/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/fitsdir.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 | pro fitsdir ,directory, TEXTOUT = textout, Keywords = keywords, $
nosize = nosize, alt1_keywords=alt1_keywords, alt2_keywords=alt2_keywords,$
alt3_keywords = alt3_keywords, NoTelescope = NoTelescope,exten=exten
; Display selected FITS keywords from the headers of FITS files.
; The values of either user-specified or default FITS keywords are
; displayed in either the primary header and/or the first extension header.
; Unless the /NOSIZE keyword is set, the data size is also displayed.
; The default keywords are as follows (with keywords in 2nd row used if
; those in the first row not found, and the 3rd row if neither the keywords
; in the first or second rows found:)
; DATE OBSERVAT EXPOSURE ;Second Alternative
; INSTRUME EXPTIM ;Third Alternative
; FITSDIR will also recognize gzip compressed files (must have a .gz
; or FTZ extension).
; DIRECTORY - Scalar string giving file name, disk or directory to be
; searched. Wildcard file names are allowed. Examples of
; valid names include 'iraf/*.fits' (Unix) or 'd:\myfiles\f*.fits',
; (Windows).
; KEYWORDS - FITS keywords to display, as either a vector of strings or as
; a comma delimited scalar string, e.g.'testname,dewar,filter'
; If not supplied, then the default keywords are 'DATE-OBS',
; ALT1_KEYWORDS - A list (either a vector of strings or a comma delimited
; strings of alternative keywords to use if the default
; KEYWORDS cannot be found. By default, 'TDATEOBS', is the
; alternative to DATE-OBS, 'TELNAME' for 'TELESCOP','TARGNAME'
; for 'OBJECT', and 'INTEG' for EXPTIME
; ALT2_KEYWORDS - A list (either a vector of strings or a comma delimited
; strings of alternative keywords to use if neither KEYWORDS
; nor ALT1_KEYWORDS can be found.
; ALT3_KEYWORDS - A list (either a vector of strings or a comma delimited
; strings of alternative keywords to use if neither KEYWORDS
; nor ALT1_KEYWORDS nor ALT2_KEYWORDS can be found.
; /NOSIZE - if set then information about the image size is not displayed
; TEXTOUT - Controls output device as described in TEXTOPEN procedure
; textout=1 TERMINAL using /more option
; textout=2 TERMINAL without /more option
; textout=3 <program>.prt
; textout=4 laser.tmp
; textout=5 user must open file
; textout=7 Append to existing <program>.prt file
; textout = filename (default extension of .prt)
; EXTEN - Specifies an extension number (/EXTEN works for first extension)
; which is checked for the desired keywords. FITSDIR searches
; both the extension header and the primary header when an extension
; number is specified.
; /NOTELESCOPE - If set, then if the default keywords are used, then the
; TELESCOPE (or TELNAME, OBSERVAT, INSTRUME) keywords are omitted
; to give more room for display other keywords. The /NOTELESCOP
; keyword has no effect if the default keywords are not used.
; None.
; (1) Print info on all'*.fits' files in the current directory using default
; keywords. Include information from the first extension
; IDL> fitsdir,/exten
; (2) Write a driver program to display selected keywords in HST/ACS drizzled
; (*drz) images
; pro acsdir
; keywords = 'date-obs,targname,detector,filter1,filter2,exptime'
; fitsdir,'*drz.fits',key=keywords,/exten
; return & end
; (3) Write info on all *.fits files in the Unix directory /usr2/smith, to a
; file 'smith.txt' using the default keywords, but don't display the value
; of the TELESCOPE keyword
; IDL> fitsdir ,'/usr2/smith/*.fits',t='smith.txt', /NoTel
; FILE_SEARCH() is used to find the specified FITS files. The
; header of each file is read, and the selected keywords are extracted.
; The formatting is adjusted so that no value is truncated on display.
; TEXTOPEN (called by FITSDIR) will automatically define the following
; non-standard system variables if they are not previously defined:
; Written, W. Landsman, HSTX February, 1993
; Search alternate keyword names W.Landsman October 1998
; Avoid integer truncation for NAXISi >32767 W. Landsman July 2000
; Don't leave open unit W. Landsman July 2000
; Added EXTEN keyword, work with compressed files, additional alternate
; keywords W. Landsman December 2000
; Don't assume floating pt. exposure time W. Landsman September 2001
; Major rewrite, KEYWORD & ALT*_KEYWORDS keywords, no truncation,
; /NOSIZE keyword W. Landsman, SSAI August 2002
; Assume V5.3 or later W. Landsman November 2002
; Fix case where no keywords supplied W. Landsman January 2003
; NAXIS* values must be integers W. Landsman SSAI June 2003
; Trim spaces off of input KEYWORD values W. Landsman March 2004
; Treat .FTZ extension as gzip compressed W. Landsman September 2004
; Assume since V5.5, file_search() available W. Landsman Aug 2006
; Don't assume all images compressed or uncompressed W. L. Apr 2010
; Use V6.0 notation W.L. Feb 2011
; Don't let a corrupted file cause an abort W.L. Feb 2014
; Let textopen.pro define !TEXTUNIT W.L. Sep 2016
; On_error,2
compile_opt idl2
if N_elements(directory) EQ 0 then directory = '*.fits'
if N_elements(exten) EQ 0 then exten = 0
FDECOMP, directory, disk, dir, filename, ext
if filename EQ '' then begin
directory = disk + dir + '*.fits'
filename = '*'
ext = 'fits'
endif else if !VERSION.OS_FAMILY EQ 'unix' then begin
if (strpos(filename,'*') LT 0) && (ext EQ '') then begin
directory = disk + dir + filename + '/*.fits'
filename = '*'
ext = 'fits'
if N_elements(keywords) EQ 0 then begin
keywords = ['date-obs','telescop','object','exptime']
if N_elements(alt1_keywords) EQ 0 then $
alt1_keywords = ['tdateobs','telname','targname','integ']
if N_elements(alt2_keywords) EQ 0 then $
alt2_keywords = ['date','observat','','exposure']
if N_elements(alt3_keywords) EQ 0 then $
alt3_keywords = ['','instrume','','exptim' ]
if keyword_set(NoTelescope) then begin
ii = [0,2,3]
keywords = keywords[ii] & alt1_keywords = alt1_keywords[ii]
alt2_keywords = alt2_keywords[ii] & alt3_keywords = alt3_keywords[ii]
if N_elements(keywords) EQ 1 then $
keys = strtrim(strupcase(strsplit(keywords,',',/EXTRACT)),2) else $
keys = strupcase(keywords)
Nkey = N_elements(keys)
case N_elements(alt1_keywords) of
0: alt1_set = bytarr(Nkey)
1: alt1_keys = strtrim(strupcase(strsplit(alt1_keywords[0],',',/EXTRACT)),2)
else: alt1_keys = strupcase(alt1_keywords)
if N_elements(alt1_set) EQ 0 then alt1_set = strlen(strtrim(alt1_keys,2)) GT 0
case N_elements(alt2_keywords) of
0: alt2_set = bytarr(Nkey)
1: alt2_keys = strtrim(strupcase(strsplit(alt2_keywords,',',/EXTRACT)),2)
else: alt2_keys = strupcase(alt2_keywords)
if N_elements(alt2_set) EQ 0 then alt2_set = strlen(strtrim(alt2_keys,2)) GT 0
case N_elements(alt3_keywords) of
0: alt3_set = bytarr(Nkey)
1: alt3_keys = strtrim(strupcase(strsplit(alt3_keywords,',',/EXTRACT)),2)
else: alt3_keys = strupcase(alt3_keywords)
if N_elements(alt3_set) EQ 0 then alt3_set = strlen(strtrim(alt3_keys,2)) GT 0
keylen = strlen(keys)
direct = spec_dir(directory)
files = file_search(directory,COUNT = n,/full)
if n EQ 0 then begin ;Any files found?
message,'No files found on '+ direct, /CON
good = where( strlen(files) GT 0, Ngood)
if Ngood EQ 0 then message,'No FITS files found on '+ directory $
else files = files[good]
dir = 'dummy'
num = 0
fdecomp, files, disk, dir2, fname, qual ;Decompose into disk+filename
fname = strtrim(fname,2)
keyvalue = strarr(n,nkey)
bignaxis = strarr(n)
namelen = max(strlen(fname))
for i = 0,n-1 do begin ;Loop over each FITS file
compress = (qual[i] EQ 'gz') || (strupcase(qual[i]) EQ 'FTZ')
openr, unit, files[i], error = error, compress = compress
if error LT 0 then goto, BADHD
mrd_hread, unit, h, status, /silent, ERRMSG = errmsg
if status LT 0 then goto, BADHD
if exten GT 0 then begin
openr, unit, files[i], error = error, compress = compress
stat = fxmove(unit, exten, /silent)
mrd_hread, unit, h1, extstatus, /silent, ERRMSG = errmsg
if extstatus EQ 0 then h = [h1,h] ;Merge primary & extension header
keyword = strtrim( strmid(h,0,8),2 ) ;First 8 chars is FITS keyword
lvalue = strtrim(strmid(h,10,20),2 )
value = strtrim( strmid(h,10,68),2 ) ;Chars 10-30 is FITS value
if ~keyword_set(nosize) then begin
l= where(keyword EQ 'NAXIS',Nfound) ;Must have NAXIS keyword
if Nfound GT 0 then naxis = long( lvalue[ l[0] ] ) else goto, BADHD
if naxis EQ 0 then naxisi = '0' else begin
l = where( keyword EQ 'NAXIS1', Nfound) ;Must have NAXIS1 keyword
if Nfound gt 0 then naxis1 = long( lvalue[l[0] ] ) else goto, BADHD
naxisi = strtrim( naxis1,2 )
if NAXIS GE 2 then begin
l = where(keyword EQ 'NAXIS2', Nfound) ;Must have NAXIS2 keyword
if Nfound gt 0 then naxis2 = long(lvalue[l[0]]) else goto, BADHD
naxisi = naxisi + ' ' + strtrim( naxis2, 2 )
if NAXIS GE 3 then begin
l = where( keyword EQ 'NAXIS3', Nfound ) ;Must have NAXIS3 keyword
if Nfound GT 0 then naxis3 = long( lvalue[l[0]] ) else goto, BADHD
naxisi = naxisi + ' ' + strtrim( naxis3, 2 )
bignaxis[i] = strtrim(naxisi)
for k=0,nkey-1 do begin
l = where(keyword EQ keys[k], Nfound)
if Nfound EQ 0 then if alt1_set[k] then $
l = where(keyword EQ alt1_keys[k], Nfound)
if Nfound EQ 0 then if alt2_set[k] then $
l = where(keyword EQ alt2_keys[k], Nfound)
if Nfound EQ 0 then if alt3_set[k] then $
l = where(keyword EQ alt3_keys[k], Nfound)
if nfound GT 0 then begin
kvalue = value[l[0]]
if strpos(kvalue,"'") GE 0 then begin
temp = gettok(kvalue,"'")
keyvalue[i,k] = strtrim(gettok(kvalue,"'"),2)
endif else keyvalue[i,k] = strtrim(gettok(kvalue,'/'),2)
if status LT 0 then begin
message,'Bad File: ' + files[i],/Con
if N_elements(errmsg) NE 0 then message,errmsg,/CON
free_lun, unit
vallen = lonarr(nkey)
for k=0,nkey-1 do vallen[k] = max(strlen(keyvalue[*,k]))
textopen, 'fitsdir', TEXTOUT=textout,/STDOUT
printf,!TEXTUNIT,' '
printf,!TEXTUNIT,'FITS File Directory ' + systime()
printf,!TEXTUNIT, direct
printf,!TEXTUNIT, ' '
pheader = ' NAME '
if namelen GT 5 then pheader += string(replicate(32b,namelen-5))
if ~keyword_set(nosize) then begin
pheader += 'SIZE '
naxislen = max(strlen(bignaxis))+1
if naxislen GT 5 then pheader += string(replicate(32b,naxislen-5))
for k=0,nkey-1 do begin
pheader += keys[k] + ' '
if vallen[k] GT keylen[k] then $
pheader += string(replicate(32b,vallen[k]-keylen[k]))
printf,!TEXTUNIT, pheader
printf,!TEXTUNIT, ' '
xx = namelen + 2
fmt = '(A'
if ~keyword_set(nosize) then begin
fmt += ',T' + strtrim(xx,2)
xx += (naxislen>4) + 1
fmt += ',A'
for k=0,nkey-1 do begin
fmt += ',T' + strtrim(xx,2) + ',A'
xx += (vallen[k]>keylen[k]) +1
fmt += ')'
for i=0,n-1 do printf, f= fmt, $
!TEXTUNIT,fname[i],bignaxis[i], keyvalue[i,*]
return ;Normal return