/usr/share/flatnuke/languages/admin/en.php is in flatnuke 2.7.2-0ubuntu3.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 | <?php
* @author Marco Segato <segatom@users.sourceforge.net>
define ("_FNCC_FNOPTIONS", "Flatnuke options");
define ("_FNCC_SERVERINFOS", "Server<br />informations");
define ("_FNCC_GENERALCONF", "General<br />configuration");
define ("_FNCC_FILEMANAGER", "File<br />manager");
define ("_FNCC_MANAGEFN", "Website management");
define ("_FNCC_NEWS", "Manage<br />news");
define ("_FNCC_NEWSBYUSERS", "News by<br />users");
define ("_FNCC_MOTD", "Edit<br>welcome");
define ("_FNCC_POLL", "Manage<br>poll");
define ("_FNCC_USERS", "Manage users");
define ("_FNCC_USERSLIST", "Members'<br />list");
define ("_FNCC_ADDUSER", "New<br />user");
define ("_FNCC_SECURITY", "Manage security");
define ("_FNCC_BACKUPS", "Website<br />backup");
define ("_FNCC_LOGS", "Manage<br />logs");
define ("_FNCC_BLACKLISTS", "Manage<br />blacklists");
define ("_FNCC_THEME", "Theme options");
define ("_FNCC_THEMESTRUCTURE", "Theme<br>structure");
define ("_FNCC_THEMESTYLE", "Theme<br>style");
define ("_FNCC_CSSTHEME", "CSS<br>theme");
define ("_FNCC_CSSFORUM", "CSS<br>forum");
define ("_FNCC_NOGDLIB", "This extension is not installed (<a href='http://www.libgd.org/FAQ_PHP' target='_blank'>?</a>)");
define ("_FNCC_SERVERINFO", "Informations about server");
define ("_FNCC_SITEURL", "Host URL: ");
define ("_FNCC_OS", "Operative system: ");
define ("_FNCC_WEBSERVER", "Web server: ");
define ("_FNCC_PHP", "PHP version: ");
define ("_FNCC_GDLIB", "GD library version: ");
define ("_FNCC_FLATNUKE", "Flatnuke version: ");
define ("_FNCC_FNUNKNOWN", "unknown");
define ("_FNCC_SERVERSPACE", "Available space on the server: ");
define ("_FNCC_SITESPACE", "Current site dimensions: ");
define ("_FNCC_MYINFOS", "About me");
define ("_FNCC_IP", "IP address: ");
define ("_FNCC_USERAGENT", "Browser: ");
define ("_FNCC_DESGENERALCONF", "Flatnuke general configuration");
define ("_FNCC_DESMOTD", "Edit welcome message");
define ("_FNCC_DESNEWS", "Manage the news of your site");
define ("_FNCC_DESNEWSBYUSERS", "Manage news proposed by other users");
define ("_FNCC_DESPOLL", "Manage current poll");
define ("_FNCC_DESUSERSLIST", "List of site members");
define ("_FNCC_DESADDUSER", "Add a new member to the site");
define ("_FNCC_DESBACKUPS", "Manage site's backup");
define ("_FNCC_DESLOGS", "Manage Flatnuke logs");
define ("_FNCC_DESBLACKLISTS", "Manage Flatnuke blacklists");
define ("_FNCC_DESTHEMESTRUCTURE", "Edit current theme's structure");
define ("_FNCC_DESTHEMESTYLE", "Edit current theme's style");
define ("_FNCC_DESCSSTHEME", "Edit current theme's CSS stylesheet");
define ("_FNCC_DESCSSFORUM", "Edit forum's CSS stylesheet");
define ("_FNCC_ONLYADMIN", "Access denied");
define ("_FNCC_DESONLYADMIN", "You can't access to this page, this section is reserved to the administrator.");
define ("_FNCC_CONFSITENAME", "Web site title (max. 100 chars):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFSITEDESCRIPTION", "Web site description (max. 500 chars):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFKEYWORDS", "List of keywords that describe site contents (max. 1500 chars):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFTHEME", "Theme:");
define ("_FNCC_CONFNEWSPP", "Number of news listed in each page (max. 999):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFADMIN", "Administrator name (max. 100 chars):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFADMINMAIL", "E-mail address of the administrator (max. 100 chars):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFLANG", "Language in use:");
define ("_FNCC_CONFREGUSER", "Let users to register their profile on this site:");
define ("_FNCC_CONFGUESTNEWS", "Let visitors to propose news:");
define ("_FNCC_CONFGUESTCOMMENT", "Let visitors to add comments to the news:");
define ("_FNCC_CONFREMEMBERLOGIN", "Let users to save cookies when making login:");
define ("_FNCC_CONFMAINTENANCE", "Put the site in maintenance mode (only the admin can make the login):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFHOMESECTION", "Section to print in site's homepage (put blank if you want to list news):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFTOPICPERPAGE", "Number of forum's topics in each page (max = 999):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFPOSTPERPAGE", "Number of forum's messages in each page (max = 999):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFMEMBERPERPAGE", "Number of members in each page (max = 999):");
define ("_FNCC_CONFFORUMMODERATORS", "List of forum's moderators (eg: user1,user2,user3), (max 500 chars):");
define ("_FNCC_WARNINGDOC", "ATTENTION: read Flatnuke documentation before editing this file!");
define ("_FNCC_WARNINGRIGHTS", "Editing impossible: check write permissions of the file!");
define ("_FNCC_WARNINGNOFILE", "The file doesn't exists, check Flatnuke installation!");
define ("_FNCC_CHANGEDATE", "Last edit");
define ("_FNCC_BACKUPNEWS", "Make backup of the news");
define ("_FNCC_BACKUPUSERS", "Make backup of the users");
define ("_FNCC_BACKUPMISC", "Make backup of the directory");
define ("_FNCC_BACKUPSECT", "Make backup of the sections");
define ("_FNCC_BACKUPFORUM", "Make backup of the forum");
define ("_FNCC_BACKUPSITE", "Make backup of all the site");
define ("_FNCC_DELBACKUP", "Delete temporary backup files");
define ("_FNCC_SAVE", "Save");
define ("_FNCC_LOGLIST", "System logs' list");
define ("_FNCC_CLEANLOG", "Clean log");
define ("_FNCC_MANAGEBLACKLISTS", "System blacklists");
define ("_FNCC_YES", "Yes");
define ("_FNCC_NO", "No");
define ("_FNCC_USERSTOACTIVATE", "Profiles<br />to activate");
define ("_FNCC_WAITINGUSERS", "Profiles wating for activation");
define ("_FNCC_NOUSERSTOACTIVATE", "No profiles waiting for activation!");
define ("_FNCC_REGMAIL", "Reg. e-mail");
define ("_FNCC_REGMAILDES", "Edit e-mail address");
define ("_FNCC_REGCODE", "Reg. code");
define ("_FNCC_REGCODEDES", "Send again activation code");
define ("_FNCC_ACTIVATE", "Activate");
define ("_FNCC_NEWSEDITOR", "Choose editor for news:");
define ("_FNCC_DOWNCONF", "Manage<br />download");
define ("_FNCC_DESDOWNCONF", "Manage download section ");
define ("_FNCC_FDPEXTENSIONS", "List of allowed extensions (comma-separated values):");
define ("_FNCC_FDPMAXFILESIZE", "Maximum file size in bytes (1Mb = 1.000.000 bytes):");
define ("_FNCC_FDPICONSTYLE", "Icons' theme to use:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPNEWFILETIME", "Number of hours a file is considered recent (192h = 1 week):");
define ("_FNCC_FDPAUTOMD5", "Generate MD5 hash of uploaded files:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPAUTOSHA1", "Generate SHA-1 hash of uploaded files:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPSHOWUPLOADER", "Show the name of the user loaded the file:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPGPG", "GPG file extension:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPSCREENSHOTS", "Screenshot preview file extension:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPADMINS", "List of users that can administrate download sections (comma-separated values):");
define ("_FNCC_FDPADMINOPTOK", "Enable web administration options:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPSHOWLINK", "Show \"Download\" link for each file:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPFILELIST", "Show file list in summary page:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPSUMMARY", "Show an header at the top of all download sections:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPVOTE", "Enable voting:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPMAXUSERSIZE", "Maximum file size in bytes for users' uploads (1Mb = 1.000.000 byte):");
define ("_FNCC_FDPNUMWAITING", "Maximum number of files waiting to be published:");
define ("_FNCC_FDPFILEWAITING", "Name of the list with files waiting to be published (READONLY):");
define ("_FNCC_FDPBLACKLIST", "List of users that can not upload files (comma-separated values):");
define ("_FNCC_FDPMINLEVEL", "Minimum level of users that can upload files:");