/usr/lib/coffee-script/src/rewriter.coffee is in coffeescript 1.12.7~dfsg-3.
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# and shorthand syntax. This can greatly complicate a grammar and bloat
# the resulting parse table. Instead of making the parser handle it all, we take
# a series of passes over the token stream, using this **Rewriter** to convert
# shorthand into the unambiguous long form, add implicit indentation and
# parentheses, and generally clean things up.
# Create a generated token: one that exists due to a use of implicit syntax.
generate = (tag, value, origin) ->
tok = [tag, value]
tok.generated = yes
tok.origin = origin if origin
# The **Rewriter** class is used by the [Lexer](lexer.html), directly against
# its internal array of tokens.
exports.Rewriter = class Rewriter
# Rewrite the token stream in multiple passes, one logical filter at
# a time. This could certainly be changed into a single pass through the
# stream, with a big ol' efficient switch, but it's much nicer to work with
# like this. The order of these passes matters -- indentation must be
# corrected before implicit parentheses can be wrapped around blocks of code.
rewrite: (@tokens) ->
# Helpful snippet for debugging:
# console.log (t[0] + '/' + t[1] for t in @tokens).join ' '
# Rewrite the token stream, looking one token ahead and behind.
# Allow the return value of the block to tell us how many tokens to move
# forwards (or backwards) in the stream, to make sure we don't miss anything
# as tokens are inserted and removed, and the stream changes length under
# our feet.
scanTokens: (block) ->
{tokens} = this
i = 0
i += block.call this, token, i, tokens while token = tokens[i]
detectEnd: (i, condition, action) ->
{tokens} = this
levels = 0
while token = tokens[i]
return action.call this, token, i if levels is 0 and condition.call this, token, i
return action.call this, token, i - 1 if not token or levels < 0
if token[0] in EXPRESSION_START
levels += 1
else if token[0] in EXPRESSION_END
levels -= 1
i += 1
i - 1
# Leading newlines would introduce an ambiguity in the grammar, so we
# dispatch them here.
removeLeadingNewlines: ->
break for [tag], i in @tokens when tag isnt 'TERMINATOR'
@tokens.splice 0, i if i
# The lexer has tagged the opening parenthesis of a method call. Match it with
# its paired close. We have the mis-nested outdent case included here for
# calls that close on the same line, just before their outdent.
closeOpenCalls: ->
condition = (token, i) ->
token[0] in [')', 'CALL_END'] or
token[0] is 'OUTDENT' and @tag(i - 1) is ')'
action = (token, i) ->
@tokens[if token[0] is 'OUTDENT' then i - 1 else i][0] = 'CALL_END'
@scanTokens (token, i) ->
@detectEnd i + 1, condition, action if token[0] is 'CALL_START'
# The lexer has tagged the opening parenthesis of an indexing operation call.
# Match it with its paired close.
closeOpenIndexes: ->
condition = (token, i) ->
token[0] in [']', 'INDEX_END']
action = (token, i) ->
token[0] = 'INDEX_END'
@scanTokens (token, i) ->
@detectEnd i + 1, condition, action if token[0] is 'INDEX_START'
# Match tags in token stream starting at `i` with `pattern`, skipping 'HERECOMMENT's.
# `pattern` may consist of strings (equality), an array of strings (one of)
# or null (wildcard). Returns the index of the match or -1 if no match.
indexOfTag: (i, pattern...) ->
fuzz = 0
for j in [0 ... pattern.length]
fuzz += 2 while @tag(i + j + fuzz) is 'HERECOMMENT'
continue if not pattern[j]?
pattern[j] = [pattern[j]] if typeof pattern[j] is 'string'
return -1 if @tag(i + j + fuzz) not in pattern[j]
i + j + fuzz - 1
# Returns `yes` if standing in front of something looking like
# `@<x>:`, `<x>:` or `<EXPRESSION_START><x>...<EXPRESSION_END>:`,
# skipping over 'HERECOMMENT's.
looksObjectish: (j) ->
return yes if @indexOfTag(j, '@', null, ':') > -1 or @indexOfTag(j, null, ':') > -1
index = @indexOfTag(j, EXPRESSION_START)
if index > -1
end = null
@detectEnd index + 1, ((token) -> token[0] in EXPRESSION_END), ((token, i) -> end = i)
return yes if @tag(end + 1) is ':'
# Returns `yes` if current line of tokens contain an element of tags on same
# expression level. Stop searching at LINEBREAKS or explicit start of
# containing balanced expression.
findTagsBackwards: (i, tags) ->
backStack = []
while i >= 0 and (backStack.length or
@tag(i) not in tags and
(@tag(i) not in EXPRESSION_START or @tokens[i].generated) and
@tag(i) not in LINEBREAKS)
backStack.push @tag(i) if @tag(i) in EXPRESSION_END
backStack.pop() if @tag(i) in EXPRESSION_START and backStack.length
i -= 1
@tag(i) in tags
# Look for signs of implicit calls and objects in the token stream and
# add them.
addImplicitBracesAndParens: ->
# Track current balancing depth (both implicit and explicit) on stack.
stack = []
start = null
@scanTokens (token, i, tokens) ->
[tag] = token
[prevTag] = prevToken = if i > 0 then tokens[i - 1] else []
[nextTag] = if i < tokens.length - 1 then tokens[i + 1] else []
stackTop = -> stack[stack.length - 1]
startIdx = i
# Helper function, used for keeping track of the number of tokens consumed
# and spliced, when returning for getting a new token.
forward = (n) -> i - startIdx + n
# Helper functions
isImplicit = (stackItem) -> stackItem?[2]?.ours
isImplicitObject = (stackItem) -> isImplicit(stackItem) and stackItem?[0] is '{'
isImplicitCall = (stackItem) -> isImplicit(stackItem) and stackItem?[0] is '('
inImplicit = -> isImplicit stackTop()
inImplicitCall = -> isImplicitCall stackTop()
inImplicitObject = -> isImplicitObject stackTop()
# Unclosed control statement inside implicit parens (like
# class declaration or if-conditionals)
inImplicitControl = -> inImplicit and stackTop()?[0] is 'CONTROL'
startImplicitCall = (j) ->
idx = j ? i
stack.push ['(', idx, ours: yes]
tokens.splice idx, 0, generate 'CALL_START', '(', ['', 'implicit function call', token[2]]
i += 1 if not j?
endImplicitCall = ->
tokens.splice i, 0, generate 'CALL_END', ')', ['', 'end of input', token[2]]
i += 1
startImplicitObject = (j, startsLine = yes) ->
idx = j ? i
stack.push ['{', idx, sameLine: yes, startsLine: startsLine, ours: yes]
val = new String '{'
val.generated = yes
tokens.splice idx, 0, generate '{', val, token
i += 1 if not j?
endImplicitObject = (j) ->
j = j ? i
tokens.splice j, 0, generate '}', '}', token
i += 1
# Don't end an implicit call on next indent if any of these are in an argument
if inImplicitCall() and tag in ['IF', 'TRY', 'FINALLY', 'CATCH',
stack.push ['CONTROL', i, ours: yes]
return forward(1)
if tag is 'INDENT' and inImplicit()
# An `INDENT` closes an implicit call unless
# 1. We have seen a `CONTROL` argument on the line.
# 2. The last token before the indent is part of the list below
if prevTag not in ['=>', '->', '[', '(', ',', '{', 'TRY', 'ELSE', '=']
endImplicitCall() while inImplicitCall()
stack.pop() if inImplicitControl()
stack.push [tag, i]
return forward(1)
# Straightforward start of explicit expression
stack.push [tag, i]
return forward(1)
# Close all implicit expressions inside of explicitly closed expressions.
while inImplicit()
if inImplicitCall()
else if inImplicitObject()
start = stack.pop()
# Recognize standard implicit calls like
# f a, f() b, f? c, h[0] d etc.
if (tag in IMPLICIT_FUNC and token.spaced or
tag is '?' and i > 0 and not tokens[i - 1].spaced) and
(nextTag in IMPLICIT_CALL or
not tokens[i + 1]?.spaced and not tokens[i + 1]?.newLine)
tag = token[0] = 'FUNC_EXIST' if tag is '?'
startImplicitCall i + 1
return forward(2)
# Implicit call taking an implicit indented object as first argument.
# f
# a: b
# c: d
# and
# f
# 1
# a: b
# b: c
# Don't accept implicit calls of this type, when on the same line
# as the control structures below as that may misinterpret constructs like:
# if f
# a: 1
# as
# if f(a: 1)
# which is probably always unintended.
# Furthermore don't allow this in literal arrays, as
# that creates grammatical ambiguities.
if tag in IMPLICIT_FUNC and
@indexOfTag(i + 1, 'INDENT') > -1 and @looksObjectish(i + 2) and
not @findTagsBackwards(i, ['CLASS', 'EXTENDS', 'IF', 'CATCH',
startImplicitCall i + 1
stack.push ['INDENT', i + 2]
return forward(3)
# Implicit objects start here
if tag is ':'
# Go back to the (implicit) start of the object
s = switch
when @tag(i - 1) in EXPRESSION_END then start[1]
when @tag(i - 2) is '@' then i - 2
else i - 1
s -= 2 while @tag(s - 2) is 'HERECOMMENT'
# Mark if the value is a for loop
@insideForDeclaration = nextTag is 'FOR'
startsLine = s is 0 or @tag(s - 1) in LINEBREAKS or tokens[s - 1].newLine
# Are we just continuing an already declared object?
if stackTop()
[stackTag, stackIdx] = stackTop()
if (stackTag is '{' or stackTag is 'INDENT' and @tag(stackIdx - 1) is '{') and
(startsLine or @tag(s - 1) is ',' or @tag(s - 1) is '{')
return forward(1)
startImplicitObject(s, !!startsLine)
return forward(2)
# End implicit calls when chaining method calls
# like e.g.:
# f ->
# a
# .g b, ->
# c
# .h a
# and also
# f a
# .g b
# .h a
# Mark all enclosing objects as not sameLine
if tag in LINEBREAKS
for stackItem in stack by -1
break unless isImplicit stackItem
stackItem[2].sameLine = no if isImplicitObject stackItem
newLine = prevTag is 'OUTDENT' or prevToken.newLine
if tag in IMPLICIT_END or tag in CALL_CLOSERS and newLine
while inImplicit()
[stackTag, stackIdx, {sameLine, startsLine}] = stackTop()
# Close implicit calls when reached end of argument list
if inImplicitCall() and prevTag isnt ','
# Close implicit objects such as:
# return a: 1, b: 2 unless true
else if inImplicitObject() and not @insideForDeclaration and sameLine and
tag isnt 'TERMINATOR' and prevTag isnt ':'
# Close implicit objects when at end of line, line didn't end with a comma
# and the implicit object didn't start the line or the next line doesn't look like
# the continuation of an object.
else if inImplicitObject() and tag is 'TERMINATOR' and prevTag isnt ',' and
not (startsLine and @looksObjectish(i + 1))
return forward 1 if nextTag is 'HERECOMMENT'
# Close implicit object if comma is the last character
# and what comes after doesn't look like it belongs.
# This is used for trailing commas and calls, like:
# x =
# a: b,
# c: d,
# e = 2
# and
# f a, b: c, d: e, f, g: h: i, j
if tag is ',' and not @looksObjectish(i + 1) and inImplicitObject() and
not @insideForDeclaration and
(nextTag isnt 'TERMINATOR' or not @looksObjectish(i + 2))
# When nextTag is OUTDENT the comma is insignificant and
# should just be ignored so embed it in the implicit object.
# When it isn't the comma go on to play a role in a call or
# array further up the stack, so give it a chance.
offset = if nextTag is 'OUTDENT' then 1 else 0
while inImplicitObject()
endImplicitObject i + offset
return forward(1)
# Add location data to all tokens generated by the rewriter.
addLocationDataToGeneratedTokens: ->
@scanTokens (token, i, tokens) ->
return 1 if token[2]
return 1 unless token.generated or token.explicit
if token[0] is '{' and nextLocation=tokens[i + 1]?[2]
{first_line: line, first_column: column} = nextLocation
else if prevLocation = tokens[i - 1]?[2]
{last_line: line, last_column: column} = prevLocation
line = column = 0
token[2] =
first_line: line
first_column: column
last_line: line
last_column: column
return 1
# OUTDENT tokens should always be positioned at the last character of the
# previous token, so that AST nodes ending in an OUTDENT token end up with a
# location corresponding to the last "real" token under the node.
fixOutdentLocationData: ->
@scanTokens (token, i, tokens) ->
return 1 unless token[0] is 'OUTDENT' or
(token.generated and token[0] is 'CALL_END') or
(token.generated and token[0] is '}')
prevLocationData = tokens[i - 1][2]
token[2] =
first_line: prevLocationData.last_line
first_column: prevLocationData.last_column
last_line: prevLocationData.last_line
last_column: prevLocationData.last_column
return 1
# Because our grammar is LALR(1), it can't handle some single-line
# expressions that lack ending delimiters. The **Rewriter** adds the implicit
# blocks, so it doesn't need to. To keep the grammar clean and tidy, trailing
# newlines within expressions are removed and the indentation tokens of empty
# blocks are added.
normalizeLines: ->
starter = indent = outdent = null
condition = (token, i) ->
token[1] isnt ';' and token[0] in SINGLE_CLOSERS and
not (token[0] is 'TERMINATOR' and @tag(i + 1) in EXPRESSION_CLOSE) and
not (token[0] is 'ELSE' and starter isnt 'THEN') and
not (token[0] in ['CATCH', 'FINALLY'] and starter in ['->', '=>']) or
token[0] in CALL_CLOSERS and
(@tokens[i - 1].newLine or @tokens[i - 1][0] is 'OUTDENT')
action = (token, i) ->
@tokens.splice (if @tag(i - 1) is ',' then i - 1 else i), 0, outdent
@scanTokens (token, i, tokens) ->
[tag] = token
if tag is 'TERMINATOR'
if @tag(i + 1) is 'ELSE' and @tag(i - 1) isnt 'OUTDENT'
tokens.splice i, 1, @indentation()...
return 1
if @tag(i + 1) in EXPRESSION_CLOSE
tokens.splice i, 1
return 0
if tag is 'CATCH'
for j in [1..2] when @tag(i + j) in ['OUTDENT', 'TERMINATOR', 'FINALLY']
tokens.splice i + j, 0, @indentation()...
return 2 + j
if tag in SINGLE_LINERS and @tag(i + 1) isnt 'INDENT' and
not (tag is 'ELSE' and @tag(i + 1) is 'IF')
starter = tag
[indent, outdent] = @indentation tokens[i]
indent.fromThen = true if starter is 'THEN'
tokens.splice i + 1, 0, indent
@detectEnd i + 2, condition, action
tokens.splice i, 1 if tag is 'THEN'
return 1
return 1
# Tag postfix conditionals as such, so that we can parse them with a
# different precedence.
tagPostfixConditionals: ->
original = null
condition = (token, i) ->
[tag] = token
[prevTag] = @tokens[i - 1]
tag is 'TERMINATOR' or (tag is 'INDENT' and prevTag not in SINGLE_LINERS)
action = (token, i) ->
if token[0] isnt 'INDENT' or (token.generated and not token.fromThen)
original[0] = 'POST_' + original[0]
@scanTokens (token, i) ->
return 1 unless token[0] is 'IF'
original = token
@detectEnd i + 1, condition, action
return 1
# Generate the indentation tokens, based on another token on the same line.
indentation: (origin) ->
indent = ['INDENT', 2]
outdent = ['OUTDENT', 2]
if origin
indent.generated = outdent.generated = yes
indent.origin = outdent.origin = origin
indent.explicit = outdent.explicit = yes
[indent, outdent]
generate: generate
# Look up a tag by token index.
tag: (i) -> @tokens[i]?[0]
# Constants
# ---------
# List of the token pairs that must be balanced.
['(', ')']
['[', ']']
['{', '}']
# The inverse mappings of `BALANCED_PAIRS` we're trying to fix up, so we can
# look things up from either end.
exports.INVERSES = INVERSES = {}
# The tokens that signal the start/end of a balanced pair.
for [left, rite] in BALANCED_PAIRS
EXPRESSION_END .push INVERSES[left] = rite
# Tokens that indicate the close of a clause of an expression.
# Tokens that, if followed by an `IMPLICIT_CALL`, indicate a function invocation.
# If preceded by an `IMPLICIT_FUNC`, indicates a function invocation.
'@', '->', '=>', '[', '(', '{', '--', '++'
# Tokens that always mark the end of an implicit call for single-liners.
# Single-line flavors of block expressions that have unclosed endings.
# The grammar can't disambiguate them, so we insert the implicit indentation.
SINGLE_LINERS = ['ELSE', '->', '=>', 'TRY', 'FINALLY', 'THEN']
# Tokens that end a line.
# Tokens that close open calls when they follow a newline.
CALL_CLOSERS = ['.', '?.', '::', '?::']