/usr/lib/coffee-script/src/repl.coffee is in coffeescript 1.12.7~dfsg-3.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 | fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
vm = require 'vm'
nodeREPL = require 'repl'
CoffeeScript = require './coffee-script'
{merge, updateSyntaxError} = require './helpers'
replDefaults =
prompt: 'coffee> ',
historyFile: path.join process.env.HOME, '.coffee_history' if process.env.HOME
historyMaxInputSize: 10240
eval: (input, context, filename, cb) ->
# XXX: multiline hack.
input = input.replace /\uFF00/g, '\n'
# Node's REPL sends the input ending with a newline and then wrapped in
# parens. Unwrap all that.
input = input.replace /^\(([\s\S]*)\n\)$/m, '$1'
# Node's REPL v6.9.1+ sends the input wrapped in a try/catch statement.
# Unwrap that too.
input = input.replace /^\s*try\s*{([\s\S]*)}\s*catch.*$/m, '$1'
# Require AST nodes to do some AST manipulation.
{Block, Assign, Value, Literal} = require './nodes'
# Tokenize the clean input.
tokens = CoffeeScript.tokens input
# Collect referenced variable names just like in `CoffeeScript.compile`.
referencedVars = (
token[1] for token in tokens when token[0] is 'IDENTIFIER'
# Generate the AST of the tokens.
ast = CoffeeScript.nodes tokens
# Add assignment to `_` variable to force the input to be an expression.
ast = new Block [
new Assign (new Value new Literal '__'), ast, '='
js = ast.compile {bare: yes, locals: Object.keys(context), referencedVars}
cb null, runInContext js, context, filename
catch err
# AST's `compile` does not add source code information to syntax errors.
updateSyntaxError err, input
cb err
runInContext = (js, context, filename) ->
if context is global
vm.runInThisContext js, filename
vm.runInContext js, context, filename
addMultilineHandler = (repl) ->
{rli, inputStream, outputStream} = repl
# Node 0.11.12 changed API, prompt is now _prompt.
origPrompt = repl._prompt ? repl.prompt
multiline =
enabled: off
initialPrompt: origPrompt.replace /^[^> ]*/, (x) -> x.replace /./g, '-'
prompt: origPrompt.replace /^[^> ]*>?/, (x) -> x.replace /./g, '.'
buffer: ''
# Proxy node's line listener
nodeLineListener = rli.listeners('line')[0]
rli.removeListener 'line', nodeLineListener
rli.on 'line', (cmd) ->
if multiline.enabled
multiline.buffer += "#{cmd}\n"
rli.setPrompt multiline.prompt
rli.prompt true
rli.setPrompt origPrompt
nodeLineListener cmd
# Handle Ctrl-v
inputStream.on 'keypress', (char, key) ->
return unless key and key.ctrl and not key.meta and not key.shift and key.name is 'v'
if multiline.enabled
# allow arbitrarily switching between modes any time before multiple lines are entered
unless multiline.buffer.match /\n/
multiline.enabled = not multiline.enabled
rli.setPrompt origPrompt
rli.prompt true
# no-op unless the current line is empty
return if rli.line? and not rli.line.match /^\s*$/
# eval, print, loop
multiline.enabled = not multiline.enabled
rli.line = ''
rli.cursor = 0
rli.output.cursorTo 0
rli.output.clearLine 1
# XXX: multiline hack
multiline.buffer = multiline.buffer.replace /\n/g, '\uFF00'
rli.emit 'line', multiline.buffer
multiline.buffer = ''
multiline.enabled = not multiline.enabled
rli.setPrompt multiline.initialPrompt
rli.prompt true
# Store and load command history from a file
addHistory = (repl, filename, maxSize) ->
lastLine = null
# Get file info and at most maxSize of command history
stat = fs.statSync filename
size = Math.min maxSize, stat.size
# Read last `size` bytes from the file
readFd = fs.openSync filename, 'r'
buffer = new Buffer(size)
fs.readSync readFd, buffer, 0, size, stat.size - size
fs.closeSync readFd
# Set the history on the interpreter
repl.rli.history = buffer.toString().split('\n').reverse()
# If the history file was truncated we should pop off a potential partial line
repl.rli.history.pop() if stat.size > maxSize
# Shift off the final blank newline
repl.rli.history.shift() if repl.rli.history[0] is ''
repl.rli.historyIndex = -1
lastLine = repl.rli.history[0]
fd = fs.openSync filename, 'a'
repl.rli.addListener 'line', (code) ->
if code and code.length and code isnt '.history' and code isnt '.exit' and lastLine isnt code
# Save the latest command in the file
fs.writeSync fd, "#{code}\n"
lastLine = code
repl.on 'exit', -> fs.closeSync fd
# Add a command to show the history stack
repl.commands[getCommandId(repl, 'history')] =
help: 'Show command history'
action: ->
repl.outputStream.write "#{repl.rli.history[..].reverse().join '\n'}\n"
getCommandId = (repl, commandName) ->
# Node 0.11 changed API, a command such as '.help' is now stored as 'help'
commandsHaveLeadingDot = repl.commands['.help']?
if commandsHaveLeadingDot then ".#{commandName}" else commandName
module.exports =
start: (opts = {}) ->
[major, minor, build] = process.versions.node.split('.').map (n) -> parseInt(n, 10)
if major is 0 and minor < 8
console.warn "Node 0.8.0+ required for CoffeeScript REPL"
process.exit 1
process.argv = ['coffee'].concat process.argv[2..]
opts = merge replDefaults, opts
repl = nodeREPL.start opts
runInContext opts.prelude, repl.context, 'prelude' if opts.prelude
repl.on 'exit', -> repl.outputStream.write '\n' if not repl.rli.closed
addMultilineHandler repl
addHistory repl, opts.historyFile, opts.historyMaxInputSize if opts.historyFile
# Adapt help inherited from the node REPL
repl.commands[getCommandId(repl, 'load')].help = 'Load code from a file into this REPL session'