/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/fitexy.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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; Best straight-line fit to data with errors in both coordinates
; Linear Least-squares approximation in one-dimension (y = a + b*x),
; when both x and y data have errors Users might be interested in
; Michael Williams MPFITEXY routines which include a number of
; enhancements to FITEXY.
; ( https://github.com/williamsmj/mpfitexy )
; FITEXY, x, y, A, B, X_SIG= , Y_SIG= , [sigma_A_B, chi_sq, q, TOL=]
; x = array of values for independent variable.
; y = array of data values assumed to be linearly dependent on x.
; X_SIGMA = scalar or array specifying the standard deviation of x data.
; Y_SIGMA = scalar or array specifying the standard deviation of y data.
; TOLERANCE = desired accuracy of minimum & zero location, default=1.e-3.
; A_intercept = constant parameter result of linear fit,
; B_slope = slope parameter, so that:
; ( A_intercept + B_slope * x ) approximates the y data.
; sigma_A_B = two element array giving standard deviation of
; A_intercept and B_slope parameters, respectively.
; The standard deviations are not meaningful if (i) the
; fit is poor (see parameter q), or (ii) b is so large that
; the data are consistent with a vertical (infinite b) line.
; If the data are consistent with *all* values of b, then
; sigma_A_B = [1e33,e33]
; chi_sq = resulting minimum Chi-Square of Linear fit, scalar
; q - chi-sq probability, scalar (0-1) giving the probability that
; a correct model would give a value equal or larger than the
; observed chi squared. A small value of q indicates a poor
; fit, perhaps because the errors are underestimated. As
; discussed by Tremaine et al. (2002, ApJ, 574, 740) an
; underestimate of the errors (e.g. due to an intrinsic dispersion)
; can lead to a bias in the derived slope, and it may be worth
; enlarging the error bars to get a reduced chi_sq ~ 1
; common fitexy, communicates the data for computation of chi-square.
; CHISQ_FITEXY() ;Included in this file
; MOMENT(), CHISQR_PDF() ;In standard IDL distribution
; From "Numerical Recipes" column by Press and Teukolsky:
; in "Computer in Physics", May, 1992 Vol.6 No.3
; Also see the 2nd edition of the book "Numerical Recipes" by Press et al.
; In order to avoid problems with data sets where X and Y are of very
; different order of magnitude the data are normalized before the fitting
; process is started. The following normalization is used:
; xx = (x - xm) / xs and sigx = x_sigma / xs
; where xm = MEAN(x) and xs = STDDEV(x)
; yy = (y - ym) / ys and sigy = y_sigma / ys
; where ym = MEAN(y) and ys = STDDEV(y)
; Written, Frank Varosi NASA/GSFC September 1992.
; Now returns q rather than 1-q W. Landsman December 1992
; Use CHISQR_PDF, MOMENT instead of STDEV,CHI_SQR1 W. Landsman April 1998
; Fixed typo for initial guess of slope, this error was nearly
; always insignificant W. Landsman March 2000
; Normalize X,Y before calculation (from F. Holland) W. Landsman Nov 2006
function chisq_fitexy, B_angle
; chisq_fitexy
; Function minimized by fitexy (computes chi-square of linear fit).
; It is called by minimization procedures during execution of fitexy.
; chisq = chisq_fitexy( B_angle )
; B_angle = arc-tangent of B_slope of linear fit.
; Result of function = chi_square - offs (offs is in COMMON).
; common fitexy, communicates the data from pro fitexy.
; From "Numerical Recipes" column: Computer in Physics Vol.6 No.3
; Written, Frank Varosi NASA/GSFC 1992.
common fitexy, xx, yy, sigx, sigy, ww, Ai, offs
B_slope = tan( B_angle )
ww = 1/( ( (B_slope * sigx)^2 + sigy^2 ) > 1.e-30 )
if N_elements( ww ) EQ 1 then sumw = ww * N_elements( xx ) $
else sumw = total( ww )
y_Bx = yy - B_slope * xx
Ai = total( ww * y_Bx )/sumw
return, total( ww * (y_Bx - Ai)^2 ) - offs
pro fitexy, x, y, A_intercept, B_slope, sigma_A_B, chi_sq, q, TOLERANCE=Tol, $
X_SIGMA=x_sigma, Y_SIGMA=y_sigma
compile_opt idl2
common fitexy, xx, yy, sigx, sigy, ww, Ai, offs
if N_params() LT 4 then begin
print,'Syntax - fitexy, x, y, A, B, X_SIG=sigx, Y_SIG=sigy,'
print,' [sigma_A_B, chi_sq, q, TOLERANCE = ]'
; Normalize data before running fitexy
xm = (MOMENT(x, SDEV = xs, /DOUBLE))[0]
ym = (MOMENT(y, SDEV = ys, /DOUBLE))[0]
xx = (x - xm) / xs
yy = (y - ym) / ys
sigx = x_sigma / xs
sigy = y_sigma / ys
;Compute first guess for B_slope using standard 1-D Linear Least-squares fit,
; where the non-linear term involving errors in x are ignored.
; (note that Tx is a transform to reduce roundoff errors)
ww = sigx^2 + sigy^2
if N_elements( ww ) EQ 1 then sumw = ww * N_elements( xx ) $
else sumw = total( ww )
Sx = total( xx * ww )
Tx = xx - Sx/sumw
B = total( ww * yy * Tx ) / total( ww * Tx^2 )
;Find the minimum chi-sq while including the non-linear term (B * sigx)^2
; involving variance in x data (computed by function chisq_fitexy):
; using minf_bracket (=MNBRAK) and minf_parabolic (=BRENT)
offs = 0
ang = [ 0, atan( B ), 1.571 ]
chi = fltarr( 3 )
for j=0,2 do chi[j] = chisq_fitexy( ang[j] ) ;this is for later...
if N_elements( Tol ) NE 1 then Tol=1.e-3
a0 = ang[0]
a1 = ang[1]
minf_bracket, a0,a1,a2, c0,c1,c2, FUNC="chisq_fitexy"
minf_parabolic, a0,a1,a2, Bang, chi_sq, FUNC="chisq_fitexy", TOL=Tol
if N_params() EQ 7 then q = 1 - chisqr_pdf( chi_sq, N_elements(x) - 2 )
A_intercept = Ai ;computed in function chisq_fitexy
ang = [a0,a1,a2,ang]
chi = [c0,c1,c2,chi]
;Now compute the variances of estimated parameters,
; by finding roots of ( (chi_sq + 1) - chisq_fitexy ).
;Note: ww, Ai are computed in function chisq_fitexy.
offs = chi_sq + 1
wc = where( chi GT offs, nc )
if (nc GT 0) then begin
angw = [ang[wc]]
d1 = abs( angw - Bang ) MOD !PI
d2 = !PI - d1
wa = where( angw LT Bang, na )
if (na GT 0) then begin
d = d1[wa]
d1[wa] = d2[wa]
d2[wa] = d
Bmax = zbrent( Bang,Bang+max(d1),F="chisq_fitexy",T=Tol ) -Bang
Amax = Ai - A_intercept
Bmin = zbrent( Bang,Bang-min(d2),F="chisq_fitexy",T=Tol ) -Bang
Amin = Ai - A_intercept
if N_elements( ww ) EQ 1 then r2 = 2/( ww * N_elements( x ) ) $
else r2 = 2/total( ww )
sigma_A_B = [ Amin^2 + Amax^2 + r2 , Bmin^2 + Bmax^2 ]
sig_A_B = sqrt( sigma_A_B/2 ) / ([1,cos(Bang)^2])
;Finally, transform parameters back to orignal units.
B_slope = tan( Bang ) *ys /xs
A_intercept = A_intercept*ys - tan(Bang) * ys / xs *xm + ym
if Nc GT 0 then sigma_A_B = [SQRT( (sig_A_B[0] * ys)^2 + $
(sig_A_B[1] * ys / xs * xm)^2 ), sig_A_B[1] * ys / xs] $
else sigma_A_B = [1.e33,1.e33]