/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/find.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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PRINT = print, SILENT=silent, MONITOR= monitor
; Find positive brightness perturbations (i.e stars) in an image
; Also returns centroids and shape parameters (roundness & sharpness).
; Adapted from 1991 version of DAOPHOT, but does not allow for bad pixels
; and uses a slightly different centroid algorithm.
; Modified in March 2008 to use marginal Gaussian fits to find centroids
; FIND, image, [ x, y, flux, sharp, round, hmin, fwhm, roundlim, sharplim
; image - 2 dimensional image array (integer or real) for which one
; wishes to identify the stars present
; FIND will prompt for these parameters if not supplied
; hmin - Threshold intensity for a point source - should generally
; be 3 or 4 sigma above background RMS
; fwhm - FWHM (in pixels) to be used in the convolve filter
; sharplim - 2 element vector giving low and high cutoff for the
; sharpness statistic (Default: [0.2,1.0] ). Change this
; default only if the stars have significantly larger or
; or smaller concentration than a Gaussian
; roundlim - 2 element vector giving low and high cutoff for the
; roundness statistic (Default: [-1.0,1.0] ). Change this
; default only if the stars are significantly elongated.
; /MONITOR - Normally, FIND will display the results for each star
; only if no output variables are supplied. Set /MONITOR
; to always see the result of each individual star.
; /SILENT - set /SILENT keyword to suppress all output display
; PRINT - if set and non-zero then FIND will also write its results to
; a file find.prt. Also one can specify a different output file
; name by setting PRINT = 'filename'.
; x - vector containing x position of all stars identified by FIND
; y- vector containing y position of all stars identified by FIND
; flux - vector containing flux of identified stars as determined
; by a Gaussian fit. Fluxes are NOT converted to magnitudes.
; sharp - vector containing sharpness statistic for identified stars
; round - vector containing roundness statistic for identified stars
; (1) The sharpness statistic compares the central pixel to the mean of
; the surrounding pixels. If this difference is greater than the
; originally estimated height of the Gaussian or less than 0.2 the height of the
; Gaussian (for the default values of SHARPLIM) then the star will be
; rejected.
; (2) More recent versions of FIND in DAOPHOT allow the possibility of
; ignoring bad pixels. Unfortunately, to implement this in IDL
; would preclude the vectorization made possible with the CONVOL function
; and would run extremely slowly.
; (3) Modified in March 2008 to use marginal Gaussian distributions to
; compute centroid. (Formerly, find.pro determined centroids by locating
; where derivatives went to zero -- see cntrd.pro for this algorithm.
; This was the method used in very old (~1984) versions of DAOPHOT. )
; As discussed in more detail in the comments to the code, the centroid
; computation here is the same as in IRAF DAOFIND but differs slightly
; from the current DAOPHOT.
; Written W. Landsman, STX February, 1987
; ROUND now an internal function in V3.1 W. Landsman July 1993
; Change variable name DERIV to DERIVAT W. Landsman Feb. 1996
; Use /PRINT keyword instead of TEXTOUT W. Landsman May 1996
; Changed loop indices to type LONG W. Landsman Aug. 1997
; Replace DATATYPE() with size(/TNAME) W. Landsman Nov. 2001
; Fix problem when PRINT= filename W. Landsman October 2002
; Fix problems with >32767 stars D. Schlegel/W. Landsman Sep. 2004
; Fix error message when no stars found S. Carey/W. Landsman Sep 2007
; Rewrite centroid computation to use marginal Gaussians W. Landsman
; Mar 2008
; Added Monitor keyword, /SILENT now suppresses all output
; W. Landsman Nov 2008
; Work when threshold is negative (difference images) W. Landsman May 2010
On_error,2 ;Return to caller
compile_opt idl2
npar = N_params()
if npar EQ 0 then begin
print,'Syntax - FIND, image,' + $
'[ x, y, flux, sharp, round, hmin, fwhm, roundlim, sharplim'
print,' PRINT= , /SILENT, /MONITOR ]'
;Determine if hardcopy output is desired
doprint = keyword_set( PRINT)
silent = keyword_set( SILENT )
if N_elements(monitor) EQ 0 then $
monitor = (not silent) and (not arg_present(flux) )
maxbox = 13 ;Maximum size of convolution box in pixels
; Get information about the input image
type = size(image)
if ( type[0] NE 2 ) then message, $
'ERROR - Image array (first parameter) must be 2 dimensional'
n_x = type[1] & n_y = type[2]
message, NoPrint=Silent, $
'Input Image Size is '+strtrim(n_x,2) + ' by '+ strtrim(n_y,2),/INF
if ( N_elements(fwhm) NE 1 ) then $
read, 'Enter approximate FWHM: ', fwhm
if fwhm LT 0.5 then message, $
'ERROR - Supplied FWHM must be at least 0.5 pixels'
radius = 0.637*FWHM > 2.001 ;Radius is 1.5 sigma
radsq = radius^2
nhalf = fix(radius) < (maxbox-1)/2 ;
nbox = 2*nhalf + 1 ;# of pixels in side of convolution box
middle = nhalf ;Index of central pixel
lastro = n_x - nhalf
lastcl = n_y - nhalf
sigsq = ( fwhm/2.35482 )^2
mask = bytarr( nbox, nbox ) ;Mask identifies valid pixels in convolution box
g = fltarr( nbox, nbox ) ;g will contain Gaussian convolution kernel
dd = indgen(nbox-1) + 0.5 - middle ;Constants need to compute ROUND
dd2 = dd^2
row2 = (findgen(Nbox)-nhalf)^2
for i = 0, nhalf do begin
temp = row2 + i^2
g[0,nhalf-i] = temp
g[0,nhalf+i] = temp
mask = fix(g LE radsq) ;MASK is complementary to SKIP in Stetson's Fortran
good = where( mask, pixels) ;Value of c are now equal to distance to center
; Compute quantities for centroid computations that can be used for all stars
g = exp(-0.5*g/sigsq)
; In fitting Gaussians to the marginal sums, pixels will arbitrarily be
; assigned weights ranging from unity at the corners of the box to
; NHALF^2 at the center (e.g. if NBOX = 5 or 7, the weights will be
; 1 2 3 4 3 2 1
; 1 2 3 2 1 2 4 6 8 6 4 2
; 2 4 6 4 2 3 6 9 12 9 6 3
; 3 6 9 6 3 4 8 12 16 12 8 4
; 2 4 6 4 2 3 6 9 12 9 6 3
; 1 2 3 2 1 2 4 6 8 6 4 2
; 1 2 3 4 3 2 1
; respectively). This is done to desensitize the derived parameters to
; possible neighboring, brighter stars.
xwt = fltarr(nbox,nbox)
wt = nhalf - abs(findgen(nbox)-nhalf ) + 1
for i=0,nbox-1 do xwt[0,i] = wt
ywt = transpose(xwt)
sgx = total(g*xwt,1)
p = total(wt)
sgy = total(g*ywt,2)
sumgx = total(wt*sgy)
sumgy = total(wt*sgx)
sumgsqy = total(wt*sgy*sgy)
sumgsqx = total(wt*sgx*sgx)
vec = nhalf - findgen(nbox)
dgdx = sgy*vec
dgdy = sgx*vec
sdgdxs = total(wt*dgdx^2)
sdgdx = total(wt*dgdx)
sdgdys = total(wt*dgdy^2)
sdgdy = total(wt*dgdy)
sgdgdx = total(wt*sgy*dgdx)
sgdgdy = total(wt*sgx*dgdy)
c = g*mask ;Convolution kernel now in c
sumc = total(c)
sumcsq = total(c^2) - sumc^2/pixels
sumc = sumc/pixels
c[good] = (c[good] - sumc)/sumcsq
c1 = exp(-.5*row2/sigsq)
sumc1 = total(c1)/nbox
sumc1sq = total(c1^2) - sumc1
c1 = (c1-sumc1)/sumc1sq
message,/INF,Noprint=Silent, $
'RELATIVE ERROR computed from FWHM ' + strtrim(sqrt(total(c[good]^2)),2)
if N_elements(hmin) NE 1 then read, $
'Enter minimum value above background for threshold detection: ',hmin
if N_elements(sharplim) NE 2 then begin
print,'Enter low and high cutoffs, press [RETURN] for defaults:'
ans = ''
read, 'Image Sharpness Statistic (DEFAULT = 0.2,1.0): ', ans
if ans EQ '' then sharplim = [0.2,1.0] else begin
sharplim = getopt(ans,'F')
if N_elements(sharplim) NE 2 then begin
message, 'ERROR - Expecting 2 scalar values',/CON
ans = ''
read, 'Image Roundness Statistic [DEFAULT = -1.0,1.0]: ',ans
if ans EQ '' then roundlim = [-1.,1.] else begin
roundlim = getopt( ans, 'F' )
if N_elements( roundlim ) NE 2 then begin
message,'ERROR - Expecting 2 scalar values',/CON
message,'Beginning convolution of image', /INF, NoPrint=Silent
h = convol(float(image),c) ;Convolve image with kernel "c"
minh = min(h)
h[0:nhalf-1,*] = minh & h[n_x-nhalf:n_x-1,*] = minh
h[*,0:nhalf-1] = minh & h[*,n_y-nhalf:n_y-1] = minh
message,'Finished convolution of image', /INF, NoPrint=Silent
mask[middle,middle] = 0 ;From now on we exclude the central pixel
pixels = pixels -1 ;so the number of valid pixels is reduced by 1
good = where(mask) ;"good" identifies position of valid pixels
xx= (good mod nbox) - middle ;x and y coordinate of valid pixels
yy = fix(good/nbox) - middle ;relative to the center
offset = yy*n_x + xx
SEARCH: ;Threshold dependent search begins here
index = where( h GE hmin, nfound) ;Valid image pixels are greater than hmin
if nfound EQ 0 then begin ;Any maxima found?
message,'ERROR - No maxima exceed input threshold of ' + $
for i= 0L, pixels-1 do begin
stars = where (h[index] GE h[index+offset[i]], nfound)
if nfound EQ 0 then begin ;Do valid local maxima exist?
message,'ERROR - No maxima exceed input threshold of ' + $
index = index[stars]
ix = index mod n_x ;X index of local maxima
iy = index/n_x ;Y index of local maxima
ngood = N_elements(index)
message,/INF,Noprint=Silent, $
strtrim(ngood,2)+' local maxima located above threshold'
nstar = 0L ;NSTAR counts all stars meeting selection criteria
badround = 0L & badsharp=0L & badcntrd=0L
if (npar GE 2) or (doprint) then begin ;Create output X and Y arrays?
x = fltarr(ngood) & y = x
if (npar GE 4) or (doprint) then begin ;Create output flux,sharpness arrays?
flux = x & sharp = x & roundness = x
if doprint then begin ;Create output file?
if ( size(print,/TNAME) NE 'STRING' ) then file = 'find.prt' $
else file = print
message,'Results will be written to a file ' + file,/INF,Noprint=Silent
printf,lun,' Program: FIND '+ systime()
printf,lun,format='(/A,F7.1)',' Threshold above background:',hmin
printf,lun,' Approximate FWHM:',fwhm
printf,lun,format='(2(A,F6.2))',' Sharpness Limits: Low', $
sharplim[0], ' High',sharplim[1]
printf,lun,format='(2(A,F6.2))',' Roundness Limits: Low', $
roundlim[0],' High',roundlim[1]
printf,lun,format='(/A,i6)',' No of sources above threshold',ngood
if (not SILENT) and MONITOR then $
print,format='(/8x,a)',' STAR X Y FLUX SHARP ROUND'
; Loop over star positions; compute statistics
for i = 0L,ngood-1 do begin
temp = float(image[ix[i]-nhalf:ix[i]+nhalf,iy[i]-nhalf:iy[i]+nhalf])
d = h[ix[i],iy[i]] ;"d" is actual pixel intensity
; Compute Sharpness statistic
sharp1 = (temp[middle,middle] - (total(mask*temp))/pixels)/d
if ( sharp1 LT sharplim[0] ) or ( sharp1 GT sharplim[1] ) then begin
badsharp = badsharp + 1
goto, REJECT ;Does not meet sharpness criteria
; Compute Roundness statistic
dx = total( total(temp,2)*c1)
dy = total( total(temp,1)*c1)
if (dx LE 0) or (dy LE 0) then begin
badround = badround + 1
goto, REJECT ;Cannot compute roundness
around = 2*(dx-dy) / ( dx + dy ) ;Roundness statistic
if ( around LT roundlim[0] ) or ( around GT roundlim[1] ) then begin
badround = badround + 1
goto,REJECT ;Does not meet roundness criteria
; Centroid computation: The centroid computation was modified in Mar 2008 and
; now differs from DAOPHOT which multiplies the correction dx by 1/(1+abs(dx)).
; The DAOPHOT method is more robust (e.g. two different sources will not merge)
; especially in a package where the centroid will be subsequently be
; redetermined using PSF fitting. However, it is less accurate, and introduces
; biases in the centroid histogram. The change here is the same made in the
; IRAF DAOFIND routine (see
; http://iraf.net/article.php?story=7211&query=daofind )
sd = total(temp*ywt,2)
sumgd = total(wt*sgy*sd)
sumd = total(wt*sd)
sddgdx = total(wt*sd*dgdx)
hx = (sumgd - sumgx*sumd/p) / (sumgsqy - sumgx^2/p)
; HX is the height of the best-fitting marginal Gaussian. If this is not
; positive then the centroid does not make sense
if (hx LE 0) then begin
badcntrd = badcntrd + 1
goto, REJECT
skylvl = (sumd - hx*sumgx)/p
dx = (sgdgdx - (sddgdx-sdgdx*(hx*sumgx + skylvl*p)))/(hx*sdgdxs/sigsq)
if abs(dx) GE nhalf then begin
badcntrd = badcntrd + 1
goto, REJECT
xcen = ix[i] + dx ;X centroid in original array
; Find Y centroid
sd = total(temp*xwt,1)
sumgd = total(wt*sgx*sd)
sumd = total(wt*sd)
sddgdy = total(wt*sd*dgdy)
hy = (sumgd - sumgy*sumd/p) / (sumgsqx - sumgy^2/p)
if (hy LE 0) then begin
badcntrd = badcntrd + 1
goto, REJECT
skylvl = (sumd - hy*sumgy)/p
dy = (sgdgdy - (sddgdy-sdgdy*(hy*sumgy + skylvl*p)))/(hy*sdgdys/sigsq)
if abs(dy) GE nhalf then begin
badcntrd = badcntrd + 1
goto, REJECT
ycen = iy[i] +dy ;Y centroid in original array
; This star has met all selection criteria. Print out and save results
if monitor then $
print,FORM = '(12x,i5,2f7.1,f9.1,2f9.2)', $
nstar, xcen, ycen, d, sharp1, around
if (npar GE 2) or (doprint) then begin
x[nstar] = xcen & y[nstar] = ycen
if ( npar GE 4 ) or (doprint) then begin
flux[nstar] = d & sharp[nstar] = sharp1 & roundness[nstar] = around
nstar = nstar+1
nstar = nstar-1 ;NSTAR is now the index of last star found
if doprint then begin
printf,lun,' No. of sources rejected by SHARPNESS criteria',badsharp
printf,lun,' No. of sources rejected by ROUNDNESS criteria',badround
printf,lun,' No. of sources rejected by CENTROID criteria',badcntrd
if (not SILENT) and (MONITOR) then begin
print,' No. of sources rejected by SHARPNESS criteria',badsharp
print,' No. of sources rejected by ROUNDNESS criteria',badround
print,' No. of sources rejected by CENTROID criteria',badcntrd
if nstar LT 0 then return ;Any stars found?
if (npar GE 2) or (doprint) then begin
x=x[0:nstar] & y = y[0:nstar]
if (npar GE 4) or (doprint) then begin
flux= flux[0:nstar] & sharp=sharp[0:nstar]
roundness = roundness[0:nstar]
if doprint then begin
printf,lun, $
format = '(/8x,a)',' STAR X Y FLUX SHARP ROUND'
for i = 0L, nstar do $
printf,lun,format='(12x,i5,2f8.2,f9.1,2f9.2)', $
i+1, x[i], y[i], flux[i], sharp[i], roundness[i]
free_lun, lun
if SILENT or (not MONITOR) then return
print,form='(A,F8.1)',' Threshold above background for this pass was',hmin
ans = ''
read,'Enter new threshold or [RETURN] to exit: ',ans
ans = getopt(ans,'F')
if ans GT 0. then begin
hmin = ans
goto, SEARCH