/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/common/utils.py is in ctdconverter 2.0-4.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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# encoding: utf-8
import ntpath
import os
from lxml import etree
from .logger import info, error, warning
from common.exceptions import ApplicationException
from CTDopts.CTDopts import CTDModel, ParameterGroup
# simple struct-class containing a tuple with input/output location and the in-memory CTDModel
class ParsedCTD:
def __init__(self, ctd_model=None, input_file=None, suggested_output_file=None):
self.ctd_model = ctd_model
self.input_file = input_file
self.suggested_output_file = suggested_output_file
class ParameterHardcoder:
def __init__(self):
# map whose keys are the composite names of tools and parameters in the following pattern:
# [ToolName][separator][ParameterName] -> HardcodedValue
# if the parameter applies to all tools, then the following pattern is used:
# [ParameterName] -> HardcodedValue
# examples (assuming separator is '#'):
# threads -> 24
# XtandemAdapter#adapter -> xtandem.exe
# adapter -> adapter.exe
self.separator = "!"
self.parameter_map = {}
# the most specific value will be returned in case of overlap
def get_hardcoded_value(self, parameter_name, tool_name):
# look for the value that would apply for all tools
generic_value = self.parameter_map.get(parameter_name, None)
specific_value = self.parameter_map.get(self.build_key(parameter_name, tool_name), None)
if specific_value is not None:
return specific_value
return generic_value
def register_parameter(self, parameter_name, parameter_value, tool_name=None):
self.parameter_map[self.build_key(parameter_name, tool_name)] = parameter_value
def build_key(self, parameter_name, tool_name):
if tool_name is None:
return parameter_name
return "%s%s%s" % (parameter_name, self.separator, tool_name)
def validate_path_exists(path):
if not os.path.isfile(path) or not os.path.exists(path):
raise ApplicationException("The provided path (%s) does not exist or is not a valid file path." % path)
def validate_argument_is_directory(args, argument_name):
file_name = getattr(args, argument_name)
if file_name is not None and os.path.isdir(file_name):
raise ApplicationException("The provided output file name (%s) points to a directory." % file_name)
def validate_argument_is_valid_path(args, argument_name):
paths_to_check = []
# check if we are handling a single file or a list of files
member_value = getattr(args, argument_name)
if member_value is not None:
if isinstance(member_value, list):
for file_name in member_value:
for path_to_check in paths_to_check:
# taken from
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8384737/python-extract-file-name-from-path-no-matter-what-the-os-path-format
def get_filename(path):
head, tail = ntpath.split(path)
return tail or ntpath.basename(head)
def get_filename_without_suffix(path):
root, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))
return root
def parse_input_ctds(xsd_location, input_ctds, output_destination, output_file_extension):
is_converting_multiple_ctds = len(input_ctds) > 1
parsed_ctds = []
schema = None
if xsd_location is not None:
info("Loading validation schema from %s" % xsd_location, 0)
schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(xsd_location))
except Exception as e:
error("Could not load validation schema %s. Reason: %s" % (xsd_location, str(e)), 0)
warning("Validation against a schema has not been enabled.", 0)
for input_ctd in input_ctds:
if schema is not None:
validate_against_schema(input_ctd, schema)
output_file = output_destination
# if multiple inputs are being converted, we need to generate a different output_file for each input
if is_converting_multiple_ctds:
output_file = os.path.join(output_file, get_filename_without_suffix(input_ctd) + "." + output_file_extension)
info("Parsing %s" % input_ctd)
parsed_ctds.append(ParsedCTD(CTDModel(from_file=input_ctd), input_ctd, output_file))
return parsed_ctds
def flatten_list_of_lists(args, list_name):
setattr(args, list_name, [item for sub_list in getattr(args, list_name) for item in sub_list])
def validate_against_schema(ctd_file, schema):
parser = etree.XMLParser(schema=schema)
etree.parse(ctd_file, parser=parser)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
raise ApplicationException("Invalid CTD file %s. Reason: %s" % (ctd_file, str(e)))
def add_common_parameters(parser, version, last_updated):
parser.add_argument("FORMAT", default=None, help="Output format (mandatory). Can be one of: cwl, galaxy.")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", dest="input_files", default=[], required=True, nargs="+", action="append",
help="List of CTD files to convert.")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-destination", dest="output_destination", required=True,
help="If multiple input files are given, then a folder in which all converted "
"files will be generated is expected; "
"if a single input file is given, then a destination file is expected.")
parser.add_argument("-x", "--default-executable-path", dest="default_executable_path",
help="Use this executable path when <executablePath> is not present in the CTD",
default=None, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-b", "--blacklist-parameters", dest="blacklisted_parameters", default=[], nargs="+",
help="List of parameters that will be ignored and won't appear on the galaxy stub",
parser.add_argument("-p", "--hardcoded-parameters", dest="hardcoded_parameters", default=None, required=False,
help="File containing hardcoded values for the given parameters. Run with '-h' or '--help' "
"to see a brief example on the format of this file.")
parser.add_argument("-V", "--validation-schema", dest="xsd_location", default=None, required=False,
help="Location of the schema to use to validate CTDs. If not provided, no schema validation "
"will take place.")
# TODO: add verbosity, maybe?
program_version = "v%s" % version
program_build_date = str(last_updated)
program_version_message = "%%(prog)s %s (%s)" % (program_version, program_build_date)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version=program_version_message)
def parse_hardcoded_parameters(hardcoded_parameters_file):
parameter_hardcoder = ParameterHardcoder()
if hardcoded_parameters_file is not None:
line_number = 0
with open(hardcoded_parameters_file) as f:
for line in f:
line_number += 1
if line is None or not line.strip() or line.strip().startswith("#"):
# the third column must not be obtained as a whole, and not split
parsed_hardcoded_parameter = line.strip().split(None, 2)
# valid lines contain two or three columns
if len(parsed_hardcoded_parameter) != 2 and len(parsed_hardcoded_parameter) != 3:
warning("Invalid line at line number %d of the given hardcoded parameters file. Line will be"
"ignored:\n%s" % (line_number, line), 0)
parameter_name = parsed_hardcoded_parameter[0]
hardcoded_value = parsed_hardcoded_parameter[1]
tool_names = None
if len(parsed_hardcoded_parameter) == 3:
tool_names = parsed_hardcoded_parameter[2].split(',')
if tool_names:
for tool_name in tool_names:
parameter_hardcoder.register_parameter(parameter_name, hardcoded_value, tool_name.strip())
parameter_hardcoder.register_parameter(parameter_name, hardcoded_value)
return parameter_hardcoder
def extract_tool_help_text(ctd_model):
manual = ""
doc_url = None
if "manual" in list(ctd_model.opt_attribs.keys()):
manual += "%s\n\n" % ctd_model.opt_attribs["manual"]
if "docurl" in list(ctd_model.opt_attribs.keys()):
doc_url = ctd_model.opt_attribs["docurl"]
help_text = "No help available"
if manual is not None:
help_text = manual
if doc_url is not None:
help_text = ("" if manual is None else manual) + "\nFor more information, visit %s" % doc_url
return help_text
def extract_tool_executable_path(model, default_executable_path):
# rules to build the executable path:
# if executablePath is null, then use default_executable_path
# if executablePath is null and executableName is null, then the name of the tool will be used
# if executablePath is null and executableName is not null, then executableName will be used
# if executablePath is not null and executableName is null,
# then executablePath and the name of the tool will be used
# if executablePath is not null and executableName is not null, then both will be used
# first, check if the model has executablePath / executableName defined
executable_path = model.opt_attribs.get("executablePath", None)
executable_name = model.opt_attribs.get("executableName", None)
# check if we need to use the default_executable_path
if executable_path is None:
executable_path = default_executable_path
# fix the executablePath to make sure that there is a '/' in the end
if executable_path is not None:
executable_path = executable_path.strip()
if not executable_path.endswith("/"):
executable_path += "/"
# assume that we have all information present
command = str(executable_path) + str(executable_name)
if executable_path is None:
if executable_name is None:
command = model.name
command = executable_name
if executable_name is None:
command = executable_path + model.name
return command
def extract_and_flatten_parameters(ctd_model):
parameters = []
if len(ctd_model.parameters.parameters) > 0:
# use this to put parameters that are to be processed
# we know that CTDModel has one parent ParameterGroup
pending = [ctd_model.parameters]
while len(pending) > 0:
# take one element from 'pending'
parameter = pending.pop()
if type(parameter) is not ParameterGroup:
# append the first-level children of this ParameterGroup
# returned the reversed list of parameters (as it is now,
# we have the last parameter in the CTD as first in the list)
return reversed(parameters)
# some parameters are mapped to command line options, this method helps resolve those mappings, if any
def resolve_param_mapping(param, ctd_model):
# go through all mappings and find if the given param appears as a reference name in a mapping element
param_mapping = None
for cli_element in ctd_model.cli:
for mapping_element in cli_element.mappings:
if mapping_element.reference_name == param.name:
if param_mapping is not None:
warning("The parameter %s has more than one mapping in the <cli> section. "
"The first found mapping, %s, will be used." % (param.name, param_mapping), 1)
param_mapping = cli_element.option_identifier
return param_mapping if param_mapping is not None else param.name
def _extract_param_cli_name(param, ctd_model):
# we generate parameters with colons for subgroups, but not for the two topmost parents (OpenMS legacy)
if type(param.parent) == ParameterGroup:
if not hasattr(param.parent.parent, 'parent'):
return resolve_param_mapping(param, ctd_model)
elif not hasattr(param.parent.parent.parent, 'parent'):
return resolve_param_mapping(param, ctd_model)
if ctd_model.cli:
warning("Using nested parameter sections (NODE elements) is not compatible with <cli>", 1)
return extract_param_name(param.parent) + ":" + resolve_param_mapping(param, ctd_model)
return resolve_param_mapping(param, ctd_model)
def extract_param_name(param):
# we generate parameters with colons for subgroups, but not for the two topmost parents (OpenMS legacy)
if type(param.parent) == ParameterGroup:
if not hasattr(param.parent.parent, "parent"):
return param.name
elif not hasattr(param.parent.parent.parent, "parent"):
return param.name
return extract_param_name(param.parent) + ":" + param.name
return param.name
def extract_command_line_prefix(param, ctd_model):
param_name = extract_param_name(param)
param_cli_name = _extract_param_cli_name(param, ctd_model)
if param_name == param_cli_name:
# there was no mapping, so for the cli name we will use a '-' in the prefix
param_cli_name = "-" + param_name
return param_cli_name