/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/astrolib/dbprint.pro is in gdl-astrolib 2018.02.16+dfsg-1.
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Adjustformat = adjustformat
; Procedure to print specified items from a list of database entries
; dbprint, list, [items, FORMS= , TEXTOUT= , /AdjustFormat, /NoHeader]
; list - list of entry numbers to be printed, vector or scalar
; if list = -1, then all entries will be printed.
; An error message is returned if any entry number is larger
; than the number of entries in the database
; items - items to be printed, specified in any of the following ways:
; form 1 scalar string giving item(s) as list of names
; separated by commas
; form 2 string array giving list of item names
; form 3 string of form '$filename' giving name
; of text file containing items (one item per
; line)
; form 4 integer scalar giving single item number or
; integer vector list of item numbers
; form 5 Null string specifying interactive selection. This
; is the default if 'items' is not supplied
; form 6 '*' select all items, printout will be in
; table format.
; If items was undefined or a null string on input, then
; on output it will contain the items interactively selected.
; /ADJUSTFORMAT - If set, then the format length for string items will
; be adjusted to the maximum length for the entries to be printed.
; This option will slow down DBPRINT because it requires the
; string items be extracted and their maximum length determined
; prior to any printing. However, it enables the display of
; string items without any truncation or wasted space.
; FORMS - The number of printed lines per page. If forms is not
; present, output assumed to be in PORTRAIT form, and
; a heading and 47 lines are printed on each page, with
; a page eject between each page. For LANDSCAPE form with
; headings on each page, and a page eject between pages, set
; forms = 34. For a heading only on the first page, and no
; page eject, set forms = 0. This is the default for output
; to the terminal.
; TEXTOUT - Integer (0-7) or string used to determine output device (see
; TEXTOPEN for more info). If not present, the !TEXTOUT system
; variable is used.
; textout=0 Nowhere
; textout=1 if a TTY then TERMINAL using /more option
; otherwise standard (Unit=-1) output
; textout=2 if a TTY then TERMINAL without /more option
; otherwise standard (Unit=-1) output
; textout=3 dbprint.prt (file)
; textout=4 laser.tmp
; textout=5 user must open file
; textout=7 same as 3 but text is appended to <program>.prt
; textout = filename (default extension of .prt)
; /NOHEADER - If this keyword is set, then the column headers will not
; be printed
; The following example shows how a multiple valued item DATAMAX can be
; printed as separate columns. In the WFPC2 target database, DATAMAX
; is an item with 4 values, one for each of the 4 chips
; IDL> dbopen,'wflog'
; IDL> dbprint,list,'entry,datamax(0),datamax(1),datamax(2),datamax(3)'
; Output device controlled by non-standard system varaible !TEXTOUT, if
; TEXTOUT keyword is not used.
; Users may want to adjust the default lines_per_page value given at
; the beginning of the program for their own particular printer.
; db_info(), db_item_info(), dbtitle(), dbxval(), textopen, textclose
; zparcheck
; version 2 D. Lindler Nov. 1987 (new db format)
; Test if user pressed 'Q' in response to /MORE W. Landsman Sep 1991
; Apply STRTRIM to free form (table) output W. Landsman Dec 1992
; Test for string value of TEXTOUT W. Landsman Feb 1994
; William Thompson, GSFC, 3 November 1994
; Modified to allow ZDBASE to be a path string.
; W. Landsman, GSFC, July, 1997, Use CATCH to catch errors
; Removed STRTRIM in table format output to handle byte values April 1999
; Fixed occasional problem when /NOHEADER is supplied Sep. 1999
; Only byteswap when necessary for improved performance Feb. 2000
; Change loop index for table listing to type LONG W. Landsman Aug 2000
; Entry vector can be any integer type W. Landsman Aug. 2001
; Replace DATATYPE() with size(/TNAME) W. Landsman Nov. 2001
; No page eject for TEXTOUT =5 W. Landsman Nov. 2001
; No initial page eject W. Landsman Jan. 2002
; Added AdjustFormat keyword W. Landsman Sep. 2002
; Assume since V5.3 (STRJOIN) W. Landsman Feb. 2004
; Fix display on GUI terminals W. Landsman March 2006
; Remove VMS statements W. Landsman Sep 2006
; Remove EXECUTE statement W. Landsman Jan 2007
; Fix display of multi element items W. Landsman Aug 2010
; Fix problem with linked databases W. Landsman Dec 2011
On_error,2 ;Return to caller
compile_opt idl2
if N_params() EQ 0 then begin
print,'Syntax - DBPRINT, list, items, '
print,' [ FORMS = , TEXTOUT =, /NoHeader, /AdjustFormat ]'
lines_per_page = 47 ;Default # of lines per page
zparcheck, 'DBPRINT', list, 1, [1,2,3,4,5,12,13,14,15], [0,1], $
'Entry List Vector'
catch, error_status
if error_status NE 0 then begin
; Make list a vector
nentry = db_info( 'ENTRIES', 0)
if nentry EQ 0 then message,'ERROR - Database contains no entries'
if list[0] EQ -1 then list = lindgen(nentry) + 1
dbname = strlowcase( db_info( 'NAME', 0 ))
if max(list) GT nentry then message, dbname + $
' entry numbers must be between 1 and ' + strtrim( nentry, 2 )
nv = N_elements(list) ;number of entries requested
; No need for byteswapping if data is not external or it is a big endian machine
noconvert = ~db_info('EXTERNAL',0) || is_ieee_big() ;Updated Dec 11
; Determine items to print
if N_params() EQ 1 then begin
file = find_with_def(dbname +'.items', 'ZDBASE')
if file NE '' then items = '$' + file else items = ''
db_item, items, it, ivalnum, dtype, sbyte, numvals, nbytes
numvals = numvals<1 ;can't print vectors
nvalues = db_item_info( 'NVALUES', it ) ;number of values in item
qnumit = db_info( 'ITEMS' ) ;number of items
nitems = N_elements( it ) ;number of items requested
qnames = db_item_info( 'NAME', it )
qtitle = db_info( 'TITLE', 0 ) ;data base title
; Open output text file
if ~keyword_set(TEXTOUT) then textout = !textout ;use default output dev.
textopen, dbname, TEXTOUT = textout, more_set = more_set
if size(TEXTOUT,/TNAME) EQ 'STRING' then text_out = 5 else text_out = textout
if (nitems EQ qnumit) then begin
; Create table listing of each item specified. -------------------------
for i = 0L, nv-1 do begin
dbrd, list[i], entry, noconvert = noconvert ; read an entry.
printf, !TEXTUNIT, ' ' ; print blank line.
; display name and value for each entry
for k = 0, qnumit-1 do begin
; only print entries of reasonable size... < 5 values in item.
if ( nvalues[k] LT 5 ) then begin
somvar = $
if dtype[k] EQ 1 then somvar=fix(somvar)
printf,!textunit,k,') ',qnames[k], strtrim(somvar,2)
;display name,value
endfor ; k
endfor ; i
printf,!textunit,' ' ;Added 11/90
end else begin
; get info on items
formats = db_item_info( 'FORMAT', it )
flen = db_item_info( 'FLEN', it ) ;field lengths
nvals = db_item_info( 'NVALUES', it ) ;larger than one for vector items
; If /AdjustFormat set, then extract all string vectors and find their maximum
; length. Then update the formats and flen vectors accordingly
if keyword_set(adjustFormat) then begin
stringvar = where(dtype EQ 7, Nstring)
if Nstring GT 0 then begin
alen = intarr(Nstring)
varnames = 'v' + strtrim(indgen(Nstring)+1,2)
stringitems = strjoin(varnames,',')
for i=0, Nstring-1 do begin
dbext,list,it[stringvar[i]], vv
alen[i] = max(strlen(strtrim(temporary(vv),2)))
flen[stringvar] = alen
formats[stringvar] = 'A' + strtrim(alen,2)
; Set up format array
form = '(' + strtrim(formats,2) + ')' ;remove blanks, and add paren
linelength = total(flen) + nitems ;length of output lines
dash = byte('-') & dash = dash[0]
dashes = ' '+string( replicate( dash, linelength ) )
if ~keyword_set( NoHeader) then begin
title = string( replicate(byte(32), linelength>42) )
strput, title, qtitle, (linelength-40)/2>1 ;center title
; Extract headers
headers = db_item_info( 'HEADERS', it )
c1 = strmid( headers,0,15 )
c2 = strmid( headers,15,15 )
c3 = strmid( headers,30,15 )
; Place value numbers for multiple valued items in h3
for i = 0,nitems-1 do begin
if nvals[i] GT 1 then $ ;multiple values?
c3[i] = '[' + strtrim(string(ivalnum[i]),2) + ']'
endfor ;i
h1 = dbtitle( c1,flen )
h2 = dbtitle( c2,flen )
h3 = dbtitle( c3,flen )
; Loop on entries
hardcopy = (text_out GE 2) and (text_out NE 5) ;Keep track of page eject?
if ( N_elements(forms) GT 0 ) then begin
if ( forms GT 0 ) then pcount = forms $ ;lines per page
else pcount = N_elements(list) ;no page breaks
endif else if not hardcopy then pcount = N_elements(list) $
else pcount = lines_per_page ;Portrait form default
limit = pcount - 1
for j = 0L, N_elements(list)-1 do begin
if not keyword_set( NoHeader) then begin
if pcount GT limit then begin ;new page?
pcount = 0
if (j GT 0) and hardcopy then $
printf,!textunit,string(byte(12)) $;eject
else printf,!textunit,' '
printf,!textunit,title ;print title
printf,!textunit,dashes ;print headings
dbrd, list[j], entry, noconvert = noconvert ;read entry
; loop on items
st = '' ;output string
for i = 0,nitems-1 do begin
val = dbxval(entry,dtype[i],numvals[i],sbyte[i],nbytes[i])
if dtype[i] EQ 1 then val = fix(val)
if dtype[i] EQ 7 then begin
b = byte(val)
bad = where(b EQ 0, nbad)
if nbad GT 0 then begin
b[bad] = 32b
val = string(b)
st = st+' ' + string(val,form[i])
printf, !TEXTUNIT, st ;print line
if more_set then $ ;Did user press 'Q' in /MORE ?
if ( !ERR EQ 1 ) then return
pcount = pcount+1 ;increment line counter
end ; loop on entries
endelse ; N_params > 1
; Clean up
textclose, TEXTOUT = textout ;close text file