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#!CSeaGreen #!N #!Rvecfld Vector Fields #!N
#!EC #!N #!N Vector-valued data sets occur very frequently in visualization.
Data Explorer offers three ways to visualize vector Fields: vector glyphs,
streamlines, and streaklines. For this example, assume that we acquired data
on wind velocity and direction in the atmosphere. #!N #!N Recall
that a "glyph" is a visual object; a Field of glyphs
is made by copying a generic object, positioning each copy appropriately,
and scaling or coloring each copy according to the data associated
with that sample point. Vector glyphs resemble arrows or rockets and
are generated for you by the Glyph or AutoGlyph modules. A
vector Field, like any Field, must have a positions component to
identify where the vector-valued data was sampled (even if the data
is connection-dependent, it still requires positions). For Glyph realizations, a "connections"
component is not required, but it may exist if the Field
contained it for other purposes. Of course, a data component containing
a vector quantity is needed. Each vector glyph will point in
the direction of the vector given by the datum at that
point, with the base of the vector fixed at the vertex
position (sample point) for position-dependent data. The base of the vector
is located at the center of the connection element for connection-dependent
data. The length of each vector glyph is scaled based on
the vector "magnitude," relative to all the other vectors in the
data Field. Glyph and AutoGlyph offer a number of modifications you
can make to achieve the appearance you desire. The effect of
glyphing a vector Field is to create a "porcupine" plot with
lots of arrows sticking out in various directions. This can become
hard to interpret if there are many vector data points or,
if one area of your data has very large values, the
vectors may intersect or occlude each other. You can use the
Reduce module (in the Import and Export category) to downsample the
original data Field and thereby decrease the number of vectors in
the image. Picking a reasonable reduction factor will permit the viewer
to see the overall vector Field direction(s) while reducing the visual
clutter. #!N #!N You can also use the Sample module to
extract a subset of points of the data Field. For example,
you can select a subset of points lying on an isosurface;
these data points can then be fed to Glyph. The effect
in this case is to show the vector Field direction and
magnitude sampled at the surface of constant value. This is another
technique to reduce the number of vectors glyphed at the same
time and may make it easier to perceive the structure of
the vector Field. #!N #!N Another technique for visualizing a vector
Field relies on the concept that there exists a potential flow
direction through the Field. Imagine releasing some very light styrofoam balls
into our wind Field; each ball has a streamer attached to
it. (Gravity and friction are ignored by the visualization tool; of
course, you may have accounted for these forces in the simulation
that modeled the vector Field, if these forces are relevant to
your science.) We release the balls at one instant on one
side of our Field and after they have passed through the
Field, we take a snapshot of the streamers. This type of
image is essentially what you get with the Streamline module. Streamline
is used to visualize a flow Field at an instant in
time; it assumes that you have a particular measure of a
vector Field and wish to study the "shape" of that static
Field. #!N #!N Streamline produces a set of lines that show
the flight path of each "ball and streamer." You can indicate
the starting positions of these paths in a number of ways:
essentially, any kind of object with positions can be the designated
start point or points for Streamline. For example, you can use
the Sample module to extract an arbitrary subset of positions from
an isosurface, then treat this subset of positions as valid starting
points for Streamline. You would see a set of streamlines that
began #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* on #!EF an isosurface and then traversed your vector
Field. If you want to visualize the streamers' associated "twist," use
the Ribbon module and use the curl and flag parameters of
Streamline to force computation of the vorticity field. Streamlines can also
start from a Grid, a list of positions, or a Probe.
The Probe is a handy way to interactively investigate a vector
Field; Probe tools are selected from the Special category. They are
manipulated in the Image window; select #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* View Control... #!EF from
the Image window's #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* Options #!EF menu, then choose #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* Cursors
#!EF from the #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* Mode #!EF pop-up menu. Any Probes that
you have placed in your visual program will be listed in
another pop-up menu, so you can pick the one you wish
to interactively manipulate. By dragging the probe through the vector Field,
the Streamline starting point will follow the mouse pointer (again use
#!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* Execute on Change #!EF to see this happen interactively). #!N
#!N Streakline is used to study a dynamic vector Field. Streakline
is equivalent to taking a series of snapshots as our styrofoam
balls and streamers (or just the balls without streamers if you
like) fly through the vector Field, but with the additional fact
that each time we take a snapshot, we import the next
time step of our Field. That is, at each moment, we
provide new data for vector direction and intensity at each sample
point. As a result, you would expect the direction and speed
of the balls and streamers to change as their flight is
affected by the changing Field. This technique is often referred to
as "particle advection." #!N #!N Note that both Streamline and Streakline
perform interpolation, so both modules require that your input vector Field
has positions, data, #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* and #!EF a "connections" component. #!N #!N
#!N #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* Next Topic #!EF #!N #!N #!Lvolrnd,dxall608 h Volume Rendering #!EL #!N #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* #!N