/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/mmm.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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ReadNoise = readnoise, Nsky = nsky, INTEGER = discrete, $
MAXITER = mxiter, SILENT = silent, MINSKY = minsky
; Estimate the sky background in a stellar contaminated field.
; MMM assumes that contaminated sky pixel values overwhelmingly display
; POSITIVE departures from the true value. Adapted from DAOPHOT
; routine of the same name.
; MMM, sky, [ skymod, sigma, skew, HIGHBAD = , READNOISE=, /DEBUG,
; SKY - Array or Vector containing sky values. This version of
; MMM does not require SKY to be sorted beforehand. SKY
; is unaltered by this program.
; skymod - Scalar giving estimated mode of the sky values (float)
; SIGMA - Scalar giving standard deviation of the peak in the sky
; histogram. If for some reason it is impossible to derive
; skymod, then SIGMA = -1.0
; SKEW - Scalar giving skewness of the peak in the sky histogram
; If no output variables are supplied or if /DEBUG is set
; then the values of skymod, SIGMA and SKEW will be printed.
; HIGHBAD - scalar value of the (lowest) "bad" pixel level (e.g. cosmic
; rays or saturated pixels) If not supplied, then there is
; assumed to be no high bad pixels.
; MINSKY - Integer giving mininum number of sky values to be used. MMM
; will return an error if fewer sky elements are supplied.
; Default = 20.
; MAXITER - integer giving maximum number of iterations allowed,default=50
; READNOISE - Scalar giving the read noise (or minimum noise for any
; pixel). Normally, MMM determines the (robust) median by
; averaging the central 20% of the sky values. In some cases
; where the noise is low, and pixel values are quantized a
; larger fraction may be needed. By supplying the optional
; read noise parameter, MMM is better able to adjust the
; fraction of pixels used to determine the median.
; /INTEGER - Set this keyword if the input SKY vector only contains
; discrete integer values. This keyword is only needed if the
; SKY vector is of type float or double precision, but contains
; only discrete integer values. (Prior to July 2004, the
; equivalent of /INTEGER was set for all data types)
; /DEBUG - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then additional
; information is displayed at the terminal.
; /SILENT - If set, then error messages will be suppressed when MMM
; cannot compute a background. Sigma will still be set to -1
; NSKY - Integer scalar giving the number of pixels actually used for the
; sky computation (after outliers have been removed).
; (1) Program assumes that low "bad" pixels (e.g. bad CCD columns) have
; already been deleted from the SKY vector.
; (2) MMM was updated in June 2004 to better match more recent versions
; (3) Does not work well in the limit of low Poisson integer counts
; (4) MMM may fail for strongly skewed distributions.
; The algorithm used by MMM consists of roughly two parts:
; (1) The average and sigma of the sky pixels is computed. These values
; are used to eliminate outliers, i.e. values with a low probability
; given a Gaussian with specified average and sigma. The average
; and sigma are then recomputed and the process repeated up to 20
; iterations:
; (2) The amount of contamination by stars is estimated by comparing the
; mean and median of the remaining sky pixels. If the mean is larger
; than the median then the true sky value is estimated by
; 3*median - 2*mean
; Adapted to IDL from 1986 version of DAOPHOT in STSDAS,
; W. Landsman, STX Feb 1987
; Added HIGHBAD keyword, W. Landsman January, 1991
; Fixed occasional problem with integer inputs W. Landsman Feb, 1994
; Avoid possible 16 bit integer overflow W. Landsman November 2001
; Added READNOISE, NSKY keywords, new median computation
; W. Landsman June 2004
; Added INTEGER keyword W. Landsman July 2004
; Improve numerical precision W. Landsman October 2004
; Fewer aborts on strange input sky histograms W. Landsman October 2005
; Added /SILENT keyword November 2005
; Fix too many /CON keywords to MESSAGE W.L. December 2005
; Fix bug introduced June 2004 removing outliers when READNOISE not set
; N. Cunningham/W. Landsman January 2006
; Make sure that MESSAGE never aborts W. Landsman January 2008
; Add mxiter keyword and change default to 50 W. Landsman August 2011
; Added MINSKY keyword W.L. December 2011
; Always return floating point sky mode W.L. December 2015
compile_opt idl2
On_error,2 ;Return to caller
if N_params() EQ 0 then begin
print,'Syntax: MMM, sky, skymod, sigma, skew, [/INTEGER, /SILENT'
silent = keyword_set(SILENT)
;Maximum number of iterations allowed
if N_elements(mxiter) EQ 0 then mxiter = 50
if N_elements(minsky) Eq 0 then minsky = 20 ;Minimum number of legal sky elements
nsky = N_elements( sky_vector ) ;Get number of sky elements
if nsky LT minsky then begin
sigma=-1.0 & skew = 0.0
message,/CON, NoPrint= Silent, $
'ERROR -Input vector must contain at least '+strtrim(minsky,2)+' elements'
nlast = nsky-1 ;Subscript of last pixel in SKY array
if keyword_set(DEBUG) then $
message,'Processing '+strtrim(nsky,2) + ' element array',/INF
sz_sky = size(sky_vector,/structure)
integer = keyword_set(discrete)
if ~integer then integer = (sz_sky.type LT 4) or (sz_sky.type GT 11)
sky = sky_vector[ sort( sky_vector ) ] ;Sort SKY in ascending values
skymid = 0.5*sky[(nsky-1)/2] + 0.5*sky[nsky/2] ;Median value of all sky values
cut1 = min( [skymid-sky[0],sky[nsky-1] - skymid] )
if N_elements(highbad) EQ 1 then cut1 = cut1 < (highbad - skymid)
cut2 = skymid + cut1
cut1 = skymid - cut1
; Select the pixels between Cut1 and Cut2
good = where( (sky LE cut2) and (sky GE cut1), Ngood )
if ( Ngood EQ 0 ) then begin
sigma=-1.0 & skew = 0.0
message,/CON, NoPrint=Silent, $
'ERROR - No sky values fall within ' + strtrim(cut1,2) + $
' and ' + strtrim(cut2,2)
delta = sky[good] - skymid ;Subtract median to improve arithmetic accuracy
sum = total(delta,/double)
sumsq = total(delta^2,/double)
maximm = max( good,MIN=minimm ) ;Highest value accepted at upper end of vector
minimm = minimm -1 ;Highest value reject at lower end of vector
; Compute mean and sigma (from the first pass).
skymed = 0.5*sky[(minimm+maximm+1)/2] + 0.5*sky[(minimm+maximm)/2 + 1] ;median
skymn = float(sum/(maximm-minimm)) ;mean
sigma = sqrt(sumsq/(maximm-minimm)-skymn^2) ;sigma
skymn = skymn + skymid ;Add median which was subtracted off earlier
; If mean is less than the mode, then the contamination is slight, and the
; mean value is what we really want.
skymod = (skymed LT skymn) ? 3.*skymed - 2.*skymn : skymn
; Rejection and recomputation loop:
niter = 0
clamp = 1
old = 0
niter = niter + 1
if ( niter GT mxiter ) then begin
sigma=-1.0 & skew = 0.0
message,/CON, NoPrint=Silent, $
'ERROR - Too many ('+strtrim(mxiter,2) + ') iterations,' + $
' unable to compute sky'
if ( maximm-minimm LT minsky ) then begin ;Error?
sigma = -1.0 & skew = 0.0
message,/CON,NoPrint=Silent, $
'ERROR - Too few ('+strtrim(maximm-minimm,2) + $
') valid sky elements, unable to compute sky'
; Compute Chauvenet rejection criterion.
r = alog10( float( maximm-minimm ) )
r = max( [ 2., ( -0.1042*r + 1.1695)*r + 0.8895 ] )
; Compute rejection limits (symmetric about the current mode).
cut = r*sigma + 0.5*abs(skymn-skymod)
if integer then cut = cut > 1.5
cut1 = skymod - cut & cut2 = skymod + cut
; Recompute mean and sigma by adding and/or subtracting sky values
; at both ends of the interval of acceptable values.
redo = 0B
newmin = minimm
tst_min = sky[newmin+1] GE cut1 ;Is minimm+1 above current CUT?
done = (newmin EQ -1) and tst_min ;Are we at first pixel of SKY?
if ~done then $
done = (sky[newmin>0] LT cut1) and tst_min
if ~done then begin
istep = 1 - 2*fix(tst_min)
repeat begin
newmin = newmin + istep
done = (newmin EQ -1) || (newmin EQ nlast)
if ~done then $
done = (sky[newmin] LE cut1) and (sky[newmin+1] GE cut1)
endrep until done
if tst_min then delta = sky[newmin+1:minimm] - skymid $
else delta = sky[minimm+1:newmin] - skymid
sum = sum - istep*total(delta,/double)
sumsq = sumsq - istep*total(delta^2,/double)
redo = 1b
minimm = newmin
newmax = maximm
tst_max = sky[maximm] LE cut2 ;Is current maximum below upper cut?
done = (maximm EQ nlast) and tst_max ;Are we at last pixel of SKY array?
if ~done then $
done = ( tst_max ) && (sky[(maximm+1)<nlast] GT cut2)
if ~done then begin ;Keep incrementing NEWMAX
istep = -1 + 2*fix(tst_max) ;Increment up or down?
Repeat begin
newmax = newmax + istep
done = (newmax EQ nlast) or (newmax EQ -1)
if ~done then $
done = ( sky[newmax] LE cut2 ) and ( sky[newmax+1] GE cut2 )
endrep until done
if tst_max then delta = sky[maximm+1:newmax] - skymid $
else delta = sky[newmax+1:maximm] - skymid
sum = sum + istep*total(delta,/double)
sumsq = sumsq + istep*total(delta^2,/double)
redo = 1b
maximm = newmax
; Compute mean and sigma (from this pass).
nsky = maximm - minimm
if ( nsky LT minsky ) then begin ;Error?
sigma = -1.0 & skew = 0.0
message,NoPrint=Silent, /CON, $
'ERROR - Outlier rejection left too few sky elements'
skymn = float(sum/nsky)
sigma = float( sqrt( (sumsq/nsky - skymn^2)>0 ))
skymn = skymn + skymid
; Determine a more robust median by averaging the central 20% of pixels.
; Estimate the median using the mean of the central 20 percent of sky
; values. Be careful to include a perfectly symmetric sample of pixels about
; the median, whether the total number is even or odd within the acceptance
; interval
center = (minimm + 1 + maximm)/2.
side = round(0.2*(maximm-minimm))/2. + 0.25
J = round(CENTER-SIDE)
K = round(CENTER+SIDE)
; In case the data has a large number of of the same (quantized)
; intensity, expand the range until both limiting values differ from the
; central value by at least 0.25 times the read noise.
if keyword_set(readnoise) then begin
L = round(CENTER-0.25)
M = round(CENTER+0.25)
R = 0.25*readnoise
while ((J GT 0) && (K LT Nsky-1) && $
( ((sky[L] - sky[J]) LT R) || ((sky[K] - sky[M]) LT R))) do begin
skymed = total(sky[j:k])/(k-j+1)
; If the mean is less than the median, then the problem of contamination
; is slight, and the mean is what we really want.
dmod = skymed LT skymn ? 3.*skymed-2.*skymn-skymod : skymn - skymod
; prevent oscillations by clamping down if sky adjustments are changing sign
if dmod*old LT 0 then clamp = 0.5*clamp
skymod = skymod + clamp*dmod
old = dmod
if redo then goto, START_LOOP
skew = float( (skymn-skymod)/max([1.,sigma]) )
nsky = maximm - minimm
if keyword_set(DEBUG) or ( N_params() EQ 1 ) then begin
print, '% MMM: Number of unrejected sky elements: ', strtrim(nsky,2), $
' Number of iterations: ', strtrim(niter,2)
print, '% MMM: Mode, Sigma, Skew of sky vector:', skymod, sigma, skew