/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/gcntrd.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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SILENT = silent, DEBUG = debug
; Compute the stellar centroid by Gaussian fits to marginal X,Y, sums
; GCNTRD uses the DAOPHOT "FIND" centroid algorithm by fitting Gaussians
; to the marginal X,Y distributions. User can specify bad pixels
; (either by using the MAXGOOD keyword or setting them to NaN) to be
; ignored in the fit. Pixel values are weighted toward the center to
; avoid contamination by neighboring stars.
; GCNTRD, img, x, y, xcen, ycen, [ fwhm , /SILENT, /DEBUG, MAXGOOD = ,
; IMG - Two dimensional image array
; X,Y - Scalar or vector integers giving approximate stellar center
; FWHM - floating scalar; Centroid is computed using a box of half
; width equal to 1.5 sigma = 0.637* FWHM. GCNTRD will prompt
; for FWHM if not supplied
; XCEN - the computed X centroid position, same number of points as X
; YCEN - computed Y centroid position, same number of points as Y
; Values for XCEN and YCEN will not be computed if the computed
; centroid falls outside of the box, or if there are too many bad pixels,
; or if the best-fit Gaussian has a negative height. If the centroid
; cannot be computed, then a message is displayed (unless /SILENT is
; set) and XCEN and YCEN are set to -1.
; MAXGOOD= Only pixels with values less than MAXGOOD are used to in
; Gaussian fits to determine the centroid. For non-integer
; data, one can also flag bad pixels using NaN values.
; /SILENT - Normally GCNTRD prints an error message if it is unable
; to compute the centroid. Set /SILENT to suppress this.
; /DEBUG - If this keyword is set, then GCNTRD will display the subarray
; it is using to compute the centroid.
; /KeepCenter By default, GCNTRD first convolves a small region around
; the supplied position with a lowered Gaussian filter, and then
; finds the maximum pixel in a box centered on the input X,Y
; coordinates, and then extracts a new box about this maximum
; pixel. Set the /KeepCenter keyword to skip the convolution
; and finding the maximum pixel, and instead use a box
; centered on the input X,Y coordinates.
; Unless /KEEPCENTER is set, a small area around the initial X,Y is
; convolved with a Gaussian kernel, and the maximum pixel is found.
; This pixel is used as the center of a square, within
; which the centroid is computed as the Gaussian least-squares fit
; to the marginal sums in the X and Y directions.
; Find the centroid of a star in an image im, with approximate center
; 631, 48. Assume that bad (saturated) pixels have a value of 4096 or
; or higher, and that the approximate FWHM is 3 pixels.
; IDL> GCNTRD, IM, 631, 48, XCEN, YCEN, 3, MAXGOOD = 4096
; Written June 2004, W. Landsman following algorithm used by P. Stetson
; in DAOPHOT2.
; Modified centroid computation (as in IRAF/DAOFIND) to allow shifts of
; more than 1 pixel from initial guess. March 2008
; First perform Gaussian convolution prior to finding maximum pixel
; to smooth out noise W. Landsman Jan 2009
compile_opt idl2
if N_params() LT 5 then begin
print,'Syntax: GCNTRD, img, x, y, xcen, ycen, [ fwhm, '
PRINT,'img - Input image array'
PRINT,'x,y - Input scalar integers giving approximate X,Y position'
PRINT,'xcen,ycen - Output scalars giving centroided X,Y position'
endif else if N_elements(fwhm) NE 1 then $
read,'Enter approximate FWHM of image in pixels: ',fwhm
sz_image = size(img)
if sz_image[0] NE 2 then message, $
'ERROR - Image array (first parameter) must be 2 dimensional'
xsize = sz_image[1]
ysize = sz_image[2]
dtype = sz_image[3]
npts = N_elements(x)
maxbox = 13
radius = 0.637*FWHM > 2.001 ;Radius is 1.5 sigma
radsq = radius^2
sigsq = ( fwhm/2.35482 )^2
nhalf = fix(radius) < (maxbox-1)/2 ;
nbox = 2*nhalf +1 ;# of pixels in side of convolution box
xcen = x*0. - 1 & ycen = y*0 - 1.
ix = round(x) ;Central X pixel
iy = round(y) ;Central Y pixel
;Create the Gaussian convolution kernel in variable "g"
mask = bytarr( nbox, nbox ) ;Mask identifies valid pixels in convolution box
g = fltarr( nbox, nbox )
row2 = (findgen(Nbox)-nhalf)^2
g[0,nhalf] = row2
for i = 1, nhalf do begin
temp = row2 + i^2
g[0,nhalf-i] = temp
g[0,nhalf+i] = temp
mask = fix(g LE radsq)
good = where( mask, pixels) ;Value of c are now equal to distance to center
g = exp(-0.5*g/sigsq) ;Make g into a Gaussian kernel
; In fitting Gaussians to the marginal sums, pixels will arbitrarily be
; assigned weights ranging from unity at the corners of the box to
; NHALF^2 at the center (e.g. if NBOX = 5 or 7, the weights will be
; 1 2 3 4 3 2 1
; 1 2 3 2 1 2 4 6 8 6 4 2
; 2 4 6 4 2 3 6 9 12 9 6 3
; 3 6 9 6 3 4 8 12 16 12 8 4
; 2 4 6 4 2 3 6 9 12 9 6 3
; 1 2 3 2 1 2 4 6 8 6 4 2
; 1 2 3 4 3 2 1
; respectively). This is done to desensitize the derived parameters to
; possible neighboring, brighter stars.
x_wt = fltarr(nbox,nbox)
wt = nhalf - abs(findgen(nbox)-nhalf ) + 1
for i=0,nbox-1 do x_wt[0,i] = wt
y_wt = transpose(x_wt)
pos = strtrim(x,2) + ' ' + strtrim(y,2)
if ~keyword_set(Keepcenter) then begin
; Precompute convolution kernel
c = g*mask ;Convolution kernel now in c
sumc = total(c)
sumcsq = total(c^2) - sumc^2/pixels
sumc = sumc/pixels
c[good] = (c[good] - sumc)/sumcsq
for i = 0,npts-1 do begin ;Loop over number of points to centroid
if ~keyword_set(keepcenter) then begin
if ( (ix[i] LT nhalf) || ((ix[i] + nhalf) GT xsize-1) || $
(iy[i] LT nhalf) || ((iy[i] + nhalf) GT ysize-1) ) then begin
if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then message,/INF, $
'Position '+ pos[i] + ' too near edge of image'
goto, DONE
x1 = (ix[i]-nbox) > 0
x2 = (ix[i] + nbox) < (xsize-1)
y1 = (iy[i]-nbox) > 0
y2 = (iy[i] + nbox) < (ysize-1)
h = img[x1:x2, y1:y2]
h = convol(float(h), c)
h= h[ nbox-nhalf: nbox + nhalf, nbox -nhalf: nbox + nhalf]
d= img[ix[i]-nhalf: ix[i]+nhalf, iy[i]-nhalf:iy[i]+nhalf]
if N_elements(maxgood) GT 0 then begin
ig = where(d lt maxgood, Ng)
mx = max(d[ig],/nan)
mx = max( h,/nan) ;Maximum pixel value in BIGBOX
mx_pos = where(h EQ mx, Nmax) ;How many pixels have maximum value?
idx = mx_pos mod nbox ;X coordinate of Max pixel
idy = mx_pos / nbox ;Y coordinate of Max pixel
if NMax GT 1 then begin ;More than 1 pixel at maximum?
idx = round(total(idx)/Nmax)
idy = round(total(idy)/Nmax)
endif else begin
idx = idx[0]
idy = idy[0]
xmax = ix[i] - (nhalf) + idx ;X coordinate in original image array
ymax = iy[i] - (nhalf) + idy ;Y coordinate in original image array
endif else begin
xmax = ix[i]
ymax = iy[i]
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; check *new* center location for range
; added by Hogg
if ( (xmax LT nhalf) || ((xmax + nhalf) GT xsize-1) || $
(ymax LT nhalf) || ((ymax + nhalf) GT ysize-1) ) then begin
if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then message,/INF, $
'Position '+ pos[i] + ' moved too near edge of image'
xcen[i] = -1 & ycen[i] = -1
goto, DONE
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Extract subimage centered on maximum pixel
d = img[xmax-nhalf : xmax+nhalf, ymax-nhalf : ymax+nhalf]
if keyword_set(DEBUG) then begin
message,'Subarray used to compute centroid:',/inf
imlist,img,xmax,ymax,dx = nbox,dy=nbox
if N_elements(maxgood) GT 0 then $
mask = (d lt maxgood) else $
if (dtype eq 4) || (dtype EQ 5) then mask = finite(d) else $
mask = replicate(1b, nbox, nbox)
maskx = total(mask,2) GT 0
masky = total(mask,1) GT 0
; At least 3 points are needed in the partial sum to compute the Gaussian
if (total(maskx) LT 3) || (total(masky) LT 3) then begin
if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then message,/INF, $
'Position '+ pos[i] + ' has insufficient good points'
goto, DONE
ywt = y_wt*mask
xwt = x_wt*mask
wt1 = wt*maskx
wt2 = wt*masky
; Centroid computation: The centroid computation was modified in Mar 2008 and
; now differs from DAOPHOT which multiplies the correction dx by 1/(1+abs(dx)).
; The DAOPHOT method is more robust (e.g. two different sources will not merge)
; especially in a package where the centroid will be subsequently be
; redetermined using PSF fitting. However, it is less accurate, and introduces
; biases in the centroid histogram. The change here is the same made in the
; IRAF DAOFIND routine (see
; http://iraf.net/article.php?story=7211&query=daofind )
sd = total(d*ywt,2,/nan)
sg = total(g*ywt,2)
sumg = total(wt1*sg)
sumgsq = total(wt1*sg*sg)
sumgd = total(wt1*sg*sd)
sumgx = total(wt1*sg)
sumd = total(wt1*sd)
p = total(wt1)
xvec = nhalf - findgen(nbox)
dgdx = sg*xvec
sdgdxs = total(wt1*dgdx^2)
sdgdx = total(wt1*dgdx)
sddgdx = total(wt1*sd*dgdx)
sgdgdx = total(wt1*sg*dgdx)
hx = (sumgd - sumg*sumd/p) / (sumgsq - sumg^2/p)
; HX is the height of the best-fitting marginal Gaussian. If this is not
; positive then the centroid does not make sense
if (hx LE 0) then begin
if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then message,/INF, $
'Position '+ pos[i] + ' cannot be fit by a Gaussian'
xcen[i] = -1 & ycen[i] = -1
goto, DONE
skylvl = (sumd - hx*sumg)/p
dx = (sgdgdx - (sddgdx-sdgdx*(hx*sumg + skylvl*p)))/(hx*sdgdxs/sigsq)
if (abs(dx) GE nhalf) then begin
if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then message,/INF, $
'Position '+ pos[i] + ' is too far from initial guess'
goto, DONE
xcen[i] = xmax + dx ;X centroid in original array
;Now repeat computation for Y centroid
sd = total(d*xwt,1,/nan)
sg = total(g*xwt,1)
sumg = total(wt2*sg)
sumgsq = total(wt2*sg*sg)
sumgd = total(wt2*sg*sd)
sumd = total(wt2*sd)
p = total(wt2)
yvec = nhalf - findgen(nbox)
dgdy = sg*yvec
sdgdys = total(wt2*dgdy^2)
sdgdy = total(wt2*dgdy)
sddgdy = total(wt2*sd*dgdy)
sgdgdy = total(wt2*sg*dgdy)
hy = (sumgd - sumg*sumd/p) / (sumgsq - sumg^2/p)
if (hy LE 0) then begin
if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then message,/INF, $
'Position '+ pos[i] + ' cannot be fit by a Gaussian'
goto, DONE
skylvl = (sumd - hy*sumg)/p
dy = (sgdgdy - (sddgdy-sdgdy*(hy*sumg + skylvl*p)))/(hy*sdgdys/sigsq)
if (abs(dy) GE nhalf) then begin
if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then message,/INF, $
'Position '+ pos[i] + ' is too far from initial guess'
goto, DONE
ycen[i] = ymax + dy ;Y centroid in original array