/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/hboxave.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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; Box average an image array and update the FITS header array
; The function BOXAVE() is used. This procedure is recommended for
; integer images when photometric precision is desired, because it
; performs intermediate steps using REAL*4 arithmetic. Otherwise, the
; procedure HREBIN is much faster.
; HBOXAVE, Oldim, Oldhd, Newim, Hewhd, box
; or
; HBOXAVE, Oldim, Oldhd, box
; Oldim - the original image array
; Oldhd - the original image FITS header, string array
; box - the box size to be used, integer scalar. If omitted, then
; HBOXAVE will prompt for this parameter.
; Newim - the image after boxaveraging
; Newhd - header for newim containing updated astrometry info
; If output parameters are not supplied, the program
; will modify the input parameters OLDIM and OLDHD
; to contain the new array and updated header.
; ERRMSG - If this keyword is supplied, then any error mesasges will be
; returned to the user in this parameter rather than depending on
; on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are encountered
; then a null string is returned.
; The parameters BSCALE, NAXIS1, NAXIS2, CRPIX1, and CRPIX2 and
; the CD (or CDELT) parameters are updated for the new FITS header.
; Compress the image in a FITS file 'image.fits' by a factor of 4 and
; update the astrometry in the FITS header
; IDL> im = readfits('image.fits',hdr) ;Read FITS file into IDL arrays
; IDL> hboxave, im, hdr, 4 ;Boxaverage by 4
; IDL> writefits,'image.fits',im,hdr ;Write a new FITS file
; CHECK_FITS - Check that the FITS header is appropriate to the image
; BOXAVE() - Performs box averaging of an image
; SXPAR(), SXADDPAR - Read and write FITS keyword values
; Written, Aug. 1986 W. Landsman, STI Corp.
; IDLV2 changes, sxaddpar format keyword added, J. Isensee, July,1990
; Fix 0.5 pixel offset in new CRPIX computation W. Landsman, Dec, 1991
; Update BSCALE even if no astrometry present W. Landsman, May 1997
; Added ERRMSG keyword, Use double formatting W. Landsman April 2000
; Recognize PC matrix astrometry format W. Landsman December 2001
; Use V6.0 notation W. Landsman October 2012
On_error,2 ;Return to caller on error
npar = N_params()
if ( npar LT 2 ) then begin ;Check # of parameters
print,'Syntax: HBOXAVE, oldim, oldhd, [ newim, newhd, box, ERRMSG = ]'
print,' or HBOXAVE, oldim, oldhd, [ box, ERRMSG = ]'
save_err = arg_present(errmsg) ;Does user want to return error messages?
; Check for valid 2-D image & header
check_FITS, oldim, oldhd, dimen, /NOTYPE, ERRMSG = errmsg
if errmsg NE '' then begin
if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON
if N_elements(dimen) NE 2 then begin
errmsg = 'Input image array must be 2-dimensional'
if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON
xsize = dimen[0] & ysize = dimen[1]
if npar EQ 3 then begin
box = newim
endif else if (npar NE 5) then begin ;prompt for box size
print,'Boxaverage an image and update header'
print,'Original array size is '+ strn(xsize) + ' by ' + strn(ysize)
read, 'Enter width of box to be used in box average: ',box
box = fix(box) ;Check for integer type
if N_elements(box) NE 1 then begin
box = 0
read, 'Enter width of box to be used in box average: ',box
newx = xsize/float(box)
newy = ysize/float(box)
if (newx*box NE xsize) || (newy*box NE ysize) then $
message,'ERROR - Box size does not evenly divide image size'
if npar GT 3 then newim = boxave( oldim, box) else $
oldim = boxave( oldim, box)
newhd = oldhd
sxaddpar, newhd, 'NAXIS1', fix(newx)
sxaddpar, newhd, 'NAXIS2', fix(newy)
label = 'HBOXAVE:' + strmid( systime(), 4, 20)
sxaddpar, newhd, 'HISTORY', label + ' Original Image Size Was ' + $
strn(xsize) + ' by ' + strn(ysize)
sxaddpar, newhd, 'HISTORY',label+' Box Width: '+ strn(box)+' Pixels'
; Update astrometry info if it exists
extast, oldhd, astr, noparams
if noparams GE 0 then begin
pix_ratio = box*box ;Ratio of old to new pixel areas
crpix = (astr.crpix - 0.5)/box + 0.5
sxaddpar, newhd, 'CRPIX1', crpix[0]
sxaddpar, newhd, 'CRPIX2', crpix[1]
if (noparams NE 2) then begin
cdelt = astr.cdelt
sxaddpar, newhd, 'CDELT1', CDELT[0]*box
sxaddpar, newhd, 'CDELT2', CDELT[1]*box
endif else begin ;CDn_m Matrix
cd = astr.cd
sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD1_1', cd[0,0]*box
sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD1_2', cd[0,1]*box
sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD2_1', cd[1,0]*box
sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD2_2', cd[1,1]*box
bscale = sxpar( oldhd, 'BSCALE')
if ( bscale NE 0 ) && ( bscale NE 1) then $
sxaddpar, newhd, 'BSCALE', bscale*pix_ratio, ' CALIBRATION FACTOR'
bzero = sxpar( oldhd, 'BZERO')
if ( bzero NE 0) then sxaddpar, newhd, 'BZERO', bzero*pix_ratio, $
if npar LT 4 then oldhd = newhd