen(npsfy[j]) + y1 - yg[j]
xgen2 = xgen^2 & ygen2 = ygen^2
rpxsq = fltarr( npsfx[j],npsfy[j] )
for k = 0,npsfy[j]-1 do rpxsq[0,k] = xgen2 + ygen2[k]
temp = mask[x1:x2,y1:y2] and (rpxsq LT psfrsq)
temp1 = bytarr(nx,ny)
temp1[x1,y1] = temp
goodfit = where(temp1[igood])
psfmask[goodfit+ngoodpix*j] = 1b
good = where(temp)
xgood = xgen[good mod npsfx[j]] & ygood = ygen[good/npsfx[j]]
model = dao_value(xgood,ygood,gauss,psf,dvdx,dvdy)
d[goodfit] = d[goodfit] - magg[j]*model
x[goodfit + 3*j*ngoodpix] = -model
x[goodfit + (3*j+1)*ngoodpix] = magg[j]*dvdx
x[goodfit + (3*j+2)*ngoodpix] = magg[j]*dvdy
wt = wt[igood] & idimage = dimage[igood]
dpos = (idimage-d) > 0
sigsq = dpos/phpadu + ronois + (0.0075*dpos)^2 + (pkerr*(dpos-skybar))^2
relerr = abs(d)/sqrt(sigsq)
if clip then begin ;Reject pixels with 20 sigma errors (after 1st iteration)
bigpix = where(relerr GT 20.*chiold, nbigpix)
if ( nbigpix GT 0 ) then begin
keep = indgen(ngoodpix)
for i = 0,nbigpix-1 do keep = keep[ where( keep NE bigpix[i]) ]
wt= wt[keep] & d = d[keep] & idimage = idimage[keep]
igood= igood[keep] & relerr = relerr[keep]
psfmask = psfmask[keep,*] & x = x[keep,*]
sumres = total(relerr*wt)
grpwt = total(wt)
dpos = ((idimage-skybar) > 0) + skybar
sig = dpos/phpadu + ronois + (0.0075*dpos)^2 + (pkerr*(dpos-skybar))^2
for j = 0,nstr-1 do begin
goodfit = where(psfmask[*,j])
chi[j] = total(relerr[goodfit]*wt[goodfit])
sumwt[j] = total(wt[goodfit])
xgood = igood[goodfit] mod nx & ygood = igood[goodfit]/nx
rhosq = ((xg[j] - xgood)/gauss[3])^2 + ((yg[j] - ygood)/gauss[4])^2
goodsig = where(rhosq LT 36) ;Include in sharpness index only
rhosq = 0.5*rhosq[goodsig] ;pixels within 6 sigma of centroid
dfdsig = exp(-rhosq)*(rhosq-1.)
sigpsf = sig[goodfit[goodsig]] & dsig = d[goodfit[goodsig]]
numer[j] = total(dfdsig*dsig/sigpsf)
denom[j] = total(dfdsig^2/sigpsf)
wt = wt/sigsq
if clip then $ ;After 1st iteration, reduce weight of a bad pixel
wt = wt/(1.+(0.4*relerr/chiold)^8)
v = d * wt # x
c = transpose(x) # ( ( wt # replicate(1.,nterm) ) * x )
if grpwt GT 3 then begin
chiold = 1.2533*sumres*sqrt(1./(grpwt*(grpwt-3.)))
chiold = ((grpwt-3.)*chiold+3.)/grpwt
i = where(sumwt GT 3, ngood)
if ngood GT 0 then begin
chi[i] = 1.2533*chi[i]*sqrt(1./((sumwt[i]-3.)*sumwt[i]))
chi[i] = ((sumwt[i]-3.)*chi[i]+3.)/sumwt[i]
chibad = where(sumwt LE 3, ngood)
if ngood GT 0 then chi[chibad] = chiold
c = invert(c)
x = c # transpose(v)
if (not clip) or (niter LE 1) then redo = 1b else redo = 0b
if varsky then begin
skybar = skybar - x[nterm-1]
if abs(x[nterm-1]) GT 0.01 then redo = 1b
clip = 1b
j = 3*indgen(nstr) & k = j+1 & l=j+2
sharp = sharpnrm*numer/(magg*denom)
if not redo then begin
redo = max(abs(x[j]) GT ( (0.05*chi*sqrt(c[j+nterm*j])) > 0.001*magg) )
if redo EQ 0 then redo = max( abs([x[k], x[l]]) GT 0.01)
sgn = where( xold[j]*x[j]/magg^2 LT -1.E-37, Nclamp )
if Nclamp GT 0 then clamp[j[sgn]] = 0.5*clamp[j[sgn]]
sgn = where( xold[k]*x[k] LT -1.E-37, Nclamp )
if Nclamp GT 0 then clamp[k[sgn]] = 0.5*clamp[k[sgn]]
sgn = where( xold[l]*x[l] LT -1.E-37, Nclamp )
if Nclamp GT 0 then clamp[l[sgn]] = 0.5*clamp[l[sgn]]
magg = magg-x[j] / (1.+ ( (x[j]/(0.84*magg)) > (-x[j]/(5.25*magg)) )/ clamp[j] )
xg = xg - x[k] /(1.+abs(x[k])/( clamp[k]*0.5))
yg = yg - x[l] /(1.+abs(x[l])/( clamp[l]*0.5))
xold = x
magerr = c[j+nterm*j]*(nstr*chi^2 + (nstr-1)*chiold^2)/(2.*nstr-1.)
dx = (-xg) > ( (xg - nx) > 0.) ;Find stars outside subarray
dy = (-yg) > ( (yg- ny) > 0.)
badcen = where( $ ;Remove stars with bad centroids
(dx GT 0.001) or (dy GT 0.001) or ( (dx+1)^2 + (dy+1)^2 GE radsq ), nbad)
if nbad GT 0 then begin
nstr = nstr - nbad
print,strn(nbad),' stars eliminated by centroid criteria'
if nstr LE 0 then goto, DONE_GROUP
remove, badcen, idg, xg, yg, magg, skyg, magerr
nterm = nstr*3 + varsky
redo = 1b
faint = 1
toofaint = where (magg LE 1.e-5,nfaint)
;Number of stars 12.5 mags fainter than PSF star
if nfaint GT 0 then begin
faint = min( magg[toofaint], min_pos )
ifaint = toofaint[ min_pos ]
magg[toofaint] = 1.e-5
goto, REM_FAINT ;Remove faintest star
endif else begin
faint = 0.
ifaint = -1
if (not redo) or (niter GE 4) then $
faint = max(magerr/magg^2, ifaint) else $
if keyword_set(DEBUG) then begin
err = 1.085736*sqrt(magerr)/magg
for i=0,nstr-1 do print,format=fmt,idg[i],xg[i]+ixmin,yg[i]+iymin, $
if redo and (niter LE 50) and (faint LT wcrit) then goto,START_IT
if (faint GE 0.25) or (nfaint GT 0) then begin
if not SILENT then $
message,'Star '+ strn(idg[ifaint]) + ' is too faint',/INF
nstr = nstr-1
if nstr LE 0 then goto,DONE_GROUP
nterm = nstr*3 + varsky
xold = dblarr(nterm)
clamp = replicate(1.,nterm)
clip = 0b
niter = niter-1
err = 1.085736*sqrt(magerr)/magg
magg = psfmag - 1.085736*alog(magg)
sharp = sharp > (-99.999) < 99.999
xg = xg+ixmin & yg = yg+iymin
; Print results to terminal and/or file
if not SILENT then for i = 0,nstr-1 do print,format=fmt, $
if PRINT then for i = 0,nstr-1 do printf,lun,format=fmt, $
if ( npar GE 9 ) then begin ;Create output vectors?
if ( N_elements(newid) EQ 0 ) then begin ;Initialize output vectors?
newid = idg & newx = xg & newy = yg & newmag = magg
iter = replicate(niter,nstr) & peak = sharp & chisq = chi
errmag = err
endif else begin ;Append current group to output vector
newid = [newid,idg] & newx = [newx ,xg] & newy = [newy,yg]
newmag = [newmag,magg] & iter = [iter,replicate(niter,nstr)]
peak = [peak,sharp] & chisq = [chisq,chi] & errmag = [errmag,err]
if ( npar GE 9 ) then begin
if N_elements(newid) GT 0 then begin
id = newid & xc = newx & yc = newy & mags = newmag
endif else $
message,'ERROR - There are no valid stars left, variables not updated',/CON
if PRINT then free_lun,lun